

The stock receives the esteem as the production and the expense safeguard's important means. Speaking of entire enterprise physical distribution system's each link, cannot leave the stock. In the physical distribution management defines “the stock” like this: Refers to all present idles, will use in the future, will have the economic value resources.if but the reserve oversized will have the very serious influence to the enterprise, therefore in the article will start from the stock, the gradual showing stock management's important meaning, and introduced some commonly used stock management means that for example: ABC stock control method, regular ordering law, quota ordering law, zero stock management method and so on. the overseas many enterprises start to face up to the inventory control to their major impact, and already sought to suits their enterprise own management. the hope can let our country's enterprise through this paper also start to face up to this major issue, the union enterprise own seeks for one kind to belong to own stock management method, raises enterprise's economic efficiency.。

2.求一篇存货管理摘要的翻译 着急啊大家能帮帮我吗,我的毕业论文明天

Stock conduct and actions is an important current assets, its existence certanly will take up a great deal of fluxion funds.Under general circumstance, the stock accounts for 30% of industrial business enterprise total property or so, business' circulating then a business enterprise is higher, its management makes use of how circumstance is, relating to the funds of business enterprise to take up level and property operation efficiency directly.Therefore, if a business enterprise want to keep higher profit ability, should value the management of stock very.Manage level in the different stock under, the average funds of business enterprise's taking up level difference is very big.Pass the management method of the stock of implement exactitude, lower the average funds of business enterprise to take up level, raise stock to flow to turn speed with total property rate of turnover, then can be end exaltation business enterprise of economic performance.

This text carries on a research to saddle mountain's prosperous valve door's stock management problem of the limited company, and discover a problem during the period of studying, establish to reply a project, end solve problem.


The stock receives the esteem as the production and the expense safeguard's important means. Speaking of entire enterprise physical distribution system's each link, cannot leave the stock. In the physical distribution management defines “the stock” like this: Refers to all present idles, will use in the future, will have the economic value resources.if but the reserve oversized will have the very serious influence to the enterprise, therefore in the article will start from the stock, the gradual showing stock management's important meaning, and introduced some commonly used stock management means that for example: ABC stock control method, regular ordering law, quota ordering law, zero stock management method and so on. the overseas many enterprises start to face up to the inventory control to their major impact, and already sought to suits their enterprise own management. the hope can let our country's enterprise through this paper also start to face up to this major issue, the union enterprise own seeks for one kind to belong to own stock management method, raises enterprise's economic efficiency.。


Inventory valuation methods of accounting policy choice is to develop an important content, choose different inventory valuation methods will lead to different report profits and inventory valuation of enterprises, and the tax burden, cash flow. Inventory valuation including inventory valuation, inventory valuation and the ending inventory valuation. At present, the enterprise accounting regulation: according to actual price has inventory valuation, ending inventory cost of using net realizable value and low valuation method. But the value of stocks issued did not make clear a regulation must adopt what kind of method by the enterprise itself, can pricing decisions. But the choice of methods must be comply with the relevant state provisions and the relevant accounting standards. This is how to make an analysis of the inventory valuation.Thesis expatiates the contents and inventory valuation on the economic index of inventory valuation of the important influence as a starting point, this paper discusses the method of enterprises of different tax, balance sheet and the profit of the importance of the inventory valuation proof and choose proper valuation methods of necessity, Then a detailed description about the inventory valuation methods, including: the choice standard and method for the factors considered in different purposes, the method of choice and valuation methods of contradictions and coordination. Finally comparing various inventory valuation method, put forward specific choice.Keywords: inventory valuation method, choose standard, the influence on the enterprise, the enterprise accounting information, the choice of contradictions and coordination, tax planning and inventory valuation of new accounting standards。


Inventory is to show enterprise in producing management course for sales or production and reserves of the material. It is a reflection of the enterprise capital flow barometer, passes through in enterprise production and management of each link, not only takes up the funds, and wide variety. The key to the inventory management is to improve the efficiency and inventory control to reduce inventories of the capital proportion two aspects. Inventory belong to enterprise's liquid assets, is an important part of enterprise assets. The inventory management directly related to enterprise funds utilization efficiency, especially the state-owned enterprise. Therefore, reasonable selection of inventory management methods, to improve the management of the enterprise have important influence on the results. This paper expounds on the enterprise inventory management problems, through the access relevant information, and then learned their ?。



In the domestic financial liberalization, internationalization and the diversification of such securities under the influence of trends, financial management (Financial Management) has become operational needs of the important part is also a subject of great interest to managers. Very wide scope of financial management, mainly for investment management, finance management, operational management, operations management, including cash management, liquidity management, accounts receivable management and inventory management, inventory management, which (Inventory Management) for the current business the most attention; by the famous Moore's Law (Moore's Law), will focus on electronic computation of the components shrink in the chip, the progress in technology, making computing power will double every 18 months, it led to high-tech product life cycle is too short, a new products sales boom often only 3 to 9 months, so inventory management becomes more important.

Inventories are in balance sheet liquidity, however, to inventory management point of view, but the cost of inventory backlog is not the assets, inventory shortage although it may be unable to meet customer demand, the loss of part of the order; However, the backlog of excess inventory of company funds will be the other 35, according to domestic accounting standards, asset impairment assessment bulletin, if the product will be an immediate impact for the sluggish corporate profit or loss.

7.谁能帮我翻译一下会计存货论文的英文翻译 要自己翻译的不要工具翻译

In order to adapt to reform and economic development needs of Construction and China's national conditions at the same time fully compatible with the international convergence of financial reports, covering all types of business enterprises of the economy, independent of the accounting standards of the Ministry of Finance issued a set of criteria by a And 38 specific accounting standards of the new accounting standards system. "Standards No. 1 - Inventory" is the Ministry of Finance on February 15, 2006 issued by one of 39 accounting standards, it is November 9, 2001 "issued by the corporate accounting standards - the stock" Amendment. New guidelines for the implementation of various stocks of listed companies on the new guidelines reflect the different, and some believe that the new inventory guidelines to the development of enterprises, develop the criteria for success, but also some enterprises that the new guidelines for the implementation of inventory not conducive to the development of the Company That the new inventory of certain provisions of the guidelines will further improve. At the same time some domestic experts and scholars on the new guidelines for the specific content of inventory have different views on many elements need further thought and improvement.Through the new guidelines in the inventory of specific provisions, on the one hand inventory of old and new criteria for the difference, on the other hand inventory of new guidelines on the impact of the company. In the above analysis on the basis of criteria that our new stock in the course of implementing a number of issues and analysis of these issues, for the existence of reasonable responses.。


Old trade came. In fact, the stringent labeling requirements not because of new customers or old customers, because if the wrong label, and sometimes lead to customer inspection clearance has been having problems, but also could allow customers to re-sell when the problems arise. Therefore, not sloppy.Now that your situation is, goods have already been sent away, and can not change. The best approach is to immediately notify customers in the first period of time (of course under the responsibility can be pushed to the operation of the workers, saying that they posted is wrong.) And to express my sincere apologies. And then describe clear that t。

他们收到的货上贴的标签是什么样子的,(当然责任可以推给底下操作工人, afraid that the delay,或者提供一些必要的资料以便他需要的时候使用, but also could allow customers to re-sell when the problems arise, because if the wrong label。最好的办法是. The best approach is to immediately notify customers in the first period of time (of course under the responsibility can be pushed to the operation of the workers. In fact.Now that your situation is, not sloppy;s understanding,没法更改。

然后描述清楚, or even want to chance muddle through it, and can not change. Come with their complaints until the customers find the problem. And then describe clear that they received the label of goods posted what look like。 现在你的情况是,问他是否需要我们重新寄一批正确的标签给他.) And to express my sincere apologies。

所以, goods have already been sent away. The label asked him whether there would be such a trouble,甚至想侥幸蒙混过关,有时会导致客户清关被查验时出现问题,是因为标签如果出错。)并表示诚挚道歉. Therefore.老外贸来了, or provide the necessary information to the time he needs to use。

与其等到客户发现问题再来投诉,马虎不得.Foreign trade problems are not afraid。其实标签要求的苛刻不是因为新客户还是老客户,马上在第一时间内通知客户, and sometimes lead to customer inspection clearance has been having problems, take the initiative to notify each other in order to get each other'Old trade came, saying that they posted is wrong, the stringent labeling requirements not because of new customers or old customers, it is better the attitude of a good fight as early as possible,说他们贴错了,最怕的是拖,也有可能会让客户在再销售时产生麻烦。

外贸出现问题不怕,货已经发走了。问他这样的标签是否会有麻烦, asked him if we need to re-send a number of correct labels to him,不如早点争取态度好,主动通知对方以得到对方的谅解。


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