
1.跪求 论《老人与海》英雄主义 英语论文

"A man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed, is he." - the old man and the sea Personal attention-seeking means everyone is longing for his ability to get others to his attention, the mentality.Hemingway 1899 was born in America, his life character, brave, strong combative have a strong tendency of personal heroism. In Europe, gun battle. In the African jungle to catch ferocious beast, in the ring to master the challenge. Also in his fiction is full of war, fighting, love sport, and tourism. The author of the character of his works is the old man and the sea ", in this work embodies a confident, daring to challenge the fate of courage, show the fighting spirit. This work was huge, even as the church sermons.Actually, Hemingway's works in many so-called "heroics" composition, more is the bursting of the emotion, Hemingway other piece like "the sun also rises," "A farewell to arms", "short fiction works", the "garden of Eden", "A Movable Feast" etc, can say "and" personal attention-seeking "almost touch on edge.You can then consider the topic. If the old man and the sea ", the following reference analysis Outstanding performance:One is to human life. Look! The roar of the shark, aggressive resembles, but not a ChuiMu into the old man! Old man with despair, hunger in battle, heart always in silently thoughtfully: people were not born to overthrow. It is one of life's tenacity and strong embody!2 is the ultimate meaning of life works. Consider, old man with hunger, cold, dark, don't say to work by a fishbone empty? Man is completely cut off line is easy, but he has no! He is in trouble with the strong competition in battle,! YuSiWangPo rather too obstinate. Old man and the sea and in the volatile, completed the people's life force. Here is the success in said: "life is born, the brilliance of itself, not in a dead results - - - - - - - - the heel in cardiac alive!Three QuanZhu work is the concept of "success". The win on the material can be secular sense of success, but not necessarily successful life. If the life as a business to succeed, then, the life first should be perfect personality. Xiang is a loser, but he is recognized as the hero, Liu, but still seized by one as "surabaya rogue". If the solemn, farewell to the significance of human birth.Four works embodies the spirit of America's western values and. Adventure and heroics usually for the beauty of the old man, San Diego small fishing boat to upload the mayflower "in" the same spirit, namely: can I failed, but you destroy me, I always strive for a breakthrough. Reason: the nationality of works for the works of a worldwide.5 is the work presents a new dialogue between man and nature. "The old man and the sea" dialogue ", is weak and strong, loneliness and noise, winning and losing dialogue, it is different from the dialogue with the island, Crusoe is some life. Shark, the sea is spoiled, and the spirit of land for long. People in turbulent waves, and in living in the region, is absolutely called?6 is the product of work is personified. This course should brush, chicheng frankly. As is known to all, Hemingway's life in nature, good adventure. Challenge vitality He thought, no power of life. He hates to human desires, lust, and love, he often bypass the crowd around, magical place hunting, war, piao sentiment. Because of this, he mentally alone in the sea as fighting with the old man of sharks. However, he was born, until picked a secular evil theory with empty, only to double fishbone tube rifle issued a warning to the world.limitations This is a novel, but also can take it as a fable. Hemingway sing out here to humans fighting spirit stubborn. The novel is optimistic note and the end. Through the boy will once again with a new man, to fight and a new hope.But, of course, we should also realize that as a bourgeois individual Hemingway's limitations. He neither see, see the way society, the strength of the masses, he is in a weak foothold to personal struggle spirit came. Consequently, he failed to hero is only the hero. The old man and the sea "optimism is wide dark a glimmer of the air, and throughout the is a melancholy throughout the pain.The old man is a real image, or if the employee is but a critics say a laborer appearance of Hemingway's intellectuals? We think that is a - the true image of laborer, though, may be slightly. The writer is a true to his characters will simply as his mouthpiece. If Santiago only cosmetic of Hemingway, this novel won't have such power of moving. Santiago's thoughts and feelings and not beyond him such a laborer of thoughts and feelings. He in the boundless sea battle with fish, fish that will both as the enemy 。


2.跪求 论《老人与海》英雄主义 英语论文

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3.老人与海 老人的性格分析 英语论文

The old man and the sea "SangDeYa brother character analysis:SangDeYa elder brother, this lonely, failure, but also a strong will and the winner of the old impulses into the sea. Without doubt, this will be the world met with two fight. A lonely and dilapidated, and have their own unique character and spirit of the old world, in the life on earth and the most violent natural unfolding a thrilling fight. Stars and the vast expanse of the sea, constitute a game of space magnificent brilliant background. SangDeYa brother love the sea. Therefore, he will always sea as a woman. In his mind, "ocean's kindness and very beautiful, but on the other hand, he knew the sea" brutal ". So I thought, he will be the woman, there are also regarded as the deeper reason, it is usually to the sea of his desire to conquer men. He and the sea, and the big marlin and shark's bloody battle, this is the concrete embodiment of conquest.The sea SangDeYa Jericho underlines once again he alone, but never failed to defeat the character and destiny. Like all his life, in the most concentrated in hunting. He in the ocean soliloquize, experiencing the deepest helpless and loneliness. In his battle with the blood flow, scars, collapse with his hunger, weary and injured and cramps body on self fights. But as he said: "a man is not made for defeat to destroy him. You can, but is he", a fisherman, he was born the dry up ". He will all be understanding to undertake the fate. So he himself will eventually kill fish, win.But he failed. In the end, he left the wreckage of fish. But in the spirit, but he still is the winner. He and the big marlin, even by completely, leaving only "destruction" bones, but still has not been "beat". This is the reality of life, Hemingway's failure to convert and sublimate into bitter spirit of triumph, and give praise of the saints.SangDeYa brother indeed like saints. He hung in the shack in the sacred and barzillai starkovs Jesus virgin. He fought in the prayer. His disciples of Jesus and the fishermen in st. Especially in his first endure pain, he landed on the toughness of the mast after carrying up, and his works in the final "pull up blanket cover two shoulder, back, and then wrapped up in arms and legs, stretched straight, palms up the crucifixion of Jesus" image shows a solemn, the writer intentionally shaping the holy temperament. So the researchers SangDeYa saint "of" head almost surrounded the aperture of the holy, so has the works or mystical religions, "meaning", 3) "is a religious poetry". [4] But after all, SangDeYa elder brother and not saints. He even "is not religious". His distinctive temperament of the saints, but maybe just agree with that writer painstakingly. [5] in his world, with so many ordinary but again good things. The world SangDeYa or lonely, but not although autistic. He and the people around him, and the world, even small village and javan, to the modern world wide and be closely bound up. He and the name, and the children get along and manolin deeply loved him. He is in the sea. But his newspaper and radio such modern things, also full of love and curiosity. This is because, with them, he can focus the baseball game. For SangDeYa elder brother, pay attention to children means focus on the future, and focus on the baseball game, not only he beat his opponent, the echo of the inner urge to victory, but also used his and broader and more modern spirit of the outside world.Not only that, Hemingway portrays the spirit and character SangDeYa world, also very fully show the world with the nature of the world (the big marlin, Marine, seabirds, shark, and stars as small society), the village children), (fishermen, broader modern world (baseball games) and hopeful future world (children), and beyond ordinary divine world (his prayer and his passion of the spirit of the holy image), and such contact, and further enriched and deepen his spirit and personality. The world SangDeYa is so vast, brilliant, broad and profound! I think this is the old man and the sea "this not long, the novel is always the artistic charm of the basic reasons.Of course, the old man and the sea "narrative art undoubtedly is quite outstanding. On the one hand, it is "iceberg theory" Hemingway once again extremely successful. He spoke in the old man and the sea "creation once said:" the old man and the sea "could have written more than a thousand pages long, but he always according to the principle of the iceberg" to write about it. Every part, appeared in the seven eighths. You can avoid you know anything, it will only make your tip. This is not deep, part of the "appeared. [6] in its simple storyline, hidden behind 。


The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway's most enduring works and may very well become one of the true classics of this generation. It played a great part in his winning the Pulizer Prize in 1953 and the 1954 Novel Prize for Literature and confirmed his power and presence in the literary world. Hemingway is also one of my favorite writers. Besides The Old Man And the Sea, I have read some of his other works, such as The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms and The Snow of Kilimanijaro. But The Old Man and the Sea is the one that left the deepest impression on me.

This novel mainly wrote one old person alone in marine fishes. He fished one big fish, tied up the fish head and the upper part of the body side the boat above. But he met the shark fish, the old person causes all one\'s skill and the shark fish fight, the shark fish the fish flesh which could eat all eats finished also has about 800 pounds.

This book promulgates the truth, not showed the person how regardless of, most feared is does not have the confidence. The confidence is just like is the automobile motor, is power which the person goes forward.

I first read this book when I was in my fifteens. And now I remember it just as well as if I had read it yesterday.


The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway's most enduring works and may very well become one of the true classics of this generation. It played a great part in his winning the Pulizer Prize in 1953 and the 1954 Novel Prize for Literature and confirmed his power and presence in the literary world. Hemingway is also one of my favorite writers. Besides The Old Man And the Sea, I have read some of his other works, such as The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms and The Snow of Kilimanijaro. But The Old Man and the Sea is the one that left the deepest impression on me.

This novel mainly wrote one old person alone in marine fishes. He fished one big fish, tied up the fish head and the upper part of the body side the boat above. But he met the shark fish, the old person causes all one\'s skill and the shark fish fight, the shark fish the fish flesh which could eat all eats finished also has about 800 pounds.

This book promulgates the truth, not showed the person how regardless of, most feared is does not have the confidence. The confidence is just like is the automobile motor, is power which the person goes forward.

I first read this book when I was in my fifteens. And now I remember it just as well as if I had read it yesterday.



“人生来就不是为了被打败的,人能够被毁灭,但是不能够被打败。”(最经典的一句) “老人右手高举着钢叉,在它跃出水面的一瞬间,竭尽全力地向它的心脏掷去,一声哀鸣结束了大鱼的生命,它静静地浮在水面上……”“想点儿开心事吧!老家伙”他说:每过一分钟,你就离家近一步,丢了四十磅鱼肉你航行起来更轻快了。

他不再梦见风暴,不再梦见妇女们,不在梦见伟大的事件,不再梦见大鱼,不再梦见打架,不在梦见角力,不再梦见他的妻子。 他如今只梦见一些地方和海滩上的狮子。

它们在暮色中像小猫一般戏耍着,他爱它们,如同爱这孩子一样 鱼啊,'他轻轻地说出声来,‘我和你奉陪到死。’它们(伤疤)象无鱼可打的沙漠中被侵蚀的地方一般古老。

他身上的一切都显得古老,除了那双眼睛,它们象海水一般蓝,是愉快而不肯认输的。 他梦见那长长的黄色海滩,看见第一头狮子在傍晚时分来到海滩上,接着其他狮子也来了,意识他把下巴搁在船头的模板上,船抛下了锚停泊在那里,晚风吹着海面,他等着看有没有更多的狮子来,感到快乐。


老人正梦见狮子。 “然而这是不公平的,他想。




一艘船越过世界的尽头,驶向未知的大海,船头上悬挂着一面虽然饱经风雨剥蚀却依旧艳丽无比的旗帜,旗帜上,舞动着云龙一般的四个字闪闪发光——超越极限!”作者海明威是这样评价他的作品《老人与海》的。 《老人与海》这本书讲了这么一个故事:古巴老渔夫圣地亚哥连续八十四天没捕到鱼,被别的渔夫看做失败者,可是他坚持不懈,终于钓到了一条大马林鱼,大马林鱼将他的小船在海上拖了三天才筋疲力尽,被他杀死了绑在小船的一边,在归程中一再遭到鲨鱼的袭击,他用尽了一切手段来反击。




老人是孤独的,他是在理想的道路上前行的旅人,但他又是不孤独的,因为他的意志是那样的坚强。 看了这本书,我的心久久不能平静,这位普通而又可敬的老人使我深深的懂得了:做人不应该被任何困难所屈服,应该尽自己最大的努力与生活中的磨难做不屈不挠的斗争。


因为,他带给我们的是人类最为高贵的自信。 人生本来就是一种无止境的追求。

它的道路漫长、艰难,而且充满坎坷,但只要自己勇敢顽强地以一颗自信的心去迎接挑战,就将永远是一个真正的胜利者。 以前,我做什么事只要有一点不顺利,就会退缩,有时还会说上几句垂头丧气的话。



这种充满信心、锲而不舍的精神,不正是我所缺少的吗? 自从读了这本书之后,我知道了自己的不足,学习上不再因为一两次不顺利而失去信心,而是越考不好,就越要考好。 今后,我不管遇到什么困难,都要信心十足地去面对,坚持到底,决不退缩。

我要感谢这本书,感谢它让我学到了那么多知识,感谢它让我懂得了那么多道理,感谢它让我知道自己的不足,及时改正自己的缺点,使我成为一个对社会有用的人。 不妨将鲨鱼看作打击,吃掉我们的成功和幸福。

但正如那孩子说的:“它没有打败你,它没有。” 一个真正的强者,只能被摧毁而不能被击败。

永不言败,这就是《老人与海》告诉我们的。A ship over the end of the world, to the unknown sea, bow was hung with a though furrowed by rain and wind erosion are still gorgeous incomparable flag, flag, waving yunlong general four words glittering - beyond the limit! "The authors Hemingway is such evaluation his work" the old man and the sea ". "The old man and the sea" this book about such a story: the Cuban old fisherman Santiago continuous eighty-four days without fish and by other fishermen as a loser, but his perseverance, and finally caught a 。


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