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Since 2001, China joined the WTO, China's real estate market in this period of time as the development of the situation at a relatively gradual prosperity in China's large population and great demand for urban housing, more and more people concerned about the real estate , investment in real estate, but the world economy as China's entry into the market, and the world are getting closer and closer economic assimilation. The United States in 2008 "sub-loan crisis" caused by the economic crisis sweeping the globe, China - a growing concern by the world's largest market, but also did not escape and a Chinese real estate in this economic crisis will certainly have to face under to the arrival of a major reshuffle, while China real estate market in the long-term accumulation in the bad places, it must be the norms of market competition.好累啊,不知道对不对,你参考一下。


Macroeconomics is a sub-field of economics that examines the behavior of the economy as a whole, once all of the individual economic decisions of companies and industries have been summed. Economy-wide phenomena considered by macroeconomics include Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and how it is affected by changes in unemployment, national income, rate of growth, and price levels. In contrast, microeconomics is the study of the economic behaviour and decision-making of individual consumers, firms, and industries. Macroeconomics can be used to analyze how to influence government policy goals such as economic growth, price stability, full employment and the attainment of a sustainable balance of payments. Macroeconomics is sometimes used to refer to a general approach to economic reasoning, which includes long term strategies and rational expectations in aggregate behavior. Until the 1930s most economic analysis did not separate out individual economics behavior from aggregate behavior. With the Great Depression of the 1930s, suffered throughout the developed world at the time, and the development of the concept of national income and product statistics, the field of macroeconomics began to expand. Particularly influential were the ideas of John Maynard Keynes, who formulated theories to try to explain the Great Depression. Before that time, comprehensive national accounts, as we know them today, did not exist . One of the challenges of economics has been a struggle to reconcile macroeconomic and microeconomic models. Starting in the 1950s, macroeconomists developed micro-based models of macroeconomic behavior (such as the consumption function). Dutch economist Jan Tinbergen developed the first comprehensive national macroeconomic model, which he first built for the Netherlands and later applied to the United States and the United Kingdom after World War II. The first global macroeconomic model, Wharton Econometric Forecasting Associates LINK project, was initiated by Lawrence Klein and was mentioned in his citation for the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics in 1980. Theorists such as Robert Lucas Jr suggested (in the 1970s) that at least some traditional Keynesian (after British economist John Maynard Keynes) macroeconomic models were questionable as they were not derived from assumptions about individual behavior, although it was not clear whether the failures were in microeconomic assumptions or in macroeconomic models. However, New Keynesian macroeconomics has generally presented microeconomic models to shore up their macroeconomic theorizing, and some Keynesians have contested the idea that microeconomic foundations are essential, if the model is analytically useful. An analogy might be that the fact that quantum phisics is not fully consistent with relativity theory doesn´t mean that realtivity is false. Many important microeconomic assumptions have never been proved, and some have proved wrong. The various schools of thought are not always in direct competition with one another - even though they sometimes reach differing conclusions. Macroeconomics is an ever evolving area of research. The goal of economic research is not to be "right," but rather to be accurate. It is likely that none of the current schools of economic thought perfectly capture the workings of the economy. They do, however, each contribute a small piece of the overall puzzle. As one learns more about each school of thought, it is possible to combine aspects of each in order to reach an informed synthesis. The traditional distinction is between two different approaches to economics: Keynesian economics, focusing on demand; and supply-side (or neo-classical) economics, focusing on supply. Neither view is typically endorsed to the complete exclusion of the other, but most schools do tend clearly to emphasize one or the other as a theoretical foundation. • Keynesian economics focuses on aggregate demand to explain levels of unemployment and the business cycle. That is, business cycle fluctuations should be reduced through fiscal policy (the government spends more or less depending on the situation) and monetary policy. Early Keynesian macroeconomics was "activist," calling for regular use of policy to stabilize the capitalist economy, while some Keynesians called for the use of incomes policies. • Supply-side economics delineates quite clearly the roles of monetary policy and fiscal policy. The focus for monetary policy should be purely on the price of money as determined by the 。


The foreign exchange reserves of China rise up sharply in recent years. Meanwhile, beyond Japan, China has become the country which holds the most foreign exchange reserves in 2006. Up to the end of March in 2009, the scale of reserves has reached to 1953.741 billion dollars. Because of such a large scale of foreign exchange reserves and Chinese currency structure based on US dollar, Chinese foreign exchange reserves lost a lot when the subprime crisis appeared in the United States. The problem that portfolio and risk control of foreign exchange reserves caused widespread concern again in China. Particularly, as the reason that China has the world largest scale which has already surpasses the moderate level of foreign exchange reserves, how to solve the problem of investment portfolio and the risk control of foreign exchange reserves appear extremely important.This article comes from the actual situation of the Chinese foreign exchange reserves. In the views of US dollar, Japanese Yen, EURO and Pound, by using the Eviews and the SAS software, we build up the economic model and apply the model of property theory to carry on the two times programming mathematical model. By using the Eviews software, we can obtain the minimum proportion of forecast value of each currency. And then by using the SAS software, we can quantify the anticipated returns ratio and risk degree of foreign exchange reserves and finally get the three different optimal portfolios.By combining the theoretical analysis with the demonstration research, cooperating the economic software with the specialized statistical software, inosculating the latest monthly data and quantification data, this article has become innovative and has a great practical value. It also has a great affect on the income and risk management of the foreign exchange reserves. Finally, under the situation of financial crisis, this article provides some suggestions for the portfolio and risk control of foreign exchange reserves.。


Humans in the 21st century, the electronic age also makes synchronous communication possible. In international business communication, the speaker can master the language communication, is achieving the desired objectives. Business writing is essential to the communication channels, this way of communication through the process of writing communication of tone problems are analysed thoroughly, so as to improve the business cooperation.A, introductionHumans in the 21st century, economic globalization, international business activities more frequent intercourse, business communication has entered a new stage of development, more and more people show the trend of internationalization, the working environment is more and more diversified. The electronic age also makes synchronous communication, English as possible throughout the world common language in business, one in speech communication plays a compelling communication effect. In international business communication, the speaker can master the language communication, is achieving the desired objectives. In the process of communication, also can use business writing. Business writing is necessary in a communication channel by way of communication, business writing, you can ask others to pass accuracy, business information and good business writing is a kind of business etiquette, can give people leave a good impression.Second, the influence factors of tone1 words and construct sentences. First, sincere words to the communication or business life, sincere cooperation is the most important thing is the most basic, due to our partners to read every day, so the commercial electronic mail file should be concise wording, if use too much words one or two words can mean, obviously makes writing content and vague, drag will waste the time more readers. Regardless of such as in time at were now better, rather than the event is better. If. To use common words, avoid uncommon or spelling words. A word can express, don't use phrases. Use short sentences, because more easy to understand. With less ", "" and", "will", "" these make sentences nowadays become tedious conjunction. In the letter, don't use the same meanings of words. More than Because many use simple little can be more direct simple message and try to persuade the reader, and save time. Example is better than with which now. Avoid using the mean ambiguous words or phrases, the expression that readers will definitely affect misunderstanding, business communication. Therefore, business writing email should be specific, structure clear wording, content clearly. Moreover nowadays women in business, the role of not less than men, more and more women, especially the feminist movement to contain the words very sensitive sex discrimination. Avoid using business email has sex discrimination of communication, this words for both. The chairperson alternative chairman, etc. Finally, people often complain when used in anger or negative words or phrases, the expression of readers, often including criticism or blame, then against business communication. Business letters should adopt positive affirmation of the meaning of the words, avoid using negative expression. Even want to criticize each other, also should not be shown on the wording, should adopt positive tone and indirect or other language, in order to better acceptance. Because business communication purpose is not to blame each other, criticism or not intentionally let them feel guilty, the real purpose is to provide information or other beneficial to take action, to solve the problem.2 the language style. General language styles mainly from natural and whether formal whether such two angles appraisal. Martin Joos according to the degree of formal language use forward five variants: the grave style (half style), The formal style (formal style), The consultative style style (with), Casual style (the casual style), Close the style (intimate style). Business language is a formal language, however, with the increasing trade between business contacts with the trade relations between each other, to strengthen the understanding and communication, due to personal attachment, the trend into the content of electronic business English language style, the liberalization of tend to use language and concise. On one hand, electronic business English should save those polite words, excess leads directly to the consultation, the main theme is to be short and concise, easy reading. On the other hand, electronic data exchange and cable etc, the use of language and sho。


At present, enterprise credit problems in economic life is very prominent problems, payment default default and many enterprises, the economic interests infringed, some enterprises would give up large orders, and cash transactions. This phenomenon is not only make the enterprise, also hinder trade cost increase the development of the enterprise. Credit management is the key competitiveness of enterprises, is the core content of modern enterprise management. Good credit is the precious wealth of the enterprise. Therefore, strengthening the credit consciousness in social credit management, and has important practical significance. China's accession to the WTO, the Chinese enterprise means push into the international competition, not a perfect, the effective management system of credit enterprise will lack of competitiveness, will lose the ability to guard against credit risks, and will eventually be heartless market.。


SUPPLY CHAIN EVENT MANAGEMENT CATEGORY, FUNCTION OR JUST ANOTHER BUZZWORD?By Deb Marabotti One of the newest morsels on the tech industry's buffet of buzzwords is Supply Chain Event Management (SCEM.) Andthough in past years enterprise software buyers seemingly displayed an insatiable appetite for the latest acronym, timeshave changed. A tighter economy and jaded IT community has analysts trying harder to define SCEM and corporatemanagers working diligently to understand whether or not they need it. Unlike CRM and some other popular “techronyms,” SCEM hasn't ballooned into an all-encompassing category of itsown with blurry boundaries. Analysts appear to agree that SCEM is a function or capability within the larger realm ofsupply chain software. One reason is SCEM is not a stand-alone application; it requires an underlying business systemthat collects day-to-day transaction data and organizes it. Another reason is SCEM is a discrete feature supply chainsoftware vendors easily have added to their product suites through partnerships, acquisitions or by developing thefunctionality themselves. But classifying a buzzword as a function rather than a category doesn't answer whether or not the enterprise needs it.Many business managers still aren't clear on what benefit SCEM delivers and where to apply it for rapid ROI. Parsing the Techronym Supply Chain Event Management evolved as an extension of process control. Organizations manage their processeswith planning. But even the best laid plans can be interrupted by the unexpected. Consider a new product launch withan initial forecast that underestimated demand. In today's just-in-time manufacturing era, companies quickly discovernot enough finished product exists to fill orders. Then, they find scant time available to procure more supplies and makemore products within client delivery requirements. Add to the supply-chain complexity other product launches inmultiple markets for numerous customers, and process breakdown becomes a snowball expanding in size and gainingspeed as it barrels downhill. SCEM software enables companies to respond rapidly and sometimes automatically to unplanned events — withouthaving to completely regenerate plans. SCEM applications accomplish this by notifying supply chain managers whenspecific “events” occur, e.g., when inventories are depleted, shipments delayed, etc. Data that represent exceptionsfrom plan are red flags. Often times, automated responses can resolve these issues promptly, but in all cases managershave the opportunity to analyze problems and determine solutions. This visibility is SCEM's greatest benefit. Seeing a problem is 90 percent of fixing it. Individual events are leadingindicators; i.e., opportunities to stop the snowball a few feet farther up the hill. In the past, companies dealt withemergencies after the figurative avalanche crushed the village. Supply chain managers waded through reams of reportsafter the fact and attempted to mitigate the damage of lagging production schedules missed shipments or spiralingcosts. Only goodwill might keep a disgruntled customer in the fold. Beyond Benefit into Value Sharp managers apply the benefit of supply-chain visibility as leverage in continually fine-tuning processes and planning.This translates unplanned events and exceptions into opportunities to accelerate production schedules, prevent missedshipments and contain costs. In the long run, SCEM software not only improves efficiency, but increases customersatisfaction. The key is the human element. As mentioned earlier, SCEM software can automatically respond to events; e.g., triggerelectronic purchase orders in response to low-stock alerts. This is done by integrating SCEM software with otherbusiness systems, such as purchasing applications. But without managers monitoring exceptions, analyzing impact anddeveloping solutions to problems, SCEM software offers little benefit beyond convenience. Furthermore, SCEM is more powerful when its underlying system collects business intelligence from multiple sourcesacross the supply chain, inside and outside the organization. As noted before, visibility is SCEM's greatest benefit.Adding data sources and including supply chain partners broadens visibility and therefore multiplies the benefit. Today'sbest business intelligence software uses the Internet to gather information and share it along the supply chain. The most effective SCEM occurs when exception alerts quickly reach the managers most capable of resolving 。


帮你答了两个多小时啊,希望能够加分~~~~ 原创,谢绝复制,否则检举:A circular flow model of the macroeconomy containing two sectors (business and household) and three markets (product, factor, and financial) that illustrates the continuous movement of the payments for goods and services between producers and consumers, with particular emphasis on saving, investment, and the role of financial markets. 一个宏观经济的循环流动模型包含两个部门(企业和家庭)和三个市场(产品,因素,金融),说明了生产者和消费者之间,商品和服务的支付,之间的连续变动。

特别强调是在投资,储蓄,和金融市场的作用。 Other circular models are two-sector, two-market circular flow; three-sector, three-market circular flow; and four-sector, three-market circular flow. 其他循环模型包含两个部分,两个市场循环流动;三个部分,三个市场的循环流动;和4个部分,三个市场的循环流动。

The two-sector, three-market circular flow mode l highlights the key role that financial market s play in the economy . 两个部分,三个市场的循环流动模式强调了 金融市场在整个经济中,所处的关键作用 。 It expands the simple two-sector, two-market circular flow by illustrating how saving is diverted from consumption expenditures through financial markets and then used for investment expenditures. 它通过说明储蓄是怎样通过消费金融市场转化,并且用于投资,来扩大简易的两个部分,和两个市场的循环流动, It illustrates that saving does not vanish from the economy, but is merely diverted. 这说明储蓄这个代名词不会从经济中消失,而仅仅是挪用。

Of some importance, this diversion is a prime source of investment expenditures on capital good s. 重要的是,这种转移是投资在资本商品上的一个主要来源。Two Sectors, Three Markets两个部分,三个市场 The two macroeconomic sectors included in this model are:这两个宏观经济部分在此模型中包括: Household Sector : This includes everyone, all people, seeking to satisfy unlimited wants and needs . 家庭部分 :包括所有人,所有的人,追求满足无限的欲望和需求 。

This sector is responsible for consumption expenditures.这个部分是负责消费支出滴。 It also owns all productive resources.它还拥有所有的生产资源。

Business Sector : This includes the institutions (especially proprietorship s, partnership s, and corporation s) that undertake the task of combining resources to produce goods and services. 商业部分 :它包括机构(特别是S独资, S合伙 和S公司 ),承担相结合的服务资源后的任务,以生产商品和服务。 This sector does the production .这个部分提供生产 。

It also buys capital goods with investment expenditures.当然,它也买一些投资分类中的资本商品。 The three macroeconomic markets in this version of the circular flow are:这三个宏观经济市场,在这个循环流动模型中是: Product markets : This is the combination of all markets in the economy that exchange final goods and services . 产品市场 :这是在市场中交换最终产品和服务,所有市场的整合 。

It is the mechanism that exchanges gross domestic product .这是一种交换国内生产总值的机制 。 The full name is aggregate product markets, which is also shortened to the aggregate market .全名是综合产品市场,经常也叫综合市场 。

Resource markets : This is the combination of all markets that exchange the services of the economy's resources, or factors of production --including, labor , capital, land , and entrepreneurship . 资源市场 :这是交换市场中,所有服务经济资源,或者说生产要素 -包括劳动 ,资本, 土地和创业的整合市场 。 Another name for this is factor market s.另一个称呼是要素市场 Financial Markets : The commodity exchanged through financial markets is legal claim s. 金融市场 :商品通过金融市场是S的法律主张。

Legal claims represent ownership of physical asset s (capital and other goods).这个法律主张代表有形资产的所有权(资本和其他商品)。 Because the exchange of legal claims involves the counter flow of income, those seeking to save income buy legal claims and those wanting to borrow income sell legal claims.由于这种法律主张的变换包含有收入的逆向流动,一些人省下的收入寻求买到一些法律服务,还有一些人那通过借钱来寻求法律服务。

Spotlight on Financial Markets聚焦金融市场 The two-sector, three-market circular flow model highlights the role played by the financial markets.两个部分,三个市场的循环流动模型突出了金融市场所扮演的角色。 Financial markets provide a mechanism for the business sector to acquire the income needed to purchase capital goods.金融市场提供了一个机制给商业 ,以获取所需的收入购买资本商品。

The business sector acquires this income by selling legal claims through fi。


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