






荆棘鸟 译余剩语





The Thorn Birds

It is said there is a kind of birds named the thorn birds. They only sing once in their lives. But the sound of singing is the most wonderful in the world. When they leave their nests, they will look for the thistles and thorns. And they don't give up till they find them. At last they thorn their chests with the longest and sharpest thorns. Then they sing the most beautiful songs at the great cost of life. But they must endure hardships to do all these.

I think we are like the thorn birds. We also have our own dreams like the best sound of singing. We should do our best to make our dreams come true like the thorn birds, too.

3.谁有关于荆棘鸟的英文论文 急求

The Thorn Birds, is a very well written story about a family living in a poorer section of New Zealand whose livelihood is shearing sheep. The money for the family depends almost solely on the sheep. In the family, there is Padraic Cleary (Paddy), the father of the clan. He is a likable man who commands respect from his children and from those who know him. His wife, Fiona Cleary (Fee), is a woman with a past who loves her children, respects her husband but is living in a world that she did not want, but accepted it as her only possible way of life. Then there are Fee and Paddy's children, Frank, Meghann (Meggie), Hughie, Jack, Stuart (Stu), Bob, and the twins, Jims and Patsy, but the story revolves almost entirely around their only girl, Meggie. When Meggie was about 10 years old, Paddy's older sister, Mary Carson, beckoned Paddy to come work for her on her very large, very wealthy ranch in New South Wales, Australia, Drogheda. The family fell in love with Drogheda, even though they had to put up with drought, fire, and a climate that they were not used to. The boys in the family lived for Drogheda, and were the main work force of the ranch, herding sheep and cattle from one paddock to another, and working very hard during the most profitable time of the year, the shearing season, and the most hectic, the lambing season. Paddy was an immigrant from Ireland to New Zealand and was a devout Catholic, along with most Australians. Upon arriving to Drogheda, the Cleary family met Father Ralph, a friend of Mary Carson, a constant visitor to Drogheda, and the local priest of the closest town to Drogheda, Gillabon. The rest of the story rotates around the relationship between Father Ralph who later became Bishop Ralph and finally, Cardinal Ralph, and Meggie. The Cleary family lived through one of the worst droughts in Australia, and the terrible fire that followed, destroying most of Drogheda's outer pastures and killing Paddy, and Stuart in the process. They also had to deal with the problem of rabbits. The rabbits were foreigners to Australia, and once introduced, reproduced out of control due to the fact that there were no natural predators in Australia to kill them. The rabbits, along with the kangaroos, were devouring most of Drogheda's grazing land. Through it all though, Drogheda remained a constant source of pleasure and money for the Cleary family. Meggie had two children, Justine and Dane. Both very different in personality, and in looks. Meggie marries a shearer turned stockman fo Drogheda, Luke O'Neill, and from their marriage, Justine was born. Dane was from another man, but, the father, nor Dane or Justine knew who it was, only Fee and Meggie knew that secret. The author of Thorn Birds, Colleen McCullough, is a highly talented writer. Throughout the novel, she describes the scenery with much detail. She should be an expert on the topic, since New South Wales, Australia is her home. The detail and description of the people and the places, which she goes deeply into, makes the reader feel as if she is actually experiencing the same things as the characters. She goes explains throughly as to how Drogheda is managed and how it looks. Mrs. McCullough definitely knows what she's talking about and her writing shows it. For work with the sheep never, never ended; as one job finished it became time for another. They were mustered and graded, moved from one paddock to another, bred and unbred, shorn and crutched, dipped and drenched, slaughtered and shipped off to be sold. Drogheda carried about a thousand head of prime beef cattle as well as its sheep, but sheep were far more profitable, so in good times Drogheda carried about one sheep for every two acres of its land, or about 125,000 altogether. Being merinos, they were never sold for meat; at the end of a merino's wool-producing years it was shipped off to become skins, lanolin, tallow and glue, useful only to the tanneries and the knackeries. Mrs. McCullough's purpose for writing The Thorn Birds is not entirely clear. She could have written the book to tell about the ways of the Australian people like the outback stockmen. She could have intended to explain what life in Australia is really like, the climate, the animals, etc. Another alternative is that she could have written this novel to talk about the Catholic Church and how man's desires are no match for an institution like the Church, or try to describe how the Church really works. All of these topics are present in her story and her points for each came across strongly and clearly. The reader learns that Father Ralph becomes。


Through the twists and turns of the love story between the heroine Maggie with Father Ralph, shaping an image of a love faithful woman who is bold in pursuing a dedication of love and striving for the right to own love, thereby embodies women to be independent of their own love。

On the one hand, through Maggie's self-selection and self-decision of love, it fully embodies that female is no longer synonymous with "fragile", when self-consciousness is awakened, it brought along an irresistible force。 On the other hand, through Maggie's search for true love and even protest against religious, through courage and costs in exchange for true love, through action to recover woman's self-esteem for love, it is and inspiration of self-esteem for love and self-consciousness for modern women。

5.谁有关于荆棘鸟的英文论文 急求

The Thorn Birds, is a very well written story about a family living in a poorer section of New Zealand whose livelihood is shearing sheep. The money for the family depends almost solely on the sheep. In the family, there is Padraic Cleary (Paddy), the father of the clan. He is a likable man who commands respect from his children and from those who know him. His wife, Fiona Cleary (Fee), is a woman with a past who loves her children, respects her husband but is living in a world that she did not want, but accepted it as her only possible way of life. Then there are Fee and Paddy's children, Frank, Meghann (Meggie), Hughie, Jack, Stuart (Stu), Bob, and the twins, Jims and Patsy, but the story revolves almost entirely around their only girl, Meggie. When Meggie was about 10 years old, Paddy's older sister, Mary Carson, beckoned Paddy to come work for her on her very large, very wealthy ranch in New South Wales, Australia, Drogheda. The family fell in love with Drogheda, even though they had to put up with drought, fire, and a climate that they were not used to. The boys in the family lived for Drogheda, and were the main work force of the ranch, herding sheep and cattle from one paddock to another, and working very hard during the most profitable time of the year, the shearing season, and the most hectic, the lambing season. Paddy was an immigrant from Ireland to New Zealand and was a devout Catholic, along with most Australians. Upon arriving to Drogheda, the Cleary family met Father Ralph, a friend of Mary Carson, a constant visitor to Drogheda, and the local priest of the closest town to Drogheda, Gillabon. The rest of the story rotates around the relationship between Father Ralph who later became Bishop Ralph and finally, Cardinal Ralph, and Meggie. The Cleary family lived through one of the worst droughts in Australia, and the terrible fire that followed, destroying most of Drogheda's outer pastures and killing Paddy, and Stuart in the process. They also had to deal with the problem of rabbits. The rabbits were foreigners to Australia, and once introduced, reproduced out of control due to the fact that there were no natural predators in Australia to kill them. The rabbits, along with the kangaroos, were devouring most of Drogheda's grazing land. Through it all though, Drogheda remained a constant source of pleasure and money for the Cleary family. Meggie had two children, Justine and Dane. Both very different in personality, and in looks. Meggie marries a shearer turned stockman fo Drogheda, Luke O'Neill, and from their marriage, Justine was born. Dane was from another man, but, the father, nor Dane or Justine knew who it was, only Fee and Meggie knew that secret. The author of Thorn Birds, Colleen McCullough, is a highly talented writer. Throughout the novel, she describes the scenery with much detail. She should be an expert on the topic, since New South Wales, Australia is her home. The detail and description of the people and the places, which she goes deeply into, makes the reader feel as if she is actually experiencing the same things as the characters. She goes explains throughly as to how Drogheda is managed and how it looks. Mrs. McCullough definitely knows what she's talking about and her writing shows it. For work with the sheep never, never ended; as one job finished it became time for another. They were mustered and graded, moved from one paddock to another, bred and unbred, shorn and crutched, dipped and drenched, slaughtered and shipped off to be sold. Drogheda carried about a thousand head of prime beef cattle as well as its sheep, but sheep were far more profitable, so in good times Drogheda carried about one sheep for every two acres of its land, or about 125,000 altogether. Being merinos, they were never sold for meat; at the end of a merino's wool-producing years it was shipped off to become skins, lanolin, tallow and glue, useful only to the tanneries and the knackeries. Mrs. McCullough's purpose for writing The Thorn Birds is not entirely clear. She could have written the book to tell about the ways of the Australian people like the outback stockmen. She could have intended to explain what life in Australia is really like, the climate, the animals, etc. Another alternative is that she could have written this novel to talk about the Catholic Church and how man's desires are no match for an institution like the Church, or try to describe how the Church really works. All of these topics are present in her story and her points for each came across strongly and clearly. The reader learns that Father Ralph becomes。


外国文学,学科分类为: 世界文学(87665篇,4个子库)







共有记录92835条 :

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18 论尤多拉·韦尔蒂《失败的战争》的复调特征 朱怡 南京师范大学 2008-06-30 硕士 0 8

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8.英语毕业论文选题 想写篇新颖的 给点建议

英语专业: /54/ 1. 中文旅游资料的英译 (字数:6918.页数:24 ) 2. 论数字习语翻译的文化取向 (字数:7248.页数:23 ) 3. 浅析美国新教与中国儒教的几点相似性及兼容性 (字数:5159.页数:23 ) 4. 浅析英语中的性别歧视 (字数:7306.页数:23 ) 5. 论语外知识在口译中的重要性 (字数:6603.页数:25 ) 6. 英语习语中的修辞现象 (字数:5599.页数:19 ) 7. 论英汉汉英交替传译中的翻译技巧 (字数:4975.页数:21 ) 8. 英汉翻译习语中的暗喻时体现出的文化差异 (字数:5689.页数:21 ) 9. 士兵突击 (字数:5422.页数:18 ) 10. 浅析奥运对我国体育产业发展的影响 (字数:4559.页数:20 ) 11. 影视字幕翻译的初步探索 (字数:6091.页数:18 ) 12. 生命礼赞—-浅析《热爱生命》中的永不放弃精神 (字数:4905.页数:19 ) 13. 中西礼貌策略比较 (字数:5216.页数:16 ) 14. 论《了不起的盖茨比》的象征手法 (字数:5709.页数:22 ) 15. 美国文化霸权的阐释 (字数:4500.页数:14 ) 16. 简析王尔德的唯美主义思想—— 以《快乐王子》为中心 (字数:6319.页数:21 ) 17. 论欧·亨利的写作技巧 (字数:5192.页数:19 ) 18. 大母神和上帝——关于《秀拉》中伊娃的原型分析 (字数:6191.页数:24 ) 19. 从《夜色温柔》看20世纪初美国社会的道德观 (字数:6609.页数:24 ) 20. 冰山浮现:析《一个干净明亮的地方》的文体风格 (字数:8035.页数:27 ) 21. 超越性别—从《奥兰多》看伍尔夫的双性同体观 (字数:9889.页数:33 ) 22. 从《秘密花园》看伯内特的生态意识 (字数:6485.页数:22 ) 23. 艾米莉·狄金森诗歌中的意象与哥特式风格 (字数:7907.页数:31 ) 24. 浅析欧洲宗教改革的起源及其在十九世纪的影响 (字数:4805.页数:19 ) 25. 浅析高中英语词汇教学 (字数:4328.页数:13 ) 26. 论中学英语口语教学 (字数:5894.页数:20 ) 27. 浅议散文英汉互译中增减法使用的原因 (字数:4331.页数:14 ) 28. 论四川旅游资源的优势及其开发建议 (字数:7947.页数:29 ) 29. 《哈利·波特》的灵魂——对爱的诠释 (字数:5943.页数:20 ) 30. 西部牛仔:开拓者?逃避者? (字数:4645.页数:16 ) 31. 中美家庭价值观的差异 (字数:6675.页数:25 ) 32. 《红字》中绞刑台对亚瑟.丁梅斯代尔的象征意义 (字数:6005.页数:17 ) 33. 如何面对全球化背景下中国的英语专业英语口语教学 (字数:5445.页数:23 ) 34. 《哈克贝利芬历险记》— 儿童心理的充分展现 (字数:4251.页数:11 ) 35. 浅析《了不起的盖茨比》中菲茨杰拉德的矛盾意识 (字数:5722.页数:20 ) 36. 论如何培养中学生学习英语的兴趣 (字数:5478.页数:21 ) 37. 电台新闻听力对中国学生英语学习的积极作用研究 (字数:4644.页数:18 ) 38. 《傲慢与偏见》中女性爱情观对其婚姻的影响 (字数:5973.页数:19 ) 39. 功能主义角度下的经济新闻英译汉的研究 (字数:5122.页数:14 ) 40. 萨克雷眼中的女性形象 (字数:5095.页数:12 ) 41. 在高中英语学习中培养学生的自主学习意识 (字数:6512.页数:17 ) 42. 《厄舍房屋的倒塌》里哥特元素的分析 (字数:7559.页数:21 ) 43. 《一个干净明亮的地方》中隐喻的语篇功能探究 (字数:9981.页数:29 ) 44. 从概念隐喻的角度探析新闻标题 (字数:6858.页数:23 ) 45. 舞台指令对戏剧冲突的作用——以《玩偶之家》为例 (字数:8804.页数:24 ) 46. 回归与远走——以雌雄同体的理论解读《还乡》中游苔莎的自我意识实现 (字数:6472.48. Google主题logo的多模态话语分析 (字数:6357.页数:22 ) 49. 从文本类型理论看《红楼梦》中对联的英译 (字数:8472.页数:25 ) 50. 从衔接视角解析海明威的小说《白象似的群山》 (字数:12575.页数:38) 51. 中希神话典故的文化内涵对比分析——就羿与海格力斯系列 (字数:7380.页数:21 ) 52. 口语与口译的关联研究 (字数:7353.页数:24 ) 53. 戏剧舞台指令与对话关系初探 (字数:7172.页数:21 ) 54. 卡明斯诗歌的前景化解析 (字数:7898.页数:24 ) 55. 文化翻译看宋词英译---以苏词为例 (字数:9546.页数:26 ) 56. 从语用学的角度探析英语中的委婉语 (字数:7953.页数:27 ) 57. 探究《紫色》中的妇女主义者形象 (字数:6958.页数:21 ) 58. 李白诗歌中色彩意象的英译研究 (字数:8075.页数:22 ) 59. MSN网络聊天的多模式话语分析 (字数:6848.页数:23 ) 60. 从前景化视角探析兰斯顿·休斯晚年诗歌的文体特征 (字数:8040.页数:27 ) 61. 哈里顿身上折射的 “希斯克利夫” (字数:8473.页数:24 ) 62. 从功能对等理论看《水浒传》中粗话、脏话的翻译 (字数:11075.页数:27) 63. 英语名转动词习得实证研究 (字数:9686.页数:29 ) 64. 中英文学作品中动物习语的跨文化研究 (字数:10803.页数:27) 65. 用评价理论对布什总统每周演说进行态度分析 (字数:6656.页数:24 ) 66. 口译者心理环境的适应研究 (字数:7448.页数:23 ) 67. 从前景化视角浅析马克·。


我毕业论文写的是这个,我给你找一段吧~这个是写拉尔夫在爱情和野心之间的挣扎~2.2.1 Struggle between love and ambition.Ralph is a man full of contradiction. On one hand, he was brought up from his cradle to be a priest, he shows eagerness on church and he gives up every ambition ,every desire for the chance in order to be a perfect priest. On the other hand, he does doubt about the existence of God and feels empty at times. he wanders through divinity and humanity, lingers between ambition and love all the time. The weakness and hypocrisy in Ralph's humanity finally denies his divinity.It is clear that a priest could not love money and power according to the doctrine of the Catholicism. But the so-called perfect priest does show his interest in power and money, during his whole priesthood, he broke all his three vows. For example, Mary Carson died and left him her will, at that time he decided to “use the 13 million pound as the chance to get out of Gillanbone and perpetual obscurity, and the chance to take his place within the hierarchy of Church administration, the assured goodwill of his peers and superiors”( Zhou Xiaobo, 2002: 218).because of his decision, he breaks his vow of poverty. At the same time, Maggie's love is crushed beneath the heel of his ambition. in other words, his desire for power beats Maggie's love.During all his life, he has to strugle hard for the hierarchy of Church administration and the love of Maggie.but he never deals well with them.it is for the church “he forsakes Maggie and will always forsake her”(Zhou Xiaobo, 2002: 402), but later after their vacation on the island, he begins to doubt God as a trick, a phantom, a jest and admits that he loves Maggie far more than that he loves the God.but he still doesn't want to give up his position in church, all these facts show his hypocrisy both on love and belief.It is sure that Ralph loves Maggie deeply. He saw something on Maggie the first time he met her, which never left off enchanting him. he did many things to protect her. as she was a young girl, he spent as much of his company as he could to take care of her.each time, he would be the first one to know Maggie's mood.when she grows up, he has to keep some distance with her, but he still fix his eyes on her.he carefully keeps the rose given by Maggie and he refuses repent of Maggie because he thought it would be to murder her.Even though Maggie is a benediction, a holy thing to him, a different kind of sacrament in his mind, Ralph still puts his heart on Church. As Maggie says that there is a streak of Samson in every man. He believes that needing a woman is a weakness, and Ralph is one of these men. Ralph realises how much he loves Maggie, but he is so stubborn that his heart is set on being a perfect priest, more than the importance of Maggie. When he becomes old, he begins to doubt his life, he regrets that he sells himself for mess of pottage but grasp nothing.Before his death, he thought of too much wrong he had done to Maggie, and he fells ashamed that his love for Maggie is flowering among his pride, ambition,and a certain unscrupulousness.He wanted to ask Maggie to forgive him,though he knows that she had forgiven him long ago.He is weak in loving Maggie. Each time for him to choose between love and ambition, he will escape, that is the result of his weakness in his humanity. In order to get the high rank, which represents power and reputation, Ralph betrays his heart, loses his son, and buries precious happiness that should have belonged to him. Many people have done something to Ralph's tradgy. At the beginning of the story, the first time Mary Carson sees how Ralph treats Maggie, she begins to watch them carefully. She is the first person to find out that Ralph falls in love with Maggie,the little girl. In order to revenge Ralph, she makes a will that causes the separation of Ralph and Maggie, and the violation of his vow .That is the first time Ralph deserts Maggie's love and his holy vow in search of high rank in Church. He is being torn in the face of choices until he relizes his dream to be a Archbishop.Cardinal Vittorio is also one who knows the love between Ralph and Maggie. As the first time he meets Dane, he realizes that Dane is son of Ralph, but he keeps silent although he is sure that Ralph doesn't know this fact.That's why when Ralph knows Dane is his son after the young man's death, he is so srrow that he cries and dies. No one reminds him of the young priest around him is his son. The crowning glory of the love between Maggie and he he had never known and it is too late for him to know.。


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