

嵌入式系统一般指非 PC 系统,有计算机功能但又不称之为计算机的设备或器材。

它是以应用为中心,软硬件可裁减的,适应应用系统对功能、可靠性、成本、体积、功耗等综合性严格要求的专用计算机系统。简单地说,嵌入式系统集系统的应用软件与硬件于一体,类似于 PC 中 BIOS 的工作方式,具有软件代码小、高度自动化、响应速度快等特点,特别适合于要求实时和多任务的体系。

嵌入式系统主要由嵌入式处理器、相关支撑硬件、嵌入式操作系统及应用软件系统等组成,它是可独立工作的“器件”。 嵌入式系统几乎包括了生活中的所有电器设备,如掌上 PDA 、移动计算设备、电视机顶盒、手机上网、数字电视、多媒体、汽车、微波炉、数字相机、家庭自动化系统、电梯、空调、安全系统、自动售货机、蜂窝式电话、消费电子设备、工业自动化仪表与医疗仪器等。

嵌入式系统的硬件部分,包括处理器 / 微处理器、存储器及外设器件和 I/O 端口、图形控制器等。嵌入式系统有别于一般的计算机处理系统,它不具备像硬盘那样大容量的存储介质,而大多使用 EPROM 、EEPROM 或闪存 (Flash Memory) 作为存储介质。

软件部分包括操作系统软件 ( 要求实时和多任务操作 ) 和应用程序编程。应用程序控制着系统的运作和行为;而操作系统控制着应用程序编程与硬件的交互作用。

Embedded systems generally refers to non-PC system, a computer function but do not call it the equipment or computer equipment. It is based on application-centric, software and hardware that can be trimmed and adapted to the application of system functionality, reliability, cost, size, power consumption, such as demanding a comprehensive dedicated computer system.To put it simply, sets of embedded systems applications software and hardware in one, similar to PC in the BIOS of the work, with software code in small, highly automated, and fast response characteristics, is particularly suited to the requirements of real-time and multi-tasking system . Embedded systems by embedded processor and related support hardware, embedded operating system and application software systems, and it can work independently of the "device." Embedded systems, including the lives of almost all electrical equipment, such as handheld PDA, mobile computing devices, television set-top boxes, mobile Internet, digital television, multimedia, cars, microwave ovens, digital cameras, home automation systems, elevators, air conditioning, security systems, vending machines, cellular phones, consumer electronics devices, industrial automation, instrumentation and medical equipment and so on.Embedded system hardware, including processor / microprocessor, memory and peripheral devices and I / O ports, such as graphics controller. Embedded systems is different from the general computer processing system, which does not have as large-capacity hard drives as the storage medium, and most of the use of EPROM, EEPROM or flash memory (Flash Memory) as storage medium.Software includes operating system software (required to operate real-time and multi-tasking) and application programming. Application control the operation of the system and behavior; and operating system controls the application programming and hardware interaction. 粤嵌教育 puter. Although it's often act as the core component of single chip system, it is not enough only with the knowledge of single chip. Engineers also need to think about the structure of the hardware to perfect the system.

Currently most higher education institutions have built single chip laboratory, equipped with experiment box and other hardware simulation equipment. But the circuitry of the experiment box is fixed and the experiment steps are hard to be changed. It is not fit the trend of rapid development speed of single chip technology. It is also unsuited to develop students' abilities and creativities. With the introduction of the Proteus software simulation technology, it can be solved at a certain extent. We could design more experiment steps and help students completing their self-study with the simulation experimental platform. It is a positive technology for system construction.

Based on the information above, the author design a temperature alarm system with functions of automatic temperature monitoring and artificially infrared temperature adjustment. This system is created based on the single-chip microcomputer simulation environment, using the PIC single chip of MICOCHIP ltd as the main control chip, combined with peripheral infrared sensor, LCD display, temperature sensing, dc motors, heating electric stove wire and alarm equipment. The control system of main chip and main program was written in C program.

This design has the advantages of reducing cost and increase practicability. It is could be adopted by most higher education institutions.






如果感觉字数不够的话,去这里找“Reference Manual”下面的链接憨础封飞莩读凤嫂脯讥,基本上每种文档都有中文和英文两种版本的,标识有chinese的就是中文版。//magsdirx/ax/addenda/media/koya2811.pdfThis article investigates the characteristics of the Radio Shack Sound Level Meter in regard to its accuracy.The Radio Shack Sound Level Meter is a versatile and economical device, used for calibrating home theater speaker levels, subwoofer level matching to main speakers, low-frequency room-mode analysis, and measuring loudspeakers. Conveniently, an output jack is provided on these sound level meters, which allows connections to personal computer sound cards, and permits usage of these devices via PC-based acoustic measurement programs. But how accurate is this device and is it the appropriate tool to be used in the aforementioned activities?The Radio Shack Analog-Display Sound Level Meter (referred to hereafter as the RS SPL meter) has seen a model change. The new version (Photo 1, model number: 33-4050) is more compact than its predecessor. I assume that many users still own the older, now-discontinued version (Photo 2, model number: 33-2050), so I include it here. The Radio Shack Digital-Display Sound Level Meter (Photo 3, model number: 33-2055) features a digital readout of the sound level instead of a moving needle.I had access to two of the older-model RS SPL meters, one new model, and a digital version. I used these four units for this study.FREQUENCY RESPONSEDETERMINATION METHODI devised a method to determine the frequency response of the four RS SPL meters. First, I took a reference measurement using a calibrated Mitey Mike II microphone and a custom-made microphone preamplifier. From its specification sheet, the Mitey Mike II has a flat response in the low-frequency range, to 20Hz. The custom-made microphone preamplifier was designed to have a flat frequency response down to DC. I used LMS, which uses stepped sine signal acquisition1, to perform all acoustic measurements.One speaker I used in making this reference measurement was a 6½˝ two-way bookshelf speaker with a relatively flat frequency response (88Hz ~ 20kHz, ±2dB). Because the bookshelf speaker's frequency response extends down to only 88Hz (-3dB), I used a subwoofer with an approximately flat frequency response down to 16Hz (16Hz ~ 200Hz, ±2dB) to ascertain the low frequency region. I measured the bookshelf speaker using the ground-plane method2 and the pseudo-anechoic (gated3) method.I performed both measurement methods for the bookshelf speaker because when the RS SPL meter is placed flat on the ground, its microphone element edge is about 1cm off the ground. I surmised that this height differential in the ground-plane measurement may limit high-frequency accuracy4. Therefore, for high frequencies (above 500Hz), I used pseudo-anechoic measurements, which place the RS SPL meter microphoneTube, Solid State,Loudspeaker TechnologyPHOTO 1: RS Sound level meter (new model).。


1. About SCM It can be said across the twentieth century, the three "electric" era, that is, electrical era, the electronic age, and has now entered the computer age. However, such a computer, usually refers to the personal computer, referred to as PC. It consists of the host, keyboard, monitor etc.. Another type of computer, most people do not know how. This computer is to smart to give a variety of mechanical microcontroller (also known as micro-controller). As the name suggests, this computer system only used the smallest one IC, you can perform simple operations and control. Because of its small size, usually hidden in a charged mechanical "stomach" Lane. It is the entire device, like the human brain plays a role, it goes wrong, the whole device was paralyzed. Now, this MCU has a very wide field of use, such as smart meters, real-time industrial control, communications equipment, navigation systems, home appliances and so on. Once the microcontroller were using a variety of products, you can serve to upgrade the effectiveness of the product, often in the product name is preceded by the adjective - "smart", such as washing machines and so intelligent. At present, some technical personnel of factories or other amateur electronics developers to engage in out of certain products, not the circuit is too complex, that is, functions are too simple and easy to be copied. The reason may be stuck in the product without the use of a microcontroller or other programmable logic device. SCM basic component is a central processing unit (CPU in the computing device and controller), read-only memory (usually expressed as a ROM), read-write memory (also known as Random Access Memory MRAM is usually expressed as a RAM) , input / output port (also divided into parallel port and serial port, expressed as I / O port), and so composed. In fact there is also a clock circuit microcontroller, so that during operation and control of the microcontroller, can rhythmic manner. In addition, there are so-called "break system", the system is a "janitor" role, when the microcontroller control object parameters that need to be intervention to reach a particular state, can after this "janitor" communicated to the CPU, so that CPU priorities of the external events to take appropriate counter-measures. 单片机的简介 可以说,二十世纪跨越了三个“电”的时代,即电气时代、电子时代和现已进入的电脑时代。












广泛应用于机电一体化产品中,如:数控机床、包装机械、计算机外围设备、复印机、传真机等。 AbstractThis article mainly elaborated has been hanging the movement control system merit, introduced was hanging the movement control system function, the principle and the design process. Is hanging the movement control system is one of in control engineering domain important applications, its main target is to is controlled the object the movement condition, including path, speed and position implementation check. The movement control system compares with other control systems, has the system model simply, the check algorithm is unitary, also not complex characteristic and so on non-linearity and coupling situation. Also is precisely because the movement control system can implement to the path, the running rate, the pointing accuracy as well as the repetition precision accuracy control requirement, has the broad application foreground in each category of control engineering, therefore the movement control system has at present become in the check study application domain very much significant the research direction. Through the monolithic integrated circuit to stepping monitor check, implemented the motor-driven to cause the object at on the board which inclined the movement, The control section is the SST89E52 monolithic microcomputer which SST Corporation produces primarily, with when the 1602LCD liquid crystal screen and according to turned has implemented with the user interactive, through the keyboard entry different control command, the liquid-crystal display was allowed to display the setting value and the run the coordinates. The electrical machinery control section used LM324N four to transport puts and is connected the electronic primary device voluntarily to develop the 42BYG205 stepping monitor actuation electric circuit to implement the electrical machinery accuracy control. The algorithm partially for will suit the monolithic integrated circuit system to operate carries on optimizes many times, will reduce the microprocessor the operand. Has completed the object voluntarily the movement and according to the different setup path movement. Key words Magneto; 1602LCD; LM324N; Drive circuit。













[12]Nancy Hplland.Automated Instruments Smooth Rapid Test System Development.Test & Measurement World,AUGUST 2001

[13]卢育强.如何设定ICT的上下限,电子生产设备,2003 142-143

[14]赵悦 沈青松 终玉军.路板的测试技术,辽宁工学院学报,2008-1

[15]程亚黎 曾周末.电路故障自动测试与诊断系统,中国仪器仪表,2007


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