

In recent years, people often complain about dishonesty in our society. In newspapers,illegal businessmen run false advertisements to deceive customers. In communication field, some people cheat money by sending false messages. On campus, we find some students cheating at exams. People are wondering why dishonesty is so prevailing? There are several causes,to my mind, contributing to the bad phenomenon. Firstly, some people are money-oriented. They are crazy about improving their material life and forgetting moral sense. Secondly, competition in shopping areas is becoming more and more intense. This forced some people to make profit or attain their goals by false information. Thirdly, some people are eager to become rich overnight. They judge a person's success by the wealth they possess. Finally, school life is full of eternal competition and each student tries to prove that he is more intelligent than the other students. Therefore students cheat on exams to get higher scores. It pays to be honest in the long run. Being honest is beneficial to yourself and to other people,and honesty will bring you true friendship and more business opportunities. As a member of modern society, we should behave ourselves honestly and in return it will pave the way for our success and wealth.Abstract: Nida's ideas on translation have great influence on Chinese translation scholars. His recent statement-”My ideas have changed substantially” -will surely have a negative impact on the development of translation studies in China. This paper aims at analyzing, from three perspectives, the reasons for Nida's change of views on translation. It will also give a re-evaluation of the position and role of translation theories in translation studies, as well as explore the relation of theory and practice. Key words: translation studies; translation theories; translation practice; descriptive study Abstract: The paper tries to find the presupposition-triggers from the semantics and pragmatics level of the language. Then on the base of the above analysis, it gives out the features of presupposition. It also points out the great significance of telling from the presupposition-triggers to communication.Key words: presupposition-triggers; features of presupposition; analyzable factors。



Meizhou City, secondary vocational education to accelerate the development of countermeasures With economic development and the advancement of technology, vocational education as the cultivation of social productive forces, advanced culture, communication and the creation of an important position, should play in the modernization drive more and more important role. In this paper, Meizhou City, secondary vocational education as the research object, the use of standardized research and empirical studies of combining research methods, through the presentation of the status of vocational education in Meizhou, analyze problems and the reasons put forward to speed up Meizhou vocational secondary vocational education to develop a positive reality measures and recommendations on the future of secondary vocational education in Meizhou City, there is a direct guiding significance. This paper is divided into six parts: Part I, Introduction. Account's research background, significance, an overview of relevant research, research ideas and methods. The second part, an overview of relevant concepts and theories. Of vocational education and secondary vocational education as a scientific definition, introducing the market economy theory and the theory and the relationship between vocational education, human resource development theory and related theories of vocational education and their interaction. Part III, Meizhou City, the existence of secondary vocational education, and cause analysis. Of Meizhou City, the status of secondary vocational education, the achievements in recent years, there are problems described. Emphasis on the Meizhou City, the development of secondary vocational education in the cause of problems in-depth analysis. The fourth part, to speed up the development of Meizhou City, the need for secondary vocational education and opportunities. By analyzing the external environment and internal needs, instructions to speed up the development of secondary vocational education in Meizhou practical feasibility. Part V, to accelerate the development of secondary vocational education Meizhou response. Secondary vocational education for the Meizhou City, the current situation and existing problems, to speed up the development of secondary vocational education in Meizhou City, viable policy recommendations. Part VI Conclusions and prospects. This paper describes research findings and research remaining problems.。



With the worldwide dissemination of science and technique, English for science and technology has been developed into an important language in the scope of science and technology. Since the 1970s', it has aroused extensive attention and led to much research among different nations. English for science and technology plays an important role in scientific and technical communication all over the world. In order to put it into more common use, translators have translated many scientific and technical documents. This paper discusses the translation of English for science and technology according to my own experience.

The paper is divided essentially into four parts. Firstly, it introduces the development of English for science and technology, what the English for science and technology includes and the characteristics of scientific documents. The first part covers the basic conceptions and principles of translation, including what translation is, what the principles of translation are, the literal and free translation approaches, and basic information about translation of English for science and technology.

The second part, the most important part of this paper, shows the main characteristics of English for science and technology and their translating methods.

The third part introduces the elegance in the translation of science and technology. And it also includes my own opinion about the topic.

Finally, the paper sums up some key points about translation of English for science and technology on the basis of what is introduced previously.

I hope that readers will obtain some knowledge about the translation of English for science and technology from this paper. And I hope this paper will serve as reference and guidance for the students who are interested in English for science and technology.


Is a processing a great deal of tedious student's daily pursuit, on the foundation of Web Service, with Apache+PHP+MySQL for frame, design 1 kind according to B/S(namely Browser/Server) structure of student work net top transact system.Introduction system development of design thought and mode, according to the system frame of the Apache server design;Elaborated the mission in the system to release, receive with management, the information release, class evaluation etc. key technique, realization student work daily transact of of have no the paper turn with the network turn.。


Like the universe we live inside a slide, a broad speed is relative, as there is an absolute speed, if someone is still running fast, then use the positive direction of the negative throttle, and certainly large, then could return, the volume of the object and the time also there is a relationship, the life span of a decade ants, but they finished the 100 years of human things done, for the ants it is also 100 years, they see the majority of space, is like the Earth and the Earth we see something other than the existence of a volume of absolute time and velocity relationship, if one 100 meters long, it's life-span of 1000, such as the turtle on the speed and life, the universe The one is through, the vast universe, just like human neurons, each connected to the door is not a novel space-time suspect, may be hidden in the Bermuda Triangle, a deep, was formed by the forces of nature, or in the pyramid, the pyramid may be diamond, just not digging deeper.

Flying is not the dream of the human, material and substance, are all there is absolute, and the stone has links contain CaCO3, 。 。 and so on, you can say have links to all substances, they also contain more than Quark small matter, if this material can find anti-matter, the same as magnet, then the man will use it flew up into the sky, there is the board hydrogen, hydrogen is a metal plate sheet, the quality is close to 0 or less than 0 , density greater than titanium, this is not a hypothesis that may later be realized some day.

Light is also a particle, there are quality density, human use of solar energy is used the thermal effect of light will be transformed into electricity, then use the energy of light particles is infinite, in the more distant future, when the light particles will be replaced hydrogen


Meizhou City, secondary vocational education to accelerate the development of countermeasures With economic development and the advancement of technology, vocational education as the cultivation of social productive forces, advanced culture, communication and the creation of an important position, should play in the modernization drive more and more important role. In this paper, Meizhou City, secondary vocational education as the research object, the use of standardized research and empirical studies of combining research methods, through the presentation of the status of vocational education in Meizhou, analyze problems and the reasons put forward to speed up Meizhou vocational secondary vocational education to develop a positive reality measures and recommendations on the future of secondary vocational education in Meizhou City, there is a direct guiding significance. This paper is divided into six parts: Part I, Introduction. Account's research background, significance, an overview of relevant research, research ideas and methods. The second part, an overview of relevant concepts and theories. Of vocational education and secondary vocational education as a scientific definition, introducing the market economy theory and the theory and the relationship between vocational education, human resource development theory and related theories of vocational education and their interaction. Part III, Meizhou City, the existence of secondary vocational education, and cause analysis. Of Meizhou City, the status of secondary vocational education, the achievements in recent years, there are problems described. Emphasis on the Meizhou City, the development of secondary vocational education in the cause of problems in-depth analysis. The fourth part, to speed up the development of Meizhou City, the need for secondary vocational education and opportunities. By analyzing the external environment and internal needs, instructions to speed up the development of secondary vocational education in Meizhou practical feasibility. Part V, to accelerate the development of secondary vocational education Meizhou response. Secondary vocational education for the Meizhou City, the current situation and existing problems, to speed up the development of secondary vocational education in Meizhou City, viable policy recommendations. Part VI Conclusions and prospects. This paper describes research findings and research remaining problems.。


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