

In the 20th century, bridge construction technology evolved and was fueled by the Industrial Revolution. At the turn of the century, steel bridges were riveted together, not bolted; concrete bridges were cast in place, not precast; and large bridge members were built from lacing bars and smaller sections, not rolled in one piece. Plastic had not yet been invented. Construction techniques such as post-tensioning, slurry walls, soil freezing, and reinforced earth walls had not yet been conceived. Surveying was performed mechanically since infrared, optical technology was still 75 years away. Bridge construction is changing as the new millennium begins. New construction techniques and new materials are emerging. There are also new issues facing the bridge building industry relative to the research needs associated with these new techniques and materials. LONG-SPAN BRIDGES Suspension Bridges While suspension bridge building was conducted at a modest pace throughout the 20th century, an unprecedented number of spans of remarkable record lengths were built in the Far East and Denmark. Both the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge in Japan and the Great Belt Bridge in Denmark were completed in 1998. The Akashi Kaikyo Bridge is the largest suspension bridge in the world, with a span of 1991 m, and the Great Belt Bridge is the second largest, with a span of 1624 m. While spans lengths have increased nearly fivefold during the course of this century, they may have reached their physical limits with today's materials. Research will be necessary to develop the new, ultra-high-strength steel wire or carbon fiber wire required to build the longer main suspension cables that will make it possible to increase span lengths to beyond 2000 m. As we enter the new millennium, rehabilitation and ongoing maintenance of the existing suspension bridges must continue as well. Recent rehabilitation measures for the main cables and suspension systems of these bridges have uncovered degradation through corrosion and hydrogen embrittlement. Research is needed to determine the remaining useful service life of suspension bridge cables and what measures can be taken to slow or halt the degradation process. Transportation in the New Millennium 2 Other components of long-span bridges, existing and new, are being revolutionized as technology moves forward. Advances in deck technology are producing stronger, lighter decks. Orthotropic and exodermic decks are becoming increasingly popular on long-span structures as a means of reducing dead load. Bearings, joint systems, and seismic retrofitting components are becoming increasingly efficient as more large-scale testing facilities are built. 在20世纪,桥梁施工技术,是由进化而来的 工业革命。

随着新世纪的到来,钢桥受到铆接在一起,而不是 螺栓、混凝土桥梁被扔在的地方,不是预制、大型桥梁成员 从系酒吧和小的部分,不卷在一块。塑料尚未 发明了。

制作等施工工艺、浆墙、土壤冻结, 加筋土墙尚未怀了孕。测量进行机械 自从红外、光学技术仍然是75年。

大桥建设是新千年开始转变。新建筑 技术和新材料正在浮出水面。

也有新的解决面临的桥 建筑行业的相关研究的需要,这些新技术 材料。 大跨度桥梁 悬挂的桥梁 虽然悬索桥建设进行了整个20速度不快 世纪,前所未有的跨越了卓越的长度是建在记录 远东和丹麦。

双方在日本明石海峡大桥正式通车,伟大的带桥 在丹麦是在一九九八年完成。这个明石海峡大桥正式通车是世界上最大的悬架 在这个世界上,与桥梁的m,1991年是中国的第二大带桥, 用一段1624)。

虽然已经增加了近5倍长度的跨世纪的过程中, 他们已经达到了他们的物理极限与今天的材料。研究将 必须发展新的、ultra-high-strength钢丝、碳纤维丝要求 建立了悬索,将不再主要可能增加到跨度的长度 超出2000米。

当我们进入新千年、康复和持续的维护现有的 悬索桥必须继续。最近的戒毒措施为主要 电缆悬架系统与这些桥梁发现退化 氢脆腐蚀,。

研究还剩下的 寿命悬索桥电缆和什么措施可以减缓或 停止退化的过程。 在新千年的运输 其他组件的大跨度桥梁,现有的和新的,正在发生了革命性的变化 技术的进步。

提出了在甲板上技术生产强的,更轻的 甲板。正交各向异性和exodermic牌是大跨度越来越受欢迎 作为一种手段,降低结构自重荷载。

轴承、联合系统和抗震能力 越来越多的有效成分是更大规模的测试设备 建造。 50分!!~~谢谢 参考资料:我的大脑。



这些年来,我国的节能建筑在强化绿色住宅管理理念,防范和化解节能建筑的建设和成本风险,提高并且保证建筑质量方面已经做了大量的工作,进行了比较深入的理论研究,也进行了切实的实践探索,取得了一些有益的理论成果和成功的实践经验。 在全面推进建筑节能的大好形势下,建筑节能工作取得了令人瞩目的成就,但其总体节能状况令人堪忧,譬如绿色施工——施工阶段的节能状况,节能材料的质地选择,节能标准的定义等,令人担忧。

本文欲通过解读绿色节能建筑的实质内容,提出困惑,从而反思,找到更好发展绿色节能建筑的途径。 本文创新点本文的创新点在于将采用案例分析的方法,以及图表等,更直观地描述问题。

并且结合相关明星楼盘与理论知识有机地结合起来,进行阐述。 Green Building is in the construction of the entire life cycle (of materials, construction planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of dismantling process), the maximum conservation of resources (energy conservation, saving, water saving, Lin Festival), the protection of the environment and reduce Pollution, provide people with health, application and efficient use of space, in harmony with nature symbiotic construction. Over the years, China's energy-saving green residential building in enhancing management ideas, and preventing and alleviating the construction of energy-saving construction costs and risks, enhance and ensure the quality of construction has done a lot of work, a more in-depth theoretical study, also conducted effective The practice and exploration, has made some useful theoretical achievements and successful experience in the practice. Comprehensively promote energy conservation in building a good situation, building energy conservation work has made remarkable achievements, but its overall energy situation is worrying, for example, green construction - the construction phase of the energy situation and energy-saving materials texture options, energy-saving standard The definition, a cause for concern. Interpretation of this paper to green energy-saving building through the substance of the proposed confusion, reflection, to find a better development of green energy-saving building route. In this paper, this innovation point of innovation is to use the analysis of the case, as well as charts, more intuitive to describe the problem. And star of the relevant theoretical knowledge of the event and organically integrated, elaborate.。


Uniaxial stress–strain relationship of concrete confined by various shaped steel tubesK.A.S. Susantha, Hanbin Ge, Tsutomu Usami *Department of Civil Engineering, Nagoya University, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8603, JapanReceived 31 May 2000; received in revised form 19 December 2000; accepted 14 February 2001AbstractA method is presented to predict the complete stress–strain curve of concrete subjected to triaxial compressive stresses caused by axial load plus lateral pressure due to the confinement action in circular, box and octagonal shaped concrete-filled steel tubes. Available empirical formulas are adopted to determine the lateral pressure exerted on concrete in circular concrete-filled steel columns. To evaluate the lateral pressure exerted on the concrete in box and octagonal shaped columns, FEM analysis is adopted with the help of a concrete–steel interaction model. Subsequently, an extensive parametric study is conducted to propose an empiricalequation for the maximum average lateral pressure, which depends on the material and geometric properties of the columns. Lateral pressure so calculated is correlated to confined concrete strength through a well known empirical formula. For determination of the post-peak stress–strain relation, available experimental results are used. Based on the test results, approximated expressions to predict the slope of the descending branch and the strain at sustained concrete strength are derived for the confined concrete in columns having each type of sectional shapes. The predicted concrete strength and post-peak behavior are found to exhibit goodagreement with the test results within the accepted limits. The proposed model is intended to be used in fiber analysis involving beam–column elements in order to establish an ultimate state prediction criterion for concrete-filled steel columns designed as earthquake resisting structures. •2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.Keywords: Concrete-filled tubes; Confinement; Concrete strength; Ductility; Stress–strain relation; Fiber analysis1. IntroductionConcrete-filled steel tubes (CFT) are becoming increasingly popular in recent decades due to their excellent earthquake resisting characteristics such as high ductility and improved strength. As a result, numerous experimental investigations have been carried out in recent years to examine the overall performance of CFT columns [1–11]. Although the behavior of CFT columns has been extensively examined, the concrete core confinement is not yet well understood. Many of the previous research works have been mainly focused on investigating the performance of CFT columns with various limitations. The main variables subjected to such limitations were the concrete strength, plate width-to- thickness (or radius-to-thickness) ratios and shapes of the sections. Steel strength, column slenderness ratio and rate of loading were also additionally considered. It is understandable that examination of the effects of all the above factors on performances of CFTs in a wider range, exclusively on experimental manner, is difficult and costly. This can be overcome by following a suitable numerical theoretical approach which is capable of handling many experimentally unmanageable situations. At present, finite element analysis (FEM) is considered as the most powerful and accurate tool to simulate the actual behavior of structures. The accurate constitutive relationships for materials are essential for reliable results when such analysis procedures are involved. For example, CFT behavior may well be investigated through a suitable FEM analysis procedure, provided that appropriate steel and concrete material models are available. One of the simplest yet powerful techniques for the examination of CFTs is fiber analysis. In this procedure the cross section is discretized into many small regions where a uniaxial constitutive relationship of either concrete or steel is assigned. This type of analysis can be employed to predict the load–displacement relationships of CFT columns designed as earthquake resisting structures. The accuracy involved with the fiber analysis is found to be quite satisfactory with respect to the practical design purposes.At present, an accurate stress–strain relationship for steel, which is readily applicable in the fiber analysis, is currently available [12]. However, in the case of concrete, only a few models that are suited for such analysis can be found [3,8,9]. Among them, in Tomii and Sakino's model [3], which is applicable to square shaped columns, the strength improvement due to confinement has been。


Research on the construction safety management of Civil Engineering In recent years, the construction accident in civil engineering in our country often occur. This not only caused casualties, also caused great loss of national property, and resulting in a very bad social influence. Therefore, in our country, the construction units in the civil engineering construction projects, shouldstrengthen the construction safety management, all aspects ofsecurity control for engineering, to prevent dangerous accidentsin the end it all. The cause of the civil engineering constructionaccidents are in many aspects. In order to enhance security,should be combined with the characteristics of construction projects and the enterprise's internal and external conditions, the rational allocation of production factors, optimization of management process. In order to realize the construction safetymanagement, construction units should establish a safety management system of a project, it should be carried out from the following aspects:A construction safety consciousness, cultivate the modern safety science theory, occurrence of unsafe human behavior causedcasualties. To implement safety management, it should becombined with psychology, behavioral science to strengthen the education and training of employees in production safety,improve the consciousness of safe production, so as to guide the safety production behavior of employees. For the construction enterprises should strengthen safety awareness and educationproject personnel, developing the regular safety education to the construction personnel involved in the project, and to carry outsecurity work. Three level education to the new participate in the work of the operating personnel; often transform types of employees, should be safety training for new types of work, makeoperation personnel matters needing attention can be familiar with the safe operation of the. In order to make safe win support among the people, enterprisemanagement personnel but also in engineering project, using a variety of promotional tools to start a variety of education,cultivate the construction personnel safety consciousness. Andin the management of enterprises, the production safety systemthought to. Leaders at all levels and enterprises in issuing the project production task, should also carry out safety productionmeasures. Such as the production safety requirements to the construction personnel, so conducive to safe thought into the production of management, let each employee has consciously in the psychological sense of security.Two, the establishment of management system for safety in production in addition to strengthen production safety education and awareness of construction project staff, should alsoestablish a safety management system, protect the system from the construction enterprise safety in production of. In order toavoid the frequent occurrence of sudden accident, the construction enterprise should according to the project, to develop a comprehensive, the system of safety management,and invest the necessary manpower and funds to ensure the implementation of the project. Ensure the production safetyconstruction from the system implementation, the project section of construction enterprises should establish the safety inspectionsystem, and regularly to the project construction of the security check. Make a clear record of project construction process,record the dangerous post, and regularly check the work. Self evaluation and construction team every week to organize asafety activities, the project department to make regular safetyevaluation for project production. Construction enterprises in theconstruction of civil engineering, in order to establish a safety management system, need to make corresponding technical measures for safety management system, a standard for project.Therefore, the safety work of construction enterprise project technical measures should be prior to commencement of works.As for engineering and technical measures should be strict examination and approval, the approval before implementation. If the design changes during construction, corresponding safety technical measures should be coordinated with the adjustment,will follow. The safety technical measures enacted personnel andparticipation, should fully understand the project as the construction scheme, construction environment, the actualoperation has, and combined with relevant laws and regulations or the security policy to establish safety technical measures,which can ensure the safety 。


关于“Modern Architecture”的 Modern architecture, not to be confused with 'contemporary architecture', is a term given to a number of building styles with similar characteristics, primarily the simplification of form and the elimination of ornament. While the style was conceived early in the 20th century and heavily promoted by a few architects, architectural educators and exhibits, very few Modern buildings were built in the first half of the century. For three decades after the Second World War, however, it became the dominant architectural style for institutional and corporate building.1. Origins Some historians see the evolution of Modern architecture as a social matter, closely tied to the project of Modernity and hence to the Enlightenment, a result of social and political revolutions.Others see Modern architecture as primarily driven by technological and engineering developments, and it is true that the availability of new building materials such as iron, steel, concrete and glass drove the invention of new building techniques as part of the Industrial Revolution. In 1796, Shrewsbury mill owner Charles Bage first used his 'fireproof' design, which relied on cast iron and brick with flag stone floors. Such construction greatly strengthened the structure of mills, which enabled them to accommodate much bigger machines. Due to poor knowledge of iron's properties as a construction material, a number of early mills collapsed. It was not until the early 1830s that Eaton Hodgkinson introduced the section beam, leading to widespread use of iron construction, this kind of austere industrial architecture utterly transformed the landscape of northern Britain, leading to the description, "Dark satanic mills" of places like Manchester and parts of West Yorkshire. The Crystal Palace by Joseph Paxton at the Great Exhibition of 1851 was an early example of iron and glass construction; possibly the best example is the development of the tall steel skyscraper in Chicago around 1890 by William Le Baron Jenney and Louis Sullivan. Early structures to employ concrete as the chief means of architectural expression (rather than for purely utilitarian structure) include Frank Lloyd Wright's Unity Temple, built in 1906 near Chicago, and Rudolf Steiner's Second Goetheanum, built from 1926 near Basel, Switzerland.Other historians regard Modernism as a matter of taste, a reaction against eclecticism and the lavish stylistic excesses of Victorian Era and Edwardian Art Nouveau.Whatever the cause, around 1900 a number of architects around the world began developing new architectural solutions to integrate traditional precedents (Gothic, for instance) with new technological possibilities. The work of Louis Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright in Chicago, Victor Horta in Brussels, Antoni Gaudi in Barcelona, Otto Wagner in Vienna and Charles Rennie Mackintosh in Glasgow, among many others, can be seen as a common struggle between old and new.2. Modernism as Dominant Style By the 1920s the most important figures in Modern architecture had established their reputations. The big three are commonly recognized as Le Corbusier in France, and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Walter Gropius in Germany. Mies van der Rohe and Gropius were both directors of the Bauhaus, one of a number of European schools and associations concerned with reconciling craft tradition and industrial technology.Frank Lloyd Wright's career parallels and influences the work of the European modernists, particularly via the Wasmuth Portfolio, but he refused to be categorized with them. Wright was a major influence on both Gropius and van der Rohe, however, as well as on the whole of organic architecture.In 1932 came the important MOMA exhibition, the International Exhibition of Modern Architecture, curated by Philip Johnson. Johnson and collaborator Henry-Russell Hitchcock drew together many distinct threads and trends, identified them as stylistically similar and having a common purpose, and consolidated them into the International Style.This was an important turning point. With World War II the important figures of the Bauhaus fled to the United States, to Chicago, to the Harvard Graduate School of Design, and to Black Mountain College. While Modern architectural design never became a dominant style in single-dwelling residential buildings, in institutional and commercial architecture Modernism became the pre-eminent, and in the schools (for leaders of the profession) the only acceptable, design solution from about 1932 to about 1984.Architects who worked in the international style wanted to break with 。


A construction-led design process for tubular trusses

Design Studies, Volume 15, Issue 3, July 1994, Pages 248-259

Walid M.K. Tizani, Gwynne Davies, Timothy J. McCarthy2.Construction design and management safety regulations in practice— on implementation

International Journal of Project Management, Volume 18, Issue 1, February 2000, Pages 33-40

Tony Baxendale, Owain Jones 3.Design and construction of a concrete floating berth

Engineering Structures, Volume 18, Issue 11, November 1996, Pages 837-841

P. Starr, D. A. Wainwright4.Design, construction and testing of an air-cycle refrigeration system for road transport

International Journal of Refrigeration, Volume 27, Issue 5, August 2004, Pages 503-510

Stephen W. T. Spence, W. John Doran, David W. Artt 5.Design, construction and performance prediction of integrated solar roof collectors using finite element analysis

Construction and Building Materials, Volume 21, Issue 5, May 2007, Pages 1069-1078

Marwa M. Hassan, Yvan Beliveau


Big span structure of FRP network analysis and forecastAbstract: this article will introduce a new big span structure, FRP netting structure. In a FRPWWS structure, high intensity of FRP materials like Chinese bamboo weaving of bamboo is a planar formation in the mesh network, the periphery of the structure of the anchorage in a JuanXing beam, the structure of the center for the anchorage netting another within the parameters. Threads on knitting production structure on the initial stress and advance within the parameters of surface movement to meet additional tension of various load resistance. Due to the high FRP materials, materials - weight ratio of this new form for some big span structure of space construction provides an attractive option, the span longer than conventional structural materials building span. In this paper, firstly introduces the basic structure of FRPWWS simple steps, then layout and construction illustrates three basic types of weaving structure, but also put forward some changes this way. This paper introduces a simple mechanical model for the mechanical deformation of FRP single, also gives an example of the structure of the finite element analysis process.A, introductionFRP is a new type of structural materials, in recent years in civil engineering research is very active. Because he has some good performance, such as corrosion, light weight, high strength, good fatigue resistance and low cost of maintenance, it was thought to be built in new century building long-span structure of ideal, but it is in some aspects of the traditional mechanical properties and structure of the material or have obvious difference, such as its various heterosexual phenomenon. Due to the uniqueness of FRP materials, the effective use of FRP materials and traditional building materials can span, it is necessary to study the new big span structure. Maeda et al. (2002) is built with the idea of FRP materials 5000 metres of suspension bridge spanIn this paper, the FRP netting structure of a kind of brand-new big span structure. This new structure form in a large span to try to effectively use the roof of FRP material performance. In FRPWWS structure, high intensity of FRP compiling Chinese traditional bamboo as the same are woven into a bamboo plane mesh structure. This mesh structure parameters on the anchoring outside outside, the structure of the center and a smaller parameters used in anchorage ribbon. Figure 1 is a small FRPWWS structure model. "Weave" to ensure the smooth of FRP materials at first, to the extent of FRP weave on the prestressed concrete. Then, through the surface movement within the parameters of FRP netting, to pull through the process of prestressing tendons tensile or may have certain parameters including the gravity. Therefore, the FRP nets formed a with two parameters of large-span roofs, the FRP nets set stiffness can resist all sorts of load.FRPWWS structure similar to the cable networks or cable retinal structure: they constitute part is flexible, By stretching and caused to resist geometric stiffness of load. However, FRPWWS structure has its unique advantages: (1) the weight of FRP materials of low and vertically superior materials properties are effective utilization and transverse weaknesses, but not exposed in the structure of large span of FRP system is ideal, (2) the interchange of FRP plait will produce the huge damping, thereby strengthening structural anti-seismic capability, (3) there are rules of netting modelling makes surface is beautiful, (4) due to corrosion and gravity small installation and maintenance costs low.This paper introduces a simple FRPWWS structure of the basic layout and construction steps. The plane was roughly threads for three. Also puts forward some practical application examples of the FRPWWS space. Proposes a used nets in the mechanical model of single FRP. Finally describes a simple analysis of finite element method FRPWWS examples.Second, simple FRPWWS layoutA summary of FRP netting structure includes a FRP weaving, used to anchor the outer ring beam and inner beam and one for the extra gravity tension loading or a group of prestress reinforcement, as shown in figure 1.Nets are woven from article by FRP, also recommend guest FRP or other high-performance carbon fiber hybrid woven article. Carbon fiber FRP in recent years is widely applied to high strength concrete structure of new materials, it is usually made by extrusion, including fiber to 65%. By China and the Swiss production of two kinds of representative products performance data in table 1 shows prosperity.Due to the 。


Building Types and Design A building is closely bound up with people,for it provides with the necessary space to work and live in . As classified by their use, buildings are mainly of two types: industrial buildingsand civil buildings.Industrial buildings are used by various factories or industrial production while civil buildings are those that are used by people for dwelling, employment, education and other social activities. Industrial buildings are factory buildings that are available for processing and manufacturing of various kinds, in such fields as the mining industry, the metallurgical industry, machine building, the chemical industry and the textile industry.Factory buildings can be classified into two types single-story ones and multi-story ones. The construction of industrial buildings is the same as that of civil buildings. However, industrial and civil buildings differ in the materials used and in the way they are used. Civil buildings are divided into two broad categories: residential buildings and public buildings. Residential buildings should suit family life. Each flat should consist of at least three necessary rooms: a living room, a kitchen and a toilet. Public buildings can beused in politics, cultural activities, administration work and other services, such as schools, office buildings, parks, hospitals, shops, stations, theatres, gymnasiums, hotels, exhibition halls, bath pools, and so on. All of them have different functions, which in turn require different design types as well. Before any of the building can begin, plans have to be drawn to show what the building will be like, the exact place in which it is to go and how everything is to be done.An important point in building design is the layout of rooms, which should provide the greatest possible convenience in relationto the purposes for which they are intended.In a dwelling house, the layout may be considered under three categories: “day”, “night”, and “services”. Attention must be paid to the provision of easy communication between these areas. The “day “rooms generally include a dining-room, sitting-room and kitchen, but other rooms, such as a study, may be added, and there may be a hall. The living-room, which is generally the largest, often serves as a dining-room, too, or the kitchen may have a dining alcove. The “night “rooms consist of the bedrooms. The “services “comprise the kitchen, bathrooms, larder, and water-closets. The kitchen and larder connect the services with the day rooms.It is also essential to consider the question of outlook from the various rooms, and those most in use should preferably face south as possible. It is, however, often very difficult to meet the optimum requirements, both on account of the surroundings and the location of the roads. In resolving these complex problems, it is also necessary to follow the local town-planning regulations which are concerned with public amenities, density of population, height of buildings, proportion of green space to dwellings, building lines, the general appearance of new properties in relation to the neighbourhood, and so on. There is little standardization in industrial buildings although such buildings still need to comply with local town-planning regulations. The modern trend is towards light, airy factory buildings. Generally of reinforced concrete or metal construction, a factory can be given a “shed” type ridge roof, incorporating windows facing north so as to give evenly distributed natural lighting without sun-glare.摘自一片建筑学论文,具体我忘了,希望可以帮到你。


迪拜帆船酒店In Dubai, say again name-drop hotels sailing hotel. The world's most luxurious hotel in the United Arab Emirates territory of Dubai, it is the hotel sailing on the first of the seven star hotels. Located in the Middle East in the united Arab emirates emirate of Dubai city in Dubai.。

"The idea is initially porcelain hotel by the united Arab emirates defense minister. Dubai, o prince, mark the figure, his dream to Dubai a Sydney opera house, the Eiffel Tower type of landmark. Through the world hundreds of stylist strange think of clever want, plus one great pocket money in Dubai and 5 years and finally created a fantastic architecture - will be powerful Islamic styles and extremely costly adornment and high-tech means, building perfect combination, the building itself won.Hotel by the British designer w.s.Atkins, appearance as a drum design filled with wind sail, a total of 56 layer, 321 meters high, is the highest in the world than in France, the Eiffel Tower hotel is on high. And splendid hotel suite, let you feel the king Arabian oil. All the rooms are two 202 of floor area of room, suite are 170 square meters, But the most widespread royal suite, more 780 meters. And all is be born glazing, can face of the Arabian sea. The most surprising is entered the room, had a steward waiting room with you explain how to use the high-tech facilities, for luxury honorable service tenet is must have the tenant is king, Arab oil in ruthlessly surprise, also let a person plaint the power of money. The most common in the luxury suites, for example, including curtain and the light switch is on the desk, laptops, Toshiba, hang on the wall can access the painting is full is authentic.Time."Porcelain engineering spent five years time, two and a half years in the Arabian sea islands, fill out two and a half years time in building itself, the use of the steel, and 9,000 tones of 250 foundation piles construction in 40 meters deep.This looks like a moving images of the hotel built in sailing on the beach, is a new form of tower a sailing. Name-drop hotels is one of the world's highest building only seven-star hotels (because of hotel equipment was too high, far more than five standards, had an exception says it do seven-star), established in December 1999, it is built in from the shoreline 280 meters are man-made Sumerian The latest name-drop hotels mix of architecture and engineering technology, charming scenery and modeling, making it look like and sky.Name-drop hotels were 56 layers, 321 meters high, higher than the Eiffel Tower in France. Hotel using double membrane structure forms, modeling is lightsome, elegant, strong membrane structure characteristics and modern style. It has double rooms, 202 of 200 meters high overlooks Dubai city restaurant. To name- drop hotels, you can realize the real meaning of "resplendent and magnificent”. It is the atrium, it's the golden most luxurious 780 meters in the presidential suite is luxuriant, especially in the first 25, furniture is plated with gold, and with a cinema, two bedrooms, a living room, one dining room between two, have special elevator. Room area from 170 square meters to 780 meters. Seven-star hotels, the lowest price affirmation is to $900, presidential suites are to 1.8 million dollars. The hotel owns eight BMW and two Rolls Royce, for all passengers directly between airports, also can from the hotel and layer 4-storey airport, 15 minutes by helicopter overlooking scenery. Air in Dubai, Guests like seafood restaurant meal, they will be in by submarines to restaurants, so they can enjoy sea before dinner.In 1999 autumn porcelain hotel opening door, welcome completion. It's luxurious degree breathtaking, experts are very difficult, I don't know which gives it a few stars, star, or five, six stars? It is without precedent, give out an exact result. Someone said, "Porcelain should to seven. Actually, a few stars in the world is not important, the key is the hotel ", "the desert and ocean between buildings and raise the human excellence of thinking and Hollywood's dream. Standing on the seashore of artificial islands, resembling a sailing, body, from head to foot article 56 layer, up 321 meters, with double rooms, in 202 set on the location of the building of the luxury restaurant overlooking the city, also a global finished top garden atrium。


Uniaxial stress–strain relationship of concrete confined by various shaped steel tubesK.A.S. Susantha, Hanbin Ge, Tsutomu Usami *Department of Civil Engineering, Nagoya University, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8603, JapanReceived 31 May 2000; received in revised form 19 December 2000; accepted 14 February 2001AbstractA method is presented to predict the complete stress–strain curve of concrete subjected to triaxial compressive stresses caused by axial load plus lateral pressure due to the confinement action in circular, box and octagonal shaped concrete-filled steel tubes. Available empirical formulas are adopted to determine the lateral pressure exerted on concrete in circular concrete-filled steel columns. To evaluate the lateral pressure exerted on the concrete in box and octagonal shaped columns, FEM analysis is adopted with the help of a concrete–steel interaction model. Subsequently, an extensive parametric study is conducted to propose an empiricalequation for the maximum average lateral pressure, which depends on the material and geometric properties of the columns. Lateral pressure so calculated is correlated to confined concrete strength through a well known empirical formula. For determination of the post-peak stress–strain relation, available experimental results are used. Based on the test results, approximated expressions to predict the slope of the descending branch and the strain at sustained concrete strength are derived for the confined concrete in columns having each type of sectional shapes. The predicted concrete strength and post-peak behavior are found to exhibit goodagreement with the test results within the accepted limits. The proposed model is intended to be used in fiber analysis involving beam–column elements in order to establish an ultimate state prediction criterion for concrete-filled steel columns designed as earthquake resisting structures. •2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.Keywords: Concrete-filled tubes; Confinement; Concrete strength; Ductility; Stress–strain relation; Fiber analysis1. IntroductionConcrete-filled steel tubes (CFT) are becoming increasingly popular in recent decades due to their excellent earthquake resisting characteristics such as high ductility and improved strength. As a result, numerous experimental investigations have been carried out in recent years to examine the overall performance of CFT columns [1–11]. Although the behavior of CFT columns has been extensively examined, the concrete core confinement is not yet well understood. Many of the previous research works have been mainly focused on investigating the performance of CFT columns with various limitations. The main variables subjected to such limitations were the concrete strength, plate width-to- thickness (or radius-to-thickness) ratios and shapes of the sections. Steel strength, column slenderness ratio and rate of loading were also additionally considered. It is understandable that examination of the effects of all the above factors on performances of CFTs in a wider range, exclusively on experimental manner, is difficult and costly. This can be overcome by following a suitable numerical theoretical approach which is capable of handling many experimentally unmanageable situations. At present, finite element analysis (FEM) is considered as the most powerful and accurate tool to simulate the actual behavior of structures. The accurate constitutive relationships for materials are essential for reliable results when such analysis procedures are involved. For example, CFT behavior may well be investigated through a suitable FEM analysis procedure, provided that appropriate steel and concrete material models are available. One of the simplest yet powerful techniques for the examination of CFTs is fiber analysis. In this procedure the cross section is discretized into many small regions where a uniaxial constitutive relationship of either concrete or steel is assigned. This type of analysis can be employed to predict the load–displacement relationships of CFT columns designed as earthquake resisting structures. The accuracy involved with the fiber analysis is found to be quite satisfactory with respect to the practical design purposes.At present, an accurate stress–strain relationship for steel, which is readily applicable in the fiber analysis, is currently available [12]. However, in the case of concrete, only a few models that are suited for such analysis can be found [3,8,9]. Among them, in Tomii and Sakino's model [3], which is applicable to square shaped columns, the strength improvement due to confinement has been。


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