比较文学研究就是将两个以上的作家或作品进行比较。这两个作品或作家可以是同一国别的(如“雪莱与拜伦的诗歌比较”),也可以是不同国别的(如《牡丹亭》与《罗密欧与朱丽叶》) 提供一些英语专业论文文学方向的选题,供写作参考。
Study on the Child Image of the Catcher in the Rye From Linguistic Perspective 从语言的角度分析《麦田里的守望者》中的儿童形象 A CHILD OF NATURE: ON EMILY DICKINSON'S NATURE COMPLEX璞玉无暇,浑然天成:论艾米莉.狄金森的自然情结 A POLYPHONIC ANALYSIS OF THE SOUNF AND FURY “对位法”分析《喧哗与骚动》 The Use of Zero Article Before Class Nouns 类名词前的零冠词用法解析 An Analysis of Factors of Martin Eden's Suicide 导致马丁.伊登自杀因素的分析 Factors Affecting Marriage in Pride and Prejudice。
Study on the Child Image of the Catcher in the Rye From Linguistic Perspective 从语言的角度分析《麦田里的守望者》中的儿童形象A CHILD OF NATURE: ON EMILY DICKINSON'S NATURE COMPLEX璞玉无暇,浑然天成:论艾米莉.狄金森的自然情结A POLYPHONIC ANALYSIS OF THE SOUNF AND FURY “对位法”分析《喧哗与骚动》The Use of Zero Article Before Class Nouns 类名词前的零冠词用法解析An Analysis of Factors of Martin Eden's Suicide 导致马丁.伊登自杀因素的分析Factors Affecting Marriage in Pride and Prejudice <<傲慢与偏见〉〉中影响婚姻的因素A Probe into Anti-slavery of Mark Twain--From the Perspective of Jim in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 探讨马克吐温的反奴隶制--对《哈克贝利芬历险记》中吉姆的分析Individual Factos Contributing to Gatsby's Tragedy 导致盖茨比悲剧产生的个人因素On Social Factora to the Failure of the Americam Dream——A Contrast between Gatsby and Willy Loman 论美国梦破灭的社会因素——盖茨比和威力洛曼的比较On the Psychological Development of Tom in The Grapes of Wrath论《愤怒的葡萄》中汤姆的心理变化A Research of Rhetoric in Jane Eyre 关于《简爱》中修辞的研究On the Causes of Tess's Tragedy 论苔丝悲剧的原因On Symbolism and Portraiture in The Great Gatsby 论《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征主义和人物描写Multianalysis of "the Lost Generation" in The Sun Also Rises 透视《太阳照样升起》中的“迷惘的一代”On Robinson Crusoe's Character 鲁滨逊人物分析The Use of Symbolism in Scarlet Letter 论《红字》中象征手法的运用On the Writing Features Of The Cal l of the Wild 论《野性的呼唤》的写作手法。
With computer technology and network technology matures, the construction of information technology of the city presents the large-scale trend of development, the construction of community information as one of the key urban information is booming in recent years. The construction of information technology of communities need software as a powerful foundation, e-services community information system is an important part of the software community, its entire service process is completed electronic form. Therefore, to research and develop a e-services community system which performs better, more complete and easier to use is the inevitable demand of the construction of community information. ?? Community e-services system is an integrated system of telephone bills, utilities, administrative operating expenses, insurance, order e-tickets, train tickets, bus ticket, lottery tickets, attraction tickets, non-prescription medicines, books, information on community services, food basket, real estate information and other kinds of services. ??? Paper analyze the current status of community e-service system in order to know:? SP (Service Provider) services provider their technical information to a developer, the developer make a quick access to an electronic community systems through the SP Agent Builder (service generator), technical information including the specific use of any transport protocol, data, information such as how to package, to generate a service proxy Agent; we have registered service agents to the service registry; monitoring system will load the registry service to the operation platform of the community e-service system when need using , monitoring system can also monitor the service agent status, browser the log information. Specifically my work is listed below. ??? First, to design an XML-based description language model of heterogeneous services, the existing allocation of hete to a Borel probability measure /& any r~ c N+ and any e > O, one can find a measurable set R ( a so called (r; of A TER。
。TERremainder,e) Rohlin set) such that, for ] 0, 1, 。
, r; 1, the sets T JR are pairwise disjoint and exhaust X with exception serogeneous services in the assembly reached the semantic consistency of requirements, design a Service Agent's three-tier structure, namely, functional layer, representation layer and transport layer, is essentially a service bus, shielding between the various platform heterogeneity. At the same time, project designs and implements the SP Agent Builder tool. It has two functions: Information collector and SP Agent Builder. Information collector: using SP Agent Builder tool developed by project member, users can generate a the three XML documents of service according text; SP Agent Builder provides data entry templates of three layer of XML, users can edit the service information in the data blank; the service agent code generator: using SP Agent Builder tool developed by project member to generate a service agent based the three-tier XML, Agent is including the three XML and dto, service, serviceImpl folder, the folder contains a proxy source(using java).。
4.我是英语专业本科 现在要写论文了 我选的是文化方向,可没什么头绪
写文化方向的论文可选的主题很多 你可以到学术期刊网或者学校的内部资料数据库去查阅,还有一种方法就是看你们专业前几年学长学姐们写的论文题目,从中得到启发。
毕业论文选题参考 I. 中学英语教学: 1. 中学英语词汇教学初探 2. 中学英语教学中的"文化"因素 3. 浅议把英语释义引进中学课文教学 4. 浅谈听、说、读、写能力的培养 5. 中学英语教学中应注重学生能力的培养 6. 游戏在中学英语教学中的作用 7. 谈谈在英语教学中的情景教学 8. 身势语在英语教学中的应用 9. 在英语教学中开发学生的非智力因素 10.浅谈怎样用英语组织课堂教学 11.如何提高差生的阅读水平 12."角色表演"在课堂教学中的应用 13.课外活动的设计与指导 14.英语教学中的德育渗透 15.电化教学在英语教学中的地位 16.英语课堂教学中怎样激发学生兴趣 17.中学英语句型教学 18.中学教学中如何提高听的能力 19."任务型"教学模式探讨 20.音乐在英语教学中的应用 21.影响阅读理解的因素分析 22.浅谈中学生阅读理解能力的培养 23.如何培养和提高学生的英语交际能力 24.如何提高中学生的英语写作能力 25.母语对中学生学习英语的影响 26.英语教学中如何引导学生培养语感 27.论文化背景知识在阅读教学中的作用 28.文化差异对听力理解的影响 29.浅谈中学生英语口语能力的培养 30.浅谈中学英语教学中学生学习兴趣的培养 II. 语言学 1.英语中 "将来时"表达法初探 2.试谈 "颜色词"在英语中的使用 3.英语中的性别语言现象探索 4.英语委婉语的语言特点及文化内涵 5.跨文化交际中的语用差异 6.反意疑问句的特殊句型 7.运用构词法记忆英语单词 8.英语中"死亡"委婉语文化因素剖析 9.英语学习中的母语负迁移现象探索 10.语义模糊与交际 11.英汉语言形式与思维方式对比 12.中英文化差异在语言中的反映 13.英语中主动形式表被动意义 14.汉英数量词的文化差异 15.英语广告标题的修辞特点 16.浅谈英汉词语的文化内涵 17.论英汉词义的不对应性 III. 翻译 1. 谈英语谚语的翻译 2. 谈英语幽默的翻译 3. 英语汉译技巧初探 4. 地方名胜古迹汉译英 5. 翻译中常见错误分析 6. 中英思维方式的差异对翻译的影响 7. 会话含义的推导与翻译 8. 词汇的文化内涵与翻译 9. 语境在翻译中的作用 10.翻译技巧探索 11.商标词翻译 12.广告语言的翻译 13.论英汉互译中的语义等值问题 14.英汉文化差异对翻译的影响 15.英汉谚语的理解和翻译 16.浅谈颜色词在英语中的翻译 17.中西文化差异与翻译障碍 18.英语比喻性词语中文化内涵及翻译 19.英语意义否定表现法及其汉译 20.浅谈新闻标题的翻译 IV. 英美文学 1. 英美文学名著(原著200页以上)读后感 2. 有关文学作品的评论、欣赏等等。
文化那主要就是英语国家的文化啦, 象英美文化, 跨文化交际学之类。
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