

【功夫熊猫英语作文--介绍人物版本】 When I first saw Paul, I was thinking that it is just a big and fat panda. There won't be any hopes for him to become the "dragon warrior". 当我看见波波(功夫熊猫)时,我以为他就是只大胖熊猫,绝对不可能成为神龙大侠。

But when his teacher Shifu discovered that Paul can do anything if he had his food in front of him. Then, the hard training started by Paul. 但当他的老师发现波波只要面前有好吃的就无所不能了。艰苦的训练就开始了。

I thought that his goal is very simple, to get food to eat, and his Shifu used that habit and made him the best dragon warrior. 我觉得波波想法很简单,有吃的就行。师父正是利用了他这个嗜好让他成为神龙大侠的。

I learned a lesson from Paul which is when he had a firm goal, he will try to get it no matter what dangers lie in front of him. That's the part that I like him the most. 我从波波身上学到一点就是他认定的目标,一定会不顾任何危险努力实现。这是我最喜欢功夫熊猫的地方。

---- 【另一种介绍情节的版本】 Kung Fu Panda It's the story about a lazy, irreverent slacker panda, named Po, who is the biggest fan of Kung Fu around。which doesn't exactly come in handy while working every day in his family's noodle shop. Unexpectedly chosen to fulfill an ancient prophecy, Po's dreams become reality when he joins the world of Kung Fu and studies alongside his idols, the legendary Furious Five -- Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper and Monkey -- under the leadership of their guru, Master Shifu. But before they know it, the vengeful and treacherous snow leopard Tai Lung is headed their way, and it's up to Po to defend everyone from the oncoming threat. Can he turn his dreams of becoming a Kung Fu master into reality? Po puts his heart——and his girth——into the task, and the unlikely hero ultimately finds that his greatest weaknesses turn out to be his greatest strengths. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 五星级回答,一定要采纳哦,不要辜负我的辛苦劳动! 【来自英语牛人团】。



When I first saw Paul, I was thinking that it is just a big and fat panda, and there won't be any hopes for him to become the "dragon warrior". But when his teacher Shifu discovered that Paul can do anything if he had his food in front of him. Then, the hard training started by Paul. I thought that his goal is very simple, to get food to eat, and his Shifu used that habit and made him the best dragon warrior. I learned a lesson from Paul which is when he had a goal which is to eat, he will get it no matter what happens in front of him. That's the part that I like him the most.。


3.急!!!!求一篇介绍功夫熊猫里的那只熊猫的英语作文 急


When I first saw Paul, I was thinking that it is just a big and fat panda. There won't be any hopes for him to become the "dragon warrior".


But when his teacher Shifu discovered that Paul can do anything if he had his food in front of him. Then, the hard training started by Paul.


I thought that his goal is very simple, to get food to eat, and his Shifu used that habit and made him the best dragon warrior.


I learned a lesson from Paul which is when he had a firm goal, he will try to get it no matter what dangers lie in front of him. That's the part that I like him the most.






Or the dream factory has always been the high standard, the screen exquisite detail, vivid characters vivid, touching story twists and turns, the most important thing is it in the most simple and easy to understand that the way of a token, that is - there is no shortcut to the world and Cheats, the only winning Famen is believe in themselves.

More do not want to repeat the story, because it really well. Look at the process, appeared frequently Huiyi people laugh, the whole atmosphere is relaxed and go. This film has done very authentic, a little bit by the Westerners did not interpret the feeling, no matter which story or convey the moods, whether the screen or the details are all the way east; only special is probably the Speaking of modern, such as, for example ok


what make the fat panda succeed? I've made a summary: The first thing is dare to “challenge yourself”, that is to say, have the courage to change yourself and acclimatize yourself to the new things you haven't tried before. In the film, Po can do nothing well but making noodles at the very start. But when he decide to learn Kongfu, he tried by heart and got it. Associate it with our life, if you are enrolled by the profession that you are not accomplished in. You can't keep complaining, what you should do is change you mind and adapt yourself to it.

Secondly, “perseverance”. When you are engaged in something, you may get into all manner of trouble. When you feel discouraged, think of Po. He keeps struggling to achieve his goal in spite of everyone looking down upon him. Why can't we do this? So, don't lose your heart. Keep fighting against the difficulties, and believing you can win. Then you get over it.

The last and the most important thing is “confidence”. We need it every time and every where in our life. Just like now, I'm making a speech. If I'm lack of confidence, nervousness will control my mind, and then I'll be trembling, stammering, even forget what to say. It's so terrible! I don't want that. So I chose to be confident in myself, that's why I can communicate with you fluently.


Kung fu panda, this is the interesting film. Paul wanted to become a wu3 lin2's ace (near master) kung-fu to save those who were in danger, teacher taught him how to fight, and let him go to save the world, at last, he defeated 3 Tailung, he met not friends, I think he is a great hero, I like the movie, because。 I like the film <<Kung Fu Panda>> very much!The panda is brave and funny.Many animals in the film are great,I love them.But I don't like dalong,he is a cheater,and he is also dangerous.But the panda beat him at last.

I will be a person like the panda.He is warm-hearted.The most important is,he is a real hero!He is my idol!

7.功夫熊猫 英文版的作文

The story took place in ancient China, when the jungle animals from ㄧ group ferocious threat of snow leopard, they elected a clumsy effort to become leader of the giant panda, to safeguard tribal peace. Awa is a Yuangun Gun, Benshoubenjiao of giant pandas, Tian Dixia but he is also the most ardent fan of Chinese martial arts, but unfortunately his father every day in the open in the Museum of help wage. But Wan Wanmo thought that he should dream come true is selected, and his idol Wulin the guise 5: Rise defended Johnson tiger (Angelina Jolie), Ling Crane (David Russell grams), fast mantis (Seth Logan), Qiao dragons (Lucy Liu) and Monkey King (Jackie Chan), to join their master kung fu master (Dustin Hoffman) turnout. But this time it news came and wholeheartedly want to take revenge, the residual natural cunning leopard prepared to kill over, and the Awa need to protect every person's life. He can not be achieved in the end can dream and become a true master? Wulin » Awa duty, took over the task, but the rookie effort must be his greatest weakness into his biggest strength.。


Funny! I see this movie lastweek, So terrfic,this film make me loving Kung Fu! My liitle sister love the panda very much ,She ask me which kind annimal of Panda? I told her its one of the cutiest animal in the world ,it only lives in China. In this movie, Panda learns how to improve his level of Kung fu,many scence show that this cartoon is so funny, You can see how things goes on with laugh, I recommend this film to you.! 娱乐周刊的Owen Gleiberman写的 Kung Fu Panda, Jack Black is the voice of Po, a clown-eyed, sheepishly neurotic, roly-poly panda of no visible athletic ability who trains to become a lightning-limbed martial-arts master. Black gets off a few good lines (''Oooo, my tenders!'' he exclaims when Po is bashed in the crotch), but he doesn't make crazy full use of his wild side — the eager, riffing glee he has shown in films like School of Rock. Instead, Black taps a quality that isn't so visible when he pops his eyes with mock ferocity on screen. He gives Po a slightly abashed suburban-couch-potato sweetness. Po, who works in his father's noodle shop, dreams of kung fu glory, and it certainly seems preposterous that this lazy, soft-bodied bear would attain it. But after causing an accidental fireworks display in the Jade Palace, where the Furious Five — Tigress (Angelina Jolie), Crane (David Cross), Monkey (Jackie Chan), Viper (Lucy Liu), and Mantis (Seth Rogen) — are showing off their twirly, whip-cracking moves, Po is decreed to be the Dragon Warrior, and he starts to train with the Furious Five. That's when Kung Fu Panda ignites. As Master Shifu, the group's Fu Manchu-mustached raccoon of a karate-kid guru, Dustin Hoffman, his voice a-growl, has a wonderful persnickety surliness. It's as if Yoda were being played by Burt Lancaster. Po's total lack of skill is quite funny — he's such a flabby compendium of wrong moves that even his screwups have a bass-ackwards logic that is nearly balletic. But then Master Shifu figures out how to teach this hopeless case the art of kung fu. He uses a bowl of dumplings, which Po is so eager to eat that he'll scramble anywhere, at any speed, to get at them. Kung Fu Panda is light and goofy, yet the fight scenes, which are the heart of the film, are lickety-split mad fun. Just about all animated movies teach you to Believe in Yourself (the rat who finds the courage to cook! The ogre who learns to love!), but the image of a face-stuffing panda-turned-yowling Bruce Lee dervish is as unlikely, and touching, an advertisement for that message as we've seen in quite some time.。


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