你自己肯定知道有关营销方面的著作啊,去看看那后面的参考文献,一般的专著都会有英文的参考文献的[1] Pedersen,PE,Methlie,LB,Thorbjornsen,H. .Understanding mobile commerce end-user adoption: a triangulation perspective and suggestions for an exploratory service evaluation framework. Hawaii: Proceedings of the 35th Hawaii internation conference on system sciences, 2002, . [2] Levitt, Theodore. After the sale is over .Harvard Business Review, 1983, 61 (5) :87-93 . [3] Yuchung Hung,Haoerl Yang,Chinghung Hsiao,Yunglu Yang. A Study of Behavioral Intention for Mobile Commerce Using Technology Acceptance Model .The Forth International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB). 2004, :732-736 . [4] Manochehri N N,AHlinaiY. Mobile phone users attitude towardsmobile commerce (m-commerce) and mobile services in Oman[C] .2006 2nd IEEE/IFIP in CentralAsia on Internet. 2006, :164~169 . [5] Albers, S.,Clement, M. Analyzing the Success Drivers of e-Business Companies .Engineering Management, 2007, (5) :301~301 . [6] Chen,PY,Hitt,LM. Measuring Switching Costs and the Determinants of Customer Retention in Interenet-enabled Businesses:A Study of the online Brokerage Industry[J] .Information Systems Research, 2002, (3) :20-36 . [7] P.Olla,N.Patel,C.Atkinson. A case study of MMO2's MADIC:a framework for creating mobile Internet systems .Internet Research:Electronic Networking Applications and Policy, 2003, 13 (4) :311-321 . [8] Bigné,E,Ruiz,C,Sanz,S. Key Drivers of Mobile Commerce Adoption.An Exploratory Study of Spanish Mobile Users .Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 2007, 2 (2) :48-60 . [9] Li X,Wan P J,Wang Y,et al. Sparse Power Efficient Ropology for Wireless Networks .Proceedings of IEEE Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences(HICSS'02). 2002, . [10] William C. Johnson, Art Weinstein, Superior Customer Value in the New Economy: Concepts and Cases, Second Edition .CRC press, 2004, .。
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