

Recently, graffiti can be seen anywhere in many colleges, which makes our eyesight unpleasant. Worse still, many students regard graffiti as a special art. I get annoyed at this phenomenon.

From my point of view, graffiti is so ugly to look at. It's a kind of pollution as well as an ill behavior. Moreover, public buildings are symbols of civilization, not the places to express our thinkings and ideas.

Consequently, I think graffiti should be prohibited by our school regulations. Those who don't want to get rid of this bad habit must be punished strictly. In conclusion, we must clear out this bad manner, in order to create a good atmosphere for us to study.



On Graffiti

Recently, graffiti can be seen anywhere in many colleges, which makes our eyesight unpleasant. Worse still, many students regard graffiti as a special art. I get annoyed at this phenomenon.

From my point of view, graffiti is so ugly to look at. It's a kind of pollution as well as an ill behavior. Moreover, public buildings are symbols of civilization, not the places to express our thinkings and ideas.

Consequently, I think graffiti should be prohibited by our school regulations. Those who don't want to get rid of this bad habit must be punished strictly. In conclusion, we must clear out this bad manner, in order to create a good atmosphere for us to study.



关于涂鸦的看法 On Graffiti

Recently, graffiti can be seen anywhere in many colleges, which makes our eyesight unpleasant. Worse still, many students regard graffiti as a special art. I get annoyed at this phenomenon.

From my point of view, graffiti is so ugly to look at. It's a kind of pollution as well as an ill behavior. Moreover, public buildings are symbols of civilization, not the places to express our thinkings and ideas.

Consequently, I think graffiti should be prohibited by our school regulations. Those who don't want to get rid of this bad habit must be punished strictly. In conclusion, we must clear out this bad manner, in order to create a good atmosphere for us to study.

关于涂鸦的看法 On Graffiti

Recently, graffiti can be seen anywhere in many colleges, which makes our eyesight unpleasant. Worse still, many students regard graffiti as a special art. I get annoyed at this phenomenon.

From my point of view, graffiti is so ugly to look at. It's a kind of pollution as well as an ill behavior. Moreover, public buildings are symbols of civilization, not the places to express our thinkings and ideas.

Consequently, I think graffiti should be prohibited by our school regulations. Those who don't want to get rid of this bad habit must be punished strictly. In conclusion, we must clear out this bad manner, in order to create a good atmosphere for us to study.

4.英语作文关于涂鸦的看法 怎么写

graffiti can be seen anywhere in many colleges,which makes our eyesight unpleasant.Worse still,many students regard graffiti as a special art.I get annoyed at this phenomenon.From my point of view,graffiti is so ugly to look at.It's a kind of pollution as well as an ill behavior.Moreover,public buildings are symbols of civilization,not the places to express our thinkings and ideas.

Consequently,I think graffiti should be prohibited by our school regulations.


mostly accepted that graffiti come from the 1960's Philadelphia and Pennsylvania .

Graffiti culture is a topic on which our society has long been divided. Graffiti is either seen as a new form of urban expression, or an art form in its own right or vandalism, labeled as popular amongst delinquents, a product of the unsuccessful lower

Graffiti has been a visible sub-culture since the 1970's and now has turned into a part of modern youth culture. No amount of wall washing, it seems, will ever suppress the spray paint culture, which appears as a brightly colored rainbow, weaving itself in and out of the gray tower block landscapes. However, graffiti culture, fuelled by mainstream interference, appears to be moving in two very different directions, which may never meet.

It became a commodity. The influx of graffiti-inspired catwalk collections three years ago was more than acceptable to mainstream values.We can be rest assured that Lousis Vuitton was not accused of delinquency.

About four years ago ,Sprit employed street artist Temper to design limited edition graffiti cans and bottles, celebrating “the nation's love affair with all things urban”. This seems to be one way in which graffiti culture is moving forward.

Others focus on street art, concebtratibg mainly on attacks on the railway system and viewing legal opportunities as a sell-out。


mostly accepted that graffiti come from the 1960's Philadelphia and Pennsylvania .

Graffiti culture is a topic on which our society has long been divided. Graffiti is either seen as a new form of urban expression, or an art form in its own right or vandalism, labeled as popular amongst delinquents, a product of the unsuccessful lower

Graffiti has been a visible sub-culture since the 1970's and now has turned into a part of modern youth culture. No amount of wall washing, it seems, will ever suppress the spray paint culture, which appears as a brightly colored rainbow, weaving itself in and out of the gray tower block landscapes. However, graffiti culture, fuelled by mainstream interference, appears to be moving in two very different directions, which may never meet.

It became a commodity. The influx of graffiti-inspired catwalk collections three years ago was more than acceptable to mainstream values.We can be rest assured that Lousis Vuitton was not accused of delinquency.

About four years ago ,Sprit employed street artist Temper to design limited edition graffiti cans and bottles, celebrating “the nation's love affair with all things urban”. This seems to be one way in which graffiti culture is moving forward.

Others focus on street art, concebtratibg mainly on attacks on the railway system and viewing legal opportunities as a sell-out。





涂鸦与商业的结合更紧密,涂鸦包含了更多时尚、娱乐和游戏的精神。许多青年涂鸦者中的才艺出众者登堂入室,成为新时代设计师中的幸运儿。他们的画布转移到了海报、广告、服装、鞋、帽子、玩具、电视台、游戏厅。工具则从喷漆罐变成了苹果电脑和PS、Illustrator,现在争着跟他们合作的是那些拿着大把钞票的广告商们,有耐克、阿迪达斯。。由涂鸦而进入主流设计圈的佼佼者当属Marc Ecko,这个12岁开始涂鸦,20岁时就以6件自创涂鸦T恤奠定个人品牌根基的家伙,如今已是数十亿资产的服装品牌的拥有者。他一直认为,“现在年轻人就是爱突显自我特色,太一般的设计无法引起共鸣,我们的设计就是要引人瞩目、要夸张、要炫目夺人、要让人惊叹!”




8.英语作文关于涂鸦的看法 怎么写

mostly accepted that graffiti come from the 1960's Philadelphia and Pennsylvania . Graffiti culture is a topic on which our society has long been divided. Graffiti is either seen as a new form of urban expression, or an art form in its own right or vandalism, labeled as popular amongst delinquents, a product of the unsuccessful lower Graffiti has been a visible sub-culture since the 1970's and now has turned into a part of modern youth culture. No amount of wall washing, it seems, will ever suppress the spray paint culture, which appears as a brightly colored rainbow, weaving itself in and out of the gray tower block landscapes. However, graffiti culture, fuelled by mainstream interference, appears to be moving in two very different directions, which may never meet. It became a commodity. The influx of graffiti-inspired catwalk collections three years ago was more than acceptable to mainstream values.We can be rest assured that Lousis Vuitton was not accused of delinquency. About four years ago ,Sprit employed street artist Temper to design limited edition graffiti cans and bottles, celebrating “the nation's love affair with all things urban”. This seems to be one way in which graffiti culture is moving forward. Others focus on street art, concebtratibg mainly on attacks on the railway system and viewing legal opportunities as a sell-out。


On Graffiti Recently, graffiti can be seen anywhere in many colleges, which makes our eyesight unpleasant. Worse still, many students regard graffiti as a special art. I get annoyed at this phenomenon. From my point of view, graffiti is so ugly to look at. It's a kind of pollution as well as an ill behavior. Moreover, public buildings are symbols of civilization, not the places to express our thinkings and ideas. Consequently, I think graffiti should be prohibited by our school regulations. Those who don't want to get rid of this bad habit must be punished strictly. In conclusion, we must clear out this bad manner, in order to create a good atmosphere for us to study。


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