美国梦的定义 ①所谓的美国梦(American Dream),是一种相信只要在美国经过努力不懈的奋斗便能获致更好生活的理想,亦即人们必须透过自己的工作勤奋、勇气、创意、和决心迈向繁荣,而非依赖于特定的社会阶级和他人的援助。
在今天,每年有超过一百万的人成为美国公民,是世界上最受欢迎的移民地点。编辑本段 美国梦的内涵 五月花号300年前,当英格兰移民乘坐着五月花号横穿大西洋来到马里兰,寻找一块清教徒能居住的“净土”时,“美国梦”(American Dream)已开始悄然萌芽——美国给了全世界每一个人均等的机会,只要努力奋斗,都可以实现自己的梦想。
300年后,这个国家已成富饶之邦,然而,“美国梦”并没有消逝,只是随着历史的变迁,它拥有了更多的“内涵”。 什么是“美国梦”?“众多历史学家和社会学家观点不一,不同的美国人也有不同的解读。”
加州大学洛杉矶分校历史学教授朗·梅勒接受《环球》杂志记者采访时如此回答。 不过一般而言,“美国梦”包含几个要素:美国提供了人人都能成功的机会;成功取决于自己的才能和努力,而不是家世和背景;人人都拥有平等的权利;人人都有信仰的自由。
编辑本段 土地和黄金的原始梦 18~19世纪的欧洲,贵族尚未退出历史舞台、社会等级森严、财富分配不公、宗教歧视严重……孟德斯鸠、笛卡尔等启蒙运动的先驱,开始对美国这块神奇的土地赞颂不已,这也燃起了弱势群体的“美国梦”。 18世纪来到美国的移民都是欧洲的弱势者,最典型的是英格兰的清教徒和德国的破产小农民,当他们来到还是殖民地的美国时,政治平等的要求就格外强烈,也自发地落实了民主。
于是,“平等权利”成了“美国梦”的一个内涵。 梅勒解释道,“人人都能成功”,缘于早期美国土地广袤而人口稀少,移民都能获取大片肥沃的土地。
不过,这般“美梦”的背后,也是一部血淋淋的历史:欧洲移民的大片土地,是屠杀了数百万印第安人而获得的“无主之地”;高产农田的耕种者,大多是从非洲劫掠来的黑奴;西进掘金的劳力,是血泪交加的华人苦工。 可以说,早期的“美国梦”,更多的是欧洲移民的梦。
梅勒指出,当代的美国历史学界也有不少人在正视和反思这段历史,这都是“美国梦”不义的一面。编辑本段 奋斗加智慧的新榜样 南北战争前后,美国开始了工业化。
他们的共同特点是:起家寒微,但通过勤奋终于创立了自己庞大的事业,成为传奇人物。 也许,这些“传奇”多少带有后人美化的成分,甚至所谓的“爱迪生发明”,也有不少是助手们的成果。
梅勒更是认为,当时美国已处于经济急速膨胀时期,到第一次世界大战前,美国已成为世界经济实力最强的国家,国内的经济运行也处于“无序到有序”的变化阶段,各行业出现巨富寡头,原是应有之义。 到了21世纪的信息时代,微软的比尔·盖茨、雅虎的杨致远以及GOOGLE的三个创立者变成了“美国梦”的新偶像。
编辑本段 褪色和变味的梦想 “美国梦”背后的真正动力是什么?一些历史学家认为,就是对财富的渴求和追逐。康涅狄格州立大学历史学教授马修·沃肖尔指出:“对金钱的追求,是‘美国梦’中不变的成分。
2.跪求 关于 了不起的盖茨比和美国梦的 英文论文拜托了各位 谢谢
The Great Gatsby and American dream Abstract : critics have always been holding different attitudes towards the debate that whether Fitzgerald criticized American dream in The Great Gatsby. By analyzing the tragedy of Gatsby, we will see Fitzgerald's ambivalence towards American dream. One hand, the author hated the corruption and villainy of it, on the other hand, he was obsessed with its charms and luxuries. Key words : American dream The Great Gatsby tragedy American dream refers to the pursuit of the equality, freedom and corporeal property. American dream has always been one of the most popular motifs in American literature. As a spirit came into being as America was founded, American dream became stronger and stronger in American people's mind. It seemed American people can get what they want by work. This kind of spirit encourages American people generation by generation and prompts America to become the most developed country and own the most wealth in this world. Nowadays, America is the super power, however, America dream has more connotations as time goes by. And it has different meanings in different times. The impression of American dream in the early 18 th century is that America is a country of freedom and opportunities which people could enjoy equally. At that time, the immigrants were puritans from Europe. Among them, British puritans and peasants were the most typical ones. When they arrived in America, their desires for political equality were strong, so the demand for democracy had been accomplished. Thus, the equal rights became the connotation of American dream in that period. As gold rush in the late 18 th century and the early 19 th century began to emerge, some lucky dogs made fortune over night, this gold rush became a legend and promoted the immigration rush. American dream was decorated with the color of gold. But after the Civil War, especially after 1990s, America began to industrialize. American dream had new connotations. Most people thought that it means to pursue wealth and money. They got successful by hard work and endeavor. People gave positive meaning, wisdom and endeavor for American. Since then, America experienced a long time of rapid expansion, more and more people went to America to find their own dreams. However, after the WWI,the connotation of American dream had been changing gradually, because of the post war stability and prosperity, the atmosphere seemed to be harmonious, people thought that they didn't need war any more, young people turned to be debauched. They compensate themselves in the luxurious lifestyles. Young people didn't believe in risks and hard work any more, they began to get much wealth by promotion strategies which included cheat and illegal methods. Most of them treated wealth as the only standard to comment whether a person was successful or not. But the pursuit of wealth and ideal cannot be balanced, the broken dream is the necessary ending of the American dream. Gatsby is the typical representative that succeed in the process of pursuing for American dream. This novel's greatness embodies that it concerns the individuals in America and finally associates them with the whole American nation. Fitzgerald figured a classical tragedy, and it is a tragedy of the American dream. Gatsby is doomed to lose and finally reduced to a tragic character. Because at the very beginning, Gatsby's love for Daisy is partly based on the glamour he associates with the money, and he pursues her by becoming wealthy himself. His passion for Daisy blends with earlier desires for financial success going all the way back to the daily schedule he established as a boy. His dream is completely misguided. When they meet again, Gatsby become a rich man who is still innocent, but the girl—Daisy he pursues merely becomes his empty imagination with symbolistic meaning. So what Gatsby wants is not real Daisy, but the Daisy that figured, decorated and glorified in his imagination. This kind of imagination is beyond Gatsby's ability and power, and it is also beyond the reality. Gatsby's old flame becomes his spirit world. In his heart, Daisy is beautiful and innocent, and she represents all the merits in the upper class of America. Gatsby creates the perfect image of Daisy, and treat her as the avatar of dream to sacrifice himself. Gatsby pursue for money, but he dosen't treat money as the final goal, he just wants to accomplish his love dream by using money. But Daisy's preference for wealth is stronger than any love in her heart. Because 。
1.引言 《了不起的盖茨比》(The Great Gatsby)是美国二十年代著名小说家司各特·菲茨杰拉德(Scott Fitzgerald,1896-1940)的杰作,它以完美的艺术形式向读者诉说了一场美国梦的破灭。
本文依据文体学的有关理论,从小说的语言特征出发,试图发掘《了不起的盖茨比》怎样达到这种优美而悲伤的文体效果。 2.功能语言学在小说中的应用 利奇(Leech, Geoffrey)和肖特(Short, Michael)在他们的著作《小说的文体》(Style in Fiction, 1981:174)中根据功能语言学的理论从三方面对小说文体进行分析:描写角度(point of view),叙述顺序(fictional sequencing)和描写焦点(descriptive focus)。
这三方面分别与韩礼德所提出的语言的三个“元功能”——人际功能,语篇功能和概念功能相对应。 描写角度是指一篇文学作品中叙述者对叙述事件的态度或意见。
作者可以第一人称“我”的角度进行叙述,也可从小说中某一人物的角度入手,或者以一个第三者的身份来叙述。在《了不起的盖茨比》这部作品中,作者创造了一个名叫尼克·卡罗威(Nick Carraway)的人物,把他作为整个故事的叙述者,同时他又参与和目睹了故事的发生、过程和结束。
这一双重的描写角度拉大了读者与盖茨比这个故事的距离,无形中给整篇小说造成了一种深沉幽怨的氛围。以下两段分别取自不同的描写角度: (1) When I came back from the East last autumn I felt that I wanted the world to be in uniform and at a sort of moral attention forever; I wanted no more riotous excursions with privileged glimpses into the human heart. Only Gatsby, the man who gives his name to this book, was exempt from my reaction—Gatsby, who represented every thing for which I have an unaffected scorn. If personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures, then there was something gorgeous about him, some heightened sensitivity to the promises of life, as if he were related to one of those intricate machines that register earthquakes ten thousand miles away. … ( P2-3, The Great Gatsby, 上海译文出版社, 1994 ) (2) I decided to call to him. Miss Baker had mentioned him at dinner and that would do for an introduction. But I didn't call to him, for he gave a sudden intimation that he was content to be alone—he stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way, and, far as I was from him, I could have sworn he was trembling. …( P34, 同上)。
4.关于 美国梦 的英文文章
The American Dream is the faith held by many in the United States of America that through hard work, courage, and determination one can achieve a better life for oneself, usually through financial prosperity. These were values held by many early European settlers, and have been passed on to subsequent generations. What the American Dream has become is a question under constant discussion, and some believe that it has led to an emphasis on material wealth as a measure of success and/or happiness. often the first glimpse of the United States for millions of American immigrants after oceanic voyages from Europe.The origin of the American Dream stems from the departure in government and economics from the models of the Old World. This allowed unprecedented freedom, especially the possibility of dramatic upward social mobility. Additionally, from the American Revolutionary War well into the later half of the nineteenth century, many of America's physical resources were unclaimed and held out the promise of land ownership and lucky investment in land or industry. The development of the Industrial Revolution combined with the great natural resources of the enormous and as yet unsettled continent created the possibility of achieving wealth.Many early American prospectors headed west of the Rocky Mountains to buy acres of cheap land in hopes of finding deposits of gold. The American Dream was a driving factor not only in the gold rushes of the mid to late 1800s, but also in the waves of immigration throughout that century and the following.Impoverished western Europeans escaping the Irish potato famines in Ireland, the Highland clearances in Scotland and the aftermath of Napoleon in the rest of Europe came to America to escape a poor quality of life at home. They wanted to embrace the financial mobility and constitutional freedoms that existed in the United States.A sizable number of Chinese and Japanese immigrants also arrived in the U.S. in the mid 19th century seeking the American Dream. This led to the founding of several Chinatowns in locations such as San Francisco and New York City. Many immigrants from these countries also worked as laborers on the First Transcontinental Railroad.During the mid-to-late 19th century prolific dime novel writer Horatio Alger, Jr. became famous for his novels that idealized the American Dream. His novels about down-and-out bootblacks who were able to achieve wealth and success helped entrench the dream within popular culture. Nearing the twentieth century, major industrialist personalities became the new model of the American Dream, many beginning life in the humblest of conditions but later controlling enormous corporations and fortunes. Perhaps most notable here were the great American capitalists Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller. This acquisition of great wealth demonstrated to many that if you had talent, intelligence, and a willingness to work extremely hard, you were likely to be a success in life as a result.Throughout the 19th century, immigrants fled the monarchies of Western Europe and their post-feudal economies, which actively oppressed the peasant class. These economic systems required high levels of taxation, which stymied development. The American economy, however, was built up by people who were consciously free of these constraints.Settlement in the new world provided hope for egalitarianism. Martin Luther King invoked the American Dream in what is perhaps his most famous speech: "Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, I say to you today, my friends. And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American Dream." [edit] Immigration Ellis Island is the historical processing and welcoming center for newly arrived immigrants in New York City.Enlarge Ellis Island is the historical processing and welcoming center for newly arrived immigrants in New York City.The American dream, along with escape from persecution or war in one's home country, has always been the primary reason for immigrants wanting to come to America. Throughout its history, America has been seen as a place with high opportunity for entrepreneurs relative to other regions of the world.By the turn of the 20th century, the promise of the American Dream had begun to lure substantial numbers of immigrants from Eastern and Southern Europe. Huge numbers of Italians, Poles, Greeks, Jews, Russians and others came to find work in industrial cities such as New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and Detroit. This wave of 。
解构视野下的《了不起的盖茨比》中文摘要: 菲茨杰拉德(1896-1940)作为美国爵士时代的“编年史家”和“桂冠诗人”,以他亲身经历的挫折与迷惘和对社会的冷静观察,通过《了不起的盖茨比》这部充满浓郁现实主义气息的作品,再现了美国。.
《天生好手》中的追寻和失败中文摘要: 棒球是美国的国球。自十九世纪末其发明以来,棒球在美国人民生活中扮演了重要的角色。棒球小说也从早期的少年小说发展到现代的成人小说。但是对它们的文学价值还一直有待进一步研究,本文的绪论部分抛。.
尤金·奥尼尔笔下破碎的“美国梦”中文摘要: 面对20世纪人类的社会危机和精神危机,奥尼尔多部作品中的人物只有借助酒精、毒品和白日梦来探寻在这种生存环境中的自我拯救之路。虽然这些在我们看来并不是拯救他们的根本良方,但是剧中人只能以这。.
美国梦的幻灭中文摘要: 弗·司各特·菲茨杰拉德是二十世纪美国最伟大的作家之一。他的作品使他成了20年代“爵士时代”的发言人。那时美国正经历一个特殊的年代:经济飞速发展,生活方式发生巨变,而与此同时传统道德却逐渐。.
论洛琳·韩丝贝利戏剧中家的概念中文摘要: 黑人女剧作家洛琳.韩丝贝利生命短暂,但是给我们留下了宝贵的文化遗产,其中包括戏剧《阳光下的葡萄干》、《白人》、《西德尼.布鲁斯坦窗上的签名》以及其它没有出版的几部戏剧。《阳光下的葡萄干》。.
孤独的开拓者中文摘要: 西奥多·德莱塞(Theodore Dreiser)是二十世纪初期美国现实主义文学的杰出代表,也是美国自然主义文学的先驱。他的第一部长篇小说《嘉莉妹妹》(Sister Carrie),以客。.
论《人鼠之间》的主题中文摘要: 美国作家斯坦贝克的短篇小说《人鼠之间》是一部现代美国文学经典作品。这是一部拥有沉重而巨大意义底蕴的作品,有着无限可供阐释的空间,从中寄寓着作家对世界和人类生存状态的深刻领悟。它描述了在美。.
当代犹太人的美国梦悲剧中文摘要: 菲利普·罗思是当代最有影响力的美国犹太作家之一。他的每部作品在美国文坛上都会引起巨大的反响。临近二十世纪末,罗思又发表了他的“美国三部曲”:《美国牧歌》(1997)、《我嫁了一个共产党员。.
美国梦——象征主义在《了不起的盖茨比》中的体现中文摘要: 美国二十世纪二十年代著名小说家弗.斯各特.菲兹杰拉德的代表作《了不 起的盖茨比》是一部现实主义文学创作中颇具特色的作品。其叙述技巧和结构 方面的成就早已为评论界所一致公认。笔。.
《黑暗的中心》和《了不起的盖茨比》的比较研究中文摘要: 美国作家菲茨杰拉德是否受到英国作家康拉德的影响?《黑暗的中心》和《了不起的盖茨比》这两部小说是否存在共同点?这是本文探讨的重点。通过菲茨杰拉德本人在一些文章与日记中发表对康拉德的致谢辞以。.