

Virtual operators in the role of SME development Virtual operators are independent from the manufacturers, customers, competitors or even peer through the information technology network as a temporary organization, to achieve the shared technology, cost-sharing and to meet the market demand for the purpose. Since the 1990s, virtual operators tide sweeping across the world. Some large multinational companies such as IBM, Dell, GE, Compaq, Ford, Nike, Philips, China's Chunlan, Little Swan, TCL, Tsingtao, Haier, and other enterprises, are using virtual operating low-cost access to external resources . The arrival of the era of virtual operators, not only for large enterprises to create a new business concept and mode of operation, more rapid development of China's SMEs to build a new platform. First, the emergence of virtual operators and their characteristics With the scientific and technological progress and social development, the world economy has undergone major changes. On the one hand, people according to their production, work and life needs and economic sustainability, the variety of products and specifications, color and style, and other aspects of diversity and individuality of the request for more and shorter delivery time, reasonable prices and demand Its economy can withstand Phase adapt to the other hand, business people face uncertainty and the diversity of individual needs and the ever-changing market, to seek survival and development must have a high degree of flexibility and rapid response capability. Modern enterprises to simplify the organizational structure, develop in the direction of the flat was able to produce knowledge, technology, capital, raw materials, markets and management of resources together in virtual operators. Virtual operators are independent from the manufacturers, customers, competitors or even peer through the information technology network as a temporary organization, to achieve the shared technology, cost-sharing and to meet the market demand for the purpose. Virtual operators to change between life-and-death winning or losing enterprises (Win-Los), a benefit-sharing, risk sharing and win-win (Win-Win), by integrating the various members of the core capabilities and resources in management, technology, Resources have a unique competitive edge, through the sharing of market opportunities and customers, the aim of achieving a win-win situation. Virtual operating characteristics: 1, cooperative competition Virtual Management is built on the common goal of cooperation on competition in the digital information age, cooperation more important than competition. Virtual general business from a core business and several members of enterprises, the introduction of new products, able to rely on the information network, the choice of different enterprises of resources, with different strengths to the enterprise through integrated into a single information technology to link the dynamic Union, to jointly deal with the challenges of the market, joint participation in international competition. As virtual network operators to rely on technology, beyond the boundaries of space and therefore can be on a global scale in many options to select partners to ensure that cooperation between the parties to achieve the sharing of resources, complementarity and effective cooperation. And the speed is of great competitive advantage. The Union will virtual enterprise as the market and product changes and adjustments, in general could be dissolved after the completion of the project. Virtual Enterprise restraint mechanism of this cooperation is the common goal of competition. 2, dynamic Virtual operators can dynamically integrate and use of resources, to maintain technological leadership. Virtual operators to quickly and effectively integrate the use of information technology and network technology, enterprises and the members of all aspects of the technical staff are involved in the research and implementation of innovation and thus better maintain technology leadership. Virtual enterprises not only to provide products and services, and pay more attention to their customers products and services to provide the real problems behind the "solution." The traditional large organizations often provide the same product, to the neglect of the same product for different customers value the differences. The virtual enterprise customers are able to start with such differences, all the participants to customers integrated provide a complete solution. Virtual enterprises to new concepts and products in accordance with the sensitivity of the request, 。


Virtual operators in the role of SME development Virtual operators are independent from the manufacturers, customers, competitors or even peer through the information technology network as a temporary organization, to achieve the shared technology, cost-sharing and to meet the market demand for the purpose. Since the 1990s, virtual operators tide sweeping across the world. Some large multinational companies such as IBM, Dell, GE, Compaq, Ford, Nike, Philips, China's Chunlan, Little Swan, TCL, Tsingtao, Haier, and other enterprises, are using virtual operating low-cost access to external resources . The arrival of the era of virtual operators, not only for large enterprises to create a new business concept and mode of operation, more rapid development of China's SMEs to build a new platform. First, the emergence of virtual operators and their characteristics With the scientific and technological progress and social development, the world economy has undergone major changes. On the one hand, people according to their production, work and life needs and economic sustainability, the variety of products and specifications, color and style, and other aspects of diversity and individuality of the request for more and shorter delivery time, reasonable prices and demand Its economy can withstand Phase adapt to the other hand, business people face uncertainty and the diversity of individual needs and the ever-changing market, to seek survival and development must have a high degree of flexibility and rapid response capability. Modern enterprises to simplify the organizational structure, develop in the direction of the flat was able to produce knowledge, technology, capital, raw materials, markets and management of resources together in virtual operators. Virtual operators are independent from the manufacturers, customers, competitors or even peer through the information technology network as a temporary organization, to achieve the shared technology, cost-sharing and to meet the market demand for the purpose. Virtual operators to change between life-and-death winning or losing enterprises (Win-Los), a benefit-sharing, risk sharing and win-win (Win-Win), by integrating the various members of the core capabilities and resources in management, technology, Resources have a unique competitive edge, through the sharing of market opportunities and customers, the aim of achieving a win-win situation. Virtual operating characteristics: 1, cooperative competition Virtual Management is built on the common goal of cooperation on competition in the digital information age, cooperation more important than competition. Virtual general business from a core business and several members of enterprises, the introduction of new products, able to rely on the information network, the choice of different enterprises of resources, with different strengths to the enterprise through integrated into a single information technology to link the dynamic Union, to jointly deal with the challenges of the market, joint participation in international competition. As virtual network operators to rely on technology, beyond the boundaries of space and therefore can be on a global scale in many options to select partners to ensure that cooperation between the parties to achieve the sharing of resources, complementarity and effective cooperation. And the speed is of great competitive advantage. The Union will virtual enterprise as the market and product changes and adjustments, in general could be dissolved after the completion of the project. Virtual Enterprise restraint mechanism of this cooperation is the common goal of competition. 2, dynamic Virtual operators can dynamically integrate and use of resources, to maintain technological leadership. Virtual operators to quickly and effectively integrate the use of information technology and network technology, enterprises and the members of all aspects of the technical staff are involved in the research and implementation of innovation and thus better maintain technology leadership. Virtual enterprises not only to provide products and services, and pay more attention to their customers products and services to provide the real problems behind the "solution." The traditional large organizations often provide the same product, to the neglect of the same product for different customers value the differences. The virtual enterprise customers are able to start with such differences, all the participants to customers integrated provide a complete solution. Virtual enterprises to new concepts and products in accordance with the sensitivity of the request, in a 。


图形化开发平台在虚拟仪器中的应用 1、引言 现代计算机技术和信息技术的迅猛发展,犹如滚滚长江东流水,冲击着国民经济的各个领域,也引起了测量仪器和测试技术的巨大变革。

人们曾为测量仪器从模拟化、数字化到智能化的进步而欣喜,也为自动测试技术的日新月异的发展所鼓舞,当今虚拟仪器技术的出现又使得测量仪器进步入了高科技的殿堂。 与传统的仪器不同,虚拟仪器(virtual instrument)是基于计算机和标准总线技术的模块化系统,通常它是由控制模块、仪器模块和软件组成,在虚拟仪器中软件是至关重要的,仪器的功能都要通过它来实现,因此软件是虚拟仪器的核心,“软件就是仪器”,从本质上反映了虚拟仪器的特征。

从构成方式上讲,虚拟仪器可分为四大类:gpib体系结构、pc-daq体系结构、vxi体系结构和pxi体系结构。 gpib体系结构是通过gpib总线将具有gpib接口的计算机和仪器集成的测试系统。

其优点是用户可以充分利用自己的计算机和仪器资源,且组建方便灵活、操作简单,曾是国际流行的自动测试系统。 当今,在vxi为主的体系结构中,有时也采用gpib作为辅助,这样可以充分利用本单位仪器资源,或称补vxi仪器模块的不足。


pxi体系结构是以pci总线为基础的体系结构,由于其总线吞吐率高、硬件的价格较低被业内人士认为是符合国情的一种体系结构。 虚拟仪器应用程序的开发环境主要有两种=一种是基于传统的文本语言的软件开发环境,常用的有lab windows/cvi、。

visual basidc=vc++等:一种是基于图形化语言的软件开发环境,常用的有lab view和hp vee。其中图形化软件开发系统是用工程人员所熟悉的术语和图形化符号代替常规的文本语言编程,界面友好,操作简便,可大大缩短系统开发周期,深受专业人员的青睐。

下面结合指挥调度设备测试系统〈它是通信设备综合测试系统的分系统〉,重点介绍labview图形化软件开发环境在虚拟仪器和自动测试系统中的应用技术。 2、系统简介 2。

1系统概述 指挥调度设备测试系统主要用来测试信道的非线性失真度、信道幅频特性、信道传输系数、信道杂音、信道隔离度以及信号调制度等主要参数和技术指标。 系统硬件由带pcmcia-gpib接口卡的笔记本电脑、激励源、时域测试仪器、频域测试仪器等通过gpib总线集成。




鉴于本系统采用了笔记本电脑作为系统控制器,简化了系统硬件,增加了灵活性和便携性,便于现场测试。 系统软件是在labview图形化语言环境下开发的,程序采用模块化结构,只要在主程序中调用各个子程序模块就可以进行相应的测试。

图1是测试系统软件框图。 受篇幅所限,下面仅对谐波失真测试子程序和测试报告打印子程序作一说明,其他测试子程序不再一一介绍。

2。2谐波失真度测试子程序设计 (l)谐波失真的测试原理及数学模型 众所周知,当信号通过一个非线性网络后,其输出信号中会产生新的频率分量,由此造成的失真称为非线性失真。

根据傅里叶级数,一个失真的正弦波可以分解为一系列幅度不同、相位有别的基波和各次谐波。 因此非线性失真度定义为全部谐波能量与基波能量之比的量之比的平方根值。

当负载为纯电阻时,可用全部谐波电压的有效值与基波电压的有效值之比的百分数来定义非线性失真度,即 根据以上原理,我们可以用频谱分析仪测量出信号的基波和各次谐波的电压有效值,再按式(l)计算出失真度即可。 (2)谐波失真测试程序设计 谐波失真测试程序的前面板和使用gpib函数与gpib仪器通信的的部分程序框图分别示于图2和图3,不再文字赘述。

2。3labvi ew编程环境中activex技术及在测试报表中的应用 如上所述,labview是一种用于科学计算、过程控制、自动测试领域的图形化语言,具强大的功能,但生成测试报表的能力却不尽人意。

为此我们可以利用adivex控制技术,将labview中的测试数据导入microsoft excel表格,即可生成一套精美实用的测试报告。 labview可以作为activex自动控制服务端(server〉和客户端(client)。

当labview作为activex自动控制客户端时,它可以控制其他的activex服务端的应用程序(如microsoft exce1),这时labview能够从这些应用程序中得到它们的属性和执行方法并对它们进行设置。 在labview中创建一个客户端应用程序,可以分为以下几个步骤: (1)使用automation open函数打开一个自动控制标识符(如excel程序对象〉。

(2)用property node设置或得到对象的属性。 (3)用invoke node执行属于这个对象的方法。

(4)如果需要,还应使用数据转换函数(t0g data〉把activex格式的数据转换成labview支持的格式的数据。 (5)用automation close函数关闭自动控制标识符。



(还有一篇在附件) 网络虚拟财产法律保护 [ 摘要] 目前, 网络游戏特别是网络游戏中的虚拟财产纠纷日益增多, 而我国现行法律并没有针对网络虚拟财产问题作出明确的法律规定, 加快进行相关的法律制度建设是促进网络游戏业健康发展的重要保证。

[ 关键词] 虚拟财产; 网络游戏; 法律保护 一、虚拟财产法律保护的必要性随着互联网的普及, 特别是网络游戏的兴起, 使得游戏的虚拟物品交易发展成一个全新的经济体系。据统计, 我国经常玩网络游戏的用户有800 万, 偶尔上网玩游戏的用户有2300 万, 每年网络游戏的收入高达近百亿人民币,已经形成了一项庞大的产业, 可以说我国网络游戏市场规模已经相当巨大, 跃居世界第一。

这项产业不仅促进社会财富增加, 同时极大地丰富了人们的文化娱乐生活。 与此同时, 伴随网络游戏产业的迅速扩大和膨胀, 网络虚拟财产的保护在实践中的争议与矛盾日渐凸显。

我国《宪法》第十三条规定: “公民的合法的私有财产不受侵犯。国家依照法律规定保护公民的私有财产权和继承权。

”《民法通则》第七十五条规定: “公民的个人财产, 包括公民的合法收入、房屋、储蓄、生活用品、文物、图书资料、林木、牲畜和法律允许公民所有的生产资料以及其他合法财产。公民的合法财产受法律保护, 禁止任何组织或者个人侵占、哄抢、破坏或者非法查封、扣押、冻结、没收。

”在《消费者权益保护法》中, 网民对虚拟财产的权利却不属于现有的消费者权利中的任何一项。目前在我国已经颁布和实施的《关于维护互联网安全的决定》、《计算机信息系统安全保护条例》当中, 网络虚拟财产的保护是一片空白。

由此可以看出, 在我国的法律体系内, 公民的合法私有财产受到了法律的保护, 但并没有对虚拟财产的合法性作出明确规定, 因此出现了很多玩家在丢失财物后投诉无门的现象, 而且随着网络的发展而不断增加, 各种侵犯虚拟财产案件已经突破虚拟空间而向现实空间过渡。 因此, 虚拟财产已经具备了现实社会中真实财产的价值,理应受到法律的保护。

为了保护网络游戏者的合法利益, 促进网络事业的健康发展, 解决网络虚拟财产的合法性认定、制定保护网络虚拟财产的相关法律法规问题已迫在眉睫。 二、网络虚拟财产的概念、特征及财产属性 ( 一) 虚拟财产的概念、特征 网络“虚拟财产”又称为“网财”, 一般是指网民、游戏玩家在网络游戏中的账号( ID) 及积累的“货币”、“装备”、“宠 物”等“财产”。

主要包括: 游戏账号( 包括在游戏中的虚拟人物的等级、职业、性别等属性) 、虚拟金币( 在某款游戏中所使用的货币) 、虚拟装备(武器、装甲、药剂等)、虚拟动植物。 网络虚拟财产具有以下特点: 1。

虚拟性与现实性的结合。虚拟财产在本质上只是一组保存在服务器上的数字信息, 也有称作“电磁记录”, 其以电磁记录形式存储于游戏服务器上。

虚拟财产既可以通过买卖的方式在玩家和游戏服务商之间转让, 也可以通过离线交易的方式在玩家间转让, 现实中也存在很多网站进行这种交易活动。虚拟世界里的行为却在现实世界中得到反映。

所以说, 虚拟财产又具有现实性, 是虚拟性与现实性的结合。 2。

价值性。虚拟财产最终是通过编程等劳动而形成, 具有形成价值的客观基础, 同时网络虚拟财产可以给玩家带来参与网络游戏的愉悦感并满足玩家占有和增加财产的成就感, 具有独特的 使用价值。


一款网络游戏的运行必须由服务商与玩家结合而形成一个具有社会属性的虚拟社区空间, 因而其具有空间上的有限性。 在时间上, 任何一款游戏都有自身的运营周期, 当运营商终止游戏的运营, 虚拟财产也会随之消失, 因而具有明显的时限性。


只有合法取得的虚拟财产才为法律所肯定并给予保护。玩家以公平竞争合乎游戏规则的手段造成其他玩家的损失, 也不构成对其他玩家的侵权。

但采用游戏规则之外的手段取得的虚拟财产或者对其他玩家造成的侵害, 打破了游戏的平衡性, 又损害了玩家以及游戏服务商的利益, 其行为应认定为非法而加以禁止。 ( 二) 虚拟财产的财产属性 虚拟财产具有财产属性, 可以成为立法保护的客体是由于: 1。

虚拟财产是有价值的。虚拟装备、有一定级别的账号以及其他虚拟财产在网络世界中是具有价值的, 能够满足虚拟人物在虚拟空间的发展, 同时获得这些财产也是需要耗费一定的劳动或者要消耗一定的金钱。


法律并未禁止虚拟财产的买卖, 现实生活中进行网络财产交易非常普遍。 网财之所以是财, 是因为它已经发生了真实的交易行为, 跟人民币发生了交换。

虚拟财产既然能和人民币联系起来, 就应当是有价值并且受到保护的。虚拟物品的交易, 直接表现出了虚拟物品在现实世界中的价值, 而其价值的表现形式就是价格。


虚拟财产借助于一定的载体即电脑和网络设置为人们所控制, 可以通过加密的方式被个人控制排除他人侵占。从法律视野来看, 同样可以被占有、使用、收益和处分, 因此可以成为法律关系的客体。

可见, 网络游戏中形成的虚拟财。


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