注意毕业论文的‘论文’一定要用'paper', 不能用'article'
Color's Role in Conveying Emotions in Packaging Design
色彩作为包装设计的重要元素之一,具有类似语言的功能,在对人们形成直接、强烈的视觉冲击的同时,又与消费者 产生情感上的共鸣。
Color, as one of the most important elements in packaging design, resonates with the end users which the products are targeted, both visually and emotionally.
This paper elaborates the characteristics in three apsects how the color design conveys emotions - by humanized interaction, by personalized expression, and by visualized trend demonstration.
阐述了包装色彩的本质,即它以 人性化与个性化为基础,使商品与顾客之间产生互动与交融。总之,在市场激烈竞争的今天,色彩已成为宣传商品形象,沟通商品与消费者进行情感交流的有效途径。
It states the basic nature of color design in product packaging, that is, to create interaction and communication between the users and the commodity based on humanization and personalization. After all in the modern competative market, proper coloring in product packages has increasingly become an effective channel in promoting product images and helping communication between commodities and consumers.
据学术堂了解,其实写英文论文introduction部分是有步骤的: 第一步:初步构思你的introduction,稍稍勾勒出来。
Read your main idea. Now, write a complete sentence about your main idea. 第二步:扩充你的introduction,记住写它是为了吸引读者注意! Reread your introductory sentence. Add a one or two more sentences explaining your main idea. Remember that the job of your introductory paragraph is to get your reader's attention. 第三步:写完正文后,再来改改改。 那具体,我们怎么写introduction呢?有没有套路? 可以这么称呼:SPQR架构。
SPQR架构: 用于组织文章中的观点,对前言的展开和文章的整体架构具有很强的指导作用。 1、Situation 情景 这就是你对于这篇文章的topic,你首先很想勾勒的情景。
一般这个situation statement是平凡的,或者一个大家都普遍认可的大道理或者现象。这个点在于,你说的这个话,是感觉很正确的话——“truth universally acknowledged的话。
2、Problem 难题 这个就是situation的引申。这个情景,有没有什么东西让它变得更困难,更复杂? 它有可能是因为: ①有些事情是错的,而导致的。
②有不同的声音或者阻扰。 ③一些新的变化或发展导致的 ④其他任何有可能的原因 那这个难题就会引到下面的question了。
3、Question 问题 这个问题就是你需要回答的essay question了,也就是你在这篇论文研究的主要问题。 有时候,你在想这个question的时候,就会跳回前部分的problem,然后再做调整。
而回答问题,就自然跳到下面的response了。 4、Response 回答 这就是你的essay statement或者thesis statement。
下面这个毕业论文格式,希望能帮上你,祝成功 毕业设计(论文)写作格式 一、基本结构 毕业论文或设计说明书应由题目(标题)、摘要、目录、前言(引言)、正文、结论、致谢、参考文献和附录等部分构成。
(一)毕业论文的结构 1. 题目:即标题,它的主要作用是概括整个论文的中心内容。题目要确切、恰当、鲜明、简短、精炼。
题目一般不超过20个字,可以使用主副标题。 2. 摘要:摘要是论文的高度概括,是长篇论文不可缺少的组成部分。
要求用中、英文分别书写,一篇摘要应不少于300字,要注明3—5个关键词。 3. 目录:反映论文的纲要。
目录应列出通篇论文各组成部分的大小标题,分别层次,逐项标明页码,并包括注明参考文献、附录、图版、索引等附属部分的页次,以便读者查找。 4. 前言:前言是相当于论文的开头,它是三段式论文的第一段(后二段是本论和结论)。
5. 正文:论文的正文是作者对自己的研究工作详细的表述。应包括以下内容:(1)理论分析部分:详细说明所使用的分析方法和计算方法等基本情况;指出所应使用的分析方法、计算方法、实验方法等哪些是已有的,哪些是经过自己改进的,哪些是自己创造的,以便指导教师审查和纠正,篇幅不宜过多,应以简练、明了的文字概略表述。
6. 结论:结论包括对整个研究工作进行归纳和综合而得出的结论。结论集中反映作者的研究成果,表达作者对所研究课题的见解和主张,是全文的思想精髓,一般写的概括、篇幅较短。
7. 致谢:对于毕业设计(论文)的指导教师,对毕业设计(论文)提过有益的建议或给予过帮助的同学,都应在论文的结尾部分书面致谢,言辞应恳切、实事求是。 8. 参考文献:在论文中所引用、参考过的文献,一般都应列出来。
9. 附录:以下内容可放在附录之内:正文内过于冗长的公式推导;方便他人阅读所需的辅助性数学工具或表格;重复性数据和图表;论文使用的主要符号的意义和单位;程序说明和程序全文。这部分内容可省略。
(二)毕业设计说明书的结构 1. 解决某一工程具体问题的题目属毕业设计,毕业设计的内容包括设计说明书和图纸两部分。 2. 毕业设计说明书是对毕业设计进行解释与说明的书面材料,在写法上应注意与论文的区别是: (1)前言由下面三部分组成:设计的目的和意义,设计项目发展情况简介,设计原理及规模介绍; (2)正文包括方案的论证和主要参数的计算两大部分。
3. 毕业设计绘图量要求:设计类题目绘图量(折合为图幅为0# 号图纸)不少于2.5张,其中要求计算机绘图(CAD)2张,手工绘图不少于1张。图纸绘制要符合国家标准。
完成后的设计图纸经毕业设计指导教师审核后,审核人员要签署审核指导意见并签名。 二、排版要求 (一)基本要求 纸型:A4纸,双面打印; 页边距:上2.54cm,下2.54cm,左2.5cm、右2.5cm; 页眉:1.5cm,页脚:1.75cm,左侧装订。
页眉页脚统一要求为: ⑴一律用阿拉伯数字连续编页码。页码应由前言首页开始,作为第1页。
⑵将摘要、Abstract、目录等前置部分单独编排页码。 ⑶页码必须标注在每页页脚底部居中位置,小五号,宋体,。
⑷奇偶页的页眉不同,奇数页页眉的填写内容为“山东交通学院毕业设计(论文)”,偶数页页眉的填写内容为“作者姓名:论文中文题目”。 (二)排版规范 1. 中文摘要 (1) 居中打印“摘要”二字(小三号,黑体),字间空一字; (2) “摘要”二字下空一行打印摘要内容(小四号宋体,1.25倍行距); (3) 摘要内容后下空一行打印“关键字”三字(小四号黑体),其后为关键词(小四号宋体),每一关键词之间用逗号隔开,最后一个关键词后不加标点符号。
2. 英文摘要 (1) 居中打印“Abstract”(小三号,Times New Roman字体,加粗),再下空两行打印英文摘要内容; (2) 摘要内容设置为:小四号,Times New Roman字体,1.25倍行距,每段开头留四个空字符; (3) 摘要内容后下空一行打印“Key words。
从最基本的说起,其实和语文的议论文一样, 有introduction,body and conclusion。
Introduction- topic, point of view(optional),a breif introduction that the student will mention in the following paragraph (1st para of body).
Body- a thesis statement + supportive examples + a summary of the thesis(optional)
NB: one thesis (idea)/para.
Conclusion- rearrangement of introduction.
REMEMBER students have no idea! That's the whole idea of academic writing. Thus there is a very IMPORTANT tip you need to tell your students- REFERENCES. References need to appear in introduction,body and conclusion of the whole acticle.
Academic writings are usually expositive, hence you need tell your students to use passive languages. Active words are ONLY used in Creative Writing students.
以下截自Wordvice的英文写作资源页面[Introduction]The Introduction consists of an opening line. This openingline can be a generalization about life that pertains to your topic. It can alsobe a quotation. Another segway into the introduction is to start it with alittle anecdote (or story). By "breaking the ice" so to speak withthe reader, you are luring him or her into the rest of your essay, making itaccessible and intriguing. Once you have "introduced" theIntroductory paragraph with a generalization, quotation, or anecdote, you canwrite vaguely for a few sentences or simply jump into the crust of theargument. When you feel you are ready to introduce the specific focus of theessay, then you write the thesis statement. The thesis statement shouldgenerally come at the end of the Introductory Paragraph. If you are writingabout a particular book, author, or event, you should name it (in entirety) inthe thesis statement. You should also list your argument with its supportingevidence in this sentence. Essentially, the thesis statement is your taglinefor the essay and the final sentence of the Introduction.
With the increasing push forward reform and opening up, China's private SMEs and cultural development and theories have made great achievements. The building of socialism with Chinese characteristics and promote economic development has played a positive role. Corporate culture is the soul. Advent of the knowledge economy of today, companies want to develop and thriving in the competition, we must attach great importance to corporate culture, corporate culture into full play the role of competition in the market. Corporate culture has a powerful force going. Corporate culture will greatly promote the development of enterprises to do business and so long as the co-ordination of corporate culture complement each other and promote each other so that the two run simultaneously building a set of excellent corporate culture to certainly be a positive long-term development of enterprises , the invaluable role.This paper mainly Yingkou AOJIE Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. as an example, leafing through various books and online access to relevant information, from the basic theory of enterprise culture introduced paper expounds the importance of corporate culture and the construction of pathways, Finally An enterprise culture construction in color for empirical analysis, pointing out the future direction of enterprise culture. Yingkou AOJIE on Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. corporate culture problems do further analysis, and put forward some suggestions and countermeasures. Through this research, improve AOJIE corporate culture problems, and thus improve enterprise management, to achieve true scientific management, and for enterprises to bring greater economic benefits. We also hope to SMEs corporate culture to provide some reference. 展开。