Tess was a beatiful girl. Every man even girls would be made an empression on Tess. The story told us that Tess's family name was Durbeyfield. His father----a lazy, poor and wasn't much respected by other villagers man was told he was a direct descendant of the most ancient and noble family and his real family name was d'Urbervilles. This changed the distiny of Tess. Tess would be distined to difficulty and sadness.
There are two men affected Tess's life. One brought sadness and suffering, he damaged Tess's life, the other brought happiness and olso hurt, he was the man who Tess loved. In my mind Tess is an obstinate girl. After she lost her innocence. She still left Alec. She refused to take anything from him. She tried to earn a little money for her family. She kept depending on herself.
At a dairy, Tess made herself independently. She made her life honesthy and work hard. As a dairymaid, her new life was beginning. She made friends with three other honest and generous girls. She soon loved the second man who affected her life. He's name was Angel Clare who was thoughtful and educated. At last, Tess persuaded herself to marry him but life was not as Tess had wished. Angel left her at last. As soon as Angel persuaded himself he came back to find Tess who had just married Alec and had already lost her enthusiasm. After Tess had just knew she was cheated she killed Alec. During her last few days, Tess stayed with Angel who had loved her purely and believed in her as pure.
3.急求purity of tess 的英文 论文
我自己写的苔丝的论文Tess's tragedyWhy it was Tess to face the abuse of the fate? What makes Tess's tragedy?Tess of the D'Urbervilles, written by Thomas Hardy, was published in the year of 1891. It is a story about the tragic experience of a pretty country girl Tess. Tess had an ordinary farmer's family. Although her life was poor, it was peacefil at the same time. But one day, God, “The President of the Immoral”, began to play a cruel joke on this girl. Her father, John Durbeyfied learnt that they were descended from the D'Urbervilles, an ancient family once renowned in England. Her mother urged Tess to claim kinship with the remaining D'Urbervilles, so that they could live a better live. Unwillingly, Tess came in contact with the Stoke D'Urbervilles. There she met Alec D'Urbervilles, who showed off the estate and always seduced her. Having received a job of tending to chickens, Tess stayed in the D'Urbervilles. Her tragic life had just begun. Alec seduced Tess and make her pregnant. Being humiliated and resoluted, she went back home. Despite the rumors all around,Tess gave birth to a child, who was called Sorrow but died soon because of grave illness. For several weeks, Tess was overwhelmed by grief and sorrow. Nevertheless, without financial support, Tess had to leave home and went to work as a dairymaid at a distant farm, where she met Angel Claire. They fell in love and engaged. Then came the wedding night, too honest to keep any secret, Tess admitted about Alec D'Urbervilles and the child. She begged for forgiveness, but Angel left her in disgust. Tess again returned home alone, only found that her family remained impoverished and she even had no place to stay. In the meantime, Alec D'Urbervilles, appeared again. He promised to support her family, only as a means to make Tess dependent. At the end of hope, the girl jumped into the trap of the shameless man. However, the tragedy had not finished yet. Angel Claire, who was remorseful for his mercilessness, came back, but to find the cruel reality. And his arrival made Tess even more desperate. She stabed Alec in the heart and killed him. Then she escaped with him. They managed to hide for a while in a wood before they came to Stonehenge, where she was arrested. She was hanged later. The turn of events and the moment of catharsis prove that the novel is a classic Aristotelian tragedyIn Tess of the D'Urbervilles, although Hardy told a story about a seduced woman which was a tradional one, he had created a brand new image of woman. In his point of view, Tess was a seduced woman with a pure heart, a victim of the old fashioned morals. She was beautiful, simple and unadorned. With the ability of toleration, she can sacrifice herself to her family. She trustsed peolpe and loved people which made her different from others. Tess was a combination of tenderness and passion. She loved Angel Claire heart and soul with all her intense emotions and 100% turst. Even though being dumped, she didn't change her mind. She never seeked fame and wealth. What she really valued was self-respectation and freedom. She claimed kinship with the fake D'Urbervilles was to help her family get out of the poverty. After seduced by Alec, she went back home despite of Alec's retention instead of marrying him. The soul of Tess was chast for she owned such a noble moral integrity.“No one is perfect in this world, the perfection of human being is represent on the the understand of life, the love for living, the desire of dream and the loyalty to love. But, unfortunately, the morals of capitalism are all based on egoism. This makes it totally opposite to all the faire ideals of the people, and the chief offender of the death of beauty of human nature. “①This is a social custom without the foundation of the nature. However, this ethic, which is advocate by the bourgeoisie, has a sacred quality, and it is believed to be forever right thing. Tess is the victim of this fallacy. By the sad story of Tess, Hardy announced the hypocrisy of this ethic.During the process of telling the story of Tess, Hardy once tried to explain the reason of tragedy by eay of the theme of inheritance, natural rules, the prediction of tragedy and karma saying. At last, Hardy's sence of realism helped him find out the real reason of Tess's fate. In chapter 11. Hardy wrote: Why it was that upon this beautiful feminine tissue, sensitive as gossamer,and practicall blank as snow as yet, there should have been traced such a coarse pattern as it was doomed to receive; why so often the caorse appropriates the finer thus, the wrong man the woman, the wrong 。
4.求一篇英美文学的英文论文 论某个名著的
AbstractThomas Hardy was a famous critical realistic writer at the turn of the 19th century in England; Tess of the D'Urbervilles is the most influential one of all his works. This novel describes a tragic life about one beautiful and pure girl after disgrace. The article describes the society environment, then begins to analysis of characters' personality and religion factors open out at that time. Tess's tragic life is caused by that society and it's the result of that time. Except this, it can't be separated from her own weakness in character, because she obviously has the dual nature of the society character---resistance and compromise. As a common person, Tess fought with the society helplessly. In the end, she turned out to be the sacrificial victim of society like all other things which disobey the morality and ethic.Key WordsTess's Tragedy; Social Environment; Family Environment; Moral ethic; Character 摘 要托马斯.哈代是19世纪英国著名的批判现实主义作家,《德伯家的苔丝》是他最为有影响力的一部巨著。该小说主要讲述了一个美丽纯真的少女失身后悲惨的命运。文章通过对小说中社会环境的描写,再从人物性格和当时的宗教原因着手,由此揭露出苔丝悲惨的命运是那个社会所造成的,是一个时代思想,传统,秩序的局限所造成的结果。除此之外,这与她自身性格的弱点也是分不开的,因为她对命运有着反抗的一面也有妥协的一面。所以,作为普通人的苔丝与当时社会的抗争是无助的,最终会像所有一切与道德伦理相悖的事物一样,被沦为社会的牺牲品。 关键词苔丝的悲剧; 社会环境; 家庭环
小说《德伯家的苔丝》中,悲剧形成的原因主要是苔丝个人的性格与命运、环境、社会的冲突,从而造成了个性的毁灭 一、命运悲剧 苔丝的悲剧首先是命运的悲剧。
而苔丝此时悔恨交加,认为一切的恶果都是亚历克所为,在愤恨中把他杀死,但是自己也没有免遭到法律的制裁,被送上了绞刑架。 在苔丝的身上,我们明显地感觉到了命运对人物的嘲笑,苔丝是天命或宿命的牺牲品;同时,作者也稍微夸大了偶然性在人们生活里的作用,例如老马的死;苔丝跟亚历克的相遇成为她生活中的转折点;苔丝在与安吉尔结婚前夕写给他的信产生了悲剧的误会;安吉尔最后的悔改返回等等。
但是这种命运的描写却也是真实的,在当时的社会不乏这样的例子,正如劳伦斯所说:“哈代的感情、他的直觉、他对美感的掌握……是非常伟大和深刻的。”○1 二、社会悲剧 照哈代所说,人类悲剧的基础在于个人跟相敌对的、不正当的生活环境之间的冲突,更广泛一些说,就是人类跟残酷无情的大自然之间的冲突,这种冲突令人可悲地无法解决。
因为苔丝不属于有产阶级,从她出生之日起,她所处的社会环境就剥夺了她过象人的生活的权利,现在又剥夺了她所残余的唯一的东西——她的生命,命运对她的“戏弄”算完结了。 三、性格悲剧 哈代曾说:“悲剧。
简单地讲,可以这样说:悲剧表现个人生活中的一种事物的状态,他的本能或欲望最终不可避免地导致悲惨的结局。○2 苔丝是哈代在人物塑造方面的高峰。
1、(英语系毕业论文)苔丝的反叛精神 摘 要《德伯家的苔丝》是托马斯.哈代最杰出的悲剧作品。
类别:毕业论文 大小:78 KB 日期:2008-11-21 2、(英语系毕业论文)浅析苔丝之死 摘 要德伯家的苔丝是汤马思哈代的著作之一。这部作品描写了具有大自然纯朴本性的苔丝的悲剧一生。
苔丝的悲剧凝聚着社会和个人多重色彩,各种复杂的因素交织成一种强大的压力,摧毁了这位生于自然,具有大地般朴实本。 类别:毕业论文 大小:78 KB 日期:2008-11-18 3、(英语系毕业论文)《德伯家的苔丝》悲剧成因探析 摘 要托马斯.哈代是19世纪英国著名的批判现实主义作家,《德伯家的苔丝》是他最为有影响力的一部巨著。
类别:毕业论文 大小:78 KB 日期:2008-10-05 4、论《德伯家的苔丝》的宗教色彩 引 言 托马斯·哈代是十九世纪末二十世纪初英国著名的现实主义小说家、诗人,他以小说家著称于世,从事小说创作约三十年。由于哈代受家庭的熏陶以及他本人学习建筑的经历的影响,在他的文学作品里,有着。
类别:毕业论文 大小:19 KB 日期:2008-04-01 5、(英语系毕业论文)苔丝人生悲剧的研究 任务书+开题报告+文献综述+外文文献翻译+论文摘要本文旨在从几个不同的侧面探讨《德伯家的苔丝》的悲剧原因。《德伯家的苔丝》是英国小说史上最伟大的悲剧之一。
尽管哈代的小说主要描述的是英国东南部威塞克斯郡。 类别:毕业论文 大小:102 KB 日期:2007-06-25 mon peddler on the road with the image of the “renowned knight” who was his forebear, but also by contrasting the modes of address of Durbeyfield and the parson. The parson has just addressed him as “Sir John,” which sets the whole conversation in motion, but we see here that the parson soon lapses back into the familiar tone more appropriate to one addressing a social inferior: “Don't you really know, Durbeyfield. . . . “ Durbeyfield does the same: despite his discovery that he is Sir John, it is he who calls the parson “sir” here. The ironies multiply, making questions of class and identity complex and unstable, as Hardy intends to depict them. 2. Clare came close, and bent over her. “Dead, dead, dead!” he murmured. After fixedly regarding her for some moments with the same gaze of unmeasurable woe he bent lower, enclosed her in his arms, and rolled her in the sheet as in a shroud. Then lifting her from the bed with as much respect as one would show to a dead body, he carried her across the room, murmuring, “My poor poor Tess, my dearest darling Tess! So sweet, so good, so true!” The words of endearment, withheld so severely in his waking hours, were inexpressibly sweet to her forlorn and hungry heart. If it had been to save her weary life she would not, by moving or struggling, have put an end to the position she found herself in. Thus she lay in absolute stillness, scarcely venturing to breathe, and, wondering what he was going to do with her, suffered herself to be borne out upon the landing. “My wife—dead, dead!” he said. In Chapter XXXVII, Angel Clare begins to sleepwalk on the third night of his estrangement from Tess, having rejected her as his wife because of her earlier disgrace. Like Lady Macbeth's sleepwalking scene, Angel's nighttime somnambulism reveals an inner conflict within a character who earlier seems convinced of a moral idea, in control, and inflexible. For Lady Macbeth, her earlier cold protestations that killing a king is justifiable are belied by her unconscious fixation on being bloodstained. For Angel, the situation is reversed. He consciously maintains a conviction that Tess is bad, corrupt, and cannot be forgiven, but his unconscious sleepwalking self reveals the tender love and moral respect for her (“so good, so true!”) that he feels somewhere inside him. This revelation foreshadows his final realization, too late, that his condemnation of Tess was wrongheaded. Angel's words “dead, dead, dead” hint at Tess's future death, but they also signal Angel's conception of Tess. She is alive physically, but for him she is dead morally, as dead as an idea of purity that he once revered. Important Quotations Explained Key Facts Study Questions & Essay Topics Quiz Suggestions for Further Reading 都在这/lit/tess/。
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