

石油化工的范畴 以石油及天然气生产的化学品品种极多、范围极广。




编辑本段石油化工的作用 1.石油化工是能源的主要供应者 石油化工,主要指石油炼制生产的汽油、煤油、柴油、重油以及天然气是当前主要能源的主要供应 石油 者。我国1995年生产了燃料油为8千万吨。


能源是制约我国国民经济发展的一个因素,石油化工约消耗总能源的8.5%,应不断降低能源消费量。 2.石油化工是材料工业的支柱之一 金属、无机非金属材料和高分子合成材料,被称为三大材料。


3.石油化工促进了农业的发展 农业是我国国民经济的基础产业。石化工业提供的氮肥占化肥总量的80%,农用塑料薄膜的推广使用,加上农药的合理使用以及大量农业机械所需各类燃料,形成了石化工业支援农业的主力军。

4.各工业部门离不开石化产品 现代交通工业的发展与燃料供应息息相关,可以毫不夸张地说,没有燃料, 就没有现代交通工业。金属加工、各类机械毫无例外需要各类润滑材料及其它配套材料,消耗了大量石化产品。


轻工、纺织工业是石化产品的传统用户,新材料、新工艺、新产品的开发与推广,无不有石化产品的身影。当前,高速发展的电子工业以及诸多的高新技术产业,对石化产品, 尤其是以石化产品为原料生产的精细化工产品提出了新要求,这对发展石化工业是个巨大的促进。

5.石化工业的建设和发展离不开各行的支持 石油化工 国内外的石化企业都是集中建设一批生产装置,形成大型石化工业区。在区内,炼油装置为“龙头”,为石化装置提供裂解原料,如轻油、柴油,并生产石化产品;裂解装置生产乙烯、丙烯、苯、二甲苯等石化基本原料;根据需求建设以上述原料为主生产合成材料和有机原料的系列生产装置,其产品、原料有一定比例关系。

如要求年产30万吨乙烯,粗略计算,约需裂解原料120万吨, 对应炼油厂加工能力约250万吨,可配套生产合成材料和基本有机原料80 ~ 90万吨。由此可见, 建设石化工业区要投入大量资金,厂区选址适当,不但要保证原料和产品的运输,而且要有充分的电力、水供应及其他配套的基础工程设施。

各生产装置需要大量标准、定性的机械、设备、仪表、管道和非定型专用设备。 制造机械设备涉及材料品种多,要求各异,有些重点设备高速超过50米,单件重几百吨;有的要求耐热1000°C,有的要求耐冷 - 150°C。


石化行业是个技术密集型产业。生产方法和生产工艺的确定,关键设备的选型、选用、制造等一系列技术,都要求由专有或独特的技术标准所规定, 如从国外引进,要支付专利或技术诀窍使用费。

因此,只有加强基础学科,尤其是有机化学、高分子化学、催化、化学工程、电子计算机、自动化等方面的研究工作,加强相关专业技术人员的培养,使之掌握和采用先进科研成果,再配合相关的工程技术,石化工业才有可能不断发展,登上新台阶。 编辑本段石油化工的发展 石油化工的发展与石油炼制工业、以煤为基本原料生产化工产品和三大合成材料的发展有关。

石油炼制起 石油炼制 源于19 世纪20年代。20世纪20年代汽车工业飞速发展,带动了汽油生产。


20世纪50年代,在裂化技术基础上开发了以制取乙烯为主要目的的烃类水蒸汽高温裂解 简称裂解)技。

2.翻译一篇关于化工的英文论文 ,急需要翻译

样本,然后干燥炉在 110 吗?通过删除多余 2 毫米筛子仔细的 C材料,并保留作进一步分析。

两克,示例是准确地衡量和消化的总重金属分析使用湿的消化过程。 该示例被转移到一个聚乙烯试管,与消化15 毫升的氮酸 (HNO3) 1: 1 混合: 高氯酸(HClO4)。

混合被加热八十元吗?C 2–3 几个小时我们-ing 加热块。 该内容被呢? ltrated,转通过一个简单的吗? 到 25 毫升 polyethy-ltration 仪器丙烯容量吗? 问。

在吗? lter 份文件洗了几次1 %HNO3 和卷已完成与 25 毫升,1 %hno3。 该解决方案存储在密封的塑料瓶之前,分析。

重金属 (铅、铜、锌、镍、铁、铝、铬,钴、镉,钼和锰) 决定中使用的灰尘示例埃尔默火焰原子吸收分光光度计 aPerkin模型分析师 300 韦尔斯利,MA,美国珀金埃尔默)。 斯坦-dard 股票解的 1 %HNO3 的每个金属 (1,000 μg/毫升)用于 prepareworking 的标准。

校准 curveswere生成了对每个金属其中 r > 0.995。 试剂空白 (两个每八个样本),在拟备进行整个前 —牵引的过程。

所有的材料,用于分析 (例如,瓶,玻璃制品) 被清洗彻底,1 %HNO3,清洗和吗? 蒸馏水冲洗用的 nally。 干沉降所采集的所有样本的矿物成分是决定使用 x 射线衍射 system(Philips-X' pertMpD,PANalytical 公司,Almelo,荷兰)。

在吗? ne 粉样本被随机装上特别的幻灯片,然后扫描 2 之间吗?至六十五岁呢?2 使用镍的 θ 吗? ltered 公司 Kα radia-研究 40 kv/40mA,不同与散射缝的 0.02 吗?mm,一接收 0.15 毫米,用走的 0.01 的缝吗?和扫描3 的速度吗? / min。结果与探讨 Heavymetals 天然成分的环境-在低浓度的方法。

人为活动可能会导致更高水平的各个部分的金属含量,生态系统。 河流沉积物,重金属,例如是考虑更多敏感简报 — 溶解污染比污染 (Gaiero et al,1997年) 的 cators。

人为可能会导致在城市环境中的重金属污染的来源来自多个源。 铜可因电子和金属-法的工业而镍、铅、镉和锌可因化石燃料燃烧 andmanufacturing 行业,例如,电池、涂料、印刷和图形、医学,并举行 —allurgy (Alloway 和脚跟,1997年)。

3.翻译一篇关于化工的英文论文 ,急需要翻译

化工、矿物学特征的干沉积 在周围的水泥工厂在约旦 干沉积样品收集28住宅屋顶的Fuhais、约旦、在干旱的季节,2004年。

这个 样品进行分析和重金属含量为跟踪调查总悬浮颗粒的影响的 在这个城市的水泥行业Fuhais。水泥工厂一直运行在过去的50年里,与管理,是评价 petcoke交融的使用,以降低燃料成本。

没有基线数据对重金属由于当前存在的操作 研究。目前的研究表明,铅、铜含量进行统计signi吗?不能在西北领域 比起其他的象限的城市。

这signi ?易得癌症是由于沉重的traf ? c的卡车运送原料和水泥 在水泥工厂为主的运输路线的工厂贯穿该象限的城市。镉 (Cd)、铝、铁、锌、锰、镍(明尼苏达州)(倪)、钼(钼)、铬(Cr)的浓度 在所有领域。

取样。总体平均浓度的方方面面,除了莫被发现在屋顶的更高 在Fuhais城市居住区比较偏僻的参考网站没有人为活动安曼附近存在。

这个 跟踪和重金属浓度和矿物成分干沉积样品收集了来自住宅屋顶 有代表性的电流水泥工业行动,Fuhais支配的空气质量。 关键词:重金属、水泥行业、干沉积,约旦 介绍 约但河水泥工厂(JCF)已经运行的 城市的大约5公里外的Fuhais伟大的 安曼,约旦,自1954年。

这个JCF厂坐落于 中心城市的大约12000居民。那里 正在学校、商店、养老院、医院locatedwithin吗 1kmof JCF的网站。

Fuhais坐落在一个山谷 通过不同的土地利用方式组成的住宅、商业、农业活动。 一个环境审计和空气质量评估 在Fuhais得出总悬浮particu - 晚(TSP)浓度下游的治理 设备的设计speci超出,监测?阳离子 JCF周围的空气质量的程序需要考虑更多的囚徒- rameters(例如,重金属),需要更广泛 (上海、顾问和奥萨马•本•拉登频繁沙米利工程,2003a, 2003b)。

当前JCF手术已经超过了约旦 空气质量标准,particulatematter小于10μmin大小 可与设备的主要因素之一,在- 所有的大气颗粒物加载附近的工厂。


1、Vertical integration and vertical divestiture in the US oil industry: economic analysis and policy implicationsDJ Teece - 19762、Strategic responses to global climate change: Conflicting pressures on multinationals in the oil industryDL Levy, A Kolk - Business and Politics, 20023、A survey of faults on induction motors in offshore oil industry, petrochemical industry, gas terminals, and oil refineriesOV Thorsen, M Dalva, B Coll - IEEE Transactions on Industry, 19954、Managing an oligopoly of would-be sovereigns: the dynamics of joint control and self-control in the international oil industry past, present, and futureTH Moran - International Organization, 20095、Adsorption of chromium (VI) on pomace--An olive oil industry waste: Batch and column studiesE Malkoc, Y Nuhoglu, M Dundar - Journal of hazardous materials, 20066、Oiled wildlife response-- The role of an oil industry spill response co-operativeR Holland, RA James, SM Coates, M Clements,INTERNATIONAL OIL, 2008。



因此本文综合目前应用最为广泛氧化铁脱硫剂的优缺点,分别探讨不同反应物制得的Fe2O3脱硫剂的脱硫性能及不同载体在不同温度下的脱硫效果,且在这些条件下再改变沉淀剂的种类来深入探讨出一种高效的、成本较低的脱硫剂。Solid oxide sulfur sorbent capacity due to low long-term, for high-sulfur gas, the existence of the gas at high speed is not high degree of purification of the problem, limiting the application of iron oxide sorbent. Therefore this paper, the current most widely used iron oxide desulfurizer the advantages and disadvantages of different reactants were obtained desulfurizer Fe2O3 and the desulfurization performance of different carriers at different temperatures desulfurization effect, and under these conditions in the precipitation agent to change the type of depth to a highly efficient, lower-cost sorbent.首先,通过选择不同的反应原料来制取脱硫剂,即分别使用实验室的Fe2O3原料、FeCl3和Fe2(SO4)3来制备脱硫剂。


First of all, by selecting the different reactions to the preparation of raw materials desulfurizer, that the use of raw materials Fe2O3 Laboratory, FeCl3 and Fe2 (SO4) 3 to prepare desulfurizer. The results showed that after acidification of the raw material after the preparation of Fe2O3 Desulfurization of better performance. The main reason is the other two after the extraction of raw materials in the reaction process to consider Cl-, SO42-has not been completely washed out, and thus the effect Desulfurization impact.其次,选择Fe2(SO4)3为原料制取脱硫剂,当温度一定,改变载体的种类,发现相同温度下Al2O3为载体的效果最佳,载体C效果最差,其一方面的原因是载体C焙烧后脱硫剂的强度很差,基本成粉末状。而Al2O3的最好。


Secondly, the choice of Fe2 (SO4) 3 as raw materials desulfurizer preparation, when the temperature must change the type of carrier and found the same temperature as the carrier under the effect of Al2O3 best, the worst effects of carrier C, which was due to carriers on the one hand, C After calcination the intensity of desulfurizer poor basic into powder. The best and Al2O3. At the same time, when a carrier of fixed by changing the calcination temperature to study the performance desulfurizer. The results showed that the best sorbent calcination temperature to 450 ℃.再次,当选用沉淀剂NH4OH、NH4HCO3、Na2CO3,发现沉淀剂的效果是NH4OH>NH4HCO3>Na2CO3。另外,当固定载体种类时,改变载体CaO的含量(10%、20%、30%),发现载体的含量越低时脱硫效果越好。

将上述所有脱硫剂经过900℃焙烧2小时进行老化,再次进行脱硫反应,结果发现,老化后的脱硫效果远远比未被老化的脱硫剂效果差。Re-elected with precipitant NH4OH, NH4HCO3, Na2CO3, found that the effect of precipitant NH4OH> NH4HCO3> Na2CO3. In addition, the type of when a fixed vector, the change in CaO content vector (10%, 20%, 30%) and found that the lower carrier concentration, the better when the desulfurization effect. Desulfurizer above all after two hours baking 900 ℃ for aging of desulfurization again found that the effect of aging is much lower than those of the desulfurization aging desulfurizer not bad.最后,通过改变H2S空速、是否含有水蒸气来讨论对脱硫效果的影响,研究表明,随着空速的增大,脱硫剂的脱硫性能降低,而H2S中不含有水蒸气能产生较好的脱硫效果。

Finally, by changing the space velocity H2S, to discuss whether it contains water vapor effect on the desulfurization, research showed that with increasing airspeed, the desulfurization sorbent performance, and H2S does not contain water vapor to produce better desulfurization.。


On Ambiguity Phenomenon in English Ambiguity is a very common phenomenon existing all the time in language. During the process of learning English, people often encounter the phenomenon of ambiguity, or encounter problems caused by ambiguity. Studying ambiguity and its causes in English can not only help people to avoid ambiguity so that people can have a more profound understanding on the English language itself, but also can make full use of ambiguity for people to service people, create unexpected effects. As a result, graspingthe ambiguity of the English languageand its causes can help people improve their English language abilities and interpersonal skills, at the same time, contribute to the development of linguistic theory. But what is this ambiguity? Ambiguity refers to the phenomenon of languages according to the grammatical rules and following the sentences with the logic of common sense containing two or more interpretations. To understand this definition, let us look at the following examples: Example 1:John drove to the bank. Example 2:They saw her duck. Both of the example 1 and example 2 are sentences with ambiguity. The former is caused byhomonymy phenomenon while the latter is caused by the different understandings in syntactic construction: For example 1, if “duck” was considered as indefinite form without “to” and this definite form is theobject of “her”. As a result, the meaning of the sentence changes into “They saw her move her head down quickly.” For example 2, if duck was considered into the direct object of “saw”, then the word “duck” changes into noun with the meaning of “They saw her duck”. Through the example 1and example 2, we can easily find that even though they are both ambiguous sentences, but the causes of the formation of ambiguity are in different ways. Example 1 is a vocabulary level of ambiguity (Lexical Ambiguities), while Example 2 is a syntactic level of ambiguity (Syntactic Ambiguities), and that the two levels of ambiguity is the main reason forambiguity. Therefore this article makes some in-depth and specific analysis and discussion on the ambiguity phenomenon of English language and its causes from these twolevel ambiguities. 网上找的,不知道能不能帮上你,还有一部分,因为字数太多了,没有显示,给你个网址: /snap.cgi?d=9184660453658755196&w=%D3%A2%D3%EF%C6%E7%D2%E5%CF%D6%CF%F3%C2%DB%CE%C4&u= //show_blog-23964780.htm。

7.英语毕业论文范文“how to improve the ability of english reading ”

Some people think that reading is a verysimple matter. You move your eyes along the line, and the author's message appears somehow in your mind. When a person is highly skilled as a reader, it does seem that something like that takes place. However, the actual reading process is quite complicated. Try to think back when you were first learning to read, or observe a young child learning to read. It is a very difficult, complex, sometimes, painful process. Reduced to its simplest elements, we might say that comprehension is a part of the communication process of getting the thoughts that were in the author's mind into the reader's, but how does one reader can get the idea clearly? It depends on the reading ability of the reader's. How can the readers make improvements in reading? There are many skills to improve one's ability of reading comprehension. One of the most important skills in reading is the knowledge of word .The number of the words you know determines the difficulty and complexity of the material you can read and understand. If you have an extremely limited reading vocabulary, you will be able to read only very simple material. Obviously, vocabulary forms a stumbling block for the poor reader. The more words you memorize, the faster you read the article. So, it is necessary to memorize words as much as you can. By the way, it should be realized that approximately half of all written English material is composed of the 300 commonest words. Certain words then have a very high occurrence and are used over and over again. Since the English vocabulary is so vast, you cannot hope to master vocabulary only by learning your lessons in the classroom. Reading of course involves much more than simply knowing the dictionary meaning of individual words. When coping with unknown vocabulary. You have to develop strategies, which will allow you either to discover the meaning of the words or at least to proceed further with the text in spite of not knowing the meanings of some new words. One of the efficient ways is guessing the unknown vocabulary. Guessing the meaning of words is a shortcut in reading. While reading in our own language, we usually have an unconscious habit of making logical inference as to the meaning of words based on the context. You can use the context to get the meaning and to help you develop the comprehension skills. To be a good reader, deducing the meaning of unfamiliar lexical items through contextual lines is necessary. In order to improve reading ability. It's essential to memorize words and master the ways of guessing the meaning of words, besides, when reading, you should catch the phrases as a unit of meaning and view the sentences as a unit of meaning. Sentences are the basic building blocks for writing something that will be read. A sentence, as a larger unit of meaning, is always about something--its subject--and always has a statement about the subject. The form of a sentence may be vary, but the subject and the statement about it are always there. The idea conveyed by a sentence will always come to you as a whole. So being familiar with various sentence patterns and being able to have a good sense of what is conveyed by a sentence, even a very long one with some clauses inside, will be helpful for a more mature and efficient reading. So do the paragraph and passage. But the paragraph and passage are more complex than the sentence. A paragraph has sentences that are connected with each other in some logical ways and a passage is the connection of the paragraphs.。


Generally speaking, a speech may have the following stylistic characteristics: To begin with, it must be very persuasive. Thus the sentence patterns are very well-organized, with repetitions, parallelism and contrasts frequently used. Secondly, it should be emotional so as to be convincing, because the speaker should face the audience directly and his words should not only be orderly and informative but also be expressive and inspiring. Therefore, the stylistic devices such as similes and metaphors are often involved. Finally, in many cases, written-conversational style is usually used with not very formal diction and not very complicated sentence structure. Bibliography: [1]. Martin Luther King, Jr., I Have a Dream, August 28, 1963 [2]. Wang Shouyuan, Essentials of English Stylistics, Shandong University Press, July, 2000 [3]. Pan Shaozhang, English Rhetoric and Writing, Shanghai Transportation University Press, December, 1998 [4]. Widdowson, H. G. Stylistics and the Teaching of Literature, Longman, 1975 [5]. Leech, G. N. “ 'This bread I break' Language and interpretation”. In D.C. Freeman. (ed.). Linguistics and Literature Style. New York:Holt, Rinhart & Winston. Acknowledgements: It was really a laborious task to accomplish a B.A thesis. Many people gave me support and help in the process of writing the paper. I'd like first to give my grate to my dear teacher, vice professor Mr. Liu Fagong, who generously gave me his kindly help and instructions during the whole process of my paper-writing. Then I'd like to give my many thanks to my classmates who helped me a lot with my information collecting and paper-polishing. Most important of all, I want to give my thanks to my mother university and all the teachers in the English College, who educated and cultivated me to be a qualified teacher in the future. A Brief Introduction to the Author: Su Zhanghai, a student in Class One 1988 Grade, majoring in English Education, and a well-to-be teacher in Shandong Agricultural University, who whole-heartedly gives his best wishes to all the teachers in Qufu Normal University.Article resource :。


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本文主要为您介绍商务英语毕业论文2017,内容包括商务英语专业的可以写哪些题目的论文,求一个商务英语专业的毕业论文题目~谢谢啦~,急求一篇关于经济的1500字商务英语论文(要英文的)。1. 《例析大学英语中阅读的方法》2. 《论文化因素对英汉翻
















本文主要为您介绍学校毕业论文怎么打印,内容包括论文打印格式,毕业论文应该怎么打印普通的打印方法就可以了吗,论文要打印出来格式该怎么设置。2、编写要求 2.1 页面要求:毕业论文须用A4(210*297)标准、70克以上白纸,一律采用单面打印;毕业论








本文主要为您介绍大学毕业论文几个等级,内容包括论文分为哪几个级别,论文发表等级有几个级别什么是期刊的级别,毕业论文成绩于等级。所谓的“期刊级别”其实就是期刊的评价体系。其中常用的期刊评价体系有:北大核心,CSSCI,sci,SSCI ,EI等等,这