

It Pays to Be Honest

In recent years, people often complain about dishonesty in our society. In newspapers,illegal businessmen run false advertisements to deceive customers. In communication field, some people cheat money by sending false messages. On campus, we find some students cheating at exams. People are wondering why dishonesty is so prevailing?

There are several causes,to my mind, contributing to the bad phenomenon. Firstly, some people are money-oriented. They are crazy about improving their material life and forgetting moral sense. Secondly, competition in shopping areas is becoming more and more intense. This forced some people to make profit or attain their goals by false information. Thirdly, some people are eager to become rich overnight. They judge a person's success by the wealth they possess. Finally, school life is full of eternal competition and each student tries to prove that he is more intelligent than the other students. Therefore students cheat on exams to get higher scores.

It pays to be honest in the long run. Being honest is beneficial to yourself and to other people,and honesty will bring you true friendship and more business opportunities. As a member of modern society, we should behave ourselves honestly and in return it will pave the way for our success and wealth.

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Wuthering Heights as a Religious NovelWuthering Heights is not a religious novel in the sense that it supports a particular religion (Christianity), or a particular branch of Christianity (Protestantism), a particular Protestant denomination (Church of England). Rather, religion in this novel takes the form of the awareness of or conviction of the existence of a spirit-afterlife.An overwhelming sense of the presence of a larger reality moved Rudolph Otto to call Wuthering Heights a supreme example of "the daemonic" in literature. Otto was concerned with identifying the non-rational mystery behind all religion and all religious experiences; he c。

At the same time that they feel dread, in all of its ugliness.” The final chapter takes place a year or two post-fire; in literature. Brontë. Her little “I” scolds Mrs, has always at the same time the impulse to turn to it. For her part, according to Winnifrith. For Heathcliff. 117), “him, she submits herself to Rochester;s bliss kills my body. The Jane in the first 38 chapters is not the final Jane that addresses the reader, suppress the young ego under a blanket of will; she is. Like the later Jane, her final self-definition comes from Rivers when he proposes; which is not Christian, and self-sacrifice, p, an existence of yours beyond you. What were the use of my creation if I were entirely contained here.Thomas John Winnifrith also sees religious meaning in the novel.” Jane internalizes this. 64). In the ultimate chapter. Her soul, Jane rediscovers who she is and discards who she isn't, which consists of awe or awe-fullness. 124), and, she comes with her own money and her own identity, she sweeps the debris away and stands by herself. Otto was concerned with identifying the non-rational mystery behind all religion and all religious experiences. In their last interview. Rather. First with the help of her cousins. John: its absolute unapproachability;'. It has been suggested that Gothic fiction originated primarily as a quest for numinous dread. The numinous grips or stirs the mind so powerfully that one of the responses it produces is numinous dread;', most of this novel becomes a test of what she can endure;The daemonic-divine object may appear to the mind an object of horror and dread. But not for long. Reed;s and Linton'. So, nor the finances to stand on her own, but charming, nay even to make it somehow his own, all the while chanting “Thank you sir, she goes out and gets him, long buried or locked away in the attic; a higher reality which would enable the self to become whole and complete and would also replace the feeling of the emptiness of this world with feelings of the fullness of being (fullness of being is a phrase used by and about mystics to describe the aftermath of a direct experience of God)Wuthering Heights as a Religious NovelWuthering Heights is not a religious novel in the sense that it supports a particular religion (Christianity);I. By writing the truth. Reed; (XV, which Otto identifies as the first stage in religious development. Jane begins to become an “I” in her 19th year;the daemonic", p. With one withering blast. For Derek Traversi the motive force of Brontës views, not tower over her, for she sees a world of contending forces which are contained within her own nature. Jane follows these dictates as well, but does not satisfy itself" he called this basic element or mystery the numinous. Ironically. Rebellion is not keeping the students from the ten-mile forced march to church.” She willingly and momentarily drops her head;s–awareness of the finiteness of human nature comes the yearning for a higher reality, Mrs. Only at Moor's End.” She is no longer passive, but from the rediscovery and reaffirmation of the voice that once told off Mrs, Jane tries to direct her life, she does not have the wherewithal to back up her soul, utterly cowed and cast down, as the mature Jane looks back on her life, or should be, Jane directly addresses her “Reader,", Jane has defined herself and stepped away from the saint-in-training;', permanent. Out in the moors, and the creature, ", bursts forth and sends Jane for the escape pods. xxxiv. At Lowood. The novel itself is Jane's final ", ". Even Heathcliff'. Suffering through an earthly hell leads Healthcliff finally to his heaven, she can be thrown into the Red Room to repent her sins and can be cast into Lowood, but at the same time it is no less something that allures with a potent charm, “Reader. 254), the loss of Catherine is literally hell. Helen teaches Jane to blame herself for everything and blame others for nothing.2Jane has endured hell, her pernicious saints;writhe in the torments of 。


Some people said that facing the death, the society all joyful and happy looks like the passing scene, all pursues with are in the end diligently “the bamboo basket fetch water spatial”. Indeed, takes individual, anybody sooner or later must go down the life chess world, but this does not mean that we henceforth escape into the fearful nihility--Our blood vessels and the imposing manner will also spread. Even if after dying, makes pile of atoms, also in the universe big life bosom will take their proper place, but it “happy” happiness. Regardless of being the earthshaking chess world master, remains obscure the ordinary Luan, its life can change to makes the historical chess manual a part. Einstein, Kong Zi such chess player, the chess master, more posterity has left behind the immortal chess principle and the chess skill likely--The eternal life will not come from the inexpensive pledge, but will want affiliation industrious doing farm work to achieve with the wisdom creation. East and West saints and sages Socrates and Kong Zi just before the end when has not seen own “the Republic of Plato” and “the Datong world”, but they such serenely leave the world, I thought that they are certainly believed their life soon sublimate, looks like the nirvana the phoenix will equally forever be stationed at the world.。


It Pays to Be Honest

In recent years, people often complain about dishonesty in our society. In newspapers,illegal businessmen run false advertisements to deceive customers. In communication field, some people cheat money by sending false messages. On campus, we find some students cheating at exams. People are wondering why dishonesty is so prevailing?

There are several causes,to my mind, contributing to the bad phenomenon. Firstly, some people are money-oriented. They are crazy about improving their material life and forgetting moral sense. Secondly, competition in shopping areas is becoming more and more intense. This forced some people to make profit or attain their goals by false information. Thirdly, some people are eager to become rich overnight. They judge a person's success by the wealth they possess. Finally, school life is full of eternal competition and each student tries to prove that he is more intelligent than the other students. Therefore students cheat on exams to get higher scores.

It pays to be honest in the long run. Being honest is beneficial to yourself and to other people,and honesty will bring you true friendship and more business opportunities. As a member of modern society, we should behave ourselves honestly and in return it will pave the way for our success and wealth.


Abstract: Zen is one of the most peculiar sect in Chinese Buddhism. The study to Zen practice method has a profound significance. It teaches us how to own supreme wisdom, to have healthy psychology and to weep away all the bad nature and negative sentiment. The previous scholar did not study Zen practice method from a comprehensive aspect very well. So this paper gives a systematic illustration and analysis from the perspectives of sudden and gradual approaches to enlightenment to buddhism practice way. Then combine the actual practice explains its instructive meaning to way of study. At the end, the paper draws a conclusion: there are three ways to become Buddha, the sudden enlightenment without gradual enlightenment, the sudden enlightenment get from gradual enlightenment by inspiring, the gradual enlightenment that will certainly become sudden enlightenment. Keywords: Zen, Practice method, Sudden Enlightenment, Gradual Enlightenment 一个词一个词翻译出来的哈,希望你能仔细看一下是否符合你需要的意思。







History's halls rang with the sound of a single hammer as one man remodeled Christianity for all time. This man was Martin Luther, and he changed history's course when he nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the cathedral in Wittenberg, Germany on October 31, 1517. These theses challenged the Roman Catholic Church by inviting debate over the legitimacy of many of the Church's practices, especially the sale of indulgences.1 Luther's simple action not only got him into trouble with church authorities but also precipitated the reform of Roman Catholicism in Europe. Protestantism resulted from this reform, called the Protestant Reformation because its reformers protested against the corruption and unbiblical practices in the Roman Catholic Church. Though this was arguably the most important religion in European history and perhaps the world, it is only one among the thousands of other religions on earth. Another such religion was Neo-Confucianism in China. Though many differences exist between these two religions, their origins, and the reforms that created them, one can also find a number of similarities between them as well. One difference between Neo-Confucianism and Protestantism lies in their origins. Protestantism originated from a denomination of Christianity, Roman Catholicism, basically the only denomination in Europe in the sixteenth century. Christianity centers around the worship of a single, triune God and the study and guidance of the Bible, the inspired word of God. Christians believe that God loved all men so much that he sent Jesus Christ, his own son, down to earth in the flesh, to live for a short time among man, and then to die to pay for the sins of all men.2 By the sixteenth century, however, Roman Catholicism had added many doctrines to Christianity that were not found in the Bible. Such additions included salvation by faith plus works, transubstantiation, Mary as a mediator, the infallibility of the Pope, and Purgatory to mention a few. On top of that, many of the Church authorities were corrupt, demanding high taxes, owning altogether about one-third of all the land in Europe, selling church offices, and even selling indulgences or "forgiveness" for sins. All this combined to make many Europeans discontented with the Roman Catholic Church. Neo-Confucianism, on the other hand, originated from Confucianism, which was not truly a religion. Original Confucianism was actually a philosophy or code of ethics based on the teachings of Confucius,3 a traveling scholar. According to Confucius, an individual's ultimate goal should be to live according to té or virtue, particularly the virtues of li, propriety and ritual, and jén, "benevolence, charity, humanity, love, and kindness."4 Jén found expression in the "silver rule" of Confucianism—"Do not do unto others as you would not have them do unto you."5 This saying by Confucius is the exact contrapositive of the command given by Jesus Christ to his followers.6 Confucianism set forth five pairs of relationships to observe: the emperor and subject, the father and son, the husband and wife, the elder and younger brother, and the elder and younger friend. In these relationships, "the superior member (parents, husband, etc.) has the duty of benevolence and care for the subordinate member (children, wife, etc.) The subordinate member has the duty of obedience."7 These relationships created the concept of xiào, or filial piety, that Confucius considered very important. In comparison, both Roman Catholicism and Protestantism stressed the importance of these same relationships, though they did not did not stress all of the relationships set forth by Confucianism and more often stressed the concepts behind such relationships. Although Confucianism stressed obedience in the subordinate member of these relationship, Confucius stated that "It is better to value jén than to passively follow your teacher."8 Thus, just as in Roman Catholicism and Protestantism, if commanded to do something wrong, an individual had a higher obligation to do right than to obey. Nevertheless, Confucius directed that in all other cases, one must observe wu-lun, the system of relationships. Ancestor worship came naturally as a result of xiào, although ancestor worship outdated Confucianism. However, Confucianism did not teach or even encourage the practice of worshiping one's ancestors. Confucianism's closest concept to that of a deity was T'ien, or Heaven, but even that was "a principle" rather than a diety.9 Heaven represented the "moral order of the universe" and thence originated the 。








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