1. 1.2、架体结构架体的宽度一般为6米,为保证提升时不影响相邻架体,每两片架子之间的距离在20—30cm之间,不合模数的架子的宽度可截短钢管调整。架子的总高度为外侧为10米(6米十4米钢管组合),内侧为6米,防护高度超出两层标准层高度约2米,对于15、24层层高加大,施工时采用临时搭设单排防护架,完全可以满足施工期间的临边安全防护要求。为增加架子的整体性,在两端各设一道斜拉杆,连结内外立杆,作用类似于爬架的廊道斜杆。穿过楼板预留洞的钢管不仅起到拉接外防护架的作用,还可利用它建立下面楼层的外防护,为拆模板、砌筑提供安全保障。每片架子外侧满挂密目安全网,两片架子之间的间隙用窄幅安全网封闭。为以防万一,每片架子设两道保险钢丝绳(φ12.5,6*19),用花篮螺栓紧固,增大了安全保证系数。
l、钢管脚落地手架,选用外径48mm,壁厚 3.00mm,钢材强度等级Q235-A,钢管表面应平直光滑,不应有裂纹、分层、压痕、划道和硬弯,新用的钢管要有出厂合格证。
【本文来自】:诺贝尔毕业论文网(merce from China began to conduct a study of the status quo, that is, the whole of China e-commerce industry to flourish in a period of rise, but encountered resistance from a variety of forward, in particular the security of e-commerce platform, as well as technical 。 At the same time, access to data and the actual research we have obtained, with the network, as well as the promotion of the network to change the hearts of the concept of online shopping makes a city into a convenient fashion, making the industry very optimistic about the prospects of profit。
E-commerce platform in China with the construction of such a network also to the development of the progressive development of the up and the main mode, there are two: First, the adoption of e-commerce platform is ripe to promote the use of the electronic platform of the well-known open market improve their own visibility, such as A li ba ba is one of the best。 Second, to establish their own e-commerce platform for enterprises, so that the platform can be customized in line with the actual needs of enterprises and at the same time as the business at a later stage of development can be developed。
In this paper, textiles and embroidery of the Belvedere on the use of a combination of both methods, on the establishment of A li ba ba fame started online Mall, at the same time build their own e-commerce platform is a network of sales channels through benefit。 Li Cheng Textile Embroidery in the Belvedere building their own e-commerce platform in the process of adoption of this article briefly the needs of the project and analysis of functional modules, through the use of forms and the form of flow chart, the Li Cheng's electronic textile embroidery business platform for the construction of a clear presentation of the actual item in the middle of an article, and we also link to the item of hardware and software equipment required to make a brief analysis。
Through the case with other market data in this article, as well as the actual research results are analyzed to make a summary。 Keywords: E-commerce platform; textiles; networked sales; Business Process 前言 随着计算机技术的迅猛发展和纺织行业的自身发展需求,计算机新技术不断融合进纺织行业,并促进着它向前发展。
网上交易是在Internet虚拟网络市场上进行的交易,它完全是利用计算机网络来完成整个交易活动,因此商家在利用它在进行商务活动时不受传统商业的时空限制,可以大大提高效率和节约交易成本,网上交易平台的实际应用给纺织材料的供应商和客户提供了很大的便利。 目录参考文献 作。
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