Along with progress of society, a company's scope is expanding, then complexity and disorder in the company's management becomes its most serious problem, so managing a company's information through computers becomes a new method in this field. 葡萄酒销售管理系统是一个对葡萄酒销售信息化的重要组成部分,Marketing management system of wine industry is an important part of wine's marketing informatization.葡萄酒销售管理系统不但能够方便能够方便快捷、准确无误的对葡萄酒公司的进货,销售,入库等多项工作流程进行记录,减轻了员工工作量,提高了工作效率;使原来需要多人完成的工作现在只需一人即可完成,节省了大量的人力物力。The marketing management system of wine smooths record process of wine's buying, selling and storage, relieves employees' task burden, raises their work efficiency, saves numerous human and material resources.同时也使得管理人员可以很清晰的了解和掌握葡萄酒公司的库存,产品销售统计、产品入库统计、库存统计等多项信息。
At the same time, makes managements clarified many information such as the number of wine's storage, selling, and production. 本次毕业设计根据实际需求,采用了模块化的设计思想,在Windows XP操作系统环境下,通过ASP和SQL SERVER 2000来开发一个简单的葡萄酒销售管理系统,通过使用JavaScript脚本语言完成动态的、交互的web服务器应用程序和数据库的连接存储来实现包括葡萄酒入库、葡萄酒销售查询、产品库存统计等等葡萄酒销售管理系统的主要功能。 On the basis of actually needs, this paper adopted modularity designing, developed a simple wine's marketing management system by ASP and SQL SERVER 2000, when in Windows XP. Aimed to realize principle functions like information management of wine's buying, selling and storage by a dynamic and interactive combination between a web server programme and data base.。
This paper studies the mental damage compensation certain problems. From the French civil code "formulation to German civil code formulation can see, spiritual damage compensation is more and more attention by people. In our spiritual damage compensation, the first definition is very vague, a lot of damage to the parties can use legal means to protect their own interests, and now, with China's development and the continuous improvement of the legal system, people more and more legitimate interests got effective legal protection. At present our country legal system in constant perfect, but the mental damage compensation this system compared with foreign system it with a lot of ascension space, because our country advocates is materialism, and western countries are idealist claim, so our country for spiritual damage compensation in this system to a certain extent, no foreign range wide, and flexibility also is not strong. But along with the development of undertakings, the mental damage compensation this system is also in constant learning, the dark ahead. At present, our spiritual damage compensation in the determination of further perfection, and has achieved good effect.Lead speechChina is the mental damage compensation is very frequent topic, discussed the mental damage compensation invisibility with an estimated in itself makes our country law in use of the difficulty of this system increased. The mental damage is our understanding of spiritual damage compensation system, is the starting point of institution of compensation for mental injury the core concept, it can not only determine the scope of the mental damage compensation principle, also helps to judicial smoothly, safeguard judicial justice, better more comprehensive protect legal rights of the parties. From our mental damage and compensation of the concept of more clear-cut and study, can the scope and principles that damage. At present our country's judicial system in constantly improve and perfect the institution of compensation for mental injury in 2010, such as China beginning July 1, the implementation of the People's Republic of China, the law of tort liability for the first time in law clear the spiritual damage compensation, and given its relatively broad and strict definition, expanded some legal what protect spiritual interests, such as the protection of the doctor patient privacy or patients without leaking public medical records, patients agree caused patients damage, it shall bear the tort liability "; Strictly protect privacy of network in personal privacy protection, such as stop "human flesh search", etc. Of the individual privacy protection, is a major step in our country's legislation."LanguageSpirit frontal compensation for damage regulation in China and the world are close attention by people, it after several years of development before finally as assume tort liability law a way as determined by the subjects of the right, sure, now the spirit of mental damage compensation rights, support the ideas and theories, has increasingly dominated mental damage forms of expression, although is abstract, invisible, the victim suffered from mental damage forms also is varied, but with China's laws and regulations are continuously improved, currently has been yielding good results. China currently has put the rule of law as the basic strategy written into the constitution, consolidate to establish and perfect the institution of compensation for mental injury, China is an important symbol of democracy process, have very important sense.。
The lock-in amplifier, is called LIA, it is one take the correlation instrument as the core weak signal detection instrument, it can examine the weak sinusoidal signal in the strong noise situation the scope and the phase. It has four main part compositions: The signal channel, refers to the channel, the correlation instrument (i.e. correlation detector) and the direct-current amplifier. Any instrument has own main performance index, the equivalent noise band width, the signal-to-noise ratio improvement and the dynamirange take lock-in amplifier's main performance index, is helpful to its understanding in understanding that its principle of work as well as the blockage decide amplifier's application. This article main discussion lock-in amplifier's principle of work and in laser smog test system's application。
战国时魏国有一个有名的射箭能手叫更羸.有一天,更羸跟随魏王到郊外去游玩.玩着玩着看见天上有一群鸟从他们头上飞过,在这群鸟的后面,有一只鸟吃力地在追赶着它的同伴,也向这边飞来.更羸对魏王说:“大王,我可以不用箭,只要把弓拉一下,就能把天上飞着的鸟射下来.”“会有这样的事?”魏王真有点不相信地问.更羸说道:“可以试一试.”过了一会儿,那只掉了队的鸟飞过来了,它飞的速度比前面几只鸟要慢得多,飞的高度也要低一些.这只鸟飞近了——原来是只掉了队的大雁,只见更羸这时用左手托着弓,用右手拉着弦,弦上也不搭箭.他面对着这只正飞着的大雁拉满了弓.只听得“当”的一声响,那只掉了队正飞着的大雁便应声从半空中掉了下来.魏王看到后大吃一惊,连声说:“真有这样的事情!”便问更羸不用箭是凭什么将空中飞着的鸟射下来的.更羸笑着对魏王讲:“没什么,这是一只受过箭伤的大雁.”“你是怎么知道这只大雁是受过了箭伤的呢?”魏王更加奇怪了,不等更羸说完就问.更羸笑着继续对魏王说:“从这只大雁飞的姿势和叫的声音中知道的.”更羸接着讲:“这只大雁飞得慢是它身上的箭伤在作痛,叫的声音很悲惨是因为它离开同伴已很久了.旧的伤口在作痛,还没有好,它心里很害怕.当听到弓弦声响后,更害怕再次被箭射中,于是就拼命往高处飞.它心里本来就害怕,加上拼命一使劲,本来未愈的伤口又裂开了,疼痛难忍,翅膀再也飞不动了,它就从空中掉了下来.” 故事中的大雁听到弓弦声响后就惊惶万分,是因为它身上受过箭伤.这个故事的寓意是指有人在某一件事情上吃过亏,于是就老是害怕再次发生类似的事情,可以说是惊弓之鸟.。
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