Abstract : Combine mechanical-electrical integration's need, design a Model X-Y workingbench with one-chip computer as the of the control system. Though describing the workingbench mechanical's design of structure and interface of the control circuit to Model X-Y, have explained generality in the design of mechanical-electrical integration and its key technology. This kind of workingbench is usually designed with the complete machine into a whole , its form , size, there is a greater difference because types of the machine are different in the structure, but its operation principle has common point. Keywords: X-Y numerical control cross slippery platform; The mechanical-electrical integration; One-chip computer
You will learn about the effect of mold cooling, position of cooling channel, and cooling method for each part.
The temperature of a mold has a great impact on molding.
For example, if the temperature of the mold is too low, molten plastic will not flow smoothly through the runner or the gate, thus may not fill up in the cavity.
On the other hand, if the temperature is too high, it will take too long to cool down and solidify the molten plastic, so the molding cycle will be longer.
Therefore, by controlling the temperature of the mold, the following effects can be expected.
Molding cycle can be shortened by reducing time for cooling and solidification of molten plastic.
The surface quality or measurement accuracy of parts can be improved by better mold ability.
Warp or stress in a part can be avoided that is caused when mold shrinkage varies due to different thickness, leading internal stress difference.
Effective mold cooling is done by pouring cold water into the mold through a cooling channel.
全自动揉搓式洗衣机的设计 机电一体化设计 包括,任务书,开题报告,外文翻译,文献综述,说明书,所有设计图,论文字数:22225,页数:57 论文编号:JX086 摘 要 现有的洗衣机中最为常见的为波轮式洗衣机和滚筒式洗衣机。
所以,本文就洗衣机的机械设计和电气控制进行了探讨,实现全自动揉搓式洗衣机的设计关键词:波轮 滚筒 揉搓 全自动Abstract :In what the existing washer is most common is the impeller type washer and the roller washer. The impeller type washer is depends upon impeller's rotation to drive the clothing and the cleaning solution carries on the wash; But the roller washer is depends upon drum's continuous rotation or fixed time reverse washes the clothing. From this may see, these two type's washer is the dependence sole mode of motion washes the clothing, but kneads together in this design these two wash way, unifies two modes of motion, increased clothing's in vertical direction movement. Enables the clothing both to look like in the impeller type washer such drives the clothing by the impeller to carry on the wash and to be able to look like the roller washer such dependence current of water the strength wash clothing, and may also look like the hand to wash such carries on to the clothing rubs, the collection each wash way in a body, carries on a thorougher wash to the clothing. Because washer's basic function is to clothing's wash, therefore, the key lies in carries on washes clothes the procedure control. Therefore, this article has carried on the discussion on washer's machine design and the electric control, realizes the completely automatic to rub type washer's design key word: The impeller drum rubs the completely automatic 目 录 摘 要 2前 言 4第一章 绪 论 51.1设计思想 61.2工作原理 6第二章 洗衣机的原理、分类和驱动方式 72.1洗衣机的原理 82.2洗衣机的分类 92.3洗衣机的驱动分类 11第三章 电动机的选择 133.1概论 133.2洗涤电动机 13第四章 整机设计 164.1波轮的分类 164.2波轮的参数及性能 164.3波轮形状及参数的选用 174.4带传动的设计(一) 184.5带传动的设计(二) 204.6螺纹轴的设计 224.7波轮轴的设计 26第五章 电气部分设计 295.1设计概述 295.2系统总体框图 295.3 元器件介绍 305.3.1 AT89C2051 305.3.2 W7805 315.3.3 74LS139 325.4 洗机机功能分析 335.5 全自动洗衣机的控制功能 345.6 电路图中各部件的分析 365.7全自动洗衣机的部分电路分析 385.8洗衣机控制程序设计 405.8.1 程序流程图 405.8.2 源程序 44第六章 相关部件的设计和安装说明 536.1 洗衣机的底座及外壳 536.2 位开关和拨动开关 546.3桶(盛水桶)及其安装 546.4 桶的结构设计 55结 论 55参考文献 56致 谢 57 以上回答来自: /44-3/3061.htm。
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[24] Allen, Richard S, Charles S. White, Margaret B. Takeda, Rewards and organizational performance in Japan and the United States,[J]. 2004, 7-14.Rewards and organizational performance in Japan and the United States这貌似不是一本书吧,是他们的成就的表现。
如果不是你就把这换成他们的书。[25] Marylin M. Helms, A comparison, Compensation and Benefits Review [J]. 2004, 7-14.[26] Andrews, Alice O,The effect of the chief executive officer's financial orientation,[M]. 2000,25(1), 93-106.[27] Theresa M, Welbourne, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice [M]. 2000,25(1), 93-106.[28] Heneman, Robert L., Judith W. Tansky, Sheng Wang , Compensation practices in small entrepreneurial and high-growth companies in the United States and China,[M],2002,13-22 [29]Zhong-Ming Wang, Compensation and Benefits Review,[M],2002,13-22 希望有帮助。
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我不是学机械的,但是因为轧机的英语是 rolling mills,查到以下几篇文献。
如果感兴趣,发邮件到我邮箱qingshuixiaobing@126.com,我发给你全文[1]Grabmair, G., K. Schlacher, and A. Kugi, Geometric energy based analysis and controller design of hydraulic actuators applied in rolling mills. Proceedings of ECC2003, 2003. 421.[2]Kim, Y. and M. Hur, Application of CDM to MIMO Systems: Control of Hot Rolling Mill. Transactions on Control, Automation and Systems Engineering,(in Korea), 2001. 3(4): p. 250-256.[3]Li, H., Asymptotic method and numerical analysis for self-excited vibration in rolling mill with clearance. Shock and Vibration, 2001. 8(1): p. 9-14.[4]Takami, K. and Y. Nakagawa, Advanced Electrical Equipment for Hot-Rolling Mills. MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC ADVANCE, 1997: p. 2-4.[5]Heeg, R., et al. MODELING AND CONTROL OF PLATE THICKNESS IN HOT ROLLING MILLS.2005[6]Mackel, I., Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering for Rolling Mills. Steel Technol., 2000. 6(2).[7]Tervo, J., et al. Intelligent Techniques for Condition Monitoring of Rolling Mill. 2000。.。
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