论语言和交际的关系 [摘 要] 语言是一种特殊的社会现象,是人类的思维工具和最重要的交际工具,是一种音义结合的符号系统。
[关键词] 语言 交际 当你面对与他人复杂的人际关系的时候;当你需要拒绝他人无理请求的时候;当你调解纠纷,化干戈为玉帛的时候;当你想要说服别人同意你观点的时候;……有一样东西能为你实现目标,那便是------语言。现实中,语言存在于说话和所说出来的话中,说明语言在社会交际中具有非常重要的作用,因为不会说话人就失去了它的本质,与动物无异。
那么什么是语言?一、语言的概述 “按照常人的理解,语言就是说话。”[1]然而这是一个比较狭隘的定义。
“语言是说话和表达思想、交流思想的工具,而说话是运用语言进行思想交流的行为,说出来的话则是人们运用语言工具生产出来的‘产品’”。 (一)语言的定义:“语言是一种特殊的社会现象,是人类的思维工具和最重要的交际工具,是一种音义结合的符号系统”。
[2] (二)语言的组成部分:语言是由语音、语法、词汇三部分组成。(三)语言的特性:社会性、全民性、符号性。
学者曹志希、何玲梅认为“语言具有无限的表达和理解功能 主要原因之一是 ,与其它文际形式相比 ,它最具有系统化的特征语言学家认为 ,语言之最惊人的特点是它能够帮助编造或理解以前从未有过的句子。” [3] 二、语言与交际的关系 现代社会是一个竞争与合作的社会,有的人在竞争中失败,有的人在合作中成功,这其中奥妙何在?生意场上有“金口玉言”,“ 利言攸先”之说;政治场上有“领导过问了”,“ 一言定升迁”之说;文化界有“点睛之笔”,“破题之语”,生活中常有生死荣辱系于一言之说。
可见,在现代交际中,能否成功运用语言的影响力,实在影响着一个人的成功和失败。 在社会上,人们的能力有高有低,快速了解他们,不妨看看他们语言运用能力的高低,其主要表现是说话的艺术,语言的力量能征服世界上最复杂的东西——人的心灵,通过成功的口才这一媒介,不熟识的人可以熟识起来,长期形成的隔阂可以消失,甚至单位之间,社会集团之间,国家之间的矛盾有时也可以通过它得到解决,若是语言运用不当,也可能交际失败,甚至损害自身的形象。
我国是文明古国,礼仪之邦,不仅有四大发明,万里长城,唐诗宋词等等所代表的辉煌的传统文化,而且在口才与交际艺术上也是世界上高度发达,首屈一指的,历史上,孔子运用口语艺术开展教育;苏秦以雄辩之才挂起六国相印;张仪四处游说建功立业;范睢说秦王;蔺相如“完璧归赵”;诸葛亮联吴抗曹,舌战群儒……到了近代和现代,也出了梁启超、孙中山、鲁迅、毛泽东、周恩来、闻一多等等许多能言善讲的大师巨擘。 “听君一席话,胜读十年书。”
的确,跟那些有知识且具有口才的人交谈,比喝了壶酒更令人兴奋,比听交响乐更能振奋精神,良好的话语可以带给人愉悦和欢畅,帮助你增加知识和修养,激发你的创造力,也可以增进人们感情的融洽。 语言的运用能力确实是我们提高素质,开发潜能的至要途径,确实是我们驾驭生活、改善人生、追求事业成功的无价之宝,通观古今中外,凡是有作为的人,都把口才作为必备的修养之一,如古罗马共和国末期的政治家西塞罗,是一们雄辩家,我们敬爱的周恩来总理,美国总统林肯等等,毫不夸张地说,口才是一门语言的艺术,是用口语表示思想感情的一种巧妙的形式,懂得语言艺术的人,懂得相处之道的人,他不会勉强别人与自己有相同的观点,而巧妙地引导他人到自己的思想上来,那些善于用口语准确、贴切、生动地表达自己思想感情的人、办事往往圆满,反之,不懂得语言艺术的人,最后自己也会陷入困境。
转摘More and more scholars are now showing an interest in adopting linguistic approaches to translation studies. Between 1949 and 1989, an incomplete survey by the author revealed that there were only about 30 textbook passages discussing the relationship between linguistics and translation, including aspects of general linguistics, pragmatics, stylistics, text linguistics, rhetoric and machine translation. From 1990 to 1994, there was an incredible increase in the number of passages looking at translation from a linguistic point of view. Almost 160 articles published over these five years concerned translation and general linguistics, stylistics, comparative linguistics, semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, text linguistics, rhetoric, etc. New terms such as discourse analysis, hermeneutics, dynamic equivalence, deep structure and surface structure, context, theme and rheme, cooperative principles, to mention just a few, appeared in the field of translation studies. We can definitely identify a trend of applying linguistics theories to translation studies in these years. Today, we are at the point of questioning whether linguistics is a necessary part of translation. In recent years, some scholars who are in favour of free translation, have repeatedly raised this question to the public and appealed for an end to the linguistic approach to translation. Some firmly believe that translation is an art and that therefore linguistics is neither useful nor helpful. Such a claim is wrong if we look at translation as a whole, including scientific translation where meanings are rigid and restricted and the degree of freedom is limited. Flexibility, in this case, is neither required nor appreciated. But even in literary translation, linguistics is hardly a burden. Wang Zongyan pointed out that « If one sees linguistics as a body of rules regulating language, translators most probably will yawn with boredom. If it signifies the use of words and locutions to fit an occasion, there is nothing to stop translators from embracing linguistics » (Wang 1991: 38). The controversy over « literal » versus « free » translation has a long history, with convincing supporters on each side. For example, ancient Western scholars like Erasmus, Augustine, and others were in favour of literal translation. Among early Chinese translators, Kumarajiva is considered to be of the free school, while Xuan Zuang appears as literal and inflexible. In modern China, Yan Fu advocated hermeneutic translation, while Lu Xun preferred a clumsy version to one that was free but inexact. There is nothing wrong in any of these stances. When these translators emphasized free translation they never denied the possibility of literal translation, and vice versa. Problems only arise when the discussion turns to equivalent translations. The problem of equivalence has caused much controversy. Some people believed that there could be an equivalence of language elements independent of the setting in which they of occurred. Based on this assumption, some « literal » translators tried to decompose a text into single elements in hopes of finding equivalents in the target language. This is a naive idea. Jakobson (1971: 262) notes that « Equivalence in difference is the cardinal problem of language and the pivotal concern of linguistics. » He does not refer to « equivalence » but to « equivalence in difference » as the cardinal problem. Nida was also misunderstood by many for his notion of « equivalence, » which he took to mean that « Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style » (1969: 12). He further concluded that « Absolute equivalence in translating is never possible » (1984: 14). De Beaugrande and Dressler believed that the success or failure of either free or literal approaches was uncertain: an unduly « literal » translation might be awkward or even unintelligible, while an unduly « free » one might make the original text disintegrate and disappear altogether. To them, equivalence between a translation and an original can only be realized in the experience of the participants (cf. de Beaugrande and Dressler 1981: 216-217). Catford (1965: 27) expressed the same concern that equivalent translation is only « an empirical phenomenon, discovered by comparing SL and TL texts. » In citing the above examples, I have absolutely no intention of insisting on untranslatability. What I mean is that a translator should incorporate his or her own experience and processing activities into the text: solving the problems, 。
语言学教案 - Chapter 1 Invitations to Linguistics (2)What is linguistics?1.6 What is linguistics?Linguistics is the branch of learning which studies the languages of any and all human societies. It can be defined as the scientific study of language. In a word, linguistics studies the general principles upon which all languages are constructed and operate as systems of communication in the societies in which they are used.The guiding principles for linguistic studies:Exhaustiveness---the aim is to specify totally the linguistic contrasts in a set of data, and ultimately in the language as a whole.Consistency---total statements should be logically self-consistent.Economy---a criterion requires that, other things being equal, an analysis should aim to be as short and use as few terms as possible. It is a measure which permits one to quantify the number of formal constructs used in arriving at a solution to problem, and has been used, explicitly or implicitly, in most areas of linguistic investigation.Objectivity---linguistic analyses should be as objective as possible. Truth should come from facts1.7 Some basic distinctions in linguistics1.7.1 speech and writingthe primacy of speech:1) Speech is prior to writing historically2) genetically, children always learn to speak before they learn to write.The importance of writing:1) space displacement2) time displacement3) a visual recording of a speech。
5.英语专业毕业论文选题 语言学方向
phonetics 语音学----the study of sounds used in linguistic communication.
phonology 音系学(音位学)
morphology 词法学
syntax 句法学
semantics 语义学
pragmatics 语用学
Second language acqusition
discourse analysis
7.英语专业毕业论文 用语言学.应用语言学写