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INTO THE STORM FOR much of the past year the fast-growing economies of the emerging world watched the Western financial hurricane from afar. Their own banks held few of the mortgage-based assets that undid the rich world's financial firms. Commodity exporters were thriving, thanks to high prices for raw materials. China's economic juggernaut powered on. And, from Budapest to Brasília, an abundance of credit fuelled domestic demand. Even as talk mounted of the rich world suffering its worst financial collapse since the Depression, emerging economies seemed a long way from the centre of the storm.过去一年的大部分时间里,高速发展的新兴国家一直在远处观望着西方国家的金融风暴。
No longer. As foreign capital has fled and confidence evaporated, the emerging world's stockmarkets have plunged (in some cases losing half their value) and currencies tumbled. The seizure in the credit market caused havoc, as foreign banks abruptly stopped lending and stepped back from even the most basic banking services, including trade credits.不过目前的情况不再是那样了,随着境外资本的流失和经济信心的消失,新兴国家股市暴跌(有些地区已经腰斩),本币迅速贬值。由于外国银行突然中断贷款,并且收缩了包括贸易信贷在内的基础银行服务,新兴国家的信贷市场突发混乱,并引发了一场浩劫。
Like their rich-world counterparts, governments are battling to limit the damage (see article). That is easiest for those with large foreign-exchange reserves. Russia is spending $220 billion to shore up its financial services industry. South Korea has guaranteed $100 billion of its banks' debt. Less well-endowed countries are asking for help. Hungary has secured a EURO5 billion ($6.6 billion) lifeline from the European Central Bank and is negotiating a loan from the IMF, as is Ukraine. Close to a dozen countries are talking to the fund about financial help.新兴国家的政府和发达国家的政府一样都在为控制损失程度而奋斗。不过对于外汇储备充足的国家来说难度会小一些:俄罗斯斥资2200亿美元重振金融服务行业;韩国政府担保了1000亿美元的银行债务。
Those with long-standing problems are being driven to desperate measures. Argentina is nationalising its private pension funds, seemingly to stave off default (see article). But even stalwarts are looking weaker. Figures released this week showed that China's growth slowed to 9% in the year to the third quarter-still a rapid pace but a lot slower than the double-digit rates of recent years.有持续问题的国家正棋行险招:阿根廷正在将私人养老金国有化,意图阻止违约的发生。即使强有力的国家也表现出虚弱一面:本周公布的数字表明今年中国的增长率在第三季度减缓为9%,虽然增速还算快,但是与近些年的两位数增率相比缓慢了不少。
Blowing cold on credit 对信贷没兴趣 The various emerging economies are in different states of readiness, but the cumulative impact of all this will be enormous. Most obviously, how these countries fare will determine whether the world economy faces a mild recession or something nastier. Emerging economies accounted for around three-quarters of global growth over the past 18 months. But their economic fate will also have political consequences.众多新兴经济的意愿并不相同,但是累计在一起的影响力却非同一般。最明显的就是这些国家的表现将会决定世界经济所面临的是一个较为缓和的衰退还是更可怕的情况。
In many places-eastern Europe is one example (see article)-financial turmoil is hitting weak governments. But even strong regimes could suffer. Some experts think that China needs growth of 7% a year to contain social unrest. More generally, the coming strife will shape the debate about the integration of the world economy. Unlike many previous emerging-market crises, today's mess spread from the rich world, largely thanks to increasingly integrated capital markets. If emerging economies collapse-either into a currency crisis or a sharp recession-there will be yet 。
1 作者:C.W.Smith.jr.
题目:Economics and Ethics:THe case of Salomon Brothers
出处:Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 5(Summer 1992),PP.23-28.
2 作者:J.Brickley, C.W.Smith.JR, and J.Zimmerman,
题目:Ethics,Incentives,and Organizational Design
出处:Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 7(summer 1994)PP.8-19 .
5.急求 经济类3000字左右英文文献(带翻译更好)
经济转型势在必行。 中央政府的十一五计划中有增加农民收入这条,意味着低廉的农产品时代已经过去,农产品涨价将长期存在,直到回归到真正的市场价值(过去政府一直压低农产品价格以执行以农补工的政策)2007年初,以猪肉价格上涨为导火索的全面通胀拉开序幕,从而最终导致了整个劳动力成本上升,加之人民币升值,使东南沿海地区低附加值加工业无法生存,迫使企业向中高附加值加工转型,这样也许过个三五年的阵痛期,中国经济在突破了这个瓶颈这后会继续飞速向前。
China's accession to the WTO has experienced high growth and low inflation gold 5 years, however, start from the second half of 2006 real estate bubble, inflation began to rise, the stock market Pentium forward, a large number of hot money influx of excess liquidity in domestic currency, while the people the constant increase in bank interest rates, the effect is a drop in the ocean (although the increase in interest rates can be reduced bank lending, but directly to accelerate the appreciation of the renminbi, more hot money flows, hedge effectiveness of the regulation and control) of China's economic emergence of a serious overheating (Severe overheating is my personal argument). Imperative of economic restructuring. Central government's Eleventh Five-Year Plan has increased the income of the farmers this means that low-cost agricultural products is over time, agricultural prices will exist for a long time, until the return to the real market value (In the past the Government has been suppressing the prices of agricultural products to farmers up to perform Public policy) early in 2007 to pork prices for the fuse of a comprehensive inflation began, thus finally led to a rise in the cost of the entire labor force, coupled with the appreciation of the renminbi to the southeast coastal areas with low value-added processing industry can not survive, forcing enterprises Medium to high value-added processing in transition, so too may be a painful period in 2035, China's economy broke through the bottleneck at the latter will continue to move forward rapidly. However, development of the international situation does give domestic overheating adds to the oil. 07-08 in the first half, iron ore, oil, soybeans, China needs to import almost all the significant increases in strategic resources, where prices are incomplete manifestation of market supply and demand in 2004, Chinese soybean processing enterprises in the procurement of soybean to go to the United States, Chicago Mercantile Exchange, the soybean price doubled in a short time, with the procurement of the end of its price will have fallen very sharply, Chinese companies a huge loss for this purpose. Oil prices in the world economic recession is expected to significantly despite a rise to near 150 U.S. dollars per barrel (China's foreign oil dependence to 50%), one of the inevitable big interest groups have manipulated behind the scenes (the specific circumstances of the next update). In this case the domestic situation is not optimistic. 所幸的是还没等中国热的喘不过气,美国就倒下了,全球经济前景史无前例的黯淡,几乎所有的大宗商品价格都回落到06年以前的水平,石油价格更是低估到40美元每桶,国外消费市场的低迷更是增加了扩大内需的决心,使国内居民能真正享受到自己的劳动果实(而不是借给美国人)短期来看,失业短期增多,但经济的转型必然带来失业,但从长期来看低增长低通涨要比低增长高通胀要好的多(实际上中国09年增长率也会相当的高,至少7%). 股市从6000点跌到2000点以下这段过程(不讨论操纵,黑幕),这时也许大家会说没有赢家,其实赢家就是所有没有炒股但有大批现金的人,这些人未来不一定能赚,但至少有这个机会,而且机会相当的大。08年前中国人想买什么什么涨,中投,中铝,平。
Since China joined the WTO in 2001, China's real estate market in this period of time within a relatively gradually prosperous development situation, and the situation of China's population, the big cities of the housing demand, more and more people concern, real estate investment in real estate, but, with China's entry into the world economy big melting pot, and the integration of the world economy more and more closely. In 2008, the subprime crisis caused by economic crisis sweeping the globe, China - the world's attention by a large market, also did not survive, and real estate of China in this time of economic crisis will inevitably face under a looming large shuffle, but the balance of China's real estate market in long-term accumulated inferior and disadvantages, also will spontaneously get market competition.。
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[4] Judy Pearsall. The New Oxford dictionary of English [Z] Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2001.
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1. Alla Sheptun. The German Historical School and Russian economic thought. Journal of Economic Studies. 2005
2. Erik S. Reinert. The role of the state in economic growth. Journal of Economic Studies. 1999
3. Lily Kiminami, Akira Kiminami. Economic growth and food policy in urban China. Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies. 2007.
The oligarch market's economic efficiency generally speaking, in the oligopoly market, the market price is higher than the marginal cost, simultaneously the price is higher than the lowest average cost. Therefore, the oligopoly enterprise should be lacks the efficiency in the productivity and the technical use aspect, but looked from the degree, sometimes as a result of the oligarch market existence competition, competes is also quite intense, thus its efficiency ratio monopolistic market must be high. But from, on the other hand, in the oligarch market often has the product differences, thus satisfies the consumer differently by chance, in addition, because the oligarch enterprise size takes in a big way, is advantageous for the massive use advanced production technology, but the keen competition causes the manufacturer acceleration product and the technological innovation. One side therefore, also has its efficiency to be high, in many countries, the people attempt through to limit the oligarch manufact
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