

Abstract along with computer technology's full scale development, our life as well as the work is day by day convenient. In order to cause the management to be more scientific, to be more convenient, is more reasonable. At the same time, can also help the telecommunication cost concerned personnel to raise the working efficiency and the grade of service. Reduces the nonessential loss for the telecommunication bureau. Thus effective enhances the telecommunication bureau economy the benefit. The terminal cost system's development then fast develops, it can realize to the different model program controlled switch the primitive telephone bill information which fixed time or hands down from generation to generation immediately to the cost center carries on prompt accurate classified, the inquiry, the browsing, the revision, the deletion, statistical, the telephone bill information printing and so on. Can inquire the customer telephone conversation data promptly, avoids causing the phone bill to dispute, enhances the customer the degree of satisfaction. this article by through to the telecommunication bureau cost center routine work's analysis, realized fully based on the management science angle the computer technology development has managed the influence which for the telecommunication bureau brings, in this paper had demonstrated comprehensively used the VB program control to realize the automated cost system's design and to realize in the cost system's immediate cost pattern plate function. key words: VB cost system。


With the rapid development of science and technology, the automation of library management software and hardware required conditions are ripe. Therefore, I thought according to software engineering and management information system development steps to school libraries in the context of application requirements, design and development of the library management system.

This article describes Borland JBuilder 2006 Enterprise development environment, the detailed process of the system, made of library information management, the basic objective of sharing resources, thus promoting the pace towards the digital library, and described the system design and functional design, from the Book of the storage register to the query view, from the library card issued to borrow books form a whole automated management, software engineering point of view from a scientific and rigorous exposition.





with the popularization of Internet, the network has already become the way people obtain information, and the important route to learn to exchange. Web dynamic websites develop technology fast growingly, reach to present ASP, PHP and JSP from previous CGI and SSI. In these technology of developing, development of CGI and SSI and operational efficiency are not all very high; It is quick that ASP and PHP develop the pace, but the running speed can not compare with JSP. JSP is the development technology based on Java and have nothing to do with the platform, it has very high operational efficiency, development period is short, it is strong to expand ability, support and deal with distributedly, so, JSP is the best tool which develops dynamic websites. JavaBean is a package model based on Java, it has very important function in developing dynamic websites with JSP as one of the key technology of JSP. JavaBean offers a real method to strengthen the utilization ratio of the existing code, and no longer need to carry on programming in the original code again. Besides meaning in saving and exploiting natural resources, JavaBean package at one time written can be reused in other places, have shortened the time to develop greatly. Develop languages because of JSP, adopt JDK +Tomcat to be regarded as the running environment of the server in research of this text, use SQL Server 2000 as backstage supporter's server, design and develop one and is used in introduction Java rudimentary knowledge, and Offer course of the function of testing online and answering questions online etc. to study websites. Recommend how debug development and running environment to dispose JSP, with how about join and operate SQL Server 2000 database in JSP page in the article, and recommend how to design using JavaBean. Have also introduced Div +CSS webpage overall arrangement based on Web standard in the article.


With the rapid development of science and technology, the automation of library management software and hardware required conditions are ripe. Therefore, I thought according to software engineering and management information system development steps to school libraries in the context of application requirements, design and development of the library management system.This article describes Borland JBuilder 2006 Enterprise development environment, the detailed process of the system, made of library information management, the basic objective of sharing resources, thus promoting the pace towards the digital library, and described the system design and functional design, from the Book of the storage register to the query view, from the library card issued to borrow books form a whole automated management, software engineering point of view from a scientific and rigorous exposition.楼主请采纳。


Abstract: In this paper refer to web standards, web-based standards for the design of the layout of a typical model ----" DIV + CSS "for website design and production. Article, the production of a personal web site based on Dreanweaver with the code editor for the website to Photoshop for image processing tools, databases, the use of access, and runtime environment for Web site debugging. This paper introduces the relevance of the mainstream browsers, as well as knowledge, what is web standards, web standards and the advantages of elaborate. Web site design modules to learn from my day-to-day life, the text will be displayed in the main site of the browser code and the final results.Key words: web standards; DIV + CSS; ASP; browser; access打字打得好辛苦。


Since the 21st century, the human economy has developed high speed, the people live have had the change which changes with each new day, specially computer's application and popularization to economical and social life each domain. Along with the computer in the social life each domain's widespread utilization, the computer virus attack and the guard technology unceasingly is also developing, has brought the huge destruction and the latent threat for the computer system. It is reported that various countries suffer the computer virus infection and the attack event are counted by the 100 million, has disturbed the normal human society life seriously, has brought the huge latent threat and the destruction for the computer network and the system. Along with the computer, the network utilization popularizes unceasingly, thoroughly, will guard against the computer virus to receive various countries to take seriously more and more. In order to ensure system's security and unimpeded, therefore, studies the computer virus the measure to be imminent. This article obtains from computer's characteristic, to come the preliminary discussion to cope with the computer virus the method and the measure.


病毒 virus

系统安全system safety


With the rapid development of the computer technology and the spread of the computer applications in the enterprise management ,it is imperative that making use of computer to achieve the information management of enterprise staff。

This system is one on information management of enterprise staff,which combines the actual information needed in management of enterprise staff,undergoes actual n,eeds analysis,and adopts Visual FoxPro as the development tool。 Having met the needs of simple opration,friendly interface,flexibility,practicality and safety,the whole system finishes all the cause of information management of staff,incloding the staff information management of adding,modifying,removing,inquiring and printing ,thus is convenient to manage the enterprise staff。

As a part of the computer applications ,using computer to manage the enterprise staff information has the advantages that manual management can't match with, for instance, quick retrieval ,convenient search,high reliability,large storage capacity,good privacy ,long life,and low cost ect。 Those advantages can highly improve the efficiency of enterprise management,as well as be important conditions of scientific and standardized management of the enterprises ,and link up with the world 。



Along with the rapid development of scientific technology, library management work of the hardware and software of the automation required conditions ripe.


Therefore, I according to the software engineering idea and the management information system development steps to middle and primary school library application requirements for background, design develop this library management system.

本文介绍了在Borland JBuilder 2006 Enterprise环境下开发本系统的详细过程,提出实现图书馆信息管理、资源共享的基本目标,从而推动迈向数字化图书馆的步伐,并阐述系统结构设计和功能设计,从图书的入库登记到查询浏览,从借书证发放到图书的借阅,形成了一个整体自动化管理模式,从软件工程的角度进行了科学而严谨的阐述。

This paper introduces JBuilder Borland Enterprise in 2006 under the environment of development of the system, and puts forward the detailed process realize the library information management, resources sharing, and promote the basic goal towards the pace of the digital library, and expounds the construction and design of the system and function design, from books to inquires incoming registration card issued to browse, from the borrowing books, formed a whole automation management mode, from a perspective of software engineering scientific and strict elaboration.


看来楼主很着急,给你我的译文,人工的哦!Abstract:with the popularization of Internet, the network has already become the way people obtain information, and the important route to learn to exchange. Web dynamic websites develop technology fast growingly, reach to present ASP, PHP and JSP from previous CGI and SSI. In these technology of developing, development of CGI and SSI and operational efficiency are not all very high; It is quick that ASP and PHP develop the pace, but the running speed can not compare with JSP. JSP is the development technology based on Java and have nothing to do with the platform, it has very high operational efficiency, development period is short, it is strong to expand ability, support and deal with distributedly, so, JSP is the best tool which develops dynamic websites. JavaBean is a package model based on Java, it has very important function in developing dynamic websites with JSP as one of the key technology of JSP. JavaBean offers a real method to strengthen the utilization ratio of the existing code, and no longer need to carry on programming in the original code again. Besides meaning in saving and exploiting natural resources, JavaBean package at one time written can be reused in other places, have shortened the time to develop greatly. Develop languages because of JSP, adopt JDK +Tomcat to be regarded as the running environment of the server in research of this text, use SQL Server 2000 as backstage supporter's server, design and develop one and is used in introduction Java rudimentary knowledge, and Offer course of the function of testing online and answering questions online etc. to study websites. Recommend how debug development and running environment to dispose JSP, with how about join and operate SQL Server 2000 database in JSP page in the article, and recommend how to design using JavaBean. Have also introduced Div +CSS webpage overall arrangement based on Web standard in the article.。


Abstract: A firewall is a technological measure developed in recent years to protect the security of a computer network, it's also the most widely used technology of a network security protection now. A firewall is one or a set of system to access controling policies, it can be software, hardware or a combination of them, whose aim is to provide security protection for the network. A firewalls is usually located between internal and external networks, and it can monitor, control and change communications in the internal and external networks, and controling external computers can visit internal protected environment and determine the access time, authorities, the types of service and quality.It checks the spread of the internal information to avoid the outflow of confidential information and resist external invasion and prevent internal information leaking. This paper presents the importance of firewall configuration in the network security, and explains that the set of firewall rules is an important measure for firewall product security.

Key words: firewall,configuration,network,security


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