温湿度测量仪102 双击自动滚屏 文章来源:一流设计吧 发布者:16sheji8 发布时间:2008-08-18 09:44:44 阅读:920次 摘要 为保证仓库日常工作的顺利进行,首要问题是加强仓库内温度与湿度的监测工作。
通过计算机控制可以实现人机分离,节省人力物力,且本设计造价低,是比较理想的温湿度检测系统。关键词: 单片机 温度传感器 湿度传感器 A/D转换 显示 Abstract For guaranteeing the warehouse daily smoothly progress, the major problem is to enhances the monitoring of the temperature and the humidity inside the warehouse . The traditional method is to use testing devices of Hygrometer, Hair Hygrometer, Double Metals measuring and Humidity Paper etc. Passing the labour power proceed examination, to match with the temperature and humidity requesting to proceed ventilating, reducing the Damp and the temperature etc. This kind of artificial testing method Wasted a lot of time and the efficiency is very low,and the error is big. Therefore we need a kind of device that is the price cheaply, usage Conveniently and accurated measure the temperature and the humidity .The design of this system is consist of to the machine of PC that as to control core, according to AD590 and HS1100 measure automatically the temperature and the humidity.This system can be getting to the automatic examination for the variety circumstance between the temperature and the humidity of every areas inside the warehouse, once appearing the abnormality phenomenon is easy to handle,therefor the system increases [1] [2] [3] [4] 下一页 本文来自: 一流设计吧() 详细出处参考: /42-2/2774.htm
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