1.SNS论文 中文摘要 翻译
S three-tier system using ASP: SNS.NET + SQL Server2005 technical design and development, friends management. In the next few years; modular. SNS friends management system is based on B /SNS-based social Web site popular in China and become an important application of the Internet one of the red string so quickly the risk of investors at home and abroad is extremely concerned about this, the market is expected to remain at a relatively high trend;s SNS market is still in its initial stage. China', message board, market entrants increase, system design of the overall framework, personal logs; three-tier system, SNS will be mature and promotion, the letter points system such as a friend series of functions.
Keywords, as well as coding to achieve the detailed design, into the life, characterized by continuously enriched product applications.
Paper discusses the system requirements analysis. In order to ensure data integrity and reduce the losses caused by misoperation using the verification code and log tracking mechanism, database and functional modules, photo album, and the realization of the user self-management, and provides a friendly user interface so that users can easily use the system
It is well known, SNS public relations website China is being all the rage combines to make or become one of for Internet's important applications, its rapid string causes to the domestic and foreign risk investor to pay attention extremely regarding this red. This topic embarked from the SNS origin and the concept, has studied SNS each stage which and the current present situation, the profit pattern, the existence question developed in China, and has made the forecast to its prospects for development. Key word: Web2.0, SNS, the development present situation, the profit pattern, the extant question, the prospect forecasts。
It is well known, SNS public relations website China is being all the rage combines to make or become one of for Internet's important applications, its rapid string causes to the domestic and foreign risk investor to pay attention extremely regarding this red. This topic embarked from the SNS origin and the concept, has studied SNS each stage which and the current present situation, the profit pattern, the existence question developed in China, and has made the forecast to its prospects for development. Key word: Web2.0, SNS, the development present situation, the profit pattern, the extant question, the prospect forecasts。
4.sns论文摘要 英文翻译
As we all know, SNS social type sites are popular in China and become an important application of the Internet one of the red string so quickly the risk of investors at home and abroad is extremely concerned about this. China's SNS market is still in its initial stage, characterized by continuously enriched product applications, market entrants increase, the market is expected to remain at a relatively high trend. We believe that, SNS in the next few years, will become a mature application, into people's lives. In this paper, the use of ASP.NET + SQL Server2005 completed design and development technology based on B / S structure of the SNS friend management system, designed to achieve the user self-management, friends management, personal logs, photo album, message board, the letter points system and other friends of a series of functions. In order to ensure data integrity and reduce the losses caused by misoperation using the verification code and log tracking mechanism, and provides a friendly user interface so that users can easily use the system. Keywords: SNS; modular; three-tier system; data integrity。
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