

This is the infrared thermal release alarm based on mcu.

First introduced the development history, infraredtechnology application, development trend and researchsignificance; then analyzed the basic principle of infraredalarm system, and comprehensively introduces theimplementation of SCM infrared heat release alarm systemneed based hardware and software; then introduces the implementation of SCM infrared thermal release alarmsystem hardware circuit design and software structurebased design; finally, test and analyze the performance of the whole system.

The whole system is divided into hardware design and software design of two modules. Using the hardware part of the STC89C52 microcontroller, infrared probe, and the alarm circuit, LED control circuit and other components;software and hardware environment of choice is keil. This system uses the pyroelectric infrared sensor, it has the advantages of simple manufacture, low cost, installation is convenient, and the anti-theft performance is relatively stable, strong anti-interference ability, high sensitivity, safe and reliable. This kind of security installmenthiding, not easy to be found by thieves, the signal processed by SCMis convenient and PC communication, to facilitate unified user management.

Keywords: single chip; infrared sensor; alarm circuit;



This is the infrared thermal release alarm based on mcu.

First introduced the development history, infraredtechnology application, development trend and researchsignificance; then analyzed the basic principle of infraredalarm system, and comprehensively introduces theimplementation of SCM infrared heat release alarm systemneed based hardware and software; then introduces the implementation of SCM infrared thermal release alarmsystem hardware circuit design and software structurebased design; finally, test and analyze the performance of the whole system.

The whole system is divided into hardware design and software design of two modules. Using the hardware part of the STC89C52 microcontroller, infrared probe, and the alarm circuit, LED control circuit and other components;software and hardware environment of choice is keil. This system uses the pyroelectric infrared sensor, it has the advantages of simple manufacture, low cost, installation is convenient, and the anti-theft performance is relatively stable, strong anti-interference ability, high sensitivity, safe and reliable. This kind of security installmenthiding, not easy to be found by thieves, the signal processed by SCMis convenient and PC communication, to facilitate unified user management.

Keywords: single chip; infrared sensor; alarm circuit;



Introduction 1. Automotive manufacturing enterprises in China's development status As market competition in full swing and the integration of the global economy, China's auto industry competition is becoming increasingly fierce, during the transition period in the development of China's automobile facing enormous challenges. Automobile industry is a national industrial and economic strength of the major indicators reflect one is to promote economic development of the important elements. China today, success or failure of enterprises in the automobile industry depends largely on their own to resolve the problems facing the breakthrough. Scientific production management, ensure the quality of a good, solid car production technologies, and the mobilization of domestic production to full advantage, play a role, we can better achieve the objective of China's automobile brand value. As a prominent position to lead the economic development of our country automobile enterprises, and to break down the "bottleneck" of a more significant meaning. According to the survey, more than China's domestic automobile production enterprises have encountered a variety of problems with the "bottleneck." Almost all domestic car companies are in some fashion or another issue. Some of China's automobile enterprises encountered environment and energy crisis, but some consumers to buy environment-friendly cars and experience "filling difficult" Some enterprises in the "talent" wild, not in line with the laws of market economy employees and others Enterprises can not have independent intellectual property rights; enterprises aftermarket parts suppliers imperfect; Some enterprises vehicle safety is not high, and so on. The continued existence of these problems will impede China's all-round development of enterprises in the automobile industry, leading to the development of China's automobile enterprises no longer uncertain prospects.。

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In the context of globalization, knowledge economy has shown great power, market competition is becoming increasingly fierce. In such a context, an enterprise's success depends in large part on enterprise's human capital. But the value of human capital is the infinite creativity and intelligence. Therefore, the human resources management mechanism is very necessary. An enterprise if neither clear performance targets, and the lack of effective performance measurement and evaluation system, and individual, department or performance of the organization and staff the reward of internal and external (including pay remuneration and economic reward and remuneration) no definite economic relations, so it is hard to imagine it can let their staff to maintain high performance on a continuous level and high morale, the enterprise's future is palpable。

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With the continuous improvement of living standards,the rapid development of the domestic economy,the requirements ofmaterial lifecannot onlymeet in dailyfood and clothing,began tospiritual needsdeeper shift,especiallyfemale consumers.So people rely on clothes,personality,fashiondress is aworld without endpursuitof female consumers.Women's shoeson the marketa variety of stylesemerge in an endless stream,popular stylewithParis during theyear,MilanInternational Fashion withconstantly changing.Competition is sofiercefashionmarket,everyone wants toobtain greaterprofits from.But our countrymarketeconomy more and ,scale,enterprises will be morevulnerable to internationalmarket economy impact.In this case,toseize the consumer's purchase desirenot only to ensure fashion,but alsounique characteristicsin product quality,so that consumers buythe rest assured,wearingcomfortable.TangPu Groupin such a socialenvironment,in ,nowwith over 30 yearsexperience in footwear,set design,development,production,salesin one ofthe high-endleather shoes.Now thetopdomesticshoes brand saleshas been on the right track,in the nationwidemall hasaspecial counter sales,annualsales accounted forthe entiresalestop20%,international brandsand GCI,LisaVicky,B&BKid,children's shoes, salesin the domestic market,winmore loyal customers.

Based on the analysis ofmarket environmentinBeijing area,topbrandput forward constructive suggestions,make the brandpromotion planningscheme,in order to enhance thebrand in the Beijing area's popularity,win moreloyal consumer.



1. Automotive manufacturing enterprises in China's development status

As market competition in full swing and the integration of the global economy, China's auto industry competition is becoming increasingly fierce, during the transition period in the development of China's automobile facing enormous challenges. Automobile industry is a national industrial and economic strength of the major indicators reflect one is to promote economic development of the important elements. China today, success or failure of enterprises in the automobile industry depends largely on their own to resolve the problems facing the breakthrough. Scientific production management, ensure the quality of a good, solid car production technologies, and the mobilization of domestic production to full advantage, play a role, we can better achieve the objective of China's automobile brand value. As a prominent position to lead the economic development of our country automobile enterprises, and to break down the "bottleneck" of a more significant meaning.

According to the survey, more than China's domestic automobile production enterprises have encountered a variety of problems with the "bottleneck." Almost all domestic car companies are in some fashion or another issue. Some of China's automobile enterprises encountered environment and energy crisis, but some consumers to buy environment-friendly cars and experience "filling difficult" Some enterprises in the "talent" wild, not in line with the laws of market economy employees and others Enterprises can not have independent intellectual property rights; enterprises aftermarket parts suppliers imperfect; Some enterprises vehicle safety is not high, and so on. The continued existence of these problems will impede China's all-round development of enterprises in the automobile industry, leading to the development of China's automobile enterprises no longer uncertain prospects.


In the future for a long period of time, the real estate industry will be in the position of the pillar industries. With the accelerated process of urbanization and population increase in disposable income and living standards of the requirements of increasing demand for residential property market will maintain a good trend steadily. China's accession to the WTO, opening up the banking, insurance and other fields, but also contributed greatly to the commercial floor space and improving office market and development, commercial real estate market supply and demand relations are becoming more and more active.The real estate industry has made remarkable achievements, the real estate industry showed a growing style pillar industries of the national economy. However, in relation to mature real estate abroad, China's real estate industry in terms of technical or management, are still in its infancy, the growth stage, although the number of real estate and business practice of many, but really high quality and competitive enterprises not many. China's accession to WTO has accelerated the integration process of global economic integration, while a growing number of overseas capital into China's real estate industry gradually, which will fully perform the disposal of the powerful forces of capital for China's real estate is not a good news.China's socialist market economy with the steady development of the real estate industry is also booming, the tertiary industry has become an important part. China's real estate industry after years of development have been gradually moving towards maturity, Shenzhen as an international metropolis around the world more attractive investments in real estate development, real estate prices soaring. But has experienced a number of macro-economic control after the end of 2007 so far, the real estate market macro news consumers increasingly wait-and-see attitude, a new house and the amount of second-hand housing transactions continue to decline. From the marketing point of view, only held by a large amount of money into large-scale promotion activities,Such as large-scale advertising has been very difficult to receive good marketing. At this stage of the real estate market from the project planning stage only the beginning of the development of an accurate grasp of consumer psychology in line with consumer demand for real estate products is expected to be able to fulfill sales targets.At present, many internationally renowned companies for services has its own unique view. They serve as the fundamental goal of business. That the whole enterprise as a service industry, and to provide satisfactory services to customers as a business point of view the final product is a revolutionary concept of service. Along with this revolution, a new product concept quietly and Health:New product concept product concept = traditional (functional, quality, brand, etc.) + servicesAmong them, the importance of the product itself in an increasingly declining, and the increasing importance of services. The concept of this product reflects the customer's needs and development of the times. It means that the formation of a new era of service.As an emerging real estate industry of the tertiary industry is also an important pillar industry of China's national economy. Their level of service, quality of service is the development of the industry an important indicator of the degree of maturity, therefore, the implementation of new business strategies that CS strategy, the real estate business is changing to adapt to the times of the rational choiceSH Shenzhen Real Estate Investment Consultants Limited has advanced the concept of international operations, a wealth of experience in local real estate brand and outstanding professionals, senior; to help companies and brands the most direct and effective integration into the lives of consumers and consumption awareness. Shenzhen Real Estate Investment Consultants Limited SH through the sharp market insights, rigorous scientific strategy, outstanding creative, professional implementation and the calculation of the most cost-effective services to be the ultimate.SH Shenzhen Real Estate Investment Consultants Limited to provide the full range of services including: real estate marketing throughout the planning, policies and regulations, information consultation, investment advisers, market research, project feasibility studies, marketing and sales agent of a series of integrated real estate agency services. Main activities include: second-hand sale and purchase and leasing agent for residential, office leasing and trading agents, tradin。

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The human resources are the modern enterprise's strategic resources, is also one of enterprise development most essential factors, human resources' management is the business management important content, the enterprise implements human resources management the most basic goal induces staff's job motivation correctly, causes them while to realize organization goal to realize own need, increases its degree of satisfaction, thus causes their enthusiasm and the creativity continues maintains and develops. From this may also say whether establishes the effective human resources management system is to a certain extent decided the enterprise prosperity and decline an important attribute, the construction science effective human resources management mechanism becomes a very important question which each enterprise faces. Under the current globalized background, the knowledge economy already demonstrated the huge might, the market competition also becomes more and more intense. Under so the background, an enterprise's success to a great extent is decided by enterprise's human capital. But human capital's value lies in its infinite creativity and the intelligence. Therefore, human resources' management mechanism's establishment becomes very essential. If an enterprise already does not have the making explicit achievements goal, also lacks the effective achievements weight and the evaluation system, simultaneously individual, the department or organization's achievements and the staff obtains the reward (including intrinsic reward and external reward as well as economic returns and non-economic returns) has not been clear about the relations, then very difficult to imagine it to be able to be able long-enduring to maintain own staff the high achievements horizontal and the soaring morale, this kind of enterprise's future is also it can be imagined.。


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