

去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:tigforyNET- Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey D.Ullman, Jennifer WisdomABSTRACTIn net-based collaborative design environment, design resources become more and more varied and complex.Besides common information management systems, design resources can be organized in connection with design activities.A set of activities and resources linked by logic relations can form a task. A task has at least one objective and can be broken down into smaller ones.So a design project can be separated into many subtasks forming a hierarchical structure.Task Management System (TMS)is designed to break down these tasks and assign certain resources to its task nodes.As a result of decomposition.al1 design resources and activities could be managed via this system.KEYWORDS:CollaborativeDesign, TaskManagementSystem (TMS), TaskDecomposition, with the rapid upgrade of request for advanced design methods, more and more design tool appeared to support new design methods and forms.Design in a web environment with multi-partners being involved requires a more powerful and efficient management system .Design partners can。





VB to create long time timer object Pick to: in this paper, the Timer control in VB program used to create a long time Timer object, and the compiled into ActiveX DLL components, using the code reusability, in other applications. Keywords: Vb timer object VB system provides the intrinsic Timer control, by giving the Timer Interval attribute to set the Timer control of different values, can control the time Interval Timer runs, but this attribute is a double byte an integer value, only is set to 65535, namely, only about one minute 65535 milliseconds, a little more time in a long time, when needed, this control is powerless. In this paper, a Timer control with long time to create the Timer object, and compiled into ActiveX DLL components, calling for other applications, can achieve maximum utilization of code reusability. The following are the ultra-long timer, programmable design process of the object reference for readers. 1 programming Start a new VB, engineering project, ActiveX DLL named NewTimer Class1, module name LongTimer renamed. Add a form in engineering, in the form Form1 joined a Timer Timer control Timer1. Open LongTimer module, especially robust food Ge sash ? naaman Mao? Br > Option Explicit Public Event Tick () 'declaration events Nz As Integer programing Programing Integer As cs M_Form As Form1 programing M_Timer WithEvents programing Timer 'declare objects such As variable 'return Enable attribute values Succeedas Enabled (� Public Boolean As) M_Timer = Enabled. Enabled Succeedas End 'setting Enable attribute values Public ByVal (vNewValue succeedas Enabled = nz Then RaiseEvent Tick Cs = 0 End If Sub End Form1 form only for the carrier, not Timer1 timer for display. 2 test NewTimer. DLL To test, the DLL ActiveX parts with standard EXE, can be divided into operation or the single step. In the written code after all, users are suggested to use the shortcut Ctrl + compiler implementation, F5 NewTimer program that checks grammatical mistakes. Also can build a test engineering and NewTimer links for testing, NewTimer module provided by each attribute and events, add the test code to test their properties and methods. Press F8, into one single step, look for NewTimer module statement calling. 3 NewTimer compiler. DLL Complete test, eliminate all wrong, from "file (F) menu, select" generation NewTimer. DLL (K) "the order, the compiler NewTimer generation, DLLS. Compile successfully NewTimer. After the DLL will automatically register Windows registry, 4 NewTimer references. DLL Quote ActiveX DLL components references to other objects, from "engineering (P) menu, select" references (N), "open window, from references cited NewTimer selected object list. If it is the first time in NewTimer cited references, click on "tour form (B)" command button that will add to NewTimer. DLL can quote the list box can be used. 5. Call NewTimer. DLL In an application to join the program code, and NewTimer DLL calls:. Explicit Option LongTimer1 As LongTimer WithEvents Dim Sub programing LongTimer1_Tick () Locate 14, 20: Print "time to add processing procedure, here." Sub End Sub programing Command1_Click () LongTimer1 Interval = 12000. "two minutes LongTimer1 Enabled. = True Sub End Sub programing Form_Load () Set LongTimer1 = New LongTimer Sub End References [2] the arrow. Basic5.0 Visual studio in Chinese programming. Tsinghua university press, 1997 [3]. Basic5 Visual Petroutsos Evangelos from approaches to master. Beijing: electronic industry press, 1997 VB中创建超长时间计时器对象 摘 要:本文介绍在VB程序中用Timer控件创建一个超长时间的计时器对象,将其编译成ActiveX DLL部件,利用代码的可重用性,在其它应用程序中调用。

关键词:Vb 计时器 对象 VB系统中提供了固有计时器Timer控件,通过给计时器控件的Interval属性设置不同的数值,就可以控制计时器运行的时间间隔,但该属性是一个双字节的整型变量,最大值只能设置为65535,即只有65535毫秒,约一分钟多一点,在需要长时间计时时,该控件就无能为力了。本文给出用Timer控件创建一个超长时间的计时器对象,并将其编译成ActiveX DLL部件,供其它应用程序调用,可实现最大限度地利用代码的可重用性。

下面给出这个超长计时器对象的编程设计过程,供读者参考选用。 1.编写程序 启动VB,新建一个ActiveX DLL工程,将工程命名为NewTimer,将类模块名Class1改名为LongTimer。

在工程中添加一个窗体Form1,在窗体上加入一个Timer计时器控件Timer1。打开LongTimer类模块,尤肴缦鲁绦虼?耄?br> Option Explicit Public Event Tick() '声明事件 Private nz As Integer Private 。


设计标题: 企业人力资源管理系统 备 注: 源码+执行程序+论文 论文简介 AbstractAlong with the global information development, the enterprise information construction also catches up with the time the step .The human resources management system management system essential target is supports the enterprise the personnel management and business processes services labor intensity, the auxiliary business management, assists the high-level leadership decision-making, enhances the enterprise the working efficiency, thus enables the enterprise to obtain the better social efficiency and the economic efficiency by the few investments, looks like the human affairs system, the checking attendance management system management system and so on belongs to the human resources management system management system category .It is the unit realizes the modernization foundation engineering, is enhances the unit the management level, the service operating efficiency and the grade of service essential method .How therefore many programmers all possibly do face develop a set of quite perfect human resources management system management system the question.Along with the computer technology rapid development, the computer in the business management the application popularization, uses the computer realization enterprise human affairs wages imperative the management .This system union company actual human affairs, the financial system, pass through the actual demand analysis, uses function formidable Visual Basic6.0 makes the human resources management system management system which develops for the development kit.The overall system from conforms to the operation easily, the contact surface friendly, nimble, practical, the safe request embarks, completes the human affairs, the human resources management entire process, joined including recently the staff when the dossier establishment, the staff exited, the position and so on the change cause staff personnel management work and so on information revision, staff information inquiry, statistics as well as recently staff human resources supervisory work and so on wages addition, information revision .After the actual use proof, the human affairs human resources management system management system which this article designs may satisfy the company human affairs, the human resources management aspect need.The paper mainly introduced this topic development background, must complete function and development process .Key explanation system design key point, design concept, difficult technology and solutionKey Words: DataBase , Visual Basic 6.0, HumanResource Management System目录摘要 2Abstract 3第一章 绪论 51.1 课题来源 51.2 开发工具的选择 6第二章 系统概述 102.1 编写目的 102.2 系统功能概述 112.3 Access 概述 12第三章 系统分析 133.1. 系统需求分析 133.1.1. 功能需求 133.1.2. 数据需求 143.1.3. 运行环境 143.2. 数据流程分析 153.2.1. 数据流程图 153.2.2. 数据E-R图 163.3. 系统功能模块分析 173.4. 用户需求分析 18第四章 系统设计 194.1. 软件模块结构设计 194.2. 数据库设计 21第五章 系统实现 255.1. 系统用户管理模块 255.2. 基础数据维护模块 285.3. 员工档案管理模块 295.4. 绩效考勤管理模块 335.5. 工资管理模块 375.6. 权限管理模块 425.7. 统计分析模块 485.8. 打印功能 49总结 51致 谢 52参考文献(仅供参考) 53访问网站 。







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Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey D.Ullman, Jennifer Wisdom


In net-based collaborative design environment, design resources become more and more varied and complex.Besides common information management systems, design resources can be organized in connection with design activities.

A set of activities and resources linked by logic relations can form a task. A task has at least one objective and can be broken down into smaller ones.So a design project can be separated into many subtasks forming a hierarchical structure.

Task Management System (TMS)is designed to break down these tasks and assign certain resources to its task nodes.As a result of decomposition.al1 design resources and activities could be managed via this system.

KEYWORDS:CollaborativeDesign, TaskManagementSystem (TMS), TaskDecomposition,


Along with the rapid upgrade of request for advanced design methods, more and more design tool appeared to support new design methods and forms.Design in a web environment with multi-partners being involved requires a more powerful and efficient management system .Design partners can


可加我“扣扣”细谈,扣扣号码见我的ID附件2:外文原文The History of the InternetThe Beginning - ARPAnetThe Internet started as a project by the US government. The object of the project was to create a means of communications between long distance points, in the event of a nation wide emergency or, more specifically, nuclear war. The project was called ARPAnet, and it is what the Internet started as. Funded specifically for military communication, the engineers responsible for ARPANet had no idea of the possibilities of an "Internet." By definition, an 'Internet' is four or more computers connected by a network. ARPAnet achieved its network by using a protocol called TCP/IP. The basics around this protocol was that if information sent over a network failed to get through on one route, it would find another route to work with, as well as establishing a means for one computer to "talk" to another computer, regardless of whether it was a PC or a Macintosh. By the 80's ARPAnet, just years away from becoming the more well known Internet, had 200 computers. The Defense Department, satisfied with ARPAnets results, decided to fully adopt it into service, and connected many military computers and resources into the network. ARPAnet then had 562 computers on its network. By the year 1984, it had over 1000 computers on its network. In 1986 ARPAnet (supposedly) shut down, but only the organization shutdown, and the existing networks still existed between the more than 1000computers. It shut down due to a failied link up with NSF, who wanted toconnect its 5 countywide super computers into ARPAnet. With the funding of NSF, new high speed lines were successfully installedat line speeds of 56k (a normal modem nowadays) through telephone linesin 1988. By that time, there were 28,174 computers on the (by then decided) Internet. In 1989 there were 80,000 computers on it. By 1989, there were 290,000. Another network was built to support the incredible number of peoplejoining. It was constructed in 1992. Today - The InternetToday, the Internet has become one of the most important technological advancements in the history of humanity. Everyone wants to get 'on line' to experience the wealth of information of the Internet. Millions of people now use the Internet, and it's predicted that by the year 2003 every single person on the planet will have Internet access. The Internet ha起源——ARPAnetInternet是被美国政府作为一项工程进行开发的。


















REDUCED INSTRUCTION SET COMPUTERS Studies of the execution behavior of high-level language programs have provided guidance in designing a new type of processor architecture:the reduced instruction set computer(RISC).Assignment statements predominate,suggesting that the simple movement of data should be optimized.There are also many IF and LOOP instructions,which suggest that the underlying sequence control mechanism needs to be optimized to permit efficient pipelining.Studies of operand reference patterns suggest that it should be possible to enhance performance by keeping a moderate number of operands in registers. These studies have motivated the key characteristics of RISC machines:(1)a limited instruction set with a fixed format.(2)a large number of registers or the use of a compiler that optimizes register usage,and(3)an emphasis on optimizing the instruction pipeline. The simple instruction set of a RISC lends itself to efficient pipelining because there are fewer and more predictable operations performed per instruction.[1] A RISC instruction set architecture also lends itself to the delayed branch technique,in which branch instructions are rearranged with other instructions to improve pipeline efficiency. Although RISC systems have been defined and designed in a variety of ways by different groups,the key elements shared by most designs are these: .A large number of general-purpose registers,or the use of compiler technology to optimize register usage .A limited and simple instruction set .An emphasis on optimizing the instruction pipeline Table 2-1 compares several RISC and non-RISC systems. 1.Instruction Execution Characteristics To understand the line of reasoning of the RISC advocates,we begin with a brief review of instruction execution characteristics.The aspects of computation of interest are as follows: • Operations performed:These determine the functions to be performed by the processor and its interaction with memory. • Operands used:The types of operands and the frequency of their use determine the memory organization for storing them and the addressing modes for accessing them. • Execution sequencing:This determines the control and pipeline organization. 2.The Use of A Large Register File [2] The reason that register storage is indicated is that it is the fastest available storage device,faster than both main memory and cache.The register file is physically small,generally on the same chip as the ALU and control unit,and employs much shorter addresses than addresses for cache and memory.Thus,a strategy is needed that will allow the most frequently accessed operands to be kept in registers and to minimize register-memory operations. Two basic approaches are possible,one based on software and the other on hardware.The software approach is to rely on the compiler to maximize register usage.The compiler will attempt to allocate registers to those variables that will be used the most in a given time period.This approach requires the use of sophisticated programanalysis algorithms.The hardware approach is simply to use more registers so that more variables can be held in registers for longer periods of time. 3.Characteristics of Reduced Instruction Set Architectures Although a variety of different approaches to reduced instruction set architecture have been taken,certain characteristics are common to all of them.These characteristics are listed in Table 2.1 and described here. The first characteristic listed in Table 2.1 is that there is one machine instruction per machine cycle.A machine cycle is defined to be the time it takes to fetch two operands from registers,perform an ALU operation,and store the result in a register.Thus,RISC machine instructions should be no more complicated than,and execute about as fast as,microinxtructions on CISC machines.[3] With simple,one –cycle instructions,there is little or no need for microcode;the machine instructions can be hardwired[4].Such instructions should execute faster than comparable machine instructions on other machines,since it is not necessary to access a microprogram control store during instruction execution. A second characteristic is that most operations should be register-to-register,with only simple LOAD and STORE operations accessing memory.This design feature simplifies the instruction set and therefore the control unit.For example,a RISC instruction set may include only one or two ADD instructions(e. g. ,integer add,add with carry);the VAX has 25 different ADD instructions.Another benefit is that such an architecture encourages the op。


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