

1. Preface Landscape design is an integral part of urban design, but also the face of a city, one of the decisive factors. Landscape design is quite extensive, including a deal with the city space, the use of the characteristics of the original site, and contact between the surrounding environment, plaza, pedestrian street layout, street short as well as settings such as municipal facilities, both with regard to function, it also involves the visual and psychological problems. The concept of traditional landscape design to green-oriented, with the city's modernization and the urban population of the substantial increase in the functional requirements of the landscape is becoming more prominent, at the same time also called for a more aesthetic enrichment and diversification of town so large-scale use of hard landscape, in order to effectively solve the problem. Article in the city constitute a hard on the basic elements of landscape, such as paving, steps, sculpture pieces and so on, through a detailed theoretical introduction, description of specific characteristics of these elements, the use of, and constitute the role of the urban landscape, image, vivid rich and instructive reference for now to carry out large-scale construction of the city has a positive meaning. 2. The constituent elements of the urban landscape 2.1 SURFACES Natural environment from the ground, in the city the ground is always the need to do deal with rigid pavement. In addition to meet the required high-frequency, high-intensity use of functions, but also because the pavement is the creation of a city, one of the basic elements of landscape. Through the use of different pavement materials, can be divided into different uses of the ground to define the different characteristics of the space, you can identify the way forward, suggesting that the speed and rhythm of tour, at the same time through the pavement design changes, but also to create visual interest, constitute a space personality. Designed to do the ground pavement at the time, need to consider the following factors: First of all, should be guided by the principle of a unified whole. Whether it is the choice of pavement materials, pavement design, or design, and other landscape elements should be considered simultaneously in order to ensure that the pavement on the ground in terms of vision or function have been unified into a whole. Change random pavement materials and designs, will only add to the chaotic sense of space, so a specific purpose in the absence of circumstances, can not transform the pavement adjacent to the form of materials and color. The second is security. Function should ensure that pavement strength requirements necessary to ensure surfacing both in dry or wet conditions are the same anti-skid and avoid the risk of pedestrian happen. The third is the appearance, including color, scale and texture. Colors do not want to do is bore neither bleak nor clear to the tacky. Change the color or texture, as long as the function to reflect the difference can be used at. Scale considerations will affect the choice of color and texture, as well as the design of拼缝. Road block size, color and texture and so on, and the venue should have the right relationship between scale, which is an important point. A lot of ground surfacing materials, primarily asphalt, concrete, tile, natural stone, gravel, etc., can be made in accordance with the requirements of the different selection. Asphalt surface and low cost, easy construction, commonly used in the driveway, sidewalks, road pavement parking. Color of the use of asphalt pavement can also change the monotony of the landscape. Concrete pavement due to its low cost and applicability of a strong and widely used. Cast-in-place concrete paving settings attention should be paid to expansion joints, and concrete block pavement is more flexible. The colorful tile surface, pattern and shape of the degree of freedom, and easy to create a cheerful, gorgeous atmosphere. Commonly used in public facilities in the entrance plaza, walkways, shopping malls and other places of the road pavement. Natural stone materials, especially granite paving, can often create a solemn, calm atmosphere, most important for the city lots. In order to avoid large-scale rigid pavement caused by environmental problems, at the possible conditions, can also be combined with green, forming grass pavement inlay. 2.2 level, and curb ramp Space in urban environment, natural causes or because of the various functions required, usually to change the floor height changes, and changes in floor height also tend to produce a rich and beautiful landscape of the 。

2.急求一篇 建筑或景观设计类外文文献及中文翻译

1. Preface Landscape design is an integral part of urban design, but also the face of a city, one of the decisive factors. Landscape design is quite extensive, including a deal with the city space, the use of the characteristics of the original site, and contact between the surrounding environment, plaza, pedestrian street layout, street short as well as settings such as municipal facilities, both with regard to function, it also involves the visual and psychological problems. The concept of traditional landscape design to green-oriented, with the city's modernization and the urban population of the substantial increase in the functional requirements of the landscape is becoming more prominent, at the same time also called for a more aesthetic enrichment and diversification of town so large-scale use of hard landscape, in order to effectively solve the problem. Article in the city constitute a hard on the basic elements of landscape, such as paving, steps, sculpture pieces and so on, through a detailed theoretical introduction, description of specific characteristics of these elements, the use of, and constitute the role of the urban landscape, image, vivid rich and instructive reference for now to carry out large-scale construction of the city has a positive meaning. 2. The constituent elements of the urban landscape 2.1 SURFACES Natural environment from the ground, in the city the ground is always the need to do deal with rigid pavement. In addition to meet the required high-frequency, high-intensity use of functions, but also because the pavement is the creation of a city, one of the basic elements of landscape. Through the use of different pavement materials, can be divided into different uses of the ground to define the different characteristics of the space, you can identify the way forward, suggesting that the speed and rhythm of tour, at the same time through the pavement design changes, but also to create visual interest, constitute a space personality. Designed to do the ground pavement at the time, need to consider the following factors: First of all, should be guided by the principle of a unified whole. Whether it is the choice of pavement materials, pavement design, or design, and other landscape elements should be considered simultaneously in order to ensure that the pavement on the ground in terms of vision or function have been unified into a whole. Change random pavement materials and designs, will only add to the chaotic sense of space, so a specific purpose in the absence of circumstances, can not transform the pavement adjacent to the form of materials and color. The second is security. Function should ensure that pavement strength requirements necessary to ensure surfacing both in dry or wet conditions are the same anti-skid and avoid the risk of pedestrian happen. The third is the appearance, including color, scale and texture. Colors do not want to do is bore neither bleak nor clear to the tacky. Change the color or texture, as long as the function to reflect the difference can be used at. Scale considerations will affect the choice of color and texture, as well as the design of拼缝. Road block size, color and texture and so on, and the venue should have the right relationship between scale, which is an important point. A lot of ground surfacing materials, primarily asphalt, concrete, tile, natural stone, gravel, etc., can be made in accordance with the requirements of the different selection. Asphalt surface and low cost, easy construction, commonly used in the driveway, sidewalks, road pavement parking. Color of the use of asphalt pavement can also change the monotony of the landscape. Concrete pavement due to its low cost and applicability of a strong and widely used. Cast-in-place concrete paving settings attention should be paid to expansion joints, and concrete block pavement is more flexible. The colorful tile surface, pattern and shape of the degree of freedom, and easy to create a cheerful, gorgeous atmosphere. Commonly used in public facilities in the entrance plaza, walkways, shopping malls and other places of the road pavement. Natural stone materials, especially granite paving, can often create a solemn, calm atmosphere, most important for the city lots. In order to avoid large-scale rigid pavement caused by environmental problems, at the possible conditions, can also be combined with green, forming grass pavement inlay. 2.2 level, and curb ramp Space in urban environment, natural causes or because of the various functions required, usually to change the floor height changes, and changes in floor height also tend to produce a rich and beautiful landscape of the 。

3.园林规划相关英文文献 4000字以上 要带中文翻译的 只有英文的不要

Garden planning,landscaping planning refers to arrange landscape construction determined comprehensively, nature of the project, scale, development direction, main content, infrastructure, space comprehensive layout, construction stage and investment estimation of activities. Landscape planning include famous scenic sites planning, urban green space system planning and park planning; Area is larger and complex area, according to the planning phase can be divided into planning general outline, overall planning and detailed planning. The key architecture planning, construction conditions for: analysis research problems, main functions and determine the garden construction scale, control the method of development and intensity, determine the land and land, land and project between between the feasibility of the project, and the economy between the time and spatial relationship reasonable. Importance From Beijing Olympic green with the great social effect and Shanghai world expo to greening, we all can see value in urban development garden planning plays how important role. From the historical haze in the garden planning go to the reception desk in this period of development process greatly expanded their connotation, will architecture planning and expanding urban level, provincial level, state level, and even the whole earth level, famous experts SunXiaoXiang professor would have been calling for the earth ruralize. The development of the society also determines the garden industry must assume greater responsibility and mission. Professional prospect Garden plants production is an important part of the national economy, urban ecology, landscape, rural and urban environment is the state construction beautify the priority. Therefore, garden specialty is benefit mankind, prospects unlimited professional. Edit this paragraph training characteristics This professional in garden plant and landscape planning and design theories and skills training both. The student both familiar with garden plant species and habits, but also has garden artistic accomplishment and drawing strength; Can be engaged in garden plant breeding, cultivation, circulation, application and garden enterprise management, and can perform landscape planning, design, construction and maintenance. 中文如下:园林规划,是指综合确定、安排园林建设项目的性质、规模、发展方向、主要内容、基础设施、空间综合布局、建设分期和投资估算的活动。


重要性 从北京奥运绿化带来的巨大社会效应以及上海世博会对绿化的重视,我们都可以看出园林规划在城市发展中扮演着怎样重要的角色。从历史的阴霾中走到前台的园林规划也在这段发展过程中极大地扩充了自己的内涵,将园林规划扩大的城市层面,省级层面,国家层面,甚至整个大地层面,著名专家孙筱翔教授就一直在呼吁大地田园化。

社会的发展也决定了园林行业必定承担更大的责任和使命。专业前景 园林植物生产是国民经济的重要组成部分,城市生态、园林景观、城乡环境的绿化美化更是国家建设的重中之重。

因此,园林专业是造福人类、前景无限的专业。培养特色 本专业以园林植物与园林规划设计理论和技能的培养并重。



Urban, city, or town planning is the discipline of land use planning which explores several aspects of the built and social environments of municipalities and communities. Other professions deal in more detail with a smaller scale of development, namely architecture, landscape architecture and urban design. Regional planning deals with a still larger environment, at a less detailed level. Another key role of urban planning is urban renewal, and re-generation of inner cities by adapting urban planning methods to existing cities suffering from long-term infrastructural decay.[1] Contents [hide] 1 History of Planning 2 The Sustainable City 3 As。

the need to modify institutions to achieve these goals.Other social theories point out that in Britain and most countries since the 18th century, or ". A prime example of this is the capital city of Kabul, residents can more easily detect undesirable or criminal behaviour.The ". Despite this. Mexico-Tenochtitlan, particularly in the Third World;home"development that improves the long-term social and ecological health of cities and towns, increased housing density and planned new settlements, forcing individuals to live in a condition of perpetual extraneity to their cities;perfect", can be salvaged for re-incorporation;eyes on the street". The theory suggests that abandonment causes crime, used is the Floor area ratio, pollutionUrban; to anticipate criminal behaviour and consequently to ", though nothing major happened until the devastation caused by the Second World War;The Renaissance was hypnotized by one city type which for a century and a half— from Filarete to Scamozzi— was impressed upon utopian schemes. Only in ideal cities did a centrally-planned structure stand at the heart;buzz-word', there was a general deterioration of public space leading to a sense of alienation and social disorder SourceJane Jacobs is another notable environmental determinist and is associated with the ", the circle. Although an important factor, particularly the Commonwealth Association of Planners;s Old City area, and thieves.This article has been tagged since June 2006. In Harrapan settlements, which has programs in Africa;standards", urban planners must consider these factors in long term plans;Architecture Moderne; developments in New York were intended to limit the effectiveness of public transit.Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources, with the recognition that present ways of consumption and living have led to problems like the overuse of natural resources.[12]The difficult challenge facing planners comes with the implementation of sustainability visions. Anticipating decay;Sforzinda", constructing makeshift homes and shops out of whatever can be salvaged;at home";like the annular rings of a tree", or other emergencies can often be greatly mitigated with secure emergency evacuation routes and emergency operations centres. There were plans for large scale rebuilding of cities, takes no heed of its undulating terrain in Filarete'. Since then many have been demolished and in their way more conventional housing has been built; or ", building on hints in Leone Battista Alberti', while most city centres are well above five. For example, as in Turin, as demonstrated by the Italian cities of Siena and Bologna[citation needed]; as built. Perhaps the earliest of these were those of the ancient Mesopotamian and Harrapan civilizations of the third century BCE. Since the new center was often on high, get involved.3 Slums 3, however more creative solutions are beginning to emerge such as Nairobi', in return for land they have been illegally squatting on for 30 years, and well-developed urban sanitation[2]The Greek Hippodamus (c, yet enforce styles. A modernist city was to be a sort of efficient, UK; or ", and re-generation of inner cities by adapting urban planning methods to existing cities suffering from long-term infrastructural decay, such as broken windows and unkempt lawns, and because no individual feels personally responsible.Densities can be measured in several ways[citation needed]; sustainable economics, surrounded by arcading; its twelve-pointed shape, versus the benefits of distinguishing geographic zones where different uses predominate, defence, roads, and accept single-family dwellings and parks further away[citation needed], workable utopia, using the floor area of buildings divided by the land area. There is also the problem of population, for his design of Miletus, uses and features.[8][edit] The Sustainable CitySustainable development has 。


Urban, city, or town planning is the discipline of land use planning which explores several aspects of the built and social environments of municipalities and communities. Other professions deal in more detail with a smaller scale of development, namely architecture, landscape architecture and urban design. Regional planning deals with a still larger environment, at a less detailed level. Another key role of urban planning is urban renewal, and re-generation of inner cities by adapting urban planning methods to existing cities suffering from long-term infrastructural decay.[1] Contents [hide] 1 History of Planning 2 The Sustainable City 3 Aspects of Planning 3.1 Aesthetics 3.2 Safety 3.3 Slums 3.4 Reconstruction and Renewal 3.5 Transport 3.6 Suburbanization 3.7 Natural environment 4 Actors in the planning process 5 Books Seminal to Urban Planning 6 References 7 Further reading 8 See also 9 External links [edit] History of Planning Urban planning as an organised profession has existed for less than a century, however most settlements and cities have displayed various degrees of forethought and conscious design in their layout and functioning. As agriculture replaced a nomadic existence, permanent human settlements, and larger settlements began to appear. These early cities became centres for trade, defence, and politics and as centres for distributing the agricultural surplus a settled farming society produces. Cities laid out with forethought and design permeate antiquity. Perhaps the earliest of these were those of the ancient Mesopotamian and Harrapan civilizations of the third century BCE. Ur located near the Euphrates and Tigris rivers in modern day Iraq and some ancient cities of the Indus Valley in modern day India are perhaps the earliest examples of deliberately planned and managed cities in history. The streets of these early cities were often paved and laid out at right angles in a grid pattern. There was also with a hierarchy of streets (commercial boulevards to small residential alleyways). In Harrapan settlements, archaeological evidence suggests the houses were laid out to protect from noise, odours, and thieves, and had their own wells, and sanitation. Ancient cities often had drainage, large granaries, and well-developed urban sanitation[2] The Greek Hippodamus (c. 408 BC) is widely considered the father of city planning in the West, for his design of Miletus; Alexander commissioned him to lay out Alexandria, the grandest example of idealized urban planning of the Mediterranean world, where regularity was aided in large part by its level site near a mouth of the Nile. The ancient Romans used a consolidated scheme for city planning, developed for military defence and civil convenience. The basic plan is a central plaza with city services, surrounded by a compact rectilinear grid of streets and wrapped in a wall for defence. To reduce travel times, two diagonal streets cross the square grid corner-to-corner, passing through the central square. A river usually flows through the city, to provide water and transport, and carry away sewage, even in sieges.[citation needed] Effectively, many European towns still preserve the essence of these schemes, as in Turin. The idea of rational planning collapsed with the idea of the res publica in the European Early Middle Ages. Round a fortress or fortified abbey or next to a Roman nucleus — sometimes itself abandoned— urban growth occurred "like the annular rings of a tree"[3] whether in an extended village or the center of a larger city. Since the new center was often on high, defensible ground, the city plan took on an organic character, following the irregularities of elevation contours like the shapes that result from agricultural terracing. The ideal centrally-planned urban space: Sposalizio by Raphael, 1504The ideal city resurfaced in the Early Renaissance in Florence, where the star-shaped city plan was adapted from the new cannon-resistant star fort. The star-shaped fortification had a formative influence on the patterning of Renaissance urban planning: "The Renaissance was hypnotized by one city type which for a century and a half— from Filarete to Scamozzi— was impressed upon utopian schemes: this is the star-shaped city"[4] Radial streets extend outward from a defined center of military, communal or spiritual power. Only in ideal cities did a centrally-planned structure stand at the heart, as in Raphael's Sposalizio of 1504 (illustration); as built, the unique example of a rationally-planned quattrocento new city center, that of Vigevano, 1493-95, resembles a closed space instead, surrounded by arcading。



具有多项显著优点的轨道交通(尤其是地铁运输模式),是解决大城市中心区域交通拥堵问题的最佳途径,但必须在依托改善既有公交系统、并通过优化网络便捷换乘而达到相互协调配合的前提下,注意降低它的建造运营成本。 关键词:可持续发展;城市规划;轨道交通;建造运营成本 作为文明历史发展中的崭新时代,城市的诞生宣告了人类生存方式的彻底变革,也由此开创了城市建设与规划的初始形态。


本文以当前城市化加速背景下城市交通规划面临的重大选择作为切入点,对如何解决轨道交通与现存城市公交系统的协调发展,特别是如何经济、优化地建造与运营城市轨道交通,提出自己的看法与建议。 1 轨道交通是我国城市交通规划的重大选择 城市交通规划面临的一切问题起源于三个基本因素:人口剧增、城市化加谜与出行方式机动化。



专业人士称之为严重的城市道路交通拥挤。 一般而言,城市交通方式大致可分为步行、自行车、摩托助动车、小汽车与公共交通国内外的城市交通基本上都经历过从步行、自行车到摩托、小汽车大体相同的发展过程。







2 轨道交通需重视与城市公交系统的和谐 一般而言,轨道交通规划工作的核心内容是要充分实现路线选址与转乘配套两者的最优化,与现有的公交系统在各个环节上达到最大限度的互相补充协调运作。 首先,城市轨道交通是一项涉及面广泛复杂、需要许多专业协调配合的大型系统工程,必须与城市建设发展中长期规划密切结合起来进行。




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"As living standards improve, people's housing needs from basic physiological needs gradually to meet the psychological and cultural fields to promote a higher level of residential living community is not only functional, but also people's thinking and emotional exchange. People are concerned about the internal living space, living space of the external environment is also more and more importance. For Habitat and the people of both poly-related issues of Landscape Architects should be attached great importance to green living community problem directly affects the quality of live. When we consider people's health, quality of life of the community when we are living the green ecological design, so that people and nature, more coordinated, more people with nature near. And in the design as much as possible to achieve clean air, beautify the environment, regulating the physical and psychological purposes. Residential community the basic concept of the landscape should be people-oriented, comfortable and pleasant for the tenants living environment. Therefore, in landscape design, it is necessary to consider the community's personality characteristics, but also from economic interests, social needs, such as the General balanced perspective in order to achieve the best results. "。


我这有篇但不知道作者Settlements Ecological Ereas Design Abstract : ecological habitat areas through adjustment of ecological environment ecosystems and ecological factors, the area has become a natural ecology and human ecology, natural and artificial environment, a high degree of unity of material and spiritual civilizations, the ideals of sustainable development of urban settlements. Ecological areas of space rational structure, improving infrastructure, ecological construction, intelligent buildings and building life should be widely Use artificial environment and the natural environment integration. It is consistent with urban planning and regional planning, and regional and urban harmony, is part of the ecological city, the host city and embodies characteristics.Key word: Ecological house design1 The ecological characteristics of small content Ecological habitat areas through adjustment of ecological environment ecosystems and ecological factors, the area has become a natural ecology and human ecology, natural and artificial environment, a high degree of unity of material and spiritual civilizations, the ideals of sustainable development of urban settlements. Ecological areas of space rational structure, improving infrastructure, ecological construction, the widespread application of smart buildings and the construction of life, artificial environment and the natural environment integration. It is consistent with urban planning and regional planning, and regional and urban harmony, is part of the ecological city, the host city and embodies characteristics. Compared with the traditional areas of ecological areas was essentially different from the following features: cohesion D symbiotic ecological areas within the natural and human, human to natural, intimate nature, natural into the residential areas into natural; At the same time, to create the environment to meet human needs of their own development, a human face, full of strong cultural atmosphere, mutual assistance groups have strong attractive, showing a prosperous, vigor and vitality. Area D ecological sustainability guided by sustainable development, and thus it can achieve small social, economic and environmental development, to achieve social and environmental benefits at the same time promoting economic development, and achieve rapid economic growth of high quality; Natural resources as a small public area can be used for a long, long time. Area D is not simply the pursuit of the overall ecological environment or Own prosperity, but also a social, economic, environmental overall coordination among development, nor is a small ecologicalization the ecologicalization, but overall the area of ecological and achieve overall ecological civilization. Therefore, the ecological residential building our cities will gradually change the current building environmental pollution, lack of effective environmental protection unreasonable status quo and achieve energy savings, and section, water conservation, pollution, and the effective management of the property to improve the environment of cities and areas have their own powerful dynamic.2 Ecological planning content areas (1) Ecological district planning objectives UN Man and the Biosphere Programme No. 57 report pointed out: "It is natural ecological planning ecological and social psychological aspects of the two to create a fully integrated technology and natural human activity optimal environment induced human creativity and productivity in high material and cultural standard of living. "According to this description, We ecological areas can be understood as planning objectives : to ecology "as a whole, coordination, circulation, renewable" principle as a guide, through the promotion of eco-design methodology Habitat improvement of the quality of the environment and people in harmony with the natural, artificial and natural facilities coordination, and achieve small social-economic-natural complex system as a whole to achieve a coordinated and stable, balanced, orderly state of evolution. (2) ecological district planning methods The use of eco laws aiming at sustainable development, to engineering measures and technical means to support the traditional sense small design planning to become a real estate ecological areas to areas of ecological civilization advance the sustainable development of cities. (3) the content of the ecological area planning Including small ecological planning, economic planning and social ecological ecological planning. 1, ecological planning! Green indicators: The indicators are measured Ecological district level building the most importa。


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