1.求vi设计毕业论文 范文!
汽车主减速器试验台结构设计 机电一体化 字数:13658.页数:33,包括,任务书,说明书, 所有设计图 论文编号:JX085 汽车主减试验台结构设计 摘要:主减速器是汽车传动系中减小转速、增大扭矩的主要部件,其性能对整车质量有着直接影响,在生产线上通过试验台对主减速器进行全方位的检测能够有效地保证产品质量。
关键词:主减速器 ;试验台 ;机械结构设计 Abstract: The final drive is the main vehicle of transmission in reducing speed and increase torque of the main components,its performance has the direct influence to the entire vehicle quality, carries on the omni-directional examination on the production line through the experimental system of final drive to be able effectively to guarantee the product quality. This article introduced the mechanism design and the Electrical system design. The system may realize to three types of final drive overall performance examinations, and evaluate the production performance according to the technique parameters beforehand. Machine parts include platform system, transmission system and jig system. Platform system may realize to strut and localization of electromotor. The transmission system may realize to translate power and connect torque tachometer to overall system. The jig system may realize to locate and clamp the final drive and guarantee the final drive input axis can form the stable connection with the transmission system. Keywords: final drive ;experimental system ;Mechanical structure design 目录 中文摘要 1 Abstract 2 1 引言 3 1.1 主减速器简介 3 1.2 国内外主减速器检测技术意义及发展现状 4 2 主减实验台总体方案 5 2.1 主减速器工作环境和要求 5 3总体设计思路和方案 7 3.1底座部分设计 8 3.2传动系统设计 8 3.2.1 电机选择 9 3.2.2 传动带选择 11 3.2.3 联轴器选择 11 3.2.4传感器选择 13 3.2.5 轴承校核 13 3.2.6 齿轮参数 18 3.2.7 传动法兰选择 19 3.3 夹具定位系统 22 3.3.1气缸的选择 22 4 电气控制系统 24 4.1 工业控制计算机的组成 25 4.2 系统控制模块 29 5 检测原理与步骤、29 5.1 检测原理 29 5.2 检测步骤 30 六.结论 31 致谢 31 参考文献 32 以上回答来自: /44-3/3060.htm。
3.我需要写一篇毕业论文,题目是How to arouse the students' interests
How to arouse the students' interests in English learning 这篇的内容可以参考下:)~~At present, the population of the world is more than 6 billion people. There are a lot of nationalities and very different culture. They use all kinds of languages as their own mother tongue. In the modern time, within thousands of languages.These methods consisted of introducing issues of personal interest to the students, and paying attention to the learning needs of individuals. I also describe in detail the responses of one student to a new method of teaching, in which his own talents as a poet are harnessed to motivate him to study English. I show how changing my methodology has helped my students to become better learners.Let them learn the words by help of sentence context. You can ask them to look up the words in a dictionary and find out the English meaning of very new word. Of course it would be better if you encourage them to try to give the English meaning themselves. As they are high school learners , you'd better assign some exercise every time when a new word is taught. Of course the exercise must be devoted to the use of the new word. As fior the slow learners, you must ask them to read more. Anyway every student must read a lot, not only words, but also essays.In traditional classroom teaching, teachers teach and students listen to the teachers passively. When I was a teenager, the students just learned passively and didn't have much interest in English. Teachers stuffed the knowledge into the students. And students just sat there and seldom spoke, just as they were doing in my non-English major classes now. In this kind of situation, in my first cycle of AR I focused my attention on this question: “How can I motivate my new students to speak in non-English major classes?” and began my Action Research, “Interest is the best teacher.” (Chinese saying) Cultivating students' interest is a basic way for non-English major students to learn English better. After finishing my first AR circle “How can I motivate my fresh students to speak English in non-English major class at Guyuan Teachers College?” I achieved so much just as I mentioned in previous context with Ding Shengyong Lu Yuhong and Du Wendi, three students in my class began to raise their hands and answer my questions during the English class.So that was a simple but practical method to cultivate the students' interests in English. Just as I wrote in my journal (May 16): a student named Li Wen, who never opened his mouth in our English class, after I gave (Chinese Education) and asked how to say (English education) in English, he answered correctly although with a little bit dialect without any hesitation. And Wang Enyu, Zhang Linlin and many other students answered voluntarily. But still several students such as Shi Zhixian and Ji Zhenfang kept silent and didn't give any sign of understanding. So I asked them to work in pairs and one student ask the other how to say (the PE Department ) in English ,and then take the turn. In this way Shi Zhixian and Ji Zhenfang began to speak in English. That's great, they began to open their mouths and show a little interest in English because they were laughing after they had had their turn.。
2只要不是抄的,你写出全世界最差的一篇论文就 可以。 3比着葫芦画瓢,找一篇去年毕业 同学的范文,格式样式,照着写就行了。
4毕业论文的实 质是读后感,选一本书,花一个星期读一遍。边读 边做笔记。
把笔记整理一下,按范文格式条理一下,就是很好的论文了。 5问题的关键是:你必须花一周的时间。
完了。 6有的同学找朋友帮忙,自已不写,让朋友替自己写一篇。
你千恩万谢。可是拿给老师一看,原来是从网上粘下来的,乱码都 还没改。
更可气者,一稿多用,他还把这篇“论文”送给好几个人,赚了好几顿饭,造成“雷同抄袭”、频烦吃饭。 7结论:只能自己写,花一周时 间。
8那位问了:“我写得不好怎么 办?”答:“这是伪问题。别管好坏,先写出来就行。
老师还怕都写好呢:没法分优良中差了!总之,你写出一篇全球最差的论文就行,只要不是抄的!” 9只要硬着头皮写,傻瓜都能写一篇。 第一章 选题 一、选题的原则 (一)有价值(有品位,内行) (二)有可行性(或操作性,大小适中,难易恰当) (三)有浓厚兴趣(兴趣是动力,必须是自己喜欢的。)
《论语·雍也篇》:“子曰:知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。” 如果你什么都不喜欢,那就更好办:让辅导老师给你一个题目就行。
(四)专业对口(专业专长) 二、选题的 方法 (一)亟待解决的课题 (二)填补空白的课题 (三)有争议的课题 (四)有矛盾的课题 (五)可综述的课题 第二章 搜集资料 学术研究往往是在前人已有成果的基础上,有所突破。因此,搜集相关文献信息,非常重要。
要求能快 速、准确地搜集到所需的资料信息。 一、直接材料的搜集 第 一手材料 二、间接材料的搜集 从文献及网络查取的材料 (二手材料一定要注意核对。)
图书、期刊,纸本索引及网络检索GOOGL、百度网等,关键词检索。 三、材料的分析 让材料自然分类,类聚法。
第三章 写提纲 提纲尽可能详尽,条理清晰,条块分明。 (镶玻璃法: 把内容分成几块,一块块往上填内容就行了。)
一般分为序论、本论、结论三部分。 提出问题,分析问题,解决问题。
论证的形式,纵深式(递进式),平列式,综合式。 第四章 写论文 一、格式及要求:前置部分及主体部分 前置部分:标题、署名、指导教师、目录、摘要、关键词 (一)标题:对论文重点的直接呈现。
准确得体,通俗易懂,简短精练(不能 简短,可加副标题),符合规范。 (二)署名,在题下。
(三)指导教师:xxx (四)摘要(可复制文中关键句子,稍作修 饰、连缀即可) (五)关键 词,一般3—5个即可,以重要程度为序。 (六)目录 主体部分: 前言、正文、结论、参考文献、致谢 (一)前言(引言,序论,导言,绪言) (二)正文(本论,主体) (三)结论 (四)注释 (五)参考文献 (文献名,作者,出版社,版次) 二、具体方法与规 范 (一)写作的顺序 1按照提纲自首至尾 2先写思考成熟的部分,最后焊接起来。
(若不知从何写起,就这样写) 写此不管彼,只求一意法。 (二)引用材料的方法 1直接引用法 引证。
推论,尊重,显示自己并非标新立异,不乏同道。(拉赞助) 2先斩后奏法 先概述观点,然后指出某人某文已详言之(加注参见) 3映带法 崇山峻岭,又有清流急湍映带左右。
研究韩愈,不妨提及东坡;研究明清诗,也可上溯到汉魏。 4戒剽窃。
学会运用,而不是照抄。 (三)论文的整体要求 准确,概括、简练,严谨客观,平实,文采。
不可以孤立的看问题,要注意上下影响。 (四)段落、标点规范 (五)语体的要求 要简约典雅。
第五章 修改、定稿 文不厌改,要改得死去活来。 一、自己反复阅读, (1)改正错误的字、词、句(笔下误)。
(2)逻辑错误 (3)修正完善观点(4)论据错误(5)调整结构布局(完美,圆满,面团原理,增删 材料)(6)修饰词句。 面团原理:你如果原打算写五个部分,最后只写成三个部分;那你就说你本来就打算写三个部分,现在如期完成了,很“圆满”。
因为没有人知道你的原计划,也 没有人想知道,所以没必要告诉他人。 二、他人审校(吸收他人意见;自己的错误往往看不出)。
互相审阅,互相挑毛病。 第六章 答辩 虚心点就行。
5.英语毕业论文范文“how to improve the ability of english reading ”
Some people think that reading is a verysimple matter. You move your eyes along the line, and the author's message appears somehow in your mind. When a person is highly skilled as a reader, it does seem that something like that takes place. However, the actual reading process is quite complicated. Try to think back when you were first learning to read, or observe a young child learning to read. It is a very difficult, complex, sometimes, painful process. Reduced to its simplest elements, we might say that comprehension is a part of the communication process of getting the thoughts that were in the author's mind into the reader's, but how does one reader can get the idea clearly? It depends on the reading ability of the reader's. How can the readers make improvements in reading? There are many skills to improve one's ability of reading comprehension. One of the most important skills in reading is the knowledge of word .The number of the words you know determines the difficulty and complexity of the material you can read and understand. If you have an extremely limited reading vocabulary, you will be able to read only very simple material. Obviously, vocabulary forms a stumbling block for the poor reader. The more words you memorize, the faster you read the article. So, it is necessary to memorize words as much as you can. By the way, it should be realized that approximately half of all written English material is composed of the 300 commonest words. Certain words then have a very high occurrence and are used over and over again. Since the English vocabulary is so vast, you cannot hope to master vocabulary only by learning your lessons in the classroom. Reading of course involves much more than simply knowing the dictionary meaning of individual words. When coping with unknown vocabulary. You have to develop strategies, which will allow you either to discover the meaning of the words or at least to proceed further with the text in spite of not knowing the meanings of some new words. One of the efficient ways is guessing the unknown vocabulary. Guessing the meaning of words is a shortcut in reading. While reading in our own language, we usually have an unconscious habit of making logical inference as to the meaning of words based on the context. You can use the context to get the meaning and to help you develop the comprehension skills. To be a good reader, deducing the meaning of unfamiliar lexical items through contextual lines is necessary. In order to improve reading ability. It's essential to memorize words and master the ways of guessing the meaning of words, besides, when reading, you should catch the phrases as a unit of meaning and view the sentences as a unit of meaning. Sentences are the basic building blocks for writing something that will be read. A sentence, as a larger unit of meaning, is always about something--its subject--and always has a statement about the subject. The form of a sentence may be vary, but the subject and the statement about it are always there. The idea conveyed by a sentence will always come to you as a whole. So being familiar with various sentence patterns and being able to have a good sense of what is conveyed by a sentence, even a very long one with some clauses inside, will be helpful for a more mature and efficient reading. So do the paragraph and passage. But the paragraph and passage are more complex than the sentence. A paragraph has sentences that are connected with each other in some logical ways and a passage is the connection of the paragraphs.。
“封面”样式 编号 xxxxxx大学 毕 业 论 文 课题名称 学生姓名 学 号 专 业 班 级 指导教师 2004 年 月 “目录”样式 Reflection on Chomsky's Idealization of Language I. Introduction II. Demonstration A. Language as a concrete system of signs, has its own significance in the context of society. 1. Language is a system. 2.The conventionalization of language. B. Language as a social institution, is born with society. It develops and interacts with the society. 1. Communicative function of language. 2. Language evolves hand in hand with the society. a.Influences from the society upon language. 1) Macrolinguistic perceptive 2) Microlinguistic perceptive b.Influences from language upon society 1) Interaction between language and society 2) Social factors and linguistic research III. Conclusion “英、中文摘要、关键词”样式 Abstract This paper begins with a brief introduction to Chomsky's methodology of idealization in linguistic research. Although the idealization in physical research from which Chomsky's idealization deprives can still keep natural laws' validity, the author points out Chomsky's idealization is not accessible. The key point lies in the exclusion of social factors in his research. Then the author demonstrates the reason why Chomsky's exclusion of social factors is not accessible from two aspects: (1) Language is a concrete system of signs. (2)Language is a social institution. Only in the context of society are these features significant and integrate, can language bear its form and forward its development and keep up the interaction with the society. Therefore instead of “being idealized” out of linguistic research, social factors should be regarded as the base of the research. Otherwise the object of the research will be totally changed and the research itself will be misguided. As for what factors can be temporarily idealized without changing language's fundamental features? This is a question worth our further study in the future. 摘要:本文从Chomsky在语言学研究过程中所采用的理想化模式入手,认为Chomsky为了使研究变得简单,便将与语言关系紧密的社会因素摒除在研究范围之外,这是一种不可取的理想模式。
关键词: 理想化,符号系统,社会结构,语言与社会的相互作用。
根据本人的切身体会,我认为指导经济管理毕业论文应该注意以下几个问题:1 经济管理毕业论文选题经济管理毕业论文题目的选择是否恰当,既关系到毕业论文写作能否成功,又关系到毕业论文的质量高低。论文题目选得恰当不仅有利于集中精力于经济管理领域中自己感兴趣的问题,以收到事半功倍的效果;而且也有利于提高研究能力,对所研究的问题加深认识,揭示其规律和实质。
如何让学生选择恰当的经济管理毕业论文题目?指导教师应抓住两个环节:1.1 要选择有较强的理论联系实际的经济管理毕业论文题目指导教师要引导学生关心经济发展现状,了解国民经济的宏观形势和微观问题,进行观察,思考,从中找出经济实践中确实存在的问题,选取那些对社会经济有指导作用,真正为社会所需要的论文题目进行研究。比如目前我国正在深化国企改革,出现了一些引起社会广泛关注的问题,如下岗工人再就业问题,职工社会保障问题,企业人力资源管理问题等等,若能使学生运用所学理论在这些方面提出自己独到的见解,写出的经济管理毕业论文就会有很强的实用性。
以此作为选定经济管理毕业论文题目的方向。1.2 经济管理毕业论文题目选择要扬长避短,充分发挥学生的特长指导教师要告诫学生选择经济管理毕业论文题目应量力而行,要清楚自已的知识结构在哪些方面有优势和劣势。
只有扬长避短,才能最大限度的发挥学生的才能。2 经济管理毕业论文资料搜集和筛选经济管理毕业论文题目确定之后,就要开始搜集和筛选资料。
在这个阶段学生容易出现不重视搜集资料和不知如何筛选资料的问题。对此指导教师应该做到:2.1 占有与经济管理毕业论文题目有关的正反两方面的资料学生在搜集资料过程中,往往只注意寻找当前发表的一些报刊杂志上的相关论文,对一些历史发展过程及反面的资料重视不够,一定程度影响了对其所阐述问题的理解,导致经济管理毕业论文质量不高。
针对这种情况,指导教师要为学生制定材料目录,介绍与论文题目有关的历史的、现实的以及反面的尽可能全面的资料,使学生学会如何在事物发展过程中分析其正反两方面的经验教训,从而正确认识客观事物内在规律的研究方法。2.2 围绕经济管理毕业论文的中心筛选资料,思路清晰、逻辑严谨有的学生资料一多就感到无从入手,不善于取舍资料。
指导教师要教会学生边搜集、边思考、边筛选资料的方法,让学生准备一个笔记本,随时把有用的资料、数据、观点、自己的心得体会记下来,使搜集材料过程变成研究过程,从中抓住最重要的、与论点关系最密切的资料,反复看,反复琢磨;对那些离论点稍远些的资料要简明看,在筛选资料的过程中逐渐形成自己的观点,经过这样的努力形成的论文就能达到思路清晰、逻辑严谨。3 积极组织学生进行社会调研,增强其社会责任感经济管理学科的学生撰写经济管理毕业论文不同于工科学生,他们不可能依靠实验室的实验获得精确的数据,也不可能仅凭一些二手资料就能得出解决现实经济问题的灵丹妙药,必须通过大量艰苦的社会调研活动才能取得第一手资料,这是写出高质量经济管理论文的必备条件。
指导教师在这个环节上要注意做到:3.1 让学生认识到社会调研的重要性有些大学生对社会调研的重要性认识不清,认为撰写毕业论文就是“天下文章一大抄”,不进行社会调研也同样能写出经济管理毕业论文来。这是一种极端错误的思想,必须及时纠正。
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