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学校名称:东北师范大学 院(系)名称:计算机系 本科生学号: 学 位 论 文 题 目 学 科、专 业:计算机科学技术 本科生姓名: _____ _ 指导教师姓名:_________ 指导教师职称:___________ 东北师范大学计算机系学位评定委员会 年 月 摘 要(粗宋体居中四号字) (空一行) 摘要内容(宋体5号左对齐) (空一行) 关键词:词1、词2 目录: 论文各章节的详细目录。格式如下: 计算机概论……… ………………………………..……1 1.1 计算机产生……..…………………………………………..1 1.2 计算机的发展……………………………………………..2 1.3 计算机中的进制 …………………………………………3 一 二进制表示法…………………………………………..….3 第二章 计算机文化基础……………………………………….6 其中:“章”部分使用宋粗体四号字;“节”部分采用宋体5号字 引言(或序言)(宋体5号字b5排版): 内容为本研究领域的国内外现状,本论文所要解决的问题,该研究工作在经济建设、科技进步和社会发展等某方面的实用价值与理论意义。
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原文就是指原作品,原件,即作者所写作品所用的语言。如莎士比亚的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》原文是英语。 译文就是翻译过来的文字,如在中国也可以找到莎士比亚《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的中文版本,这个中文版本就称为译文 。
1、外文文献的出处不要翻译成中文,且写在中文译文的右上角(不是放在页眉处);会议要求:名称、地点、年份、卷(期),等 。
4、Key words翻译成“关键词” 。
5、introduction 翻译成“引言”(不是导言)。
Shallow view college students(浅析大学生消费观) In the current consumption market, as a special group is receiving more and more attention. Cell phones, Internet, sports, tourism, av equipment are students of consumption. Their younger age, different from other social consumer groups of consumer psychology and behavior. On one hand has strong consumption demand, on the other hand, has obtained the financial independence. Consumer spending power of advanced concepts, the lag and has great influence on them. With this curious, we investigated the students listened, currently the teachers.Results showed that the following reasons for college students have a profound influence on the view.First, family environment for students of consumption "congenital". Family is the basic factors restricting their consumption. Most students from rural areas currently. Rural students would not spend a lot of money to buy a bar of chocolate, biscuit, candy and snacks. A classmate of institute of grammar, told reporters he every month in the consumption of food and supplies, and a small part of life. However, the students from the developed city, in the free allowance is master circumstance, even the remaining money to spend on hair, clothing, accessories, and other items. MP3 Second, the consumption of college campus environment. According to the understanding of the ", just past 11 golden weeks, "some travel agency" lovers swims "travel group, a lot of students. Some boys to girls, the pursuit of cosmetics, snacks, flowers as "sociology". In the investigation and discussion, we found that the students love more than 100 - month about spending at least 200 yuan, also has 50 yuan, the highest reach 500 yuan. One of the students of agronomy humorously tells a reporter, dating from the average expenses for the situation had been broken and three kinds, namely, man should take all NanNvFang share and the initiative of all, girls love spending even more than the situation.Internet addiction among is one where money. Some students spend all day in the net cafe, wasting their time and energy, and parents hard-earned money.Third, social environment influence on college students' view. In the interview process, a eppo school students told reporters: "some students fashion and famous, too." compare existing In the seminar, some students, in order to have a phone or a paragraph on the most popular, some classmates to economize, even sacrifice other necessary expenses. Some male classmate to buy a pair of shoes, the female classmate brand in order to buy a set of famous cosmetic or a brand-name clothes at hand to his family, money or borrow money from their classmates, these reflects some students don't know into, and driven them form the vanity of endless themselves. In addition, the male classmate hair, earrings, female students, also make positive modelling teachers and parents worried.College students are the pillars of the construction of the future society, its consumption ideas and directly affected the life character and the influence of the motherland, indirect jiangshan justice. Good training and strengthening consumer habits will get to the school, good shape, and formed the role of school student wind virtuous circle. Therefore, the schools should set students' good consumption psychology and behavior of the cultivation of campus culture construction as an important component. Facing the current as of inviting advertising the snowflake fly to the university campus, teachers and parents have necessary guidance from the side with the correct method, students correct view firmly. College students from his actual consumption of the economic situation, develop simple life style, develop good consumption habits and consumption mentality. 在当前的消费市场中,大学生作为一个特殊的消费群体正受到越来越多的关注。
带着这样的好奇,我们调查了农大的同学,听取了老师们的意见。 调查结果显示,下面几种原因对大学生的消费观有着深刻的影响。
The timing of the reform with clubs and countermeasures Abstract: since the 2003 in China since the reform of rural credit cooperatives, and implementation of various business has achieved great development in China, as in hainan province, the reform has already caused when reform social attention. The author analyzed in hainan financial ecological environment change background, promote the reform of rural credit cooperatives hainan favorable conditions and needs to solve problems, and put forward the corresponding countermeasures. Keywords: the reform of rural credit cooperatives, and measures China's rural credit cooperatives reform since 2003, the pilot since the implementation of business development by leaps and bounds, and made great achievements in China, and hainan provinces last for reform of rural credit cooperatives, when entering the substantive reform, has aroused wide attention of the society. The author believes that in the hainan financial ecological environment upheaval circumstance, seized an opportunity to promote hainan province, it is urgent to reform of rural credit cooperatives. Now, a push the reform of rural credit cooperatives hainan favorable conditions 1 the other provinces rural credit cooperatives reform can provide demonstration effect of hainan province. China has 29 provinces implemented the reform of management system of rural credit cooperatives, the figures show that the reform has made some progress. By the end of 2005, the total assets of financial institutions in rural cooperative 37206 billion yuan, one for each loan balances 22008 million yuan at the end of 2002, more than 8070 billion yuan, increasing growth 57.9%. Total liabilities 35553 billion yuan, including the balance 32626 billion yuan (the total financial institutions at the end of 2002), more than 10.8 percent increase 12751 64.2 billion yuan, up. At present, China's rural credit cooperatives has become the first four deposit breakthrough 30,000 billion yuan of financial institutions, the owner's equity has reached 1653 billion yuan, the end of 2002 add 1927 billion yuan. More than two years of reform of rural credit cooperatives over 10 consecutive years of losses, to raise capital adequacy ratio of 8%. [1], apparently, in other cities and provinces rural credit cooperatives reform can promote reform of rural credit cooperatives for hainan provide successful experience, such as reforms, increase endowment spread, digestive historical burden, the start-up capital, institutional setup and team building, coordinating the relationship problems can be using the experience of the reforms and brother provinces. 2 new socialist countryside construction to hainan for rural credit cooperatives reform brings opportunities. Construction of new socialist countryside is a major decision, it will make the implementation of rural areas of hainan reproduction, great changes. Agricultural intensification and commercialization of hainan province with the increase of agricultural structure adjustment, and raise the level of farmers' income, the rural financial resources will be further expanded. Therefore, the province of rural credit cooperatives, dump only as managing mechanism and perfect, can get used to accelerate the reform of socialist new rural construction, the need to better perform its functions. 3 the reform of rural credit cooperatives in hainan province has certain basis. In September of 2005, hainan's rural credit cooperatives reform officially approved by the state council on pilot provinces, though not enter the stage of reform, but with substantial operation of rural credit cooperatives reform of rural credit cooperatives, hainan province has achieved a preliminary results. Deadline of September 2006, the balance of rural credit cooperatives, 93 million yuan, nearly three years deposits increased 32 million yuan, 52% increase. In loans and record of September, 2006, the loan balances 51 billion yuan, nearly three years accumulative total issue of "agriculture, countryside and farmers" loan 40 billion yuan. Rural credit environment construction is the key step by step, and the end of September 2006, rural credit cooperatives altogether create credit village 89, the letter, user 3.3 support a large number of agricultural market, effectively help the increase in farmers' income. [2] in hainan province in recent years, rural credit cooperatives are in bad still-decent decreased year, internal system and mechanism and construction team, staff in the intense desire for reform. Above all, public confidence of rural credit cooperatives in hainan province is restored, rural credit cooperatives reform for the。
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