

CheEr concerning Nineveh piano piano practice in the value of etudes

Abstract: an excellent pianist, and have the skills and skill and profound understanding of music. With the increase of the piano, also etudes, and attention. CheEr is Austrian composer and pianist, is famous in his piano piano etudes the study status is irreplaceable. Based on the analysis of his piano etudes, let us perceive him to learn of his music and the importance of etudes.

Keywords: CheEr Nineveh, Etudes, Learn the piano


The teachers' teaching behavior in the classes includes not only the organizing forms and teaching ways of the teaching content in the big aspect,but also in every word and action of the teachers.It also has a close connection to the quality of teaching.From the aspect of the teaching behaviors,this thesis mainly deeply discusses the behaviors which influences the teaching effects and then analyses the change trend of it.It aims to find out the way that can improve the quality of teaching so that the teachers can improve themselves.。


[abstract] through experiment and use statistical methods, more innovative and traditional two sprint techniques to improve special exercises dash speed impact. According to the modern sprint technique characteristics, tradition and innovation of the two sprint technicality exercise in action structure range of movement and strength characteristics and practice of psychological directional etc carries on the comprehensive analysis and comparison, this paper the sprint technical innovation practice, compared with traditional practice teaching specialized training effect dash of comparative experiments, discusses the more conducive to quickly masters sprint special technology and improving special scores sprint special exercises, reminding people in traditional athletics technique teaching training should establish technical innovation consciousness, change track and field teaching and training well behind the continuous development of track and field sports practice condition.

[key words] innovation sprint techniques special practice swing - translational psychological directional training method

The following is the school to the template citied abstract and keywords 网络翻译- - 什么不懂 追问


Teachers' teaching behaviors, including teachers of the aspects of teaching content, teaching organization, implementation method and small aspect is in words and deeds of teachers, teaching behavior and the relationship between the quality of classroom teaching is obvious. Proceeding from the classroom teaching behavior problems, affects the effect of classroom teaching, teaching conduct analysis of the current teaching behavior change trend, its purpose is to enhance the quality of classroom teaching differentiates the classroom behavior, and develop the defects, and practice.。


The Russian verb category having the body , be allotted the unfinished adult and perfective aspect. The unfinished adult expresses behavior , go along , sustained development, process being to express behavior not having a boundary. Perfective aspect is expressed behavior having boundary , is is be completed pointing out behavior in general or the process beginning, but not indicating the behavior go along. Many usage that the verb experiences and observes under condition, goes hand in hand "when" drawing with the verb vocabulary significance. Besides, usage of the infinitive body also accepts the factor effect such as auxiliary verb , predicate adverb , noun.文章有些长、、望认真看完、、标准人工翻译、、希望可以帮助你、、。


【Key Words】 idiom; comparison; English; Chinese

(英文关键词:题目采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,加粗,两个单词的首字母要大写,置于粗体方括号【】内,顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用任何其他标点符号,采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,不加粗,除了专有名词外,其他单词的首字母不大写,各单词之间用分号“;”隔开,分号之后空一格;最后一个关键词之后不用任何标点符号;单倍行距。)


With the general improvement of the quality of life, the sea and land are not the only ways for people's travel, tourism , as the aviation industry has the advantage of time and gradually,it become the mainstream trend in transportation. In order to meet the needs of modern society the concept of a high time for a strong, ticket booking management system for the ticket booking office has brought great convenience. The purpose of this paper is to study the management of ticket booking system software development and application of ways, mainly because the management of today's cumbersome ticket reservations to the concept of time has a strong staff of the airline has brought a lot of inconvenience and the lack of a complete airline Booking of ticket management software, for Record of the booking, flight information, such as passenger information to facilitate the management, so the development of this software. In this paper, VC programming language as a system to support the software to WIN9X/NT/XP operating system as a platform to support the VC to control the operating system software. Around the machine on database design and programming work in these two areas of practice, through some kind of database products and development tools (Access, SQL Server, Oracle, VFP, PB, VB, VC, Delphi, etc.) are familiar with and know, for a given of a specific problem, first of all, through its comprehensive analysis of the conceptual model for database design, relational database design logical structure to achieve 3NF or BCNF mode then RDBMS at the finish the design and specific features of the programming module require debugging, testing the success of the final submission of a small database applications. In this paper, through computer networks to the client and the server connected to the database from the client to deal with information received, achieve flight information, ticket generation, sales statistics, etc. General information subsystem. Cost for the computer center, a computer sales business automation, as airlines reduce costs, improve sales, management decision-making based on timely and precise. Function of the software system at the completion of the internal source code directly. Through the operation manual, the user can know the basic working principle of the software. Operators only need to input some simple Chinese characters, numbers, can achieve their goal. Keywords: VC, Access, Delphi, SQL Server. 翻译如有出入,请您再做修正。


abstract : since 1978 college entrance examination has been resumed,the students take being a university student as the highest purchase ,while being admitted by famous as gaining the steady work.To improve the whole qulity of nationals,on 1998 along with the implement of merging Colleges and Universities and enlarging recruitment,high level education was transferred from elite education to mass education. The former so-called the most favored students become a common one.With the increasing enrollment yearly the contradiction of Employment of university students became more and more intense. Especially under the influence of the global financial crisis,the situation of employment of university students is not optimistic,and for granted receive general concern from Central government , the State Council and all the community of sociaty.The current status of university students and employment situation have ascended as social issues. Recently central government and State Council issue a series of preferential policies for college students,in the form of encouraging them to create business and practice in grass-roots ,so as to alleviate the social problems of employment of university students.key words: university students in our country , Employment situation and the current status , social issues, reasons and measures analysis 翻的好辛苦 ! - -。


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