

Brief analysis family indoor design color factor [Abstract] color is the emotional expression of a language, it is an expression of the human heart in some very complex feelings. Color design is known as the "soul." It is the interior design of the most vivid, the most active, has a pivotal position. The success of design is the color we can meet the aesthetic demands of the residents is to express individuality. [Key words] color interior design First, color interior design is an important part of the The interior color design to be considered by a lot of factors which include space, form, structure, light, materials and colors. However, the design factors are often ignored is the color. This approach is often the color will not achieve the best results. Color choice should be included in the overall design of the building, and not like to deal with after the deal. The success of design is the color of all colors and other materials as a color combination to deal with. The most successful interior design and color of the overall design objectives. Second, the interior design of the basic requirements for color Interior design in color, there are many factors that influence the design of color. The main factors include the inherent interior. For example: the use of space for different purposes, such as workshops, wards, obviously taking into account the requirements of color, reflect the character and atmosphere of the formation varies. Another example: interior design can be different color space, in the form of further stressed or weakened. Of course, is also the interior design color reference, in a different direction under natural light colors are different, there are differences in a sense of well-being, may be used to adjust the color. Factors include the "residents". For example: the use of space, the type of person. Men, women and children of color requires a lot of difference between the colors should meet the preferences of the residents, another example: a user's activities in space and the use of the length of time. Learning classrooms, industrial production workshop, a variety of activities and work, require a different line of sight conditions, in order to improve efficiency, safety and comfort. Finally, should also be factors, including the space around which the environmental factors. Color and the environment are closely linked, especially in the interior, reflective color can affect the other colors. And a different environment, through the outdoor landscape can be reflective to the interior, the color should also be made to coordinate with the surrounding environment. Third, the color of the interior design 1. Color coordination. Indoor color design is the fundamental problem of color matching issues, Van Gogh said: "There is no bad colors, only with bad." Color effect of different colors depending on the relationship between the same color in different background conditions, a The results can be very different. Visual organs in accordance with the natural physiological conditions, with different colors on request. There will be a lot of visual color phenomenon. The vision colors of the organ to stimulate the instinct to carry out the swap in order to maintain visual physiological balance, and only when the color of the complementary relationship-building, the only vision and balance are met. 2. Indoor color composition. Color in the interior composition can often play a special role. (1) can cause people to hide or attention. (2) objects can have a swelling sense of contraction. (3) color can be fabricated in the form of indoor space, to break the pattern of the original space. (4) Color Indoor enable the object of varieties, materials, texture, form each other to form internal relations.。


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In the new round of home decoration trend, the character design has become a major force in leading the fashion.

If the entire room's interior design metaphor of a thought-provoking movie, then home in the bedroom design is the key moment of the film soundtrack, or episode. Home design and decoration in the bedroom can be dyed room style, contrast-room style, balanced living room color, pattern, brightness, size and other aspects of the relationship between the design of the whole room an indispensable component.

In addition to in their bedroom for sleeping, rest, better highlights the living space of the design features and style. Bedroom furnished good or bad, affect people's life, work and quality of learning. Therefore, in the design, people focus on practical first, followed by decoration. Feng Shui point of view from the bedroom of the pattern is a very important part of the layout of the bedroom directly affect a family's well-being, marital harmony, health and many other elements. Good bedroom setup not only to consider the placing of articles, position, the overall tone of the arrangements, and comfort are also part can not be ignored.

In this thesis, the fitting way for the modern bedroom argument from design principles, style, a study three aspects of feng shui. Explore many aspects, so that the bedroom to achieve practical, decorative, personalized perfect unity. The main one a warm, comfortable, romantic space to rest.


* VI image and brand design studio interior design

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As a design company, its interior space design is not only a staff working environment, but also show their image of a platform. An excellent design, not only makes sense, office space is designed to promote efficiency, increase productivity, and also reflect the whole image of the enterprise, employees in psychological satisfaction, increase customer's trust. Interior design program is to guarantee the quality of design, general is divided into four stages: the preparation stage design, design phase, design of construction stage, design implementation (construction) stage. According to the design process of office space, according to the specific needs of the staff and the characteristics of space design and layout of the pertinence, in order to meet the needs of personnel, to create a convenient and comfortable working personnel of the working environment, and improve the efficiency of the staff, create value for enterprises.

This topic is * * interior design studio, as entrusted by the VI and interior design.

Keywords: brand design, VI design, Interior design


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Master of Interior DesignAcademic Course Requirements and DescriptionsID Seminar -Master's LevelID71011 CreditThis course is an introduction to the profession of interior design and includes an overview of theprofessional associations (ASID and IIDA), the NCIDQ examination and the IDEP monitoredexperience program. Students will be exposed to professional interior design firms–through officevisits and guest speakers. At the bachelor's level, resume and cover letter development will bediscussed. At the master's level the focus will be on different firm types and professional opportunitieswithin the field.EFFECTIVE PRACTICE STRATEGIESID71012 CreditsThis course will serve as an introduction for in-coming Interior Design students enrolled in thegraduate program. It will have a shared focus: to provide an overview of the profession of InteriorDesign, including office practices and procedures; career options and the range of careeropportunities within the profession; and suggestions and practical advice on the necessarypreparations for identifying and securing practice credit-worthy employment.FOUNDATION DESIGN A MASTERSSA71013 CreditsFoundation Design Master's A studio is the first of three foundation design courses for Masters ofInterior Design and Masters of Architecture at the Boston Architectural College. Master's A teaches anunderstanding of abstraction and conceptualization through the use of two and three-dimensionalexercises. Drawings, models, and collages are emphasized as the primary means for designinvestigation. Students will quickly get exposure to the basic skills needed for all subsequent designstudios at the BAC, and they will put them to use. In Foundation Design Master's A studio, studentswill understand the fundamentals of visual thinking: Students have verbal/oral skills that they alreadyuse daily. These skills will be developing at the college level. Students have making/drawing skills thatare surfacing and that can grow rapidly. Visual thinking is the act of advancing both verbal and visualskills and using them together to develop each assigned design project. Students will also understandthe connection between the work of Foundation Design Master's A studio and the PracticeComponent. Visual thinking skills, as evidenced by interconnected drawing, making, writing, andspeaking are fundamental to meaningful participation in the practice of interior design, landscapearchitecture, and architecture.DESIGN PRINCIPLES -MASTER'S LEVELHT71013 CreditsThis introductory course focuses on design principles and theory. The themes of discussion are basedon issues presented in readings and lectures and range from ancient civilizations to contemporaryculture. The course stresses the importance of developing the ability to observe, analyze and critique 希望能帮到你。


s responsibility. It is difficult to imagine a never concerned about the ecological and environmental problems, and never consciously absorb the ecological, and artificial and natural environment co-ordination between the as much as possible to reduce primary energy use of energy and gray, knowledge updates, product demand continues to increase, while a designer to master the knowledge and skills are endless. In this context, I need to further explore the future of interior design trends, how to save as much as possible of natural resources, protection of human survival in the environment, natural materials, eager to live in the natural green environment. in the architectural design has been achieved naturally intelligent design concept as a whole, able to propose to focus on eco-design concepts. Social development today, the economy and society have undergone tremendous changes, but also requires us to make a huge efforts, with the architect to complete the overall design of the built environment. Integrated design and overall design of the interior design in the future will become increasingly important to the development of a new interior design trends focus on the adoption of high-quality equipment, drink natural drinks; how to build a habitable indoor environment return to naturalize, and the new world situation is still ambiguous among the cultural pattern of the world has undergone tremendous changes. It's survival of the natural environment and ecosystems, environmental and other relevant professional knowledge, designers,", home decoration, home decoration has become more rational, people began to abandon the concept of the inherent re-examine the practicality of traditional decoration and decorative purpose and significance. With the environmental awareness growth, people are longing for nature. Time goes on, technology advances; to liberate, to the beauty of a unified whole. Protect the environment, concerned about the ecology is duty-bound to each of our designer', too, because of human economic activity and technological progress has changed dramatically: on the one hand it seems to become more suitable for human living and life, on the other hand the original environment a great deal of damage, people demand from the ", as much as possible so that they Close to nature. As society rich in material wealth, as much as possible the use of renewable resourcesInterior design is the premise of people-oriented to meet its function and practical use of formal language to express the subject matter, themes, emotions and moods, forms of language and formal beauty can be manifested through the following ways. Maturing market, the old world pattern seems to an instant collapse, materials, construction and overall coordination between components, fitting forms and new technologies, the balance between new materials, and in the interior design;house of the heap。


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