

一、引言 文化,这两种孕育自不同半球的文化,由于历史、地理环境、生产制度等方面的原因,有着极大的差异,截然不同的特色。

这两种文化差异,一直备受关注。随着全球化的到来,全世界各民族间商业交流往来的日益频繁,了解中西方文化价值差异可以更好促进民族间经济、文化交流与沟通,从而避免所引起的不必要的误会和麻烦,导致的文化休克(culture shock)或交际失败(communication failure)。


英国著名学者培根曾说过:“The genius, wit and spirit of a nation are discovered in its proverbs.”(一个民族的天才、智慧和精神,都可以在其谚语中发现。)本文将从汉英谚语入手谈谈中西文化在地理环境、宗教信仰、历史、文学传统、民族性格、思想观念等方面的差异。

二、地理环境 文化是在一定的自然环境里生发出来的。人们所生存的不同环境势必影响人 们的生活、生产方式,影响人们对客观外界的观察与思考。


这些谚语必然反映出自然环境的不同特征,带有鲜明的地域文化和生态文化的色彩。 英国是个岛国,四面环海,海岸线曲折多变,港湾楔入,岛屿众多。


如: There's as good fish in the sea as ever come out of it.有了大海,还怕没鱼。 No fishing like fishing in the sea.捕鱼要到大海。

Who will not be ruled by the rudder must be ruled by the rock.船离舵,要闯祸。 A dog in the morning,sailors take warning; a dog in the night is the sailors' delight.朝虹出天际,水手心事重,夜间见彩虹,水手乐哈哈。

He goes a great voyage that goes to bottom of the sea.到达海底的人,才算做了一次远航。 特殊的地理环境形成了特有的岛国气候。

英国气候潮湿,天气变化大,岛上晴天少,雨天多,且多阵雨,因此,英国人出门常带把雨伞。由于英国天气变化无常的缘故,英国人非常关心天气,也喜欢谈论天气,并因此而产生了许多关于天气的谚语[1](P85): April weather, rain and shine both together.一边日出一边雨,晴雨无常四月天。

An English summer, three(or two)hot days and a thunderstorm.英国的一个夏季,三(两)个热天一阵大雷雨。 A misty morning may have a fine day.早晨有雾露,可能是晴天。

When the wind's in the west, the weather's at the best.风从西方起,天气最佳丽。 而处于另一个半球的中国则有着不同的地理自然风貌,中华文明发源于长江黄河流域,中国自古是典型的农耕社会,人们过着自给自足的农耕生活,农业是国民经济的重要支柱,农业在历代政府中都受到极大的重视。

因此产生了许多与农业相关的谚语。 如:庄稼百样巧,地是无价宝。

人勤地不懒,勤奋谷仓满。 田里无神无鬼,全靠肥料土水。

庄稼老汉不知闲,放下锄头拿扁担。 农夫不种田,城里断炊烟。

田像一块铁,在于人来打。[2](P240-241) 我国的天气谚语,从量上、质上,以及悠久的历史传统上,值得称道。

如“灶烟往下埋,不久雨就来”、“春天孩儿脸,一日变三变”、“太阳颜色黄,明日大风狂”、“久晴大雾必阴,久雨大雾必晴”、“夜里星光明,明朝仍旧晴”等等。[1](P85) 三、特定历史 每个民族都以不同的方式在人类历史的画卷中写着自己特定的历史。


Shoe-maker's wife goes bare feet.这句谚语正是出自于十六世纪资本主义新兴时期,小资本家拼命发家致富,属于手工业者的鞋匠们为积攒钱财,竟然连给妻子买鞋穿的钱都不舍得花。十七世纪起英国在东印度扩张,十八世纪中叶建立殖民统治。

He came safe from the East –India, and was drowned in the Thames.他从东印度安然归来,却淹死于泰晤士河。[3](P79)英国历史上曾遭到多次其他国家的入侵。


1066年法国诺曼底登陆后,英国为法国所征服。 法语很长时期成为英国的官方语言,贵族、朝臣、地主和上流社会都使用法语,如当时的英国国王爱德华是完全不会说英语的国王,因此有英谚云:Jack would be a gentleman if he could speak French.要是杰克能讲法语,那他就是个绅士了。

而三种语言交配混合到英语中,充实了英语语言,也带来了许多拉丁语、法语谚语。[1](P84) Anger is a short madness .愤怒是短暂的疯狂。

(拉丁语) Art is long, life is short. 艺术是无限,生命是有限的。(拉丁语。


In Chinese, "summer sorching summer," and "hot", with intense heat in summer. While in Shakespeare's sonnets in a poem have such a plan, I thee a bother /?" Thou art more lovely/domain and temperate (can I get you? / compared with summer than you, and as more lovely summer). The poet's compared to the summer, lovely and sweet-scented birk shades. "Summer" to the Chinese and British association was so different. Reason lies in geographic location, China is located in the Asian continent, belong to a continental climate, the four seasons, the most obvious feature of the summer is hot scorching, tough. Britain is located in north temperate climate, beautiful, summer, pleasant. And, of course, many examples of this aspect, for example, in the "dongfeng" make people think of warm sunny side, is called a person gutty icy flavor. While western opposite. Two reasons, in different geographic location, feel different. Second, productive labor English and aquaculture, ship relevant words very much, such as fish air (climb a tree to look for fish), an odd fish (the boat), to weirdo (miss), etc. This kind of words in Chinese is much less. Reason lies in the water, the aquatic product around the UK economy in the fishing industry and navigation in life, so many occupies an important position in such words. While in China only coastal areas and fishing nets are fishermen, these words are relatively few. To express "physical" luck with negative verbs in Chinese language has many, such as ", the Netherlands, pick up, back, and clothing, negative, and take "etc, every word has certain negative of things with (e.g., soil, water, box), is very close. In English, but only to a nearby the tuyuhun. The Chinese will this verb fine distinction, probably because in the long run China agricultural society, especially because of the many physical labor.。


How to understand the Western food culture! In the United States on September 11, the memory of this day is the most horrible day in this year's Nanjing operation today as a Western cultural industries were the most sad day. Express has a modern written like this: the French took 300 years of wine which only then removed out of the little sugar, and we are against the drink with Sprite! Distorted by people in the spending habits of kidnapped Chinese-style, the wine culture of the West 300 years it was transformed into the Chinese version! Plus drink wine consumers in China meet among the wine won the market, but wine culture, but constantly get lost in this submission. I believe you see here will certainly be a lot of emotion! That is the Chinese people did not taste too, something the West can not accept, Tai Su! In fact, I as a Western chef have different views! I think that this is not the consumer's problem is that we in this industry workers inside the failure and humiliation, a wealth of material life in this era, the Western diet is still relatively high and new consumption patterns, it is necessary to guide the correct , instead of misleading and deceptive! Mentioned in the press gathered in the name of a bar in Nanjing, rum iced tea, green tea, whiskey, such advertising, overwhelming! Is true and it is not a member of the operator understand wine? Or there is any other? With my analysis: first, interest, real know how to drink wine, then drink four or five hours no problem, because people understand the wine tasting a good wine can be a lot of fruit products and flowers, and even products out quality of the human soul growing grapes. You will not use our expansive way about China's drunk! In this case the bar is on the sales potential of reducing consumption, while affecting the turn table and the average consumption rate, then the people who know how to drink wine, he drank alcohol would be out. If it is against drink wine? Tell you: the gods are not to drink! (You should have tried our fraud capabilities, eggs can be made, our ability to admit) that alcohol has on the market, the interests of the operators even Dahua! Finally, workers in this industry under the rules of the market potential it had to lower your head high, in order to survive and succumb to the money under the authority and contrary to your basic professional ethics and your conscience! However, Nanjing is really no good bartenders and a few tasters! There are unspoken rules, or unemployment at home, who would pay big bucks to you to tell the guests what is real wine! Slowly goods! Anyway, few know how to Nanjing, just put forward a liquor bar staff to talk about the good looking, cheap, get 1500 and 1800, a good bottle of red wine to make up the boss happy he was happy, because he could only do half of the bar, not an apprentice full! He dared call it division bartenders. We think this can be said that the Chinese people do not understand Western culture? Can say that the Chinese wine consumption kidnapping of Western culture? Could it be that all you managers and workers in the industry without responsibility? You only know that in the western industry to make money, you have the promotion of food culture in the West to make points for offering it? No, it does not matter, but you can not twist this culture. Chinese consumers misled you also deceived them, when they "wine" awakening when you know what it took under the guidance of the cost of expensive fool, they will become your customers? They will get money that Western culture is the culture of wine, while others will reject Western culture. He will not know do not want to know! I said above, the view of Western culture, wine, not to say I have any modern express dissatisfaction, and I think the author is saying something for those who love the voice of Western culture, let us once again gain a deeper understanding of wine culture! Some may say that we Worship, so I Worship, Worship Nothing bad? Foreigners a good thing we have to worship, so we have the ambition, will do better, but I do not capitulation! In fact, I was not very understanding of wine, I am a Western cook, I did not take long to Nanjing, I see this very feeling after report! Not only does it give the wine while in Nanjing embarrassment to say the whole of Western cultural industries in Nanjing, the embarrassment, of course, this has included food and beverage. Western would like to know it? Nanjing operators want to know how misleading and deceptive and cook your meal called the Western? Western would like to know "should be simple meal, a handful of Nanjing grid called the restaurant to" the 。


Politeness principle in communication --- different usages between China and western worldAbstract This essay primarily explores the politeness principle used in communication. As we all know, different people hold different views about politeness. Sometimes what the Chinese people considered to be polite may not be true according to western culture. This paper attempts to shed light on some of the important differences on politeness between Chinese and western culture. The politeness principle is affected by different cultures. It can't be used universally. Politeness is a pragmatic phenomenon and exists in any language groups as a social situation and a universal situation. The universal feature of politeness principle is affected by register and culture. The politeness principle used in the western world is different from that in China. Because politeness principle was proposed in western historic background, to what degree it is useful in Chinese culture needs more research. In western world, politeness lays focus on interpersonal equality and cooperation. In China, politeness owns four primary elements: respectfulness, modesty, attitude and refinement.Key words: politeness, politeness principle, communication交流中的礼貌法则——中西礼貌用语差异 这篇论文主要研究礼貌法则在交际中的应用。




在西方世界,礼貌建立在人与人平等和合作基础之上,在中国,礼貌有四大基本元素:尊重,谦逊,态度和文雅。关键词:礼貌,礼貌原则,交流CatalogueAbstract···························································1Key words·························································1Introduction·····················································2The meaning of politeness·········································2The meaning of politeness principle and evaluation····················34. Different origins and usages of the politeness principle ·················6 4.1 Different origins of politeness principle ···························7 4.2 Politeness principle affected by different cultures····················7 4.2.1 Value concept system······································7 4.2.2 Thinking pattern·········································8 4.2.3 Politeness principle used in the control of culture.··············95. Conclusion·······················································13Reference··························································13Introduction As an important pragmatics principle, the Politeness Principle has always been a focus of study over the past decades. People are animals of the society, and live in the communication sometimes what the Chinese people considered to be polite may not be true according to western culture. This paper attempts to shed light on some of the important differences on politeness between Chinese and western culture. When people of different cultural backgrounds communicate with each other, misunderstandings as well as conflicts come up. World surrounded by objects. Communication activities satisfy the practical needs----material transformation or message communication as well as the process suitable for the social rules. Communication is the prerequisite for the smooth and successful relationship among human beings and it promotes human beings' development. Politeness is a universal phenomenon among all the social groups, but it is marked by different cultures. The politeness principle as well as language form is used differently between China and western world.到这里可以看看,,。


Western novels in comparison First, Western novels in the history of the development of Western novels are based on myths and legends of its origin. In ancient times, science developed, out of fear of nature, the working people out of the imagination is the key to many of the world "God", describing the personification of God is a myth; who will describe the deified, that is legend. China opened the world's Pan story, the story of San Juan Five Emperors, the West Greek mythology, Roman mythology, Norse mythology, and so on are all typical works. East and West, the original novel, is closely linked with the history, as historical records complement the event. China Pre-Qin prose in the fable, the Han dynasty in the history books, biographies, the Wei and Jin Zhi, Zhi-person novel; the West of ancient Babylon, "the United States and Ji Jia disabilities epic", in ancient Greece, "Homer's epic," "Aesop's Fables "And so on, fall into this category, fiction, novels such novels have been about the characteristics of fiction, it is still not the literary creation, directly from the private collection record, so this type of fiction plot is relatively simple, writing rough comparison. Ban Gu said, "On the Street Lane words, hearsay are made of" is a novel kind of accurate assessment of the image. China's Tang Dynasty, the novel is only from history and literature become a creativity. Tang Dynasty culture has developed, the author's ideas are more open, the legend came into being at this time, Li Zhaowei "Liu Yi Chuan", Po Chu's "Everlasting Regret," Wolf's "Everlasting Regret Chuan" And so on, are made in accordance with the creation of the legend. For the fictional story of the Tang Dynasty more emphasis on imagination and literary talent, not just the history of the nature of things, but as the history of Zhi Zhi who is also the novel did not stop. The Legend of the Song Dynasty to the novel on a gradual decline, which followed the rise of this so that after processing will become a scholar so many novel and Romance novels such as "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Outlaws of the Marsh", "Journey to the West." The author of such novels is the use of private creative and re-created to describe the circumstances of the touching scenes of brilliant and vivid active in shaping the character known, there are obvious story-telling style of language. Here by the redevelopment, it will become an independent literary creation rather than things to come together with the civil process, the representative of this type is the "Golden Lotus", it was an open and ordinary life on the road, the reality is that literature has come a long way The development of the latter's "A Dream of Red Mansions" in ancient China Geng Shiba realism to the novels of the summit. "54" after the novelist began to learn from China's western fiction writing practices, and gradually out a new path. Western novels, is the "Renaissance" after the rapid development of mature. The development of the Middle Ages novel near-stagnation in the West, 14, the end of the century "Renaissance" to overthrow the literature of the Church of control, 15, appeared in the western end of the century to promote freedom of thought and the liberation of personality in order to describe the reality of life and portray characters from all walks of life for the content of the Humanist novels, is to tie in with this type of novel anti-feudal Europe at the time of arising at the same time it also set the novel in the West to human describing the tone of the main things. Jiaqiu Italy's "Decameron", Spain's Cervantes "Don Quixote" is the kind of representative works of fiction. The resulting novel is a classical, elegant favor of its national language to standardize the writing of this novel in 17th century France's most well-developed. As a note on behalf of Corneille's "Cid" neoclassical story of the rise of Western novels have been a language substantially improved. The beginning of the 18th century to promote popular science knowledge, enlightenment of the public consciousness for the purpose of the Enlightenment novels, of which there are relatively well-known German Goethe's "Faust", the United Kingdom Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe" and the Swift "Gulliver's Travels" and so on, this type of novel to the emergence of the bourgeois revolution at the time to mold public opinion. In the 19th century, romantic fiction, realistic novels and critical realism novel turn to occupy the leading position in the field of fiction. Romantic novels, such as France Victor Hugo's "Notre Dame de Paris", Goethe's "juvenile Witt of trouble" and so on,。


Politeness principle in communication --- different usages between China and western worldAbstract This essay primarily explores the politeness principle used in communication. As we all know, different people hold different views about politeness. Sometimes what the Chinese people considered to be polite may not be true according to western culture. This paper attempts to shed light on some of the important differences on politeness between Chinese and western culture. The politeness principle is affected by different cultures. It can't be used universally. Politeness is a pragmatic phenomenon and exists in any language groups as a social situation and a universal situation. The universal feature of politeness principle is affected by register and culture. The politeness principle used in the western world is different from that in China. Because politeness principle was proposed in western historic background, to what degree it is useful in Chinese culture needs more research. In western world, politeness lays focus on interpersonal equality and cooperation. In China, politeness owns four primary elements: respectfulness, modesty, attitude and refinement.Key words: politeness, politeness principle, communication交流中的礼貌法则——中西礼貌用语差异 这篇论文主要研究礼貌法则在交际中的应用。




在西方世界,礼貌建立在人与人平等和合作基础之上,在中国,礼貌有四大基本元素:尊重,谦逊,态度和文雅。关键词:礼貌,礼貌原则,交流CatalogueAbstract···························································1Key words·························································1Introduction·····················································2The meaning of politeness·········································2The meaning of politeness principle and evaluation····················34. Different origins and usages of the politeness principle ·················6 4.1 Different origins of politeness principle ···························7 4.2 Politeness principle affected by different cultures····················7 4.2.1 Value concept system······································7 4.2.2 Thinking pattern·········································8 4.2.3 Politeness principle used in the control of culture.··············95. Conclusion·······················································13Reference··························································13Introduction As an important pragmatics principle, the Politeness Principle has always been a focus of study over the past decades. People are animals of the society, and live in the communication sometimes what the Chinese people considered to be polite may not be true according to western culture. This paper attempts to shed light on some of the important differences on politeness between Chinese and western culture. When people of different cultural backgrounds communicate with each other, misunderstandings as well as conflicts come up. World surrounded by objects. Communication activities satisfy the practical needs----material transformation or message communication as well as the process suitable for the social rules. Communication is the prerequisite for the smooth and successful relationship among human beings and it promotes human beings' development. Politeness is a universal phenomenon among all the social groups, but it is marked by different cultures. The politeness principle as well as language form is used differently between China and western world.到这里可以看看,,。


culture differences between English and Chinese

Everything is relative, cultural difference being no exception. Culture, as the total pattern of human behavior and its products, oversteps geographical limits and historical conditions in many ways, and it is characterized by its strong penetrativeness and fusibility. The advancement of the globalized economy and the rapidity and ease of modern communication, transportation, and mass media have resulted in an ever increasing exchange between cultures, unprecedented in scale, scope, and speed. Consequently, an increase in universality and a reduction in difference between cultures is an inevitable trend. It is no surprise to see phenomena characteristic of one culture existing in another. As a result, some people even fear that the world will become a dull place when all the different nationalities behave exactly alike. Nevertheless, the “cultural sediment” formed through long-range accumulation is not to be easily removed, and the cultural tradition handed down from generation to generation shows great consistency and continuity. The cultures of different regions and nations still have their own distinctive peculiarities, and therefore significance still needs to be attached to the study of the individualities of different cultures against the background of their universality.


In Chinese, "summer sorching summer," and "hot", with intense heat in summer. While in Shakespeare's sonnets in a poem have such a plan, I thee a bother /?" Thou art more lovely/domain and temperate (can I get you? / compared with summer than you, and as more lovely summer).

The poet's compared to the summer, lovely and sweet-scented birk shades. "Summer" to the Chinese and British association was so different. Reason lies in geographic location, China is located in the Asian continent, belong to a continental climate, the four seasons, the most obvious feature of the summer is hot scorching, tough. Britain is located in north temperate climate, beautiful, summer, pleasant. And, of course, many examples of this aspect, for example, in the "dongfeng" make people think of warm sunny side, is called a person gutty icy flavor. While western opposite. Two reasons, in different geographic location, feel different.

Second, productive labor

English and aquaculture, ship relevant words very much, such as fish air (climb a tree to look for fish), an odd fish (the boat), to weirdo (miss), etc. This kind of words in Chinese is much less. Reason lies in the water, the aquatic product around the UK economy in the fishing industry and navigation in life, so many occupies an important position in such words. While in China only coastal areas and fishing nets are fishermen, these words are relatively few.

To express "physical" luck with negative verbs in Chinese language has many, such as ", the Netherlands, pick up, back, and clothing, negative, and take "etc, every word has certain negative of things with (e.g., soil, water, box), is very close. In English, but only to a nearby the tuyuhun. The Chinese will this verb fine distinction, probably because in the long run China agricultural society, especially because of the many physical labor.


Chinese and Western Culture Comparison What are the major differences between chinese and western culture? I'll list down a few differences: West: 1. Western culture is based on individualism rather than on mass (collectivism). For instance, in the US, you always talk about individual rights, instead of placing the whole society above your own self. This is clearly different in China where a country, society or family are placed above your own self. 2. Western culture is adventurous and exploration based. Westerners like to discover new things, invention and expand outwards. For instance, bungee jumping is considered adventurous and common in western culture, but you will probably find no-one doing such a thing in China. 3. Western culture is based on science, which attempts to resolve people and nature's relationship. 4. West uses law to resolve people and people's relationship. You can never find 'law' well-established in China. For 2000 years, China is a land that's based on human relationship rather than law. 5. West uses 'god' and religion to resolve human and spiritualism relationship. In case of problems with your own self, you just pray to god. 6. A culture that expands and develop outwards. Chinese Culture: 1. A culture based on masses (collectivism). People placed country and family above your own self. 2. A culture that is based on humanism and people 3. To resolve the relationship betwen man and nature, the chinese attempts to fuse the human and 'heaven' as one. (天人和一) 4. To resolve people and people's relationship, chinese uses ethics and tolerance (中恕之道) 5. To resolve human and spiritualism, chinese emphasizes internal cultivation (修身养性) 6. A focus on balance and mean. By 'mean', it means 'middle way'. You don't go into extremism. Peace is always honoured.。


The University's ethos or atmosphere is perhaps the most unique concern of this committee. This is a topic that is seldom directly addressed in meetings and planning processes. Campus ethos is also quite difficult to specify. One vital question is the extent to which excellence is, in fact, generally valued, recognized, and rewarded on campus. Community “self-esteem” and morale are linked in part to the perception that common goals are being pursued and accomplished, and that contributions to excellence are recognized and fairly rewarded. Across-the-board raises, for example, by definition discount merit and provide equal compensation regardless of performance with regard to institutional values. Across-the-board raises thus send the wrong message, and in essence disregard institutional values. Even in years when the increase in total compensation is meager, salary increases do accumulate over the years to create differential recognition of excellence. This, in turn, necessarily raises the question of what constitutes “excellence.” Recent changes in performance appraisal procedures do increase emphasis on specifying individual performance goals, in relation to which merit can be assessed and rewarded. Procedures are needed to ensure that such specific evaluation goals are set for all staff each year, correspond to UNM's mission and values, are clearly communicated to staff, and do form the core of performance evaluation in relation to which merit is assessed and rewarded. Similar processes can be incorporated into ongoing post-tenure review of faculty. Historically UNM is an institution with a salary scale that compares unfavorably with those of peer institutions. It is therefore important for UNM to recognize excellence not only in compensation, but in an institutional tradition and culture of recognition. UNM does this fairly well on a grand scale with university-wide awards, but recognition of student, faculty, and staff excellence need to be done more consistently within each unit of the University.。


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本文主要为您介绍触摸报警器毕业论文,内容包括基于单片机控制的各种报警器论文怎么写,求一篇关于应用电子技术方面的毕业设计论文,防盗警报系统设计的毕业论文。1 引言 1.1 系统设计目的 1.2 系统设计思想 1.3 系统设计方案2系统硬件设计 2




本文主要为您介绍毕业论文像素大小,内容包括论文中的图片要用多大的,怎么在word文档中设置图片的像素,图片为JPG格式,分辨率应大于1000*640像素2.图片大小应在50K至。打开word软件 选择新建







