这是关于环境污染的!!passage with the words and phrases given:the problem of pollution, cause, artificial substances, release, waste products, industrial production, consumption of goods, bring it under control, agriculture, chemical substancea.Environmental PollutionI read a piece of news recently. It says that in Japan marly businessmen ave selling fresh air to customers.and now it is becoming more and more popular. Why? --Fresh air is getting less and less in Japan, and so is it in the U. S. A.In fact, environmental pollution is a very serious problem the whole world is facing.it is mainly caused by the waste products released from artificial substances, industrialproduction and increased consumption of goods. Bedsides, the use of chemical substancesin agriculture also causes environmental pollution. Look at the sky, you can see that dense smoke is being released from the high and big chimneys; those dirty and poisonous substances are flowing into the rivers that we use for drinking water and millions of tons of waste products are heaping around us.How to change this condition? More and more countries are trying to work out some effective means to bring it under control, but no great success has been made.The environmental protection is the most major problem which in the modern life the humanity faces. Must solve this problem must start from foundation. First, must massively propagandize, enhances people's consciousness with understanding, strengthens the environmental protection consciousness. Next, must carry on waste recovery use, reduces to forest-tree's felling. Also must strengthen to white pollution processing, little uses the plastic product. Finally, must make improvement to clean aspect. Causes the city's appearance to be neater. For Earth's tomorrow, we must start from the now diligently, will want the well local constable to protect the environment. To this us proposes as follows suggests: Implementation trash classification packed in bags. Like this not only can reduce the environmental sanitation worker's work load, but also can even better basically arrive makes use of waste, to reduce the pollution, saves the resources.。
全球性环境问题的出现,使得任何国家,不论是发达国家还是发展中国家,社会主义国家还是资本主义国家又一次重新走到一起。 基于上述全球环境问题和生态危机的出现,20世纪60年代末开始,世界各国尤其是西方一些发达国家掀起了一场轰轰烈烈、风起云涌的生态政治运动。
3.英语专业毕业论文选题 语言学方向
英语毕业论文-翻译理论与实践(共9篇) 1.The Translation of Brand Names mon phenomenon when people use language, which is not only a social language phenomenon, but it is also a cultural phenomenon. We all need to communicate in our daily life or in diplomacy. However, because of the difference of life habit or custom and the taboo of different culture, we must learn to use Euphemism to avoid embarrassment or unhappiness. Therefore, through linguistic facet, this paper tries to research into communicative function of English Euphemism in certain language condition by special examples. Only when can we know how to make use of Euphemism in different background and environment, we can use the proper Euphemism to minimize hurt to people and to achieve the purpose of effective communicative Euphemism reflects all kinds of social mentality and social communicative function. Euphemism is also widely used in every field, so it is good for us to study English and do effective multi-cultural intercommunication. Key words: euphemism; function; taboo; intercommunication委婉语(Euphemism)一词源自希腊语的前缀eu=well 和词根pheme=speaking。
一. 避讳功能由于人对于某些事物或现象的恐惧,在语言表达时不愿言、不敢言,但有时又不得不表达出此种意思,于是人们便学会用委婉语来代替。各个民族中对于“死”的说法都有各自的委婉语。
讲英语的国家的人们和许多民族一样,忌讳直接说英语中的“死”也有多种表现形式。例如:人们常用“去了”(to pass away), “离别了”(to depart), “离开了我们”(to leave us), “睡着了”(to go to sleep), “去天国”(to go to heaven), “最后一觉”(final sleep),得到安息 (to have found rest)等词来代替说某人“死了”(to die)。
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Through the city image of xiangfan visual identification system research and discusses the future image of xiangfan prospects, in order to build a harmonious and orderly, the beautiful city of homes, outstanding features, the historical and cultural cities, customs and artistic taste, city status of urban culture reflects charm, aesthetic, artistic and technological level.
Urban image visual identification system management and decision-making is a city or area of the degree of civilization, developed degree, citizen quality and culture. Secondly, the image of the city is also a kind of environment function, it can bring to public life, work and study of convenient, practical and efficient. In addition, the image of the city and environmental benefits. The success of the image of the city will promote the urban image and brand value, urban investment, production, tourism, exhibition and push related benefits the development of industry.
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