



1. 中西方餐饮文化对比

2. 跨文化交际与中西文化冲突

3. 中西方餐桌礼仪差异


4. 中英文在生活中的差异


1. 礼仪在商务英语谈判中的作用

2. 商务英语函电在对外贸易中的作用

3. 商务合同中英语词汇的作用

4. 商务英语在中国加入 WTO 后的新发展和新趋势

5. 商务英语函电写作和作用

6. 商务谈判的成功因素



英语饮料广告中的语用预设研究 字数:4962.页数:17 论文编号:YY217 Abstract Advertising language has received a thorough study from different aspects. With the development of linguistics, the studies on advertising language are inclined to the relationship between language and context. In this case, pragmatic presupposition appears to be the very tool for its sensitive nature to context. In addition, common ground and appropriateness of pragmatic presupposition also make great contribution to the concise and economical advertisement. However, other properties like one-sidedness, subjectivity and latency are equally noticed. Proper exploitation of these features may develop useful market strategies. Therefore, it is of great significance to study advertising language from pragmatic presupposition perspective. The thesis focuses on the phenomenon of pragmatic presupposition in English advertisement for beverage. Based on the foundational theory, the classifications and functions of pragmatic presupposition are exposed by qualitative study method. Meanwhile, a case study is conducted to tentatively explore the distribution and frequency of each type by quantitative analysis. Research findings show that pragmatic presupposition occurs in 94% of the collected 100 drinks advertisements; the state presupposition accounts for the largest percentage (40%) among all five classifications , followed by belief presupposition, behavior presupposition, existential presupposition and fact presupposition, for 22%, 14%, 13%, 5% respectively. Key Words: advertising language pragmatic presupposition function classifications description 摘要 广告语言的研究一直以来都备受各个领域学者们的青睐。






其余的信仰预设、行为预设、存在预设和事实预设分别占22%、14%、13%和5%。 关键词:广告语 语用预设 功能 分类描写 目录 Abstract 。

..1 摘要。

.2 Chapter 1 Introduction。

3 Chapter 2 Literature Review 。

.4 2.1 Previous studies on pragmatic presupposition abroad 。

4 2.2 Previous studies on pragmatic presupposition at home。

.. 5 Chapter 3 Theoretical Foundations。

..6 3.1 The definitions of pragmatic presupposition 。

..6 3.2 The characteristics of pragmatic presupposition。

. 7 3.2.2 Subjectivity。

..7 3.2.3 Latency 。

7 3.3 The classifications of pragmatic presupposition in print advertisement language 8 3.3.1 Existential presupposition 。

8 3.3.2 Fact presupposition。

. 8 3.3.3 State presupposition。

.9 3.3.4 Belief alue presupposition。

9 3.3.5 Behavior presupposition。

10 3.4 Functions of pragmatic presupposition in drink advertisement language。

10 3.4.1 Concise function。

.10 3.4.2 Euphemism function 。

.11 3.4.3 Persuasive function 。

11 Chapter 4 Case Study。

11 4.1 Research aims 。

..11 4.2 Data collection。

.12 4.3 Data analysis 。

..12 4.3.1 Statistic numbers 。

..12 4.3.2 Analysis findings。

14 Chapter 5 Conclusion 。

..15 5.1 General summary 。

15 5.2 Limitations of present study 。







个人差异因素,如自信、期待、态度和动机与语言学习成绩之间的关系一直都是普通英语作为外语/二语学习环境中动机理论研究的焦点。的理论和模型的建立也从各方面证实了学习者特征对于语言学习成绩的影响。在特殊用途英语,或者具体的说,商务英语的学习领域中,相关的研究却并不多见。本研究的主要目的是通过研究另外一组语言学习者,是在校商务英语方向本科生,来证明当前普遍流行的动机理论在另一领域的普遍可行性,探索商务英语本科生的主观需求、态度、动机与商务英语成绩之间的关系。在已有相关理论的基础上,提出了四个假设。主要的数据收集手段包括:商务英语本科生的各科期末考试成绩,问卷和结构化的访谈。回收有效问卷113份。访谈12人。研究的变量有自信心强度、期待值强度、态度和动机的类型。所采用的统计分析手段为相关性分析和描述性分析性统计分析旨在证明普通英语环境下的动机理论在特殊用途英语领域中的普遍可行性和探索各变量与商务英语成绩之间的关系。性分析的目的是对商务英语本科生的语言学习具体主观需求进行探讨。 本研究主要的贡献和发现可概括为:本文整理并总结了从1990年到2003年来主要的有关语言学习动机理论的研究和发现,使相关研究者或读者对动机理论领域的国内外近期研究发展有一定的了解。第二,正如在普通英语作为外语学习环境中被证明的一样,商务英语本科生的自信心强度,期望值强度,学习环境的态度与商务英语成绩之间呈正相关的关系。第三,商务英语本科生的学习动机大多数是属于“职业动机”。动机的强度,或者说职业动机的强度与商务英语成绩之间也是正相关的关系。由于商务英语学习的职业倾向特征,商务英语专业学生感兴趣的是诸如听说,或其它更有交际性的技能或课程。最后,在商务英语的学习过程中,大部分学生已经意识到了了解跨文化差别在国际商务活动中的重要性,但是却缺乏足够的了解。 是建立在以在校的商务英语本科生为研究对象的一项实证研究,因此,其主要发现是英语作为外语/二语学习中的动机理论在特殊用途英语领域中的补充和延伸。从实际意义出发,本研究提供了最近十年来国内外语言学习动机理论研究发展的系统总结和概括;探讨了商务英语本科生的语言学习具体主观需 商务英语学习中的主观需求,动机的实证研究 求,商务英语课程设置过程中需求分析的一个相当重要的部分;并就如何更地理解国际商务交际活动中的跨文化差异现象提出了建议。 在本研究的基础上,希望在商务英语教学的过程中,学习者的主观要求, 态度和动机能够得到充分的重视,从而提高商务英语学习的成绩



英语饮料广告中的语用预设研究 字数:4962.页数:17 论文编号:YY217 AbstractAdvertising language has received a thorough study from different aspects. With the development of linguistics, the studies on advertising language are inclined to the relationship between language and context. In this case, pragmatic presupposition appears to be the very tool for its sensitive nature to context. In addition, common ground and appropriateness of pragmatic presupposition also make great contribution to the concise and economical advertisement. However, other properties like one-sidedness, subjectivity and latency are equally noticed. Proper exploitation of these features may develop useful market strategies. Therefore, it is of great significance to study advertising language from pragmatic presupposition perspective.The thesis focuses on the phenomenon of pragmatic presupposition in English advertisement for beverage. Based on the foundational theory, the classifications and functions of pragmatic presupposition are exposed by qualitative study method. Meanwhile, a case study is conducted to tentatively explore the distribution and frequency of each type by quantitative analysis. Research findings show that pragmatic presupposition occurs in 94% of the collected 100 drinks advertisements; the state presupposition accounts for the largest percentage (40%) among all five classifications , followed by belief presupposition, behavior presupposition, existential presupposition and fact presupposition, for 22%, 14%, 13%, 5% respectively.Key Words: advertising language pragmatic presupposition function classifications description 摘要广告语言的研究一直以来都备受各个领域学者们的青睐。






其余的信仰预设、行为预设、存在预设和事实预设分别占22%、14%、13%和5%。 关键词:广告语 语用预设 功能 分类描写 目录Abstract 。


.2Chapter 1 Introduction。

3Chapter 2 Literature Review 。

.42.1 Previous studies on pragmatic presupposition abroad 。

42.2 Previous studies on pragmatic presupposition at home。

.. 5Chapter 3 Theoretical Foundations。

..63.1 The definitions of pragmatic presupposition 。

..63.2 The characteristics of pragmatic presupposition。

. 73.2.2 Subjectivity。

..73.2.3 Latency 。

73.3 The classifications of pragmatic presupposition in print advertisement language 83.3.1 Existential presupposition 。

83.3.2 Fact presupposition。

. 83.3.3 State presupposition。

.93.3.4 Belief alue presupposition。

93.3.5 Behavior presupposition。

103.4 Functions of pragmatic presupposition in drink advertisement language。

103.4.1 Concise function。

.103.4.2 Euphemism function 。

.113.4.3 Persuasive function 。

11Chapter 4 Case Study。

114.1 Research aims 。

..114.2 Data collection。

.124.3 Data analysis 。

..124.3.1 Statistic numbers 。

..124.3.2 Analysis findings。

14Chapter 5 Conclusion 。

..155.1 General summary 。

155.2 Limitations of present study 。



Derivatives, as financial instruments, have gained an increasingly important role to the financial status of big companies around the globe. Their importance can be primarily illustrated by the huge development of the derivatives exchange markets in the most developed countries, with banks usually being at the centre of trading of these powerful financial tools. The very essence of their importance lies to the fact that companies can use them to reduce uncertainty or risk that stems from entrepreneurial activities. Financial managers use derivatives to understand the risks that their firms are exposed to daily and thus are able to pursue higher returns, given the fact that higher returns impose higher risks. The management of high risks enables companies to reduce the danger of financial losses and in the same time achieve higher returns. The extended use of derivatives can also attribute further benefits to the financial position of firms by improving several other corporate actions like cheaper borrowing, tax planning and ensuring safer loan payback. However, derivatives' trading has been a cause for huge corporate losses for many companies, the financial management of which ignored the high risks involved in the use of those financial instruments. This essay will attempt to examine the ways in which companies can use derivatives to modify their financial position.A derivative (or derivative security) can be defined as a tradable asset whose intrinsic value depends on or derives from the value of an underlying asset (like shares or bonds), a commodity (like oil or gold) or an abstract measure (like interest rates or indexes). This dependency of the derivatives' value is the reason why they are also called contingent claims. This last definition of derivatives describes accurately their nature of being an exercisable right or obligation rather than a tradable good. This right or obligation is the exact legal contract that acquires value like a real asset, and therefore can be traded. People have implemented derivatives, as legal contracts, since ancient times, although their systematic use and trading began in the late nineteenth century. However, the past thirty years witnessed a massive growth in the volume of derivatives' trading. Nowadays, derivative markets account for a significant amount of the world financial exchange system, and their types and use keeps developing and adapting to the different financial needs of the various industries. Common types of derivatives are options, futures, forwards, forward rate agreements and swaps, while other less common types are caps, floors, exotic options, Over-The Counter (OTCs) and exchange-traded derivatives. A brief description of the most common derivatives is given below.An option is a contractual agreement that the gives the right and not the obligation in one party to buy or sell an underlying commodity or asset at a given price anytime during a pre-specified period of time. At the end of the pre-specified period this right can be exercised or not, according to the option's holder needs, thus the name of the derivative. If an option gives the buyer the right to purchase an asset (a number of shares for example) at a given price during a time period, this option is called call option. By the end of the period the right expires and after that date the option loses its value. On the contrary, if a similar contract gives the buyer the right to sell an asset (at an agreed price and up to a given date), it is then called put option. Call and Put options enable their holders to make profits, reducing the uncertainty of the future value of the underlying asset because they can be tradable at any time before the expiry date. If the underlying asset is a share index like FTSE 100, S&P 500 etc. then the purchased right is called index option.Futures are also contractual agreements between two parties to buy or sell an asset at a specific time and a pre-specified price. However, a future represents an obligation, not a right, to proceed in the specific transaction, thus neither of the two parties can back away once the agreement is made (or the future is purchased). Thus a holder of a future buys the obligation of the other party and not the right, as in options. However, futures are tradable derivatives and are exchanged in a regulated market, like options. This characteristic allows their holders to change their position, according to the change of the underlying asset value through time before the date of the contracted transaction. However, they are very standardised and so they might not be very attractive to companies with specific financial needs. A future having as 。


The Impact of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems on Management Accounting: An Australian Study Abstract Information technology is significantly changing the operating practices of an increasing number of companies globally. These developments have important implications for the accounting profession and in particular accounting practices in the twenty-first century. This study examines the development of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems as a means of illustrating how changes in information technology allows all systems in a company to be linked to manage operations holistically. The study investigates the change in accounting systems using a sample of Australian companies with emphasis on the adoption of ERP systems including the potential impact of ERP on capital budgeting processes. The results show that ERP systems are changing management accounting practices, although at this stage, the impact on capital budgeting techniques appears to be limited. The findings contribute to the emerging body of literature on the development of ERP systems and its impact on management accounting teaching and research. Key words: Management accounting, capital budgeting, enterprise resource planning systems, information technology. 1. Introduction During the past decade an increasing number of companies have been impacted by information technology in terms of computerized transaction processing and electronic telecommunications such as that done with the Internet, intranet, and extranet. For competitive reasons, companies have had to change from manual and then mainframe systems to what has been called enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. An ERP system has a common database or data warehouse that links together all systems in all parts of a company including, for example, capital budgeting with financial, control, manufacturing, sales, fixed assets, inventory, human resources modules, etc. An ERP system, by linking all systems through a data warehouse, allows a company to manage its operations holistically. A second impact of ERP systems has been a general shift to manage at the activity level rather than at the more abstract level of financial transactions. This means that management accounting, with its focus on activities, can be most effective when it is used with ERP systems to incorporate the activity level for costing and performance measurement. To be effective an ERP system will contain an extensive chart of accounts or codes for activities such as accurate recording and tracking of activities, revenues and costs. The coding incorporates stable entities of a business, such as divisions, plants, stores, and warehouses. At a detailed level there are codes for functions such as finance, production, sales, marketing, and materials management. There are also the traditional financial account codes such as assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses, and the central ERP feature of coding processes, activities, and sub-activities. There must be consistent coding among all parts of a company in order for them to relate to one another. As the ERP system incorporates activities in terms of quantities of resources, including labour, a record of resource use is maintained. Therefore, performance can be measured in physical terms and compared to standards, which allows for the calculation of variances. This performance measurement at the activity level serves as a feedback system on efficiency and effectiveness. The confusion from abstract monetary measures is erased, and what is actually happening with the conversion of resources into goods and services can be seen. ERP systems have the potential to change management ccounting systems with more detailed, more integrated, and faster produced information. To date the research on the impact of ERP systems on management accounting can best be described as preliminary. It has involved case studies of one or two companies at a time and some field studies. The findings from these studies have been largely anecdotal. Also, some have been deductive in that arguments based on ERP attributes have been made on how management accounting should be affected. For instance, in a field study, Cook et al. (2000) described activity-based capital budgeting at a division of a US telecommunications company. The findings from Cook et al.'s field work suggests that ERP systems can increase the effectiveness of capital budgeting by anchoring financial numbers to activities rather than stopping at monetary measures with pre-ERP practices. The 。



呵呵 (因字数有限制,我可发给你) 英语本科毕业论文 The Spirit of Revolt of Tess --Study in Tess of the D'Urbervilles Thesis statement: Everyone knows that Tess's life is a great tragedy, but she is still a courageous woman who dares to fight by all means. In order to defeat the unfortunate fate she always resists the decadent society, the traditional concept, and the hypocrisy religion. Outline Ⅰ.Brief Introduction to Tess of the d'Urbervilles A. Women's role in industrial movements during 19th century in England B. A brief commentary of the novel 1. the writer --Thomas hardy 2. general introduction of the novel Ⅱ.Tess's spirit of revolt all through her life A. Tess's fight to the moribund society 1. the moribund society 2. Tess's fight to the moribund society B. Tess's resistance to the traditional moral concept 1. the traditional moral concept 2. Tess's resistance to the traditional moral concept C. Tess's resistance to the hypocritical religion 1.the hypocritical religion in that time 2. Tess's resistance to the hypocritical religion D. Tess's resistance to the unfortunate marriage 1.Tess's unfortunate marriage 2. Tess's resistance to the unfortunate marriage Ⅲ.Conclusion: In a word, Tess has shown a powerful woman's image to common people with her unyielding spirit of revolt. She, to the moribund society, traditional old morals, hypocritical religion, capitalist marriage system, has carried on the strongest revealing and criticism. Her kindhearted enlightenment, noble emotion, strong personality, and her resistance in imbuing all rooted in the hearts of the people forever, worth savoring. Abstract This paper mainly focuses on the spirit of revolt of Tess. First of all, this paper begins with a brief introduction to the novel. Then, this paper makes a brief commentary of the novel. Moreover, it concentrates on :(1) Tess's fight to the moribund society. (2) Tess's resistance to the traditional moral concept. (3) Tess's resistance to the hypocritical religion. (4) Tess's resistance to the unfortunate marriage. And at last the paper reveals that Tess is actually a character with the spirit of revolt all through her life. key words:tragedy,Spirit of revolt,industrial movement,unfortunate fate 内容提要 本文研究的是小说主人公“苔丝”的“反抗精神”。首先,本文对小说的背景做了介绍。

然后,对文本进行简要评论。再次,本文主要从以下四个方面对文本主人公“苔丝”的“反抗精神”进行集中讨论:(1) 苔丝对腐朽社会的抗争;(2) 苔丝对传统的道德观念的反抗;(3) 苔丝对伪善的宗教的反抗;(4) 苔丝对不幸婚姻的反抗。

最后,揭示出苔丝整个人生经历中的反抗精神。 关键词:悲剧,反抗精神,工业运动,不幸命运。


浅论基础英语教学中的文化教育 英语教学的本质是培养学生的跨文化交际能力。

但是,我国英语教育长期以来着重语言形式的学习,较忽视文化因素在教学中的作用。 基础英语文化教学应遵循兴趣原则、相关性原则、循序渐进原则、实用性原则和适度性原则。

实施基础文化教学应当完善基础英语教学大纲,加强基础英语文化教学的教材建设,改革考试形式和内容并在基础英语基础阶段开设英美文化选修课。 基础英语教学语言教育文化教育随着世界各国人民交往的日益密切,跨文化交际已成为一个重要的现实课题。

英语因其广泛的国际认知度和易用性而担当了重要的国际交流中介语的角色。 我国关键的英语教育阶段体现在大学教育阶段,但在我国基础英语教学中,培养学生得体的英语跨文化交际能力的教育理念并未受到重视,学生的英语课程学习未涉及系统的英美文化背景、生活习俗和价值观念等与文化相关的知识,直接导致很多大学生的跨文化交际知识贫乏并碍于这种跨文化交际障碍,多存在交流焦虑心理,或是只能运用英语进行低效的交流和沟通。



因此,文化教学也是语言教学的重要组成部分,将英语文化背景知识导入教学内容之中,改变传统"纯语言"教学模式,不仅使英语教学深入到语言符号的使用上,更重要的是培养学生的英语文化意识和文化敏感性,使之进而发展成为一种跨文化交际能力的重要手段。 我国基础英语教学中文化教学的现状、我国基础英语教学中的文化教学存在的问题尽管我国英语教育理论界对语言与文化教育的研究取得了一定成就,但有些基础英语教师的教学观念依然存在偏误,单纯地认为英语教育就是教会学生记住单词、句型、语法等语言知识。

英语文化知识教育应该是文学欣赏课程的内容,学习外语的任务就是领悟和掌握语言系统成分的正确用法及实际应用语言的能力,忽视了语言的得体性和社会环境等重要因素在交际中所起的作用。 英语教学的本质是培养学生的跨文化交际能力。


实施基础文化教学应当完善基础英语教学大纲,加强基础英语文化教学的教材建设,改革考试形式和内容并在基础英语基础阶段开设英美文化选修课。 基础英语教学语言教育文化教育随着世界各国人民交往的日益密切,跨文化交际已成为一个重要的现实课题。

英语因其广泛的国际认知度和易用性而担当了重要的国际交流中介语的角色。 我国关键的英语教育阶段体现在大学教育阶段,但在我国基础英语教学中,培养学生得体的英语跨文化交际能力的教育理念并未受到重视,学生的英语课程学习未涉及系统的英美文化背景、生活习俗和价值观念等与文化相关的知识,直接导致很多大学生的跨文化交际知识贫乏并碍于这种跨文化交际障碍,多存在交流焦虑心理,或是只能运用英语进行低效的交流和沟通。

基础英语教学中加强文化教育的意义基础英语教学的本质要求简而言之,英语教育本质上是培养学生的跨文化交际能力。 语言表达能力是跨文化交际的基础,但成功的跨文化交际不仅要求学习者在发音、语法和词汇等纯语言因素方面训练有素,还要求学习者牢固地掌握英语的支持要素,即文化要素。

交际中存在的错误大致可区分为语言错误和文化错误,操本族语的人与外族人的交流时,一般能容忍外族人的语言错误和语法错误,而对于因文化背景差异所致的违反语言交流规则,通常被认为不够礼貌,严重时会导致文化障碍。 只有在同时掌握英语运用能力和英语的语言文化背景,并了解这种背景与本国文化的异同,才能进行得体的跨文化交际。

因此,文化教学也是语言教学的重要组成部分,将英语文化背景知识导入教学内容之中,改变传统"纯语言"教学模式,不仅使英语教学深入到语言符号的使用上,更重要的是培养学生的英语文化意识和文化敏感性,使之进而发展成为一种跨文化交际能力的重要手段。 我国基础英语教学中文化教学的现状、我国基础英语教学中的文化教学存在的问题尽管我国英语教育理论界对语言与文化教育的研究取得了一定成就,但有些基础英语教师的教学观念依然存在偏误,单纯地认为英语教育就是教会学生记住单词、句型、语法等语言知识。

来自:标准论文网,原文: /kwhjjyy/466。


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本文主要为您介绍实训三层别墅毕业论文,内容包括论文题目是别墅设计开题报告和开题理由该怎么写?,求2000字房子模型实训报告,怎样用金山游侠使生化危机3中生命无限?。1.掌握专卖店室内空间的展示形式与设施配置。 2.进行某专卖店室内平面布




本文主要为您介绍升本毕业论文格式要求,内容包括本科毕业论文格式有什么要求?,本科毕业论文的格式和要求?,专升本论文怎么写。本科毕业论文的标准格式 ⑴ 题名.是以最恰当,最简明的语词反映论文中最重要的特定内容的逻辑组合,应避免使用的不












本文主要为您介绍生物学毕业论文应该怎么写,内容包括生物学专业本科毕业论文怎么写?,生物的论文要怎么写?,生物论文应主要写些什么内容。我最近刚好写过一篇这样的文章,不过字数没那么多,希望可以让过关! 生物与软件 关键词 :先进、互补性、前








本文主要为您介绍顺丰速运绿色物流毕业论文,内容包括绿色物流毕业论文,关于绿色物流的毕业论文,物流毕业论文一篇。绿色物流(Environmental logistics)是指在物流过程中抑制物流对环境造成危害的同时,实现对物流环境的净化,使物流资源












本文主要为您介绍实训三层别墅毕业论文,内容包括论文题目是别墅设计开题报告和开题理由该怎么写?,求2000字房子模型实训报告,怎样用金山游侠使生化危机3中生命无限?。1.掌握专卖店室内空间的展示形式与设施配置。 2.进行某专卖店室内平面布




本文主要为您介绍升本毕业论文格式要求,内容包括本科毕业论文格式有什么要求?,本科毕业论文的格式和要求?,专升本论文怎么写。本科毕业论文的标准格式 ⑴ 题名.是以最恰当,最简明的语词反映论文中最重要的特定内容的逻辑组合,应避免使用的不












本文主要为您介绍生物学毕业论文应该怎么写,内容包括生物学专业本科毕业论文怎么写?,生物的论文要怎么写?,生物论文应主要写些什么内容。我最近刚好写过一篇这样的文章,不过字数没那么多,希望可以让过关! 生物与软件 关键词 :先进、互补性、前








本文主要为您介绍施工与建筑毕业论文,内容包括建筑与施工毕业论文,建筑与施工毕业论文,急需一篇有关建筑施工的毕业论文。浅述绿色建筑与施工管理 摘 要:从节约能源和材料、节约施工用水、采用绿色建材等方面提出了改善生态环境、提高生产