2.用"SWOT"analysis 分析最近的一家肯德基或者麦当劳的情况
西式快餐连锁品牌肯德基在中国的快速扩张战略 论文摘要: 本论文以战略管理为切入点对西式快餐连锁企业肯德基在中国短短二十年的快速连锁扩张战略进行研究. 首先,本文分析了肯德基进入中国的背景以及中国肯德基在肯德基全球战略中的重要作用,得(略)开放的宏观背景下(略)国呈现出(略)张势头,并且中国市场在肯德基全球战略中的地位越来越重要. 其次,运用PEST模型,对中国餐饮市场的宏观环境进行系统的分析,得出中国快餐市场需求潜力巨大,肯德基在中国发展将大有可(略)尔·波特的竞争理论和SWOT矩阵的分析结果,深入的剖析了肯德基在竞争中的优势与劣势、机会与威胁,从而确定出肯德基在中国的发展处于行业领先者的地位,具有良好的处理外部环境的能力以及极强的综合竞争力. 在以上所研究的基础上,本文着重围绕肯德基在中(略),分别对肯德基在中国采用连锁扩张战略的原因、现状、以及调整和优化等几个方面对肯德基在中国的战略选择进行了研究分析,总结出连锁扩张战略是肯德基在中国快速发展的必然选择. 在今天全球经济危机的环境下,肯德基在中国的快速扩张也遇到了不同程度的挑战.例如:品牌的从新定位、特许加盟、危机管理、营养健康等等问题,本。
Economic growth of our country has got the impressive accomplish(omitted) the great reform and openness, and earthshaking change happened in(omitted)living standard. Under the background of developing at top speed in China economy, the catering Services scale has also got gigantic growi(omitted)tern style fast foo(omitted)red more and more cities in China and the restaurant number will exceed 400(omitted)nd of 2009. Among them the major brands are KFC and MacDonald, which has more than 2,600 rest。 目录: 摘要 第7-8页 Abstract 第8页 1 引言 第9-13页 ·研究的目的 第9页 ·研究问题的方法 第9-11页 ·研究的相关理论---连锁扩张理论 第11-13页 2 肯德基进入中国市场的背景分析 第13-23页 ·百胜餐饮集团简介 第13-15页 ·肯德基的诞生和全球发展 第15-16页 ·肯德基在中国的发展与现状 第16-21页 ·中国肯德基突破2600家,立足中国信心不减 第16-17页 ·为中国而改变,全力打造"新快餐" 第17-18页 ·提供大量就业机会,创造员工职业发展机遇 第18-19页 ·扶持国内供应商,带动产业链 第19页 ·寻找加盟伙伴,发展特许经营 第19-20页 ·热心中国公益事业,积极回馈社会 第20-21页 ·中国市场在百胜全球市场战略中的意义 第21-23页 3 西式快餐连锁品牌肯德基在中国的战略选择 第23-24页 ·百胜在中国的使命和期望 第23-24页 ·肯德基在中国的总体战略 第24页 ·肯德基在中国的市场定位战略 第24页 ·肯德基在中国的竞争战略 第24页 ·肯德基在中国的资源战略 第24页 4 西式快餐连锁品牌肯德基在中国的战略环境分析 第24-40页 ·宏观经济环境分析 第24-31页 ·政治法律环境分析 第25-26页 ·经济环境分析 第26-29页 ·社会文化环境分析 第29-30页 ·技术环境分析 第30-31页 ·市场环境分析 第31-35页 ·中国餐饮行业分析 第31-33页 ·中国快餐行业分析 第33-35页 ·市场特征分析 第35-39页 ·主要竞争者 第36-37页 ·新进入者的威胁 第37页 ·替代品的威胁 第37-38页 ·顾客的议价能力 第38页 ·供应商的议价能力 第38-39页 ·肯德基在中国的SWOT分析 第39-40页 ·肯德基在中国的优势 第39-40页 ·肯德基在中国的劣势 第40页 ·肯德基在中国的挑战 第40页 ·肯德基在中国的机遇 第40页 5 肯德基在中国快速扩张战略的实施现状 第40-58页 ·肯德基在中国扩张版图的三个阶段 第41-42页 ·第一阶段:网络布局 第41页 ·第二阶段:建立系统与人才培养 第41-42页 ·第三阶段:全力扩张与本土化 第42页 ·成功并不断创新的商业模式 第42-44页 ·快速扩张 第44-48页 ·独资 第44-45页 ·合资 第45-46页 ·特许经营 第46-48页 ·新店开发 第48-50页 ·肯德基开发部 第48-49页 ·新店选址 第49-50页 ·新店营建 第50页 ·餐厅营运 第50-52页 ·CHAMPS 第50-51页 ·"神秘顾客" 第51-52页 ·为客疯狂 第52页 ·打造新式"洋快餐" 第52-54页 ·供应链 第54-56页 ·肯德基的供应链要求 第54页 ·肯德基的供应物流分析 第54-56页 ·中国肯德基的人才培养 第56-57页 ·稳定的领导层 第56页 ·餐厅人才的培养 第56页 ·餐厅管理人才的主要来源 第56-57页 ·危机管理 第57-58页 6 肯德基在中国快速扩张战略的调整和优化 第58-61页 ·肯德基在中国市场的重新定位 第59页 ·将"产品本土化战略"进行到底 第59-60页 ·营养健康问题 第60-61页 ·注重危机管理 第61页 7 对我国餐饮业的启示和建议 第61-65页 ·肯德基未来发展战略预测 第61-63页 ·未来宏观环境预测 第61-62页 ·中国肯德基未来发展战略预测 第62-63页 ·对我国餐饮业的启示和建议 第63-65页 参考文献 第65-66页 后记 第66-67页 附录1 国民经济和社会发展总量与速度指标 第67-71页 附录2 人民生活基本情况 第71-72页 附录3 按行业分限额以上连锁餐饮企业基本情况 第。
If the various rules and regulations, service codes of conduct regulating the staff of "tangible rules", corporate culture is as an "invisible rules" exist in the consciousness of employees. Corporate culture can be likened to the acts of the "gene", which, through incentives, such as ceremony and provide the core values of the enterprise, told employees in an enterprise, what is the most important goal, which is advocated and promoted staff to guide and shape the attitudes and behavior towards the same direction. Therefore the company's investment on the corporate culture is often able to reduce the huge cost of human resources management. Kentucky Fried Chicken as a franchise business, its high standards of service quality is the lifeline of its capital to compete. For this reason, KFC has created a strong sense of service-oriented corporate culture, staff accepted the organizational culture of Kentucky at the same time, the variety of complex rules and regulations of it deep in their hearts within the. "The first restaurant manager" This is Yum China established the most important group of corporate culture, which reflects the company's emphasis on productivity improvement, and all around the restaurant and the service the first line of thinking, but also to encourage positive restaurant to start healthy competition. Each year, the Group in China, Yum's annual meeting, hundreds of students from all over the country will be the restaurant manager excellent results for their outstanding medal was awarded. Yum China president, Mr. Su Jingshi outstanding performance to senior staff presented a gold medal engraved with the dragon - "Golden Dragon Award", a very Chinese characteristics and the incentive. Restaurant sales for the year in a job well done and the management company "champion detection," asked the restaurant manager assessment, the company will be given special treatment, they will fly from all over the world Baisheng Group headquarters, by the president of luxury limousine with a total Nowak Progressive Dinner. Suzhou, China, a restaurant manager region Zan Xudong new wife last year to have portability,greeted by the VIP-like. During the banquet, Nowak and department heads will be brought to the mold cute food: "Chicken," "great cheese," and that eating click one's tongue "talking teeth" in recognition of outstanding performance of these employees and as a souvenir. Yum in China Group for all enterprises, not only to the growth of enterprises, individuals have to grow up, and even manufacturers in collaboration, cooperation, joint venture partners will have to grow. That "together, together excellence." Employees of the Kentucky Fried Chicken, with a market in China, the expansion of the growth opportunities they also came into being. Yum Group believes that these young people do for the individual rules of career development is essential. It is necessary to meet the needs of young people to expand innovation and willingness to meet at the same time, the process of long-term development needs of staff reserves. In Kentucky, the staff will not be worked too long in one position. If you post in a dry two years, will someone come: how can you not promoted for so long? At present, the Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant manager all have a good educational background, and a step-by-step up from the grass-roots growth of the restaurant. From the management of a restaurant, to the management of 4-5 restaurants and Restaurant 7-10, and even the management of a market. Kentucky-based career development ladder for access, so that every employee has the potential to see the hope of climbing points. For suppliers, the Kentucky Fried Chicken is not only brought about by the rapid growth of opportunities, and also from its own development to make them more competitive in the marketplace. Businesses, employees, vendor collaboration, cooperation, joint venture partners in the Kentucky Long-Term Goals of the guide, through communication, actively cooperate with each other to work together closely to form a team, to achieve the overall performance than individual performance results. Annual meeting, the group management and cooperation among partners, suppliers and mutual cooperation between the direction of future development, exchange of experience, so that efforts to strengthen the communication with each other, enhance cohesion and public enterprises together, the confidence in the pursuit of excellence. This is a session of Yum's China Group, is enthusiastic for the annual meeting of the "Business Challenge Cha。
2、肯德基(Kentucky Fried Chicken,肯塔基州炸鸡),简称KFC,是美国跨国连锁餐厅之一,同时也是世界第二大速食及最大炸鸡连锁企业,由哈兰德·大卫·桑德斯于1930年在肯塔基州路易斯维尔创建,主要出售炸鸡、汉堡、薯条、蛋挞、汽水等高热量快餐食品。肯德基隶属于百胜餐饮集团,并与百事可乐结成了战略联盟,固定销售百事公司提供的碳酸饮料。截至2013年底共有约18000 家门店。
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