1.跪求英语专业教学法的毕业论文题目~~ 要相对而言有可行性,马上就
"Intelligence activities in which learning is the realization of the structure, rather than intelligence factor is the learning activities to achieve the momentum." Intelligence factors and non-intellectual factors, plus re-learning strategies, the impact of a person learning the three factors. In the current education, whether it is moral education, labor, education, computer education, education or other special talents, should be to nurture and inspire students of non-intellectual factors as the prerequisite, and students should be to develop the non-intellectual factors as one of the aims of education. Of course, we must not only grasp the non-intellectual factors, which ignored intelligence factors, should one hand and intellectual factors, one hand and non-intellectual factors, but also grasp learning methods and learning strategies of education. (Lin Chongde, "English teaching psychology") 2.雅克博维茨(Jakobovits) After an investigation found that affect learning English is the main factor: motivation of 33 percent, to 33 per cent, 20 per cent of intelligence, other Accounting for 14 per cent, which fully shows that in the process of learning English, there are individual differences, and these differences are more factors affect the outcome. 3.20 In the 1990s, American psychologists Peter.萨洛韦约翰. Meyer and Daniel. Golden, who made only emotional, emotional quotient (that is, "EQ") concept. In their view, non-intellectual factors are important viability of the individual, is a potential to explore feelings, the ability to use emotional impact on all levels and the key to the future quality of life factors. In one of the success of various elements in the intelligence factor is important, but more important non-intellectual factors, the former accounting for 20 percent, after a 80 per cent. 4. Generally speaking, non-intellectual factors have both broad and narrow definition of a broad non-intellectual factors, factors other than intelligence refers to all the psychological factors, the narrow sense of intelligence, is motivated, interested, emotional, and character traits have been . 5. "Motivation and attitude is different from studying the decision with varying degrees of achievement one of the important factors" (Liu Runqing, 1999) Liu Runqing, of the University of English teaching [M], Beijing, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press , 1999.6. Professor in the chapter and editor of the "foreign language pedagogy," a book on the principle of active learning foreign languages, in a bid to maximize the development of non-intellectual factors, easily unpleasant for students to learn English, do not inspire their paragraph Motivation to learn, so that they have tasted the joy of success, to train them to overcome their learning difficulties determination and perseverance. 7. The problem of non-intellectual factors, initially by the United States psychologist Alexander in the 20th century to the 1930s made. At that time, the prevalence of intelligence tests in the United States activities. Alexander opposed the Court Pearman intelligence "two factors that" the intelligence and Thurston "multi-factor said." He passed a lot of tests and research, found that in intelligence tests, the entire relationship between the large number of variables that affect the IQ of many factors, a large part was the appropriate people. However, these variables on the edge of the test data play a very important role in cargo. In 1935, Alexander (Alexander, WP), in its psychology thesis "of the intellectual and abstract intelligence", officially the "personality factors," named as "non-intellectual factors." In his inspiration, the famous psychologist Weikesile intelligence tests in 1940 proposed a "general intellectual activity in the non-intellectual factors", and carried out many studies. At present, the psychology profession and the education sector, the importance of non-intellectual factors of more and more people. 8. In China, and attaches great importance to the first use of "non-intellectual factors," the study is Professor Guo-Cai Yan, in 1983 he published "should attach importance to the cultivation of non-intellectual factors," the article has aroused the attention of our readers. In recent years, China's psychology of intellectual activity in the sector of non-intellectual factors of a lot of research. Initially, the different views, particularly on non-intelligence factors included a charge of a different view. For example, in 1983 Mr. Zhao Zhongtian that non-intelligence factors that personality factors. Mr. Guo-Cai Yan in 1984 that a broad intelligence is the only non-intellectual factors outside of all psychological factors, the narrow sense of non-。
论文(设计)题目:Cooperative Learning in English Teaching in Senior High School
Chapter 1 analysis of Cooperative Learning
1.1 A Brief history of Cooperative Learning
1.2 The Definition of Cooperative Learning
1.3 Theoretical Bases
1.3.1 Group Dynamics Theory
1.3.2 Social Cohesion Theory
1.3.3 Constructive Theory
1.3.4 Development Theory
1.3.5 Cognitive Elaboration Theories
1.5 The Substantial Elements to Cooperative Learning
1.6 The Major Models of Cooperative Learning
1.6.1 Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) (Slavin, 1980)
1.6.2 Teams Games Tournament (TGT) (Devries and Slavin, 1980)
1.6.3 Jigsaw Procedure (Aronson, 1978)
1.6,4 Learning Together (LT) (Johnson and Johnson, 1987)
1.6.5Group Investigation (GI) (Sharan and Sharan, 1976)
1.7 The Assessment of Cooperative Learning
Chapter 2 The Implementation of Cooperative Learning in High School English Teaching
2.1 Group formed
2.2 Cooperative Learning in the Teaching of Oral English
2.3 Cooperative Learning in the Teaching of English Writing
2.4 Cooperative Learning in the Teaching of English Reading
2.5 Cooperative Learning in the Memory of English Vocabulary
Chapter 3 Unsuccessful factors of teacher in cooperative learning Implementation and the solutions
3.1 On the Aspect of Meaning of Cooperative Learning
3.2 On the Aspect of Time in Cooperative Learning
3.3 On the Aspect of Content about Cooperative Learning
3.4 On the Aspect of Assessment on Cooperative Learning
2只要不是抄的,你写出全世界最差的一篇论文就 可以。 3比着葫芦画瓢,找一篇去年毕业 同学的范文,格式样式,照着写就行了。
4毕业论文的实 质是读后感,选一本书,花一个星期读一遍。边读 边做笔记。
把笔记整理一下,按范文格式条理一下,就是很好的论文了。 5问题的关键是:你必须花一周的时间。
完了。 6有的同学找朋友帮忙,自已不写,让朋友替自己写一篇。
你千恩万谢。可是拿给老师一看,原来是从网上粘下来的,乱码都 还没改。
更可气者,一稿多用,他还把这篇“论文”送给好几个人,赚了好几顿饭,造成“雷同抄袭”、频烦吃饭。 7结论:只能自己写,花一周时 间。
8那位问了:“我写得不好怎么 办?”答:“这是伪问题。别管好坏,先写出来就行。
老师还怕都写好呢:没法分优良中差了!总之,你写出一篇全球最差的论文就行,只要不是抄的!” 9只要硬着头皮写,傻瓜都能写一篇。 第一章 选题 一、选题的原则 (一)有价值(有品位,内行) (二)有可行性(或操作性,大小适中,难易恰当) (三)有浓厚兴趣(兴趣是动力,必须是自己喜欢的。)
《论语·雍也篇》:“子曰:知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。” 如果你什么都不喜欢,那就更好办:让辅导老师给你一个题目就行。
(四)专业对口(专业专长) 二、选题的 方法 (一)亟待解决的课题 (二)填补空白的课题 (三)有争议的课题 (四)有矛盾的课题 (五)可综述的课题 第二章 搜集资料 学术研究往往是在前人已有成果的基础上,有所突破。因此,搜集相关文献信息,非常重要。
要求能快 速、准确地搜集到所需的资料信息。 一、直接材料的搜集 第 一手材料 二、间接材料的搜集 从文献及网络查取的材料 (二手材料一定要注意核对。)
图书、期刊,纸本索引及网络检索GOOGL、百度网等,关键词检索。 三、材料的分析 让材料自然分类,类聚法。
第三章 写提纲 提纲尽可能详尽,条理清晰,条块分明。 (镶玻璃法: 把内容分成几块,一块块往上填内容就行了。)
一般分为序论、本论、结论三部分。 提出问题,分析问题,解决问题。
论证的形式,纵深式(递进式),平列式,综合式。 第四章 写论文 一、格式及要求:前置部分及主体部分 前置部分:标题、署名、指导教师、目录、摘要、关键词 (一)标题:对论文重点的直接呈现。
准确得体,通俗易懂,简短精练(不能 简短,可加副标题),符合规范。 (二)署名,在题下。
(三)指导教师:xxx (四)摘要(可复制文中关键句子,稍作修 饰、连缀即可) (五)关键 词,一般3—5个即可,以重要程度为序。 (六)目录 主体部分: 前言、正文、结论、参考文献、致谢 (一)前言(引言,序论,导言,绪言) (二)正文(本论,主体) (三)结论 (四)注释 (五)参考文献 (文献名,作者,出版社,版次) 二、具体方法与规 范 (一)写作的顺序 1按照提纲自首至尾 2先写思考成熟的部分,最后焊接起来。
(若不知从何写起,就这样写) 写此不管彼,只求一意法。 (二)引用材料的方法 1直接引用法 引证。
推论,尊重,显示自己并非标新立异,不乏同道。(拉赞助) 2先斩后奏法 先概述观点,然后指出某人某文已详言之(加注参见) 3映带法 崇山峻岭,又有清流急湍映带左右。
研究韩愈,不妨提及东坡;研究明清诗,也可上溯到汉魏。 4戒剽窃。
学会运用,而不是照抄。 (三)论文的整体要求 准确,概括、简练,严谨客观,平实,文采。
不可以孤立的看问题,要注意上下影响。 (四)段落、标点规范 (五)语体的要求 要简约典雅。
第五章 修改、定稿 文不厌改,要改得死去活来。 一、自己反复阅读, (1)改正错误的字、词、句(笔下误)。
(2)逻辑错误 (3)修正完善观点(4)论据错误(5)调整结构布局(完美,圆满,面团原理,增删 材料)(6)修饰词句。 面团原理:你如果原打算写五个部分,最后只写成三个部分;那你就说你本来就打算写三个部分,现在如期完成了,很“圆满”。
因为没有人知道你的原计划,也 没有人想知道,所以没必要告诉他人。 二、他人审校(吸收他人意见;自己的错误往往看不出)。
互相审阅,互相挑毛病。 第六章 答辩 虚心点就行。
The purpose of this paper is to get a close look at different teaching methods between a native-speaking English teacher and a Chinese English teacher. It mainly focuses on their teaching styles, the provision of cultural information and their personalities that are supposed to influence Ss' language learning. First of all, the thesis gives a brief introduction to this case study. It explores the significance of studying different teaching approaches and the rationale for designing this case study。
English classroom teaching effectivenessThe effectiveness of classroom teaching is to through classroom teaching activities to make students have a harvest, have improved, there is progress. Specific performance in: students in the cognitive, never understand to understand, from ignorant to know more, from won't be present at the meeting; Emotionally, I never like to go to love, from love to love, never interested in the interested. But the most core is to see if students willing to learn, active learning and how to learn, will learn.Corresponding to the \"validity\" of classroom teaching is the classroom teaching of \"inefficient\". \"Inefficient\" of classroom teaching can lead to the development of student ability did not get, low self-esteem, anxiety, learning motivation played down such as negative influence. \"Inefficient\" class also ignores the students' subject status, poor classroom practice situation and language activities away from the real situation, students passive absorption, lack of practice, knowledge cannot be internalized, skills cannot improve. Combined with the usual teaching, teaching practice, I summarized the following method to improve classroom teaching effectiveness.1. Highlight the language practice, reveal class earnestlyTeachers' classroom topic must be accurate, sets the time advantage key breakthroughs in the classroom must break the doubtful point, difficult point, key points and test. It depend on teacher himself careful preparation before class, including the need to repeatedly commented subject design and effective screening. Earnestly at the same time, the teacher in class can implement the requirements largely depends on the student's level, actual return to take raw as this class. Our teaching activity design also should give full play to the initiative of students take the student as the main body and initiative, to let them willing to listen to the teacher. Therefore, teachers must first change the idea, the transformation role, the transformation function.Starts from the use of good teaching material in the material, build student-centered (student - centered) and activity (the activity - centered) for the center of the new class. So we can't take classroom teaching as a closed system, they should find ways to make English classroom teaching activities became more \"alive\". Teachers must set up teaching English contact student learning and the concept of life, make the life of the teaching materials to students, into the inner world of the students, guide students to experience and feel the life. In language practice to cultivate students ability to use English, motivate students' academic interest, thinking and solving problems, develop students' thinking of extensity, flexibility and innovation.2. The teaching progress to teaching effect, pay attention to classMany teachers complain that in actual teaching, the text content is too much, lack of classroom teaching time. Many teachers think without explanation word for word, always don't trust, afraid of exam, the students don't know. This kind of education for a long time to make the students lose the ability to thinking and communication. Teachers should change idea, actually believe that student's understanding of language ability. In our teaching, we should fully make students in thinking, communication and mutual discussion and other activities to improve understanding of language using ability, like to teach children to walk, let their children do school.Teaching progress and learning effect is not completely is a pair of contradictory unity. To improve the effectiveness of high school English classroom teaching, English teachers also need to consciously handle the teaching progress and the relationship between the students actual harvest. I think the schedule compliance effect, value learning. English is a practical subject and the language of the ultimately depends on raising the level of the learner's understanding again and again. Teacher's teaching is always limited, students consciously active learning is infinite. In classroom teaching process the teacher should really care about is not how you teach how much, but should pay close attention to what students learned, learned, mastered much, pay attention to students is how to think and learn. Adhere to the USA to implement knowledge and knowledge together in the internalization of student body, one step at a time, in this way can the teaching effect by the test.New standard requires teachers to use teaching materials to teaching, the teaching material and teaching resources integration. Therefore, teachers should have the courage to break the tradition, to try new 。
4、关键词或主题词:关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。 每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。
(1)引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。 引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。
The purpose of this paper is to get a close look at different teaching methods between a native-speaking English teacher and a Chinese English teacher. It mainly focuses on their teaching styles, the provision of cultural information and their personalities that are supposed to influence Ss' language learning. First of all, the thesis gives a brief introduction to this case study. It explores the significance of studying different teaching approaches and the rationale for designing this case study。
Abstract: Based on the new English syllabus, new textbooks were developed and put into use in 1993. The approach to English teaching in the new curriculum is structural-functional, which emphasizes development of the students' ability to use English in speaking, listening, reading and writing in authentic or simulated tasks. Teachers are required to transform their concepts on English language teaching. However, English language teaching in many of China's schools is still far from being satisfactory, and unable to suit the needs of China's development. There are still a large number of students who write is simply for a must instead of love.
According to the linguist L.G. Alexander, learning a language is not a matter of acquiring rules and building up a large vocabulary.1 The teacher。
本文试图从利用文中插图、各种教学媒体,到以学生为中心、教师为主导,来介绍不同的导入手段,以期得到良好的课堂效果。 关 键 词:导入,英语课,兴趣 0.前言 导入是教学过程中最基本的也是非常重要的一步。
因此,我们应运用多种导入手段,激发学生学习的兴趣,使学生能主动参与教学过程,为整节课作好开路先锋。 1.利用文中插图,通过问答、讨论的形式进行导入 新编高中英语教材图文并茂,几乎每一篇阅读课文均配有与该材料有密切联系的插图,有的是为了提示教材难点,有的是为了印证教材观点,有的是为教材重点服务。
通过对此画的描述、问答和教师言简意赅、提纲挈领的导语,逐步引入本课的话题,让学生适度了解话题的内容,易激发学生内在的学习动力,使课堂气氛活跃;利用文中的插图导入新课,能激活学生的认知图式,并使其产生阅读课文以了解信息的愿望,为以下教学铺平了道路。如高中一册(上)第五单元18课(The Green Hills of Tangsa)的图片,可作如下导入: T: Just have a look at the picture. What can you see? Ss: Two women, some young trees, and many big trees on the hills… T: Can you guess what nationality the women are? Ss: Indian. (We can judge from their clothes.) T: What are they doing? Ss: They are planting trees. T: What's the use of the trees? (Have a discussion) Ss: To make furniture, paper and so on. To keep the soil; To keep off the noise & strong wind; To keep the balance of the nature etc. T: Ok. Today we're going to read a true story that happened in Tangsa Village in north India. In the past people there cut down the trees and there were almost no trees left. Later a forest programme was carried out by teams of women in this village. And the village has taken on a new look. Let's go and visit the village now. 2. 充分利用各种教学媒体进行导入 随着经济的发展和科学的进步,各种教学设 [1] [2] [3] [4] 下一页。