
1.建筑学 英语文章中文翻译5000英文字符

ArchitecturePopular profession in the country rankings, is doing my part of theFirst! It's set up is full of history100Years, and from the high creator are Europe and the United States, Japan's construction students, which is the most famous Tsinghua University Liang, Lin Huiyin couples. As during the Cultural Revolution had closed in recent20Years, coupled with physical conditions, though the development complex to do soon after, but still lags behind Europe and the United States more than a decade, but everything has two sides, this rather backward to bring the endless post-graduate architectural space.Architecture is the discipline of the building and its environment, on buildings, buildings, landscape architecture, urban design and planning of towns and villages, its content, including technical and artistic aspects. While also learning the technical aspects of building the content, but more biased in favor of building exterior, structural design, that is, most architects do the drawings on the technology, the technology on site, the more by the civil engineer to do. It is different from professional science and engineering in general, it involves many of the aesthetic cultivation and nurturing, building is the solidification of the music!It combines the Institute's rigorous art of imagination on the whole, therefore, it has a higher threshold for admission: In addition to the candidate's mathematical, physical demands higher performance, but also require candidates to have some basic painting and good image of thought. Almost all institutions of the new building will increase the professional freehand trial, those who fail will be advised to switch civil engineering or other professional. So as to limit the expansion of this professional development, professional status of enrollment is always steadily, has not seen the outbreak. China has nearly the institution has the expertise, but most famous are Eight.It seems in employment, architectural elements in the basic necessities of human life in the four feet I, the architect was very high. In90Years after the rise of real estate, architecture professionals more prosperous era ushered in the icing on the cake, in addition to traditional architectural design institutes, many real estate companies, supervision companies for construction professionals have a certain demand. Many students may not know, in most institutions, the architecture is a five-year, four years in school, the last year of the Institute to the major design internship, participate in practical engineering design and construction.So, for employment, the architectural graduates often are holding candidate's work. Architecture is a major category, related civil engineering, urban planning, water supply and drainage works, building environment and equipment engineering and architecture while not hot, are also considered as a good professional.In architecture as one of the largest building industry disciplines, its importance has received increasing attention, of course, professional employment situation has been very good colleges and universities a professional. In these years, with the national economic development and social prosperity of the market, people's living standards improve, people living in raising the level of environmental requirements, architecture which has been in a popular profession. One of several branches in architecture, such as interior design, landscape design, urban planning, demand is greatly increased for students in architecture has been in hot demand. Employment of graduates in architecture there are four main directions:Architectural Design & Research .The construction industry and design units, Is mainly engaged in design of the building and construction-related research; of course, part of the students (graduate studentsAndMostly doctoral)Stay in research and teaching university; Part of the students qualifyCivil ServiceIn urban construction sector in management planning is good; while a considerable portion intoReal estateEngaged in real estate development industry.Architecture graduate students may participate in the national Ministry of Construction1 and 2 of the registered architect exam. If, after examination, can go to the relevant departments to register, record and professional qualifications to be registered architects. This allows the appropriate level of architectural design that has signed the power of the book, and it's the equivalent of the hands of the architectural design"Sway"The. But many colleges and universities in architecture is not a large number of admissions, this is because unlike other professionals in architecture, it is 。


这篇文章总结研究由作者开展, 代表运输加拿大, 入实践状态 并且前途为能承受的运输计划在加拿大市区。

研究乘能承受的运输使用 加拿大的运输协会的常务委员会(TAC) 开发教导为TAC 成员在能承受的运输计划。这篇文章总结研究和咨询活动、关键研究结果, 和原则和选择一个提出的框架为能承受的运输计划战略。

BackgrotInd 在最后二十年期间, mamy 加拿大自治市乘运输增加了他们的对计划的政策重点对一些信用为这归结于显要的新视觉为都市运输的能承受的运输, 被出版。 加拿大的协会(TAC) 1993 年。

其它刺激由不能坚持的运输系统给予在Canada`s economy(through 壅塞、建筑和营业成本) 冲击的成长意识创造了, Environment(through 土地的退化、空气和水) 和各自的公民(通过不活泼、呼吸疾病、和伤害或死亡由于碰撞) 。 尽管需要的这成长意识合并能持续力原则运输计划和他们接着而来的政策、节目和项目, 自治市有变化的成功这样做有效地, 一部分, 这个情况起因于缺乏所有被认可的指南为能承受的运输计划。

TAC, 通过它能承受的运输常务委员会, 创始了将给教导对持续社区发展的运输贡献的项目。2005 年, 运输Canada`s 都市运输陈列室节目资助了为这教导提供基础的研究计划。


Landscape architecture in planning and design creation activities Integration of planning, architecture, the relationship among JingYuan, let each fusion and added to make landscape architecture embodies in city construction of various levels and process, in order to build a harmonious coexistence between man and nature of modern living environment. A, the development of landscape architecture City is including artificial and natural elements integrated into a landscape system. This is the construction of urban landscape planning, building integrated process and result, sino-foreign ancient architecture, planning, design and JingYuan no explicit boundaries. Often one of city planning, architecture, and suggested JingYuan, etc., from its achievements, the whole city is a great art, an organic unity. As roma, Venice, Beijing city landscape, city, is highly integrated architecture. Professional division just start from industrialization and the industrialization era city with the relationship between the separation. In this case, the 19th century western city has many "beautify cities" movement and theories, such as the rebuilding of the UK, Paris, Dwight Howard of the rural sports park, city, le corbusier's tomorrow. In the United States (Frederick stowe Olmsted) as a representative of the landscape architect in a series of urban planning and design, the park system, and advocate natural pastoral scenery at city of bad environment form bright contrast, satisfy the human nature of the social needs. Its theory and practice from the very beginning from the city and the overall concept, make the landscape design field covers the human and the natural environment, and the relationship between layers with urban construction, landscape design become contains, urban design, environmental art design of multidisciplinary composite system. After years of landscape architecture has become an independent discipline mature integrated design, landscape architecture design and application scope is broad, from the earth's ecology landscape planning, regional planning of national ecological protection and construction of national park planning, urban green space system planning, urban landscape ecological planning to city park, city square, landscape street, campus and residential landscape design, architecture design, urban environment, including the short almost urban planner, architects and designers of the traditional JingYuan involved in the residential environment. Professional practice areas that landscape architects need professional knowledge and the overall and integrated features. A century in China since 1990s of urban construction and beautifying movement path to the middle of the 19th century to the west of the 20th century is very similar to the road. With the continuous development of the industrialization, the urbanization and the deepening of ecological and cultural environment was unprecedented destruction to environment, people put forward higher request. The integration of urban and rural landscape, the construction of urban construction has gradually become a development direction in landscape architecture, but just at the beginning, and practitioners of traditional landscape professional knowledge far cannot satisfy the requirement of urban rapid development of cities, urban beautifying movement, such as hot, hot, square park or formalism dominant. Planners, architects, JingYuanShi offices. Landscape architecture, landscape, yet there are many bad design and construction of the phenomena and performance:A: in general, phenomena, only to satisfy urban individual sections of the landscape, not the whole city landscape system construction, lack of systematic planning level, networking.Robert phenomenon ii: local landscape design and urban texture, lack of integral space is associated with the city.Robert: lack of aestheticism phenomenon of practicality, the landscape design of the economy, the lack of necessary public facilities such as humanization consideration, rest seats.Four: consider, local weather phenomenon, regional and humanistic features, weak awareness of the site, the design program and assimilation.Five: the city phenomenon, Bridges and roads and urban landscape, ignoring the pedestrian system construction.Six: urban construction, phenomenon different degree to destroy the natural environment and humane environment, the original ecological concept and lack of sustainable development.Seven: planners, Robert phenomenon of architects, JingYuanShi three working closely, appear not disjointed phenomenon, landscape 。

4.建筑学 英语文章中文翻译5000英文字符

ArchitecturePopular profession in the country rankings, is doing my part of theFirst! It's set up is full of history100Years, and from the high creator are Europe and the United States, Japan's construction students, which is the most famous Tsinghua University Liang, Lin Huiyin couples. As during the Cultural Revolution had closed in recent20Years, coupled with physical conditions, though the development complex to do soon after, but still lags behind Europe and the United States more than a decade, but everything has two sides, this rather backward to bring the endless post-graduate architectural space.Architecture is the discipline of the building and its environment, on buildings, buildings, landscape architecture, urban design and planning of towns and villages, its content, including technical and artistic aspects. While also learning the technical aspects of building the content, but more biased in favor of building exterior, structural design, that is, most architects do the drawings on the technology, the technology on site, the more by the civil engineer to do. It is different from professional science and engineering in general, it involves many of the aesthetic cultivation and nurturing, building is the solidification of the music!It combines the Institute's rigorous art of imagination on the whole, therefore, it has a higher threshold for admission: In addition to the candidate's mathematical, physical demands higher performance, but also require candidates to have some basic painting and good image of thought. Almost all institutions of the new building will increase the professional freehand trial, those who fail will be advised to switch civil engineering or other professional. So as to limit the expansion of this professional development, professional status of enrollment is always steadily, has not seen the outbreak. China has nearly the institution has the expertise, but most famous are Eight.It seems in employment, architectural elements in the basic necessities of human life in the four feet I, the architect was very high. In90Years after the rise of real estate, architecture professionals more prosperous era ushered in the icing on the cake, in addition to traditional architectural design institutes, many real estate companies, supervision companies for construction professionals have a certain demand. Many students may not know, in most institutions, the architecture is a five-year, four years in school, the last year of the Institute to the major design internship, participate in practical engineering design and construction.So, for employment, the architectural graduates often are holding candidate's work. Architecture is a major category, related civil engineering, urban planning, water supply and drainage works, building environment and equipment engineering and architecture while not hot, are also considered as a good professional.In architecture as one of the largest building industry disciplines, its importance has received increasing attention, of course, professional employment situation has been very good colleges and universities a professional. In these years, with the national economic development and social prosperity of the market, people's living standards improve, people living in raising the level of environmental requirements, architecture which has been in a popular profession. One of several branches in architecture, such as interior design, landscape design, urban planning, demand is greatly increased for students in architecture has been in hot demand. Employment of graduates in architecture there are four main directions:Architectural Design & Research .The construction industry and design units, Is mainly engaged in design of the building and construction-related research; of course, part of the students (graduate studentsAndMostly doctoral)Stay in research and teaching university; Part of the students qualifyCivil ServiceIn urban construction sector in management planning is good; while a considerable portion intoReal estateEngaged in real estate development industry.Architecture graduate students may participate in the national Ministry of Construction1 and 2 of the registered architect exam. If, after examination, can go to the relevant departments to register, record and professional qualifications to be registered architects. This allows the appropriate level of architectural design that has signed the power of the book, and it's the equivalent of the hands of the architectural design"Sway"The. But many colleges and universities in architecture is not a large number of admissions, this is because unlike other professionals in architecture, it is 。





4、关键词或主题词:关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。 每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。



(1)引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。 引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。
















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这是上海世博会芬兰馆介绍"Sharing" on the one hand reflects the Finnish national exchange and communication of social knowledge; the other hand, interpreted the attitude and style of Finn's work, that efforts to find solutions to problems of cooperation, and to open a sincere attitude and partner interaction. "Inspiration" is revealed how the Finnish national regardless of resource conditions, can still continue to progress and innovation, and in some areas of the reasons for global industry leaders.Curling Shanghai World Expo 2010 Finnish National Gallery is entitled "Curling (Kirnu)" (Kirnu is the meaning of Ou cave). Chinese name comes from the Tang Dynasty poet Wang Changling Curling poem, "Luoyang relatives, such as with Q, one of Bing Xin in Jade Pot." "Curling" represents purity and sincerity, which is precisely the Finnish Museum of the core values you want to convey to the world. Finnish Museum of Architecture Design Collection Competition in May 2008 launched nationwide in Finland, received a total of 104 entries. Results of the competition on October 6 announced in Helsinki: Helsinki architecture design studio JKMM by the author of "curling" the ultimate stand out, come out on top. After the announcement of the results began planning exhibition hall. Curling started in April 2009 construction will be completed in April 2010. Curling is the main designer Guo Tai Mu (Teemu Kurkela), following is the "curling" concept description. Mini City Shanghai Expo 2010 Finnish Pavilion Curling we will present a mini-Finland, Finland and the whole show to the world outlook of the community. Curling can be regarded as established by the Finnish miniature city, the interior space of the story about Finland and Finns. Finnish Curling demonstrated how the principles of sustainable development build better cities. Curling inherited the concept of Finnish society, combines innovation, technology and culture - a fusion to the Finn has brought a better life. Curling sculpture-style building designed to build for the future full of freedom, creativity and innovative thinking of the scene. It is like a tiny island in the water city. Passed a small bridge, visitors will come before curling. The center of the city by this micro-composition of the atrium, where you can organize various activities. The atrium is the curling, ideas and opinions here collision, exchange, and integration. Finland story Finland's story begins in the Ice Age. Finland was covered with ice several kilometers thick, moving ice shaped the Finnish coastline, lakes and islands. Ice age there have been ou point: heavy stone onto the ice to bedrock, forming caves. "Curling" of the center hole of a similar bowl-shaped hole space. Natural Elements Finnish Museum design competition, I was in Helsinki near the rented house on a small island. Finland has thousands of islands, it is feasible to rent island. The island is the ideal of dropouts. We are in the islands far away from city life can be noisy, to enjoy a moment of peace. In the islands we do? Our aim is to calm down and observe nature. The air constantly changing cloud patterns, it is an art. Coast stones of various shapes, this is a beauty, a perfect fit. Light and shadow dance in the water. Thin saw, fish scale design is unique, people ecstatic. Went to the island itself, cottages small and dark inside, people peace of mind. Exhibition inspired by Finland's natural state. Creative designers like chefs, raw materials of nature new creation. Curling to islands for the idea. Morphological freedom, not the pursuit of symmetry, as the island's stone is so different in shape. Curling is surrounded by a layer of water, covering the outer surface of the shape of fish scales. Curling small shade the entrance, standing inside the court can see the sky and clouds. Like nature, like strolling Finland Museum also provides the people a peaceful haven, so that we can from the hustle and bustle of city life. Ultimate Experience White and light the entire curling, floating on the water surface. Curling around the water layer to the surrounding air becomes cool. Slowly towards this exhibition, the scale of its Jiangxinduju type surface gradually impress eyes. A flat bridge leading to the entrance of curling. The entrance of the wood surface to create a glamorous shade effects, which attract tourists to move into. Then, visitors will see the curling of the court. Standing majestically inside the walls covered with light fabric. Interior edge of the wooden floor shape terminal distribution of the pine scent. Curling thick walls, a gently upward slope to lead visitors to exhibition hall, exhibition hall in the high, 。



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