英语师范类毕业论文—黑色与black的区别 By looking at " 黑色与black ", it seems that there is no difference between them. They look like one another's translation in both Chinese and English. If we view these two words culturally, we will find that many cultural differences are between them. I'm trying to give an interesting discussion based on the cultural perspectives of these two words. In China, "黑色" is the colour of black which symbolises unfortunate and religious things. For example, it is not welcome in all kinds of festivals and happy events in China. As Chinese, we all know that "黑色" means bad luck and death. Hehe ^_^ Yeh, we don't mention and joke about such colour when we are celebrating happy events. Especially, in Spring Festival, such colour is extremely forbidden. On the other hand, "黑色" is often seen at funeral. People are often in black, to the point of respect. Additionally, this colour also indicates evil in Chinese culture. Some Chinese people use this colour to curse others which is never encouraged. All together, "黑色" is mainly associated to bad luck and death in China. However, black has many different meanings in western culture. Firstly, the black is pertaining to any of the various populations characterized by dark skin pigmentation, specifically the dark-skinned people of Africa, Oceania, and Australia. Not surprisingly, traditional wedding dresses often come with black (for the groom) and white (for the bride) in the West. Furthermore, black can represent danger, evil and death in the West. Interestingly, there are many English idioms connected with black. For example, black out (lose consciousness temporarily), black and white (print), black look (angry look), black humor (harshly ironic), black words (angry words), black Friday (unlucky day), in the black (prosperous), etc. Last and certainly not least, " 黑色与black " can present many differences which are distinguishable from different cultural perspectives!。
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