因为我很喜欢COOPER,在这篇论文里,我希望给别人介绍我一直所喜爱的COOPER,希望看过这篇论文的人也能和我一样爱上COOPER,i like COOPER so much that i want to introduce the COOPER that i'm always loving to you friends in this paper,and i expect that you'll love it as much as me after you finish reading this paper.在完成这篇论文的过程中,我也可以更加深入的了解到COOPER的历史及技术方面的一些知识.in the process that i achieve this paper,i get a deeper touch on the historical and technological knowledge of COOPER.COOPER在经历了那么多年的历史转变之后,能再次站在时代的舞台上,这是十分不易的.after experiencing all these year's changes in history,it's definitely not easy for COOPER to be on the stage of this time!。