摘 要
另外对薄板坯连铸连轧技术工艺特点和非正弦振动在板坯连铸机上的应用进行专题论述。非正弦振动方面介绍了安钢引进的 VAI板坯连铸机液压振动的振动特点 ,讨论了非正弦反向振动的各项振动参数 ,降低结晶器摩擦阻力、提高保护渣耗量 ,而且可以在低拉速下保证较低的振痕深度 ,又能在高拉速下保证操作的安全性。并结合生产实践 ,指出该振动形式对防止粘结漏钢和改善铸坯表面质量有明显作用。
3.论文 连铸板坯表面纵裂的研究 提纲应该怎么写
一、表面纵裂纹1. 铸坯表面纵裂纹形成:2. 产生机理:3. 纵裂纹特征:4. 影响连铸坯表面纵裂纹因素4.1 成品成分及钢水质量4.2 结晶器保护渣的性能4.3 结晶器使用状态4.4 不规范的操作5. 预防措施:二、边部纵裂纹1. 形成原因:2. 防止措施:。
Hot Deformation Behavior of metal an important aspect of research is to study the metal in the process of hot deformation behavior of the flow stress, as well as changes in the law of the mechanical properties of the macro-response behavior is the flow stress. According to the theory of deformation, the flow stress of metal materials in a one-way refers to the deformation conditions sufficient to achieve plastic deformation of the stress intensity. Metals and alloys in the plastic working process, the flow stress determined the deformation of the size of equipment needed to load and the size of the required energy consumption. Generally speaking, the impact of the metal flow stress factors in general can be divided into internal factors and external factors. The main external factors, including deformation temperature, strain rate and strain (deformation), they are internal factors of the flow stress of metallic materials. Deformation temperature on the impact of flow stress as follows: flow stress with deformation temperature lower, but reduced somewhat different, that is, the higher strain rate, with the increase in deformation temperature, flow stress gradient reduced more Great. Strain rate on the impact of flow stress: the higher the strain rate, the greater the value of flow stress, and increase the flow stress with temperature changes, temperature, the higher the lower the rate of increase. The rate of increase of flow stress is not maintained at a fixed value, but as the strain rate changes. Internal factors include the chemical composition of metals, metal the microstructure changes such as dynamic recovery and dynamic recrystallization, such as work hardening. High-temperature mechanical deformation of metallic materials from high temperature creep behavior of metals on the basis of developed. Metals and alloys the existence of thermal processing thermal activation process, the strain rate thermal activation process control. Deformation under different conditions using different expressions, but also related to thermal activation, the dislocation movement, such as the micro-mechanism. This paper AZ31 magnesium alloy sheet for the study, the RG-based microcomputer-controlled universal testing machine, metallographic microscope and scanning electron microscopy tools, research and analysis of magnesium alloy at different temperatures forming performance, flow stress and microstructure changes in the law. The following conclusions: 1. Extrusion, cross-rolling, cold-rolled, hot-rolled, as well as the level of casting AZ31 magnesium alloy sheet metal microstructure is equiaxed structure, the grain size of 5 ~ 25μm; 2. Extrusion of magnesium alloy sheet metal grain size is about 5 ~ 12.5μm, the strain rate is less than 1.0x10-2s-1, the deformation temperature is higher than 150 ℃, the extension rate of greater than 45%, and with the strain rate lower or raise the temperature of the peak flow stress also be reduced accordingly. When the temperature is 425 ℃, then the peak steady-state flow stress is almost equal to the flow stress at the time that the peak stress does not appear, and its value in between 18 ~ 20MPa, and the extension rate of 132%. 3. Cross-rolled sheet metal so that the peak flow stress decreased significantly increased plasticity. (And can reduce or eliminate the anisotropic material to improve the performance of its punch, so that elongation of the material significantly increased for deep-drawing deformation even provided a good internal organization.) At a temperature of 425 ℃, strain rate is less than 6.6x10-4s-1, the elongation δ> 225%, alloy shows superplasticity. 4. 250 ~ 425 ℃ temperature range, semi-continuous casting + annealing cold-rolled sheet before and after the stress - strain curve changes little elongation δ are greater than 65%. Cold-rolled sheet can be used directly in temperatures greater than 250 ℃ forming thermal processing. 5. At a high temperature to soften and as a result of the role of dynamic recrystallization results of horizontal continuous casting + anisotropic cold-rolled sheet has been significantly improved. At 250 ℃ when the sheet are an extension of the rate of 118 percent, the smallest anisotropy alloys. 6. At a temperature less than 220 ℃, the fracture morphology of the main axis for large and small dimples, such as composition, surface tear edge clarity, and depth of dimples smaller size; When the temperature is greater than 240 ℃ when the equiaxed the edge of dimples appear fine grains, the occurrence of a fracture. Magnesium alloy at high temperature phase of the basic fracture along fracture, with the strain rate increased, the fracture 。
机电一体化技术及其应用研究 摘 要 讨论了机电一体化技术对于改变整个机械制造业面貌所起的重要作用,并说明其在钢铁工业中的应用以及发展趋势。
关键词 机电一体化 技术 应用1 机电一体化技术发展 机电一体化是机械、微电子、控制、计算机、信息处理等多学科的交叉融合,其发展和进步有赖于相关技术的进步与发展,其主要发展方向有数字化、智能化、模块化、网络化、人性化、微型化、集成化、带源化和绿色化。1.1 数字化 微控制器及其发展奠定了机电产品数字化的基础,如不断发展的数控机床和机器人;而计算机网络的迅速崛起,为数字化设计与制造铺平了道路,如虚拟设计、计算机集成制造等。
1.2 智能化 即要求机电产品有一定的智能,使它具有类似人的逻辑思考、判断推理、自主决策等能力。例如在CNC数控机床上增加人机对话功能,设置智能I/O接口和智能工艺数据库,会给使用、操作和维护带来极大的方便。
随着模糊控制、神经网络、灰色理论、小波理论、混沌与分岔等人工智能技术的进步与发展,为机电一体化技术。机电一体化技术及其应用研究 摘 要 讨论了机电一体化技术对于改变整个机械制造业面貌所起的重要作用,并说明其在钢铁工业中的应用以及发展趋势。
关键词 机电一体化 技术 应用1 机电一体化技术发展 机电一体化是机械、微电子、控制、计算机、信息处理等多学科的交叉融合,其发展和进步有赖于相关技术的进步与发展,其主要发展方向有数字化、智能化、模块化、网络化、人性化、微型化、集成化、带源化和绿色化。1.1 数字化 微控制器及其发展奠定了机电产品数字化的基础,如不断发展的数控机床和机器人;而计算机网络的迅速崛起,为数字化设计与制造铺平了道路,如虚拟设计、计算机集成制造等。
1.2 智能化 即要求机电产品有一定的智能,使它具有类似人的逻辑思考、判断推理、自主决策等能力。例如在CNC数控机床上增加人机对话功能,设置智能I/O接口和智能工艺数据库,会给使用、操作和维护带来极大的方便。
随着模糊控制、神经网络、灰色理论、小波理论、混沌与分岔等人工智能技术的进步与发展,为机电一体化技术发展开辟了广阔天地。1.3 模块化 由于机电一体化产品种类和生产厂家繁多,研制和开发具有标准机械接口、动力接口、环境接口的机电一体化产品单元模块是一项复杂而有前途的工作。
1.4 网络化 由于网络的普及,基于网络的各种远程控制和监视技术方兴未艾。而远程控制的终端设备本身就是机电一体化产品,现场总线和局域网技术使家用电器网络化成为可能,利用家庭网络把各种家用电器连接成以计算机为中心的计算机集成家用电器系统,使人们在家里可充分享受各种高技术带来的好处,因此,机电一体化产品无疑应朝网络化方向发展。
1.5 人性化 机电一体化产品的最终使用对象是人,如何给机电一体化产品赋予人的智能、情感和人性显得愈来愈重要,机电一体化产品除了完善的性能外,还要求在色彩、造型等方面与环境相协调,使用这些产品,对人来说还是一种艺术享受,如家用机器人的最高境界就是人机一体化。1.6 微型化 微型化是精细加工技术发展的必然,也是提高效率的需要。
微机电系统(Micro Electronic Mechanical Systems,简称MEMS)是指可批量制作的,集微型机构、微型传感器、微型执行器以及信号处理和控制电路,直至接口、通信和电源等于一体的微型器件或系统。自1986年美国斯坦福大学研制出第一个医用微探针,1988年美国加州大学Berkeley分校研制出第一个微电机以来,国内外在MEMS工艺、材料以及微观机理研究方面取得了很大进展,开发出各种MEMS器件和系统,如各种微型传感器(压力传感器、微加速度计、微触觉传感器),各种微构件(微膜、微粱、微探针、微连杆、微齿轮、微轴承、微泵、微弹簧以及微机器人等)。
1.7 集成化 集成化既包含各种技术的相互渗透、相互融合和各种产品不同结构的优化与复合,又包含在生产过程中同时处理加工、装配、检测、管理等多种工序。为了实现多品种、小批量生产的自动化与高效率,应使系统具有更广泛的柔性。
首先可将系统分解为若干层次,使系统功能分散,并使各部分协调而又安全地运转,然后再通过软、硬件将各个层次有机地联系起来,使其性能最优、功能最强。1.8 带源化 是指机电一体化产品自身带有能源,如太阳能电池、燃料电池和大容量电池。
1.9 绿色化 。