关于绝望主妇 Desperate Housewives
Desperate Housewives is an America TV series. I like watching it. The story is about four women. It tells the experience between them, especially their family and friendship. They all have advantages and disadvantages. In the growing up, they gain and lose a lot as well as learn much. They become mature at last. But the most important thing that I think I need to learn from them is keeping an optimistic mind, be kind-hearted and treasure everything we own all the time. They have desperate once, but they live in the sunshine finally. Maybe this is life.
总的来说是这样的,Applewhite一家有三个人,Betty有两个儿子,大儿子是被关在地下室里面那个,他本性并不坏只是有些弱智,就是你第一个问题里说的那个黑人,名字叫Caleb,二儿子是和Bree的女儿Danielle有一腿的那个,叫Matthew,Applewhite一家搬到这里是因为警方怀疑Caleb杀了一个叫做Melanie Foster的女孩,其实Caleb并没有杀人,Melanie是Matthew的前女友,Matthew想和她分手可是Melanie不同意,并且说希望能在某某某地儿(一个挺隐蔽的地点,后来她就死在那里。)某某时间看见Matthew,想重修旧好,这些都被Caleb听见了,而且Caleb一直都很喜欢Melanie(他好像对他弟弟的女朋友都挺有兴趣的,后来对Danielle也是)于是Caleb就去赴约想一表真心,Melanie很厌恶Caleb(嫌弃他弱智),两个人争吵起来,Caleb随手就拿起一个棒子把Melanie打晕了,但Melanie并没有死,Caleb以为自己杀人了就跑了,这时候Matthew去了,并且把Melanie喊醒了(砸的应该不重)Melanie就威胁Matthew说如果不复合就去报警让警察把Caleb抓走,为了保护Caleb,Matthew就杀人了还把自己的外套挡在了Melanie的脸上(个人认为简直傻透腔了,竟然留下这么明显的证物。),但是谁都以为Melanie是Caleb杀的,包括Betty,为了保护他Betty才把他所在地下室里,不过后来真相大白了,Betty看见了死者的照片认出了Melanie身上盖着的衣服是Matthew的就主动报了警(一位很理智很爱憎分明的母亲),在争执中Matthew被射杀了
你说不是双胞胎吗?那另一个孩子在剧中叫Parker Scavo姓名:载恩·修略特(Zane Huett)年龄:11岁剧中角色:Parker,Scavo家Lynette的儿子个人介绍:出生在加拿大的载恩是美国知名的儿童演员。
之后他还出演了电影《神秘的皮肤》(Mysterious Skin)和《照相机之眼》(P.O.V.: The Camera's Eye)。主要作品:《神秘的皮肤》(Mysterious Skin)《照相机之眼》(P.O.V.: The Camera's Eye)《绝望的主妇》(Desperate Housewives)。
用‘情人‘或‘母亲‘来定义女性都是错误的。而剧中的女性都很传统zhisusuan 追逐Mike.Lylette 放弃工作做妈妈Bree 整天打扫Gaby 虚荣且空虚随着剧情发展,女性变得坚强些dao。
如剧名,绝望主妇描述的只是小妇人的生活琐事的属剧情片,不是激励女性自强向上的励志片。 。
Desperate Housewives Desperate Housewives is an America TV series. I like watching it. The story is about four women. It tells the experience between them, especially their family and friendship. They all have advantages and disadvantages. In the growing up, they gain and lose a lot as well as learn much. They become mature at last. But the most important thing that I think I need to learn from them is keeping an optimistic mind, be kind-hearted and treasure everything we own all the time. They have desperate once, but they live in the sunshine finally. Maybe this is life。
Desperate Housewives is an America TV series. I like watching it. The story is about four women. It tells the experience between them, especially their family and friendship. They all have advantages and disadvantages. In the growing up, they gain and lose a lot as well as learn much. They become mature at last. But the most important thing that I think I need to learn from them is keeping an optimistic mind, be kind-hearted and treasure everything we own all the time. They have desperate once, but they live in the sunshine finally. Maybe this is life.。
Mary Alice Young——旁人眼中完美的主妇,但在一开始便开枪自杀。死后才得以冷眼审视自己和朋友们面具下的真实生活。
Susan Mayer——傻大姐型的单身母亲,一心期待持久的爱情,对新搬来的水管工Mike Delfino情有独钟.
Lynette Scavo——曾经的职场女强人,现在只是个全职母亲,丈夫整日在外,只留下她看管四个吵闹的孩子。
Bree Van De Kamp——气质高贵而冷漠的完美主妇,如同家政女王一般把整个家管理得井井有条,但丈夫和孩子正在酝酿反抗她的铁腕的风暴。
Gabrielle Solis)——原本曾是美丽出众的模特,却只被富有的丈夫当作摆设,除了以疯狂购物来疏解烦闷,她还与未成年的园丁发生了婚外情。
Edie Britt——性感风骚的房地产代理人,经历过多次离婚,最大的乐趣是四处勾引男人,对苏珊看上的管道工也毫不放过。
从主人公Mary Alice Young的视角,审视了住在富有的中产阶级的聚居区的家庭主妇鲜为人知的生活。
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