University of Cambridge Vice-Chancellor AlisonRichard that the study was too shy, self-study method is not clear is the Achilles heel of Chinese students Language application unskilled, professional vocabulary reserve students studying abroad is the lack of the primary difficulties encountered. Besides, how the silence from the classroom into one of those questions, how to use a second language is also a high-quality international students to complete the challenges facing papers. In response to these questions, this reporter interviewed a visit to Beijing University of Cambridge Vice-Chancellor AlisonRichard and a number of overseas students, asking them to propose effective recommendations for students to learn. Adjust the learning of English language knowledge "Many students underestimate the importance of the language that the adoption of IELTS, TOEFL and other tests on the end of the story, and the students to improve their language skills as a shortcut", Massey University Business School, Qu Yang believes that the increase awareness of the language is the study in the first hurdle. Students are at home listening to the standard English sound, but only discovered the existence of foreign regional differences in pronunciation. In addition, more difficult to understand English-medium needs to listen with rapt attention, but the focus on the state can only be continued for 20 minutes, in order not to miss important information, can only be forced to constantly improve their language skills and attention. Tips: ● Do not think that access to foreign environment, language skills will improve. Want to improve their language skills can only rely on continuous accumulation. ● in the country to be a long time to read Chinese books and professional-related. ● abroad after going to insist on listening to the radio every day, both listening exercises, but also to learn about current events, talk about capital accumulation. ● watching TV, chatting with the locals to be body center, should always be to maintain the sensitivity of language. ● ready for the professional vocabulary dictionaries, according to curriculum changes and requirements continue to learn new vocabulary. Read the reference is the premise of the classroom lectures Yang Ying, the City University of London, told reporters a British university, a two-hour class distribution as follows: one hour before, the teacher will lecture topics at the forefront of formal analysis; to one hour after the grouping of students to make personal statements (usually 15 minutes) and discussion . As can be seen from the classroom presentation, foreign students are value statements, will do a lot of pre-class interviews and field surveys, while the Chinese students place more importance on tests, classroom presentation can only be "read" from the library accessible information and data. Tips: ● early school teachers will give lectures per week of reference, generally 10 per week, if not pre-class reading, school does not make sense. ● There is no fixed class of basic teaching materials, information is borrowed from the library, because a lot of students to borrow, so as soon as possible to the library would certainly use the information to take out. ● If you do not understand because of language teaching content, certain students to borrow notes review. Dissertation, thesis more fully as possible the argument "The French are highly enthusiastic writing, research papers is always a lot of words," the Paris of Teachers of philosophy and cognitive science professional Chenkai Jun said, "Every course must be paid before the end of a 15-page papers, master's thesis requirement is the 60-100. " Thinkers to explore ideas in order to complete a thesis, for example, first read all the books on the thinkers ideas, followed by evaluation of previous studies to read the text, and then sum up their views and to identify the argument. Finally, the writing process, in which the argument more fully as possible, should ensure that a clear logic, and can not emerge out of thin air views or arguments. Tips: ● English, many Chinese students to write papers for free to teach the church family, and they can help Chinese students in the "narrative" written as "academic" papers. However, these activities generally do not notice, the student must take the initiative to inquire about the activities of learning Xiaoxueshengchu time and advance booking. ● library has a collection of essays from previous students, when writing papers read before the first of these collections can be to understand the basic format of paper, writing, language and requirements. Foreign 。
因此,代表英国主要银行机构的英国银行卡协会(UK Cards Association)致函剑桥大学,要求他们将这篇论文从学校的一个学术网站上撤掉。 该协会的主席约翰逊(Melanie Johnson)说,这篇发表在剑桥大学计算机学术网站上的论文“跨越了合理泄露的界限”,过多地展示了芯片和密码系统会如何被攻破的细节。
早些时候,剑桥大学计算机实验室的罗斯·安德森教授(Prof。 Ross Anderson)研究了芯片与密码技术的潜在漏洞,那就是它可以让人在无需知道卡片持有人密码的情况下从银行账户中取钱。
基于这项研究,安德森的学生奥马尔·乔德里(Omar Choudary)在他的硕士论文中进一步阐述了如何攻破芯片和密码技术,从账户中提取现金。 行骗者在智能卡与银行电脑终端之间插入一个楔块,便可以从网上银行取钱。
但这种方式无法在银行自动提款机(ATM)上取钱。 智能卡芯片和密码系统已被欧洲和加拿大广泛使用在信用卡和借记卡上,银行业担心此类信息会被诈骗罪犯利用。
但是,在给银行协会的一封措辞强硬的回函中,安德森教授说,这项研究现在已经在公共视野内,乔德里的论文不会从网上消失的。 他说,“你们似乎认为我们有权利审查学生的论文,仅仅因为一个强大的利益团体觉得这个对他们“有所不便”。
这显示了一种对我们的大学以及我们工作的深深误解。” 他还说,“剑桥是伊拉斯谟的剑桥,牛顿的剑桥,达尔文的剑桥;因害怕权贵而审查论文违反了我们最核心的价值。
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