

You will learn about the effect of mold cooling, position of cooling channel, and cooling method for each part.The temperature of a mold has a great impact on molding.For example, if the temperature of the mold is too low, molten plastic will not flow smoothly through the runner or the gate, thus may not fill up in the cavity.On the other hand, if the temperature is too high, it will take too long to cool down and solidify the molten plastic, so the molding cycle will be longer.Therefore, by controlling the temperature of the mold, the following effects can be expected. Molding cycle can be shortened by reducing time for cooling and solidification of molten plastic. The surface quality or measurement accuracy of parts can be improved by better mold ability. Warp or stress in a part can be avoided that is caused when mold shrinkage varies due to different thickness, leading internal stress difference. Effective mold cooling is done by pouring cold water into the mold through a cooling channel. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let''s see the detailed explanations of a cooling channel. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Position of Cooling Channel To effectively cool down a mold, decide on a position of the cooling channel considering the following remarks.Adjust the mold temperature by pouring a large amount of water having a temperature close to the temperature required for molding. Increase the number of the cooling channels rather than enlarge the diameter of one cooling channel. Make sure to cool a cores (insert) which are difficult to cool, such as a thick core, a large size slide core, or a loose core. Use mold material that has high heat conductivity to improve effectiveness of cold water. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cavity Cooling Position a cooling channel as shown in the figure below for cavity cooling.Since the numbers shown are for a general case, it is necessary to consider the position of a cooling channel according to molding material, molding shape, or mold material type.Also, the cold water should flow from where the temperature of molten plastic is higher (closer to the gate) in the same direction as the molten plastic flows. Example of 2 dimensional cooling channel Pour cold water over the top side of parts. Example of 3 dimensional cooling channel Pour cold water to wrap parts.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Core (Insert) Cooling The cooling methods of core (insert) are listed below: If the core is too small for a cooling channel to go through:Cools down the core by inserting a copper rod or heat pipe that is highly efficient in heat conduction into the core and then cooling down the copper rod or heat pipe. If the core is large enough to go through a cooling channel.Cools down by jet method in which cold water is flushed through a pipe attached to the channel. Regular core cooling:Cools down by baffle method in which a dividing plate is attached in the cooling channel on the core and cold water is poured to cross over the plate. If there is a large cooling channel in a core:Coolds down by inserting metal fittings in the cooling channel and pouring cold water in a spiral stream.If the core is too small for a cooling channel or heat pipe to go through:Make a core of beryllium copper and cool it down.。


You will learn about the effect of mold cooling, position of cooling channel, and cooling method for each part.The temperature of a mold has a great impact on molding.For example, if the temperature of the mold is too low, molten plastic will not flow smoothly through the runner or the gate, thus may not fill up in the cavity.On the other hand, if the temperature is too high, it will take too long to cool down and solidify the molten plastic, so the molding cycle will be longer.Therefore, by controlling the temperature of the mold, the following effects can be expected. Molding cycle can be shortened by reducing time for cooling and solidification of molten plastic. The surface quality or measurement accuracy of parts can be improved by better mold ability. Warp or stress in a part can be avoided that is caused when mold shrinkage varies due to different thickness, leading internal stress difference. Effective mold cooling is done by pouring cold water into the mold through a cooling channel. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Let''s see the detailed explanations of a cooling channel. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Position of Cooling Channel To effectively cool down a mold, decide on a position of the cooling channel considering the following remarks.Adjust the mold temperature by pouring a large amount of water having a temperature close to the temperature required for molding. Increase the number of the cooling channels rather than enlarge the diameter of one cooling channel. Make sure to cool a cores (insert) which are difficult to cool, such as a thick core, a large size slide core, or a loose core. Use mold material that has high heat conductivity to improve effectiveness of cold water. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cavity Cooling Position a cooling channel as shown in the figure below for cavity cooling.Since the numbers shown are for a general case, it is necessary to consider the position of a cooling channel according to molding material, molding shape, or mold material type.Also, the cold water should flow from where the temperature of molten plastic is higher (closer to the gate) in the same direction as the molten plastic flows. Example of 2 dimensional cooling channelPour cold water over the top side of parts. Example of 3 dimensional cooling channelPour cold water to wrap parts.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Core (Insert) Cooling The cooling methods of core (insert) are listed below: If the core is too small for a cooling channel to go through:Cools down the core by inserting a copper rod or heat pipe that is highly efficient in heat conduction into the core and then cooling down the copper rod or heat pipe. If the core is large enough to go through a cooling channel.Cools down by jet method in which cold water is flushed through a pipe attached to the channel. Regular core cooling:Cools down by baffle method in which a dividing plate is attached in the cooling channel on the core and cold water is poured to cross over the plate. If there is a large cooling channel in a core:Coolds down by inserting metal fittings in the cooling channel and pouring cold water in a spiral stream.If the core is too small for a cooling channel or heat pipe to go through:Make a core of beryllium copper and cool it down.。




The Journal of Hand Surgery / Vol. 21A No. 2 March 1996

Trends in Pharmacological Sciences Vol.29 No.2

Journal of Cell Science 122 (17)





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……Previously, we showed that retinal progenitors, photoreceptors and RPE cells can be generated from ES cells by mimicking developmental processes in a stepwise fashion in vitro (Ikeda et al., 2005; Osakada et al.,2008; Osakada et al., 2009).


Ikeda, H., Osakada, F., Watanabe, K., Mizuseki, K., Haraguchi, T., Miyoshi, H., Kamiya, D., Honda, Y., Sasai, N., Yoshimura, N. et al. (2005). Generation of Rx+/Pax6+ neural retinal precursors from embryonic stem cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102, 11331-11336.



Crane Work Needs More Technique Abstract Crane work needs more technology. Construction of tower cranes are the main vertical transportation equipment and also a measure of construction companies and equipment strength of the important logo, in today's increasingly competitive construction market, to meet the construction needs of many construction companies have bought the tower crane. With the tower crane at the construction site of the widely used by the tower crane accident also caused more and more to people's lives and property brought about great losses. According to national statistics, the departments concerned, the tower crane accident rate reached 2.77 percent. Its security problem is still the urgency of the construction Loose training, testing and oversight requirements for the people who work around construction cranes have fostered a false sense of security in our industry. The recent deadly tower-crane collapse at a congested New York City building site should be a wake-up call for us to question and step up our current safety practices.Training and testing is king when it comes to safety. But the construction industry is putting unqualified personnel in the seats of construction cranes, even with today's testing. In many places, no experience is necessary after passing a standardized test. One week of study will give some people enough knowledge to pass a certification examination, and then they can jump into the cab of a crane.Imagine that a commercial airline pilot had the same training as a certified crane operator. How would you feel the next time you decided to fly? In California, it takes more hours of training to wield a pair of scissors in a hair salon than to operate potentially dangerous lifting machinery. How does this make sense?Riggers and signal persons also need standard training and testing to ensure safety under the hook. Employers usually allow any craft to signal a crane on a jobsite, despite best practices that require only qualified people do so. How is it then that uncertified and untrained people are allowed to signal and rig under the hook of a licensed or certified operator?Tower cranes are particularly risky as urban sites become more congested, and the risk of a catastrophic event is very high during climbing operations. Yet most tower-crane climbing crews are trained in a non-traditional manner, via secondhand knowledge that has been passed down over time. The problem with this type of hand-me-down knowledge is that it changes over the years, leaving out small-but-important details along the way. This "osmosis" of knowledge leads crews to develop their own tricks for climbing cranes, often forsaking basic safety in an attempt to save time and energy.In many cases, there are no safety devices or alarms to warn of a serious problem. Climbing crews are subjected to pressures that affect safety-critical decision-making. It is not uncommon for climbs to continue with damaged or leaking hydraulic systems, out-of-adjustment or jammed guide rollers, often working in the dark and for extended hours. This "MacGyver" method of climbing, where every jump becomes a new adventure, should not be the norm.Climbing-frame designs vary among manufacturers, but the operational steps are similar in principle. The climbing process is relatively straightforward, with a mixture of physical work and technical procedure. It is not complex; it is more about knowing the proper sequence of what needs to be done and then following the steps, one by one, making sure each step has been successfully completed before moving onto the next. It is essential that everyone know exactly what is going on and what the dangers are at every stage.That's why the industry needs standardized training, testing and oversight for this work, including a practical assessment of competence. Technicians should have model-specific training directly from the manufacturer, along with a level of practical experience. Inspectors, too, should be required to have specific technical training. They should be independent from all aspects of installation and maintenance to allow for objective decisions. Key personnel on erection crews should have standard training and testing.When these needs are satisfied, crane operations should be carried out in strict accordance with the manufacturers' instructions, engineering principals and governmental laws. But industry stakeholders and lawmakers need to step up their lax standards to protect the public. New York City residents, who have seen their homes turned into dust and debris, would be shocked at the way the 。

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机械设计制造及其自动化介绍: 本专业培养具备机械设计制造基础知识与应用能力,具有机电新产品开发与管理企业所需的知识结构及潜能,也具有适应科研、教育、经贸及行政管理等部门工作或继续深造的素质和能力,能在机械工程及其自动化领域内从事设计制造、科技开发、应用研究、运行管理和经营销售等方面工作的高级工程技术人才。 本专业学生主要学习机械设计与制造的基础理论,学习微电子技术、计算机技术和信息处理技术的基本知识,受到现代机械工程师的基本训练,具有进行机械产品设计、制造及设备控制、生产组织管理的基本能力。



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