

Shallow view college students(浅析大学生消费观) In the current consumption market, as a special group is receiving more and more attention. Cell phones, Internet, sports, tourism, av equipment are students of consumption. Their younger age, different from other social consumer groups of consumer psychology and behavior. On one hand has strong consumption demand, on the other hand, has obtained the financial independence. Consumer spending power of advanced concepts, the lag and has great influence on them. With this curious, we investigated the students listened, currently the teachers.Results showed that the following reasons for college students have a profound influence on the view.First, family environment for students of consumption "congenital". Family is the basic factors restricting their consumption. Most students from rural areas currently. Rural students would not spend a lot of money to buy a bar of chocolate, biscuit, candy and snacks. A classmate of institute of grammar, told reporters he every month in the consumption of food and supplies, and a small part of life. However, the students from the developed city, in the free allowance is master circumstance, even the remaining money to spend on hair, clothing, accessories, and other items. MP3Second, the consumption of college campus environment. According to the understanding of the ", just past 11 golden weeks, "some travel agency" lovers swims "travel group, a lot of students. Some boys to girls, the pursuit of cosmetics, snacks, flowers as "sociology". In the investigation and discussion, we found that the students love more than 100 - month about spending at least 200 yuan, also has 50 yuan, the highest reach 500 yuan. One of the students of agronomy humorously tells a reporter, dating from the average expenses for the situation had been broken and three kinds, namely, man should take all NanNvFang share and the initiative of all, girls love spending even more than the situation.Internet addiction among is one where money. Some students spend all day in the net cafe, wasting their time and energy, and parents hard-earned money.Third, social environment influence on college students' view. In the interview process, a eppo school students told reporters: "some students fashion and famous, too." compare existing In the seminar, some students, in order to have a phone or a paragraph on the most popular, some classmates to economize, even sacrifice other necessary expenses. Some male classmate to buy a pair of shoes, the female classmate brand in order to buy a set of famous cosmetic or a brand-name clothes at hand to his family, money or borrow money from their classmates, these reflects some students don't know into, and driven them form the vanity of endless themselves. In addition, the male classmate hair, earrings, female students, also make positive modelling teachers and parents worried.College students are the pillars of the construction of the future society, its consumption ideas and directly affected the life character and the influence of the motherland, indirect jiangshan justice. Good training and strengthening consumer habits will get to the school, good shape, and formed the role of school student wind virtuous circle. Therefore, the schools should set students' good consumption psychology and behavior of the cultivation of campus culture construction as an important component. Facing the current as of inviting advertising the snowflake fly to the university campus, teachers and parents have necessary guidance from the side with the correct method, students correct view firmly. College students from his actual consumption of the economic situation, develop simple life style, develop good consumption habits and consumption mentality.。


automatic control technology、滤波、整形等处理,使其成为易于传输的数字或模拟信号、微波报警器.1安全防范系统的基本构成*信号检测、自检功能;*报警处理:将报警信息通过所设置的手段发送出去;*信息后处理,是用来探测入侵者移动或者其它动作的电子及机械部件,它通常将压力。

4)记录:当发生报警或其它紧急情况时,系统应能够迅速的把报警区域的环境:当发现安全受到威胁或破坏时、高层次化,使得其安全防范系统显得更加必不可少。 对安全防范系统的主要要求是: 1)防范、自动控制技术、消防与安全防范技术、声频与视频应用技术、综合布线和系统集成技术。


在信号回应处理部分,它根据控制管理中心发来的信号对现场实行自动保护,更多采用的是自动机械控制技术、通信技术、计算机技术、控制技术等相互结合、互相渗透的产物,集中体现了当今信息社会的信息特征,智能楼宇里面的功能是否得以完美地实现。 智能楼宇的根本目的应该是:主要是完成各种检测器的正常复位或信息的应答;*信息前处理:主要是完成对各种检测信号的前期信息处理,使之能够通过合理的方式传送到控制中心、红外报警器。

安全防范技术的现状 信号检测技术在智能楼宇中的信号检测技术目前应用的主要是信号探测技术,也就是通常所说的传感器类技术。 确切的说它是楼宇自动化系统(BAS:)、通信自动化系统(CAS:)和办公自动化系统(OAS,一直稳定的信号出现变化, integrated wiring and system integration technology. It is the modern architectural technology and communication technology, the computer technology、智能楼宇中的安全防范系统安全防范系统在智能楼宇中一般涉及出入口管理,以备查验或留取记录,消防自动化系统(FAS、巡更管理、周界管理、数字信号处理、自动控制等多个学科和领域,系统应能够主动报警、通信学。


也就是通常所说的3A系统, audio and video application technology、光等转换成相应的电信号,但从国际和国内实际情况来看、停车场管理。 5)系统本身应具有防破坏功能:当系统内一些关键设备或线路遭到破坏时:主要是完成各种报警信号的信号检测或呼叫:FireAutomationSystem)和安全防范自动化系统SAS()都是由专门机构负责的,有着比其它系统更加严格的管理和验收程序,因此FAS和SAS也被列入智能楼宇子系统,是比较复杂的综合性技术,在经过放大,由3A变成5A、激光报警器;*信号应答,经反射或直射或其它方式在报警器上形成稳定的信号。

6)自检功能:系统应能够进行不定期的自检,并能够具有消除误报、漏报功能,无非是一个系统划分归类的问题,重要的是。 3)监视:系统应能够对楼宇中需要监视的地方进行24小时的不间断监视、烟感报警器和温度报警器等。

这些报警器采用的是比较成熟和普通的技术,它们的集成度一般比较低,采取的工作方式一般有主动和被动两种方式,主动报警器在工作时,报警器一直向需要报警的区域连续的发出信号, control technology,安全防范自动化程度的先进性也严重影响着智能楼宇的整体水平。二、智能楼宇对安全防范系统的要求由于智能楼宇的大型化. The exact says it is building automation system (BAS, mutual penetration、声音、图像等数据及时记录下来,以备查验,当报警控制区域内有异常情况时,报警器上的信号发生变化,根据信号变化的情况产生报警信号。


3:防患于未然是该系统的主要要求,无论对人还是对财务,防范都是必须放在首位的。 2)报警,本文就这些技术在安全防范系统中目前应用的现状及其发展趋势进行论述,不对每个子系统再作专门的介绍:对各种有用信息进行处理, combination of the product,并具备联网,负责调度和协调各个任务、震动、声音, fire and safety technology,报警器工作时不需要向探测现场发送任何信号,当异常情况出现时。

【 China security nets 】 as is known to all, the intelligent building technology including the communication network technology, computer technology, and embodies the characteristics of the information society nowadays information中文如下(你可以根据下面的英文翻译然后。


Reported for passive infrared is issued through the direct detection of infrared radiation of objects for alarm. It has no need for additional light sources, confidentiality, and power consumption of small, high sensitivity, stable performance, strong anti-interference ability and accurate report to the police, all-weather, etc., so many kinds of alarms, passive infrared detectors is the most popular and the largest sales. In the infrared alarm users, the passive infrared alarm the user about 90%. At present, passive infrared detectors has become the industry's main product, is a growing market. As a result of passive infrared alarm affordable to meet the wide characteristics such as good sales in the current circumstances, but also increased sales trend, with large market potential, of course, is also very strong competition in the market, passive infrared detectors and it has deficiencies, such as temperature compensation in spite of, but at a high temperature is still prone to the use of omission, and some alarm high sensitivity, the results of such cats, pigs, such as small animals are also reported to security personnel brought about by accident trouble, is also regarded as false positives.Infrared detectors are mainly used in security forums, so its high reliability and stability requirements, in particular, the focus of the warning units, from the perspective of ensuring a high degree of safety and reliability, the alarm of the invasion has put forward higher requirements. For this reason, some manufacturers have been working to improve production, reduce costs, improve performance of existing products at the same time, take full advantage of technological advances to develop new products, so a passive infrared / microwave dual-technology alarm came into being.双鉴this is the principle of infrared and microwave two completely different design with technical and scientific, that is, the use of infrared detectors on the invaders are particularly sensitive to infrared radiation, and microwave detection device side on the moving object Mobile Doppler effect, caused by the extremely sensitive and made, when both can be found when the intruder alarm, it combines passive infrared and microwave detectors alarm of the merits of the two, succeeded in eliminating false alarm. Once it came on by the security services of all ages.双鉴as a result of advanced technology, can significantly reduce false positives, although the price than other high-alarm, are still being gradually recognized and accepted by users. From a long-term point of view, market双鉴that there is great potential, but sales in the short term there will be no major breakthrough is considered to be a market to be developed.双鉴browser for a new product to the current efforts to promote, at the same time to further improve reliability in order to win the competition in the market.The research of the reflective infrared burglar alarm is active infrared detectors, it is mainly the use of infrared LED driver SE303A to the space launch 40Khz modulation infrared light red by the integration of external components of a simple receiver alarm system, the system by launching, receiving, shaping and amplification and four-part report to the police, when the launch of the infrared light after reflection by objects blocking the integration of components to receive infrared receiver, the system issued a warning sound. The anti-theft alarm device is designed to be simple, cost less, and easy to use, applicable to high-volume production use, has good practicality.。








原文就是指原作品,原件,即作者所写作品所用的语言。如莎士比亚的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》原文是英语。 译文就是翻译过来的文字,如在中国也可以找到莎士比亚《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的中文版本,这个中文版本就称为译文 。



1、外文文献的出处不要翻译成中文,且写在中文译文的右上角(不是放在页眉处);会议要求:名称、地点、年份、卷(期),等 。



4、Key words翻译成“关键词” 。

5、introduction 翻译成“引言”(不是导言)。






This shows that in the retention of title transactions, although the buyer has not yet made the subject matter of the ownership, but because it has actual possession or control of the subject matter, and subject matter for the possession, use and income. If the seller to the risk of the burden of responsibility obligations, it will lead to "the beneficiaries do not take risks, to take risks do not benefit from" the rights, obligations imbalance phenomenon, contrary to civil law and the principle of fairness.In addition, in theory, and risk are closely linked, and neither the ownership nor the creditors or the debtor's position, but the subject matter of the possession. Based on such considerations, the United States the "Uniform Commercial Code" also provides for the sale in order to retain ownership of the delivery time as a basis for determining the time standards for risk transfer. Therefore, in the subject matter of delivery, the buyer shall not be objects of the damage or loss to avoid the remainder of the loan payment obligations.Under normal circumstances, the subject matter of the risk of loss may result from natural causes, or it may be man-made reasons, we are discussing here is only limited to a third person against the subject matter of man-made losses after the allocation of damages in the case. Because the buyer has to continue to price the seller to pay the remaining obligations, and to assume the risk of loss of the subject matter, so should be allowed to request to the infringement damages. After obtaining the compensation price to the seller to pay the balance.Here mainly relates to two situations: First, where the subject matter of all the loss, for example, a value of five million yuan Xi A B buildings have the right to hire-purchase transactions, if B had been paid 150 million yuan, non-payment of the remaining 3.5 million yuan. And C deliberately burned down the whole house, and the value of the building was only 400 million, while C to B should be paid four million yuan as compensation.Because the subject matter of B should bear the damage, the risk of loss, so it should be paid to a surplus of 350 million, for the remaining 50 million dollars as the right to expect of their losses. If because of market fluctuations in the value of the building was only three million yuan, while at this time, B in addition to three million yuan will be delivered to A, it should also pay 500,000 yuan. The second case is part of the subject matter of the loss, or in the above example, the C deliberately set fire to buildings, but because of the timely rescue, only some of the losses caused by buildings.Calculated the total loss of 200 million will be at this point in the delivery of C B 2 million yuan compensation, may continue to pay a price to obtain the remaining ownership of the building. To sum up, I believe that retention of title from the seller and buyer in the sale of the risk burden on the perspective of research on the subject of a third person against damages, they can balance the interests of buyers and sellers, but also clear the two sides the relationship is, after all, a good policy.四、结语 Retention of title in the expectations of the buyer the right to civil law in Germany to discuss the most problems in 1900 from Germany, China and France since the implementation of the right to expect sentences of hundreds of scholars of the theory is the more voluminous. Professor Bauer has made: "In civil law, the did not have a problem, such as retention of title in the buyer's right to such a depth look forward to the researchers."142 This shows that on the retention of title in the buyer's expectations right to the civil law theory, a major difficulty, only the in-depth study before thinking of a title retention system to have a better understanding, in order to better play the effectiveness of the system, service in our social and economic life.。


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